
Zektbach - Blind Justice ~Torn souls, Hurt Faiths~

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RikiH_ wrote:

BounceBabe wrote:

Hi from the Queue!


Right timing:
1. Offset: 1.567ms BPM: 165,00


00:19:021 (1) - Remove NC
00:21:930 (3) - NC
00:36:476 (1) - Remove NC
00:42:294 (1) - ^
00:43:748 (3) - NC
00:45:203 (1) - Remove NC
00:56:839 (1) - ^
01:28:839 (1) - ^
01:31:748 (1) - ^
01:34:657 (1) - ^
01:37:566 (1) - ^
02:04:669 (1) - Music ends here 02:07:966 - so let the spinner also end here

Change the combos!


00:40:839 (1) - Sudden slowdown and not welcome on Hard, remove it and make a normal slider
00:52:476 (1) - ^

02:01:046 (1) - Remove NC
02:07:969 (1) - Music ends here 02:07:966 - so let the spinner also end here


It too overmapped u.u Reduce the AR -1 at least

01:04:657 (2) - This jump is not good its too big and doesnt flow good when playing , change it
01:55:021 (1,2,3,4) - I dont know what to say to this, but it plays odd... change it
02:04:672 (1) - Music ends here 02:07:966 - so let the spinner also end here

Needs more improvment on Insane, get more mods and then try posting it again into the Queue! Good luck
Fixed some NCs and timing. Sliders are ok IMO, and I think you don't know what overmapping means :<
Thank you for modding! :)

You changed nothing except some combo and the timing, but i highly suggest to change at least the red stuff!
Request from The Lazy Queue@がんばらない

00:29:203 (2) - add finish in the end
00:31:203 (5) - finish
00:31:748 (8) - add finish in the beginning
00:35:021 (1) from here to 00:56:839 (5) - try to add claps at 2nd+4th white line instead of 1+3, like your next part.
01:21:567 (1) - ^, i dont know why but in fact 1-3 is sounds bad
01:06:294 (2) - Actually spacing is right, but sometimes right spacing in the Insane diff is not so important. I think you can make it more beautiful without distance snap

00:29:203 (1) - finish
00:32:112 (3) - add finish in the end

00:35:021 (1) - the same proplem with Insane diff. 1-3 clap sounds really too bad.
Topic Starter
Updated, still waiting for a MAT :(
Colin Hou
  1. this clap is much more suitable with this mapset. thus copy this as soft-slidertick2.wav and change your C1 sections to C2. (of course change the rest to C1)
  2. consider to name your diffs in beatmania style: Normal, Hyper, Another
  3. title: Blind Justice ~Torn souls, Hurt Faiths ~
  4. tags: Funaki Tomosuke (which is his name)
  1. 00:25:384 (3) - unsnapped.
  2. 02:04:675 (1) - end this at 02:07:972.
  1. 00:32:112 (3) - finish at starting circle.
  2. 01:15:021 (5,1) - make this a better blanket pattern?
  3. 02:04:675 (1) - end this at 02:07:972.
  1. 02:04:675 (1) - end this at 02:07:972.
Insane lacks of variety of patterns and kind of needs more challenges. Your sliders also can be prettier if you decide to make them be. Other than that, this is a solid mapset.
Topic Starter

Colin Hou wrote:

  1. this clap is much more suitable with this mapset. thus copy this as soft-slidertick2.wav and change your C1 sections to C2. (of course change the rest to C1)
  2. consider to name your diffs in beatmania style: Normal, Hyper, Another
  3. title: Blind Justice ~Torn souls, Hurt Faiths ~
  4. tags: Funaki Tomosuke (which is his name)
  1. 00:25:384 (3) - unsnapped.
  2. 02:04:675 (1) - end this at 02:07:972.
  1. 00:32:112 (3) - finish at starting circle.
  2. 01:15:021 (5,1) - make this a better blanket pattern?
  3. 02:04:675 (1) - end this at 02:07:972.
  1. 02:04:675 (1) - end this at 02:07:972.
Insane lacks of variety of patterns and kind of needs more challenges. Your sliders also can be prettier if you decide to make them be. Other than that, this is a solid mapset.
Thank you for modding. I fixed everything and tried to change some patterns in insane
Mod Infos:

You should fix this.


  • Aggiungi il video della canzone, la mappa è troppo "vuota" in questo momento imo.
    Non mi piace il fatto che il "soft-slidertick" sia diverso rispetto ai clap che hai utilizzato durante la maggior parte della canzone, sarebbe meglio se avessero lo stesso suono.
    Non mi piacciono i colori che hai usato per le combo, prova questi: (per modificarli apri i file .osu con il blocco note, inoltre se decidi di aggiungere il video potresti usare dei colori più adatti che richiamano scene/immagini)
    Combo1 : 72,239,16
    Combo2 : 239,28,16
    Combo3 : 239,189,16
    Combo4 : 16,78,239


  • Overall Difficulty: 3
    00:04:476 (1) - Prova questa pattern per un miglior flow:
    00:13:203 (3) - Aggiungi una new combo.
    00:39:385 (4) - ^
    00:43:748 (3) - ^
    00:48:112 (3 fino a fine diff) - Cerca di avere una consistenza con le combo, prima ne metti una ad ogni nuova stanza e poi ad ogni 2, averle prima in un modo e poi in un'altro non è bello da vedere.
    01:31:748 (1) - Non mi piace questo slider, prova a farlo così:


  • I setting di questa difficoltà sono troppo alti rispetto alla Standard, considera di abbassarli un pò in modo da non avere un salto troppo brusco fra questa e l'altra diff.
    00:32:112 (3) - Leva il finish dalla fine dello slider, non segue niente.
    00:52:476 (1) - Non nascondere la fine dello slider sotto quello precedente, è davvero brutto da vedere.
    01:28:839 (1) - Uh non mi piace, prova a rendere la "spaccatura" più evidente:
    01:44:839 (1) - Elimina questo slider e aggiungi un cerchio dove iniziava.
    02:01:049 (2) - Uhhh, prova a farlo così:


  • Approach Rate: 8, per questo bpm un'AR così alto è troppo.
    00:10:294 (1) - Perchè uno slider così lungo? Riducilo e fallo come 00:13:203 (1).
    00:33:203 (1,1,1) - Non vedo il motivo di mettere queste new combo, al limite lascia solo quella sul primo cerchio.
    01:24:476 (1,2,3) - Non mi piace il flow qui, prova uno spacing diverso:
    01:32:567 (x) - Aggiungi un cerchio.
    01:42:748 (5) - Muovi questo slider 1/4 indietro.
    01:55:021 (1,2,3,4) - Prova a mettere ogni slider sotto la fine del precedente:
Topic Starter

xxheroxx wrote:

Mod Infos:

You should fix this.


  • Aggiungi il video della canzone, la mappa è troppo "vuota" in questo momento imo.
    Non mi piace il fatto che il "soft-slidertick" sia diverso rispetto ai clap che hai utilizzato durante la maggior parte della canzone, sarebbe meglio se avessero lo stesso suono.
    Non mi piacciono i colori che hai usato per le combo, prova questi: (per modificarli apri i file .osu con il blocco note, inoltre se decidi di aggiungere il video potresti usare dei colori più adatti che richiamano scene/immagini)
    Combo1 : 72,239,16
    Combo2 : 239,28,16
    Combo3 : 239,189,16
    Combo4 : 16,78,239


  • Overall Difficulty: 3
    00:04:476 (1) - Prova questa pattern per un miglior flow:
    00:13:203 (3) - Aggiungi una new combo.
    00:39:385 (4) - ^
    00:43:748 (3) - ^
    00:48:112 (3 fino a fine diff) - Cerca di avere una consistenza con le combo, prima ne metti una ad ogni nuova stanza e poi ad ogni 2, averle prima in un modo e poi in un'altro non è bello da vedere.
    01:31:748 (1) - Non mi piace questo slider, prova a farlo così:


  • I setting di questa difficoltà sono troppo alti rispetto alla Standard, considera di abbassarli un pò in modo da non avere un salto troppo brusco fra questa e l'altra diff.
    00:32:112 (3) - Leva il finish dalla fine dello slider, non segue niente.
    00:52:476 (1) - Non nascondere la fine dello slider sotto quello precedente, è davvero brutto da vedere.
    01:28:839 (1) - Uh non mi piace, prova a rendere la "spaccatura" più evidente:
    01:44:839 (1) - Elimina questo slider e aggiungi un cerchio dove iniziava.
    02:01:049 (2) - Uhhh, prova a farlo così:


  • Approach Rate: 8, per questo bpm un'AR così alto è troppo.
    00:10:294 (1) - Perchè uno slider così lungo? Riducilo e fallo come 00:13:203 (1).
    00:33:203 (1,1,1) - Non vedo il motivo di mettere queste new combo, al limite lascia solo quella sul primo cerchio.
    01:24:476 (1,2,3) - Non mi piace il flow qui, prova uno spacing diverso:
    01:32:567 (x) - Aggiungi un cerchio.
    01:42:748 (5) - Muovi questo slider 1/4 indietro.
    01:55:021 (1,2,3,4) - Prova a mettere ogni slider sotto la fine del precedente:
Fixato qualcosa. Il video non lo metto perchè fa cagare, sorry
Good Map :D
Topic Starter

ThoomyyxD wrote:

Good Map :D
Thank you :P
Hi :)

Mod for popner's queue
Here is some suggestions:

  1. 01:00:839 - I think you could add a note here. at this place:
    (another alternative is to close a little the circle created by the slider and put the note at it's end.)
  2. 01:06:657 - ^
  3. 01:15:021 (4) - The singer hold a note here. So i don't think the whistle at the end of the slider is very useful.
  4. 01:19:748 (4) - Try Ctrl+H. Looks better to me.
  5. 02:04:675 (1) - If i remember correctly spinners should be durther than 1/4 beat from the last note.
  6. 02:00:170 (1) - Whistle at the beggining.
  1. 00:32:112 (3) - I think the triangle will look better if you move one grid up.
  2. 00:35:203 - Maybe add a note here. It really confused me when i playde the map.
  3. 00:42:294 (4) - Move it two grid right.
  4. 00:45:203 (1) - Finish sounds better than whistle.
  5. 01:12:839 (1,2,3) - Move it 13 grid right. (put it at the center)
  1. 00:16:839 - Remove NC? The previous combo looks a little short.
  2. 00:19:021 - ^
  3. 00:34:657 - Ctrl+g in order for it to be perfectly symmetrical with the 3 previous sliders.
  4. 00:54:839 - Try in this order. I think it might be better. (Not sure about this one):
  5. 01:04:657 - Ctrl+g?
  6. 01:11:930 - Not sure if it's rankable.
  7. 01:13:567 - Ctrl+g?
  8. 01:17:567 - Maybe it's just me but the whistle seems a little weird.
  9. 02:01:049 - You have such a good map. Why not trying a more complex shape for the final slider?
Your map seems really good to me. Good luck getting it ranked ;).
Hello from popner's queue~

  1. Audio Lead In +333 at least.
    Difficulties should have minimum 2000 MS Audio Lead In.
  1. 00:19:021 (1,2,3) - Maybe something like this: ? o=
    Overall it's very nice mapped~ Good job!
  1. 00:04:476 (1,3) - Not symmetrical.
  2. 00:09:203 (2,3) - Beat blanket problem, fix the blanker slider more detailed :)
  3. 00:18:294 (6) - One grid up for the symmetry.
  4. 00:35:748 (3,5) - Not symmetrical sliders.
  5. 01:27:385 (1,2) - This could be a very beautiful beat blanket if you work a bit more on it~
  6. 01:28:839 (1) - Try to put the red points as much as possible in the middle of the slider so it looks better and the turns will fit more precisely to the song
  7. 01:36:112 (1,2) - Make it this way maybe:
  1. 00:33:203 (1,1,1) - Why three new combos? I don't see the point of them to be honest.
  2. 00:40:839 (1) - I have doubts for this slider. :| Not sure but some times I've seen such sliders people said they are unrankable, just keep it in mind though~
    The rest is nice! :D
Such a nice song and nice worked beatmap, good luck with your map set :)
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Thank you rezoons and KiyoshiX101 for your useful moddings. I fixed almost everything :)
Nice song, It's very funny play this beatmap :D
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klonoax94 wrote:

Nice song, It's very funny play this beatmap :D
Thanks, I hope it gets ranked :P
Oh God... This map it's like a shit... Hoping this will be nuked.
Meh... Wtf is that shit? NUKE PLS.
*Kiyro is now offline.
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Siete due puttane :C

RikiH_ wrote:

Siete due puttane :C

Roxas wrote:

Oh God... This map it's like a shit... Hoping this will be nuked.
Hey Men!

What's up!
Topic Starter

ThoomyyxD wrote:

Roxas wrote:

Oh God... This map it's like a shit... Hoping this will be nuked.
Hey Men!

What's up!
She He's only joking, he's a n00b friend. lol
HEY, FROM POPNERS QUEUE. I HOPE THIS HELPS, lol caps... Besides i need to repay you for mine :D

Please note that this mod i think i did more of a sound mod instead haha...

ALSO Turn off letterbox, no SB here.

00:06:021 - Can this slider be curved a little more, also move the middle point of the slider one right since it doesn't look symmetrical to me.
00:19:748 - This slider point has the little clap thing you do, should add one here since you added the clap for a slider point before.
00:20:476 - No need for clap here, no beat in the music here.
00:21:203 - Clap. Also Distance Snap
00:22:657 - Same as 00:19:748
00:24:112 - ^
00:41:203 - ^ As well as Note 2, to be consistent with the beat you made
00:45:567 - ^ As well as the end of this slider.
00:52:839 - ^ As well as Note 2.
00:57:203 - ^ Hehe.
01:00:839 - Clap, remove the one from the prev spinner.
01:01:203 - I think you should know what I'm gonna say here, just listen to the music and add that beat on the slider thing
01:06:294 - Remove.
01:06:657 - Clap Horshoe slider same as the one before.
01:24:476 - Move endpoint to blanket Previous note.
01:25:203 - Same here as ^, and if following ^, be sure to distance snap.
01:37:930 - Clap
01:38:657 - ^
01:41:930 - This should be symmetrical to the previous slider 3.
02:02:807 (2,3) - I feel as is they should have NC's on them, Emphasizes the scary noise in the background.

00:11:021 - Clap
00:12:476 - ^
00:39:385 (4,5) - I believe these two sliders can have a blanket.

Somewhat like this, but you can make it better I'm assuming
01:37:930 (2,4) - Clap
02:04:565 - Cool Slider, but it looks unsymmetric to me, idk how to fix so you can leave it.

00:03:021 - Move first point of the slider to 452|244 to make it look symmetric (not talking about moving it)
00:17:203 (4,5) - I say CTRL+G on these ones.
00:41:203 - Clap
00:48:476 - The die meter covers this on 1024x768 screen resolution, unfortunately you have a good pattern so I'm not sure if you want to move the slider down or not.
00:52:839 - Clap
00:53:748 - Move to 352|192
01:24:476 (1,3) - You can skip this since the diff is insane, but why not shift them vertically?
01:32:748 - NC
01:34:657 - die meter kind of gets in the way of this, maybe move it down
01:45:203 - Clap on Tail(I'm still following the clap beat you did, if you''re not doing it, then feel free to ignore the rest below. Also 01:50:657 : Should have a finish)
01:45:930 - ^ Tail
01:46:657 - ^ Tail
01:47:385 - ^ On head
01:48:112 - ^ On head
01:48:839 - ^
01:49:567 - ^ Tail
01:50:294 - ^ Tail
01:51:021 - ^ On head
01:51:748 - ^ On head
01:52:476 - ^ Tail
01:53:203 - ^ Head
01:53:930 - ^ Head
01:54:657 - ^ Tail
Topic Starter
Fixed, thank you for really helpful modding. I don't know why I forgot those claps, seriously.
Hi RikiH_
From popner's queue ^^


  1. Delete the .osb file


  1. 00:24:112 (4)- : rather than whistle, prefer to add clap here imo
  2. because you use new combo at third note from 00:40:839- until 01:04:112- . So it really recommended to add NC at here:
  3. 00:36:476 (4)-
  4. 00:39:385 (4)-

  5. 01:06:657 (1)- : clap here? more fit than whistle imo
  6. 01:25:930 (3)- : nc here, to see nc patterns from previous notes


  1. 00:39:385 (4)- : for a better shape, move 3rd slider point 1 grid down. 4th slider point to x140 y220 and last slider point 1grid down, or use this code .w.


  1. 00:41:567 (1)- : remove nc
  2. 00:42:294 (3)- : nc here
  3. 01:32:112 (5)- : add clap for clap balance
  4. 01:32:839 (3)- : ^
  5. 01:43:748 (5,13)- : ^
gl :3
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Fxed something, thank you!
Hi, from my queue. I'm here to help you improving the entirely quality of the map.

The main problem I think is that you are using high SV which do not fit the pace of music. Look, you use 1.4 * 1.25 = 1.75SV in Hyper, but 2.0 * 1.25 = 2.5SV in Another. The SV decide the length of your slider, that means, all your 1/1 slider (from white tick to white tick) is like this:
so what's the problem here? With such a long slider you can hardly control the shape and the distance of sliding is too big. One aspect is, if you want to make up a flow from left to right with a series of notes, you use half of the composing room already by using this slider, and you will have to change the flow at where it shouldn't changes. Another aspect is, the slider looks inflexible even with big curve - they are not detailed or delicate enough.

So here is the solution: if you want to get control of the map easier, you need to remap it with lower SV. If you don't want to remap, then you need to put a lot of efforts on making flow. Maybe look at other ranked beatmap with such SV, they will be good teachers.

In Hyper and Standard I find no much issues, but try to avoid using long sliders like (Hyper) 00:24:839 (1,2,1,2). The reason is same as to avoid using high SV. Generally 1/1 slider should be your longest slider.

I see you put a lot of time on modding the others' map: it helps the others a lot, but the biggest beneficiary is yourself. Every time you mod a map, you can get some idea from it. Good luck!
Topic Starter

popner wrote:

Hi, from my queue. I'm here to help you improving the entirely quality of the map.

The main problem I think is that you are using high SV which do not fit the pace of music. Look, you use 1.4 * 1.25 = 1.75SV in Hyper, but 2.0 * 1.25 = 2.5SV in Another. The SV decide the length of your slider, that means, all your 1/1 slider (from white tick to white tick) is like this:
so what's the problem here? With such a long slider you can hardly control the shape and the distance of sliding is too big. One aspect is, if you want to make up a flow from left to right with a series of notes, you use half of the composing room already by using this slider, and you will have to change the flow at where it shouldn't changes. Another aspect is, the slider looks inflexible even with big curve - they are not detailed or delicate enough.

So here is the solution: if you want to get control of the map easier, you need to remap it with lower SV. If you don't want to remap, then you need to put a lot of efforts on making flow. Maybe look at other ranked beatmap with such SV, they will be good teachers.

In Hyper and Standard I find no much issues, but try to avoid using long sliders like (Hyper) 00:24:839 (1,2,1,2). The reason is same as to avoid using high SV. Generally 1/1 slider should be your longest slider.

I see you put a lot of time on modding the others' map: it helps the others a lot, but the biggest beneficiary is yourself. Every time you mod a map, you can get some idea from it. Good luck!
Uhm, I won't remap it because it's quite useless. There are plenty of ranked maps with this SV and I really don't see what the problem is. My map plays quite well and a lot of people say this too! I will look at it, anyways. Thanks for helping me :D
Hi Riki, Sorry for the Huge delay. Here is my mod (This is my 3rd BAT mod)


• The Kiai Sections sound pretty random to me, the pitches in the song are the pretty similar comparing the kiai sections and the other parts. For example, your kiai section sound at the same pitch as the section in 00:41:567 (where you finish the Kiai section) till 00:58:294, and this is a simple example. In my opinion, the kiai are not necessary in this song, so If I were you I'd remove from this map. Instead, maybe you can use some flash kiai to emphasize some sections.
Audio Lead-In: Is kinda too much 1000 in my opinion, because you already have 1567ms in the lead-in. I'd reduce the Audio Lead-In till 500
• *Opinion:* I'd like to listen soft whistles in this map, they sounds correct and follow fine the music. Anyways, this up to you if you want to add them.


• 00:13:203 (1) - The comboing looks a bit overused here, I'd remove this New Combo.
• 00:36:476 (1) - In the kiai section you used a lot of New Combos, I think that they are not really necessary here, I'd use the combos in the second downbeats and not in the firsts one. In this case, I'd remove the New Combo from here.
• 00:39:385 (1) - (^)
• 00:42:294 (1) - (^)
• 00:48:112 (1) - (^)
• 00:51:021 (1) - (^)
• 00:53:930 (1) - (^)
• 00:58:294 (1,1) - The Note is really close after the spinner, this can cause confusion in New/Average players, to make the pattern easier, I'd remove the Note (1) after the spinner
• 01:04:112 (1,1) - (^)
• 01:14:657 (x) - Maybe you want to keep the constant 2/1 pattern in this part of the song, but a Note here is really necessary in my opinion, so, you should add it.
• 01:23:021 (1) - New Combo stuff again, remove this New Combo please.
• 01:25:930 (1) - (^)
• 01:37:567 (1) - (^)
• 01:41:930 (1,2) - This flow forced to me, for a better flow I'd move (2) to x:364 y:252 or something like this.
• 02:04:551 (1) - I don't like the combo spam that much.. Hmm.. Maybe you can remove it from here.

- As you can see in my mod, the thing that is bothering me is your comboing, with my suggestions I think that will fit much better. Give it a try please. On the other hand, some Slider looks aesthetics but I'll not be that nazi pointing out this kind of things.


• 01:11:385 (1,3) - The flow increase in the pattern if you do a flip vertically in these Sliders, try to re-arrange this pattern a bit.

Well, I don't have a lot of problems with Hyper and Another, just some sliders don't look really fine in the diffs. but I as I said before I'll not that nazi to point out that.
btw, I agree in some way with popner's point of view..
And that's it, I'll think a bit what to do in this map. Till then, Good Luck :)
Topic Starter

mancusojuanmattos wrote:

Hi Riki, Sorry for the Huge delay. Here is my mod (This is my 3rd BAT mod)


• The Kiai Sections sound pretty random to me, the pitches in the song are the pretty similar comparing the kiai sections and the other parts. For example, your kiai section sound at the same pitch as the section in 00:41:567 (where you finish the Kiai section) till 00:58:294, and this is a simple example. In my opinion, the kiai are not necessary in this song, so If I were you I'd remove from this map. Instead, maybe you can use some flash kiai to emphasize some sections.
Audio Lead-In: Is kinda too much 1000 in my opinion, because you already have 1567ms in the lead-in. I'd reduce the Audio Lead-In till 500
• *Opinion:* I'd like to listen soft whistles in this map, they sounds correct and follow fine the music. Anyways, this up to you if you want to add them.


• 00:13:203 (1) - The comboing looks a bit overused here, I'd remove this New Combo.
• 00:36:476 (1) - In the kiai section you used a lot of New Combos, I think that they are not really necessary here, I'd use the combos in the second downbeats and not in the firsts one. In this case, I'd remove the New Combo from here.
• 00:39:385 (1) - (^)
• 00:42:294 (1) - (^)
• 00:48:112 (1) - (^)
• 00:51:021 (1) - (^)
• 00:53:930 (1) - (^)
• 00:58:294 (1,1) - The Note is really close after the spinner, this can cause confusion in New/Average players, to make the pattern easier, I'd remove the Note (1) after the spinner
• 01:04:112 (1,1) - (^)
• 01:14:657 (x) - Maybe you want to keep the constant 2/1 pattern in this part of the song, but a Note here is really necessary in my opinion, so, you should add it.
• 01:23:021 (1) - New Combo stuff again, remove this New Combo please.
• 01:25:930 (1) - (^)
• 01:37:567 (1) - (^)
• 01:41:930 (1,2) - This flow forced to me, for a better flow I'd move (2) to x:364 y:252 or something like this.
• 02:04:551 (1) - I don't like the combo spam that much.. Hmm.. Maybe you can remove it from here.

- As you can see in my mod, the thing that is bothering me is your comboing, with my suggestions I think that will fit much better. Give it a try please. On the other hand, some Slider looks aesthetics but I'll not be that nazi pointing out this kind of things.


• 01:11:385 (1,3) - The flow increase in the pattern if you do a flip vertically in these Sliders, try to re-arrange this pattern a bit.

Well, I don't have a lot of problems with Hyper and Another, just some sliders don't look really fine in the diffs. but I as I said before I'll not that nazi to point out that.
btw, I agree in some way with popner's point of view..
And that's it, I'll think a bit what to do in this map. Till then, Good Luck :)
All fixed. I hope you will check my map again, since I've been looking for a XAT for two months ;_;
Modding this tomorrow if I get the time. owo
Topic Starter

Kokatsu wrote:

Modding this tomorrow if I get the time. owo
Ok, thanks :D


GJ, it's Zektbach!


00:01:567 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this curve looks weird, try this one?
00:04:294 (5) - 00:03:567 (2) - spacing
00:10:112 (4) - spacing
00:48:112 (1) - this slider is curved too harshly, the flow is slightly crushed, use this as original slider and rotate?
01:09:567 (2) - since you have overlapped the two sliders this closely, add 1 more repeat will be better, like what you did here 01:55:748 (1,1) -
01:20:112 (1,2,3,4) - yes, it's up to you tho, this is an Another, the 1/4 blank, on the contrary, will confuse players. btw, set more timing sections to get the volume up more gradually
01:35:203 (2) - spacing

oh one more thing, AR8, you have dicided to use it instead of AR9? it's optional anyway


00:05:930 (2) - mention spacing change like this, then check through your map

nothing else, if you wanna improve the map more, try more custom hitsound, it'd be a huge work tho
Topic Starter

LKs wrote:



GJ, it's Zektbach! Rofl


00:01:567 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this curve looks weird, try this one? It's really similar to mine, anyways I tried to fix
00:04:294 (5) - 00:03:567 (2) - spacing Fixed
00:10:112 (4) - spacing Fixed
00:48:112 (1) - this slider is curved too harshly, the flow is slightly crushed, use this as original slider and rotate? It looks much better, fixed
01:09:567 (2) - since you have overlapped the two sliders this closely, add 1 more repeat will be better, like what you did here 01:55:748 (1,1) - Okay
01:20:112 (1,2,3,4) - yes, it's up to you tho, this is an Another, the 1/4 blank, on the contrary, will confuse players. btw, set more timing sections to get the volume up more gradually Uhm, I only put the sections to get the volume up here
01:35:203 (2) - spacing Ops, fixed

oh one more thing, AR8, you have dicided to use it instead of AR9? it's optional anyway People told me to put AR8. I prefer AR9, so if it's rankable I'll put AR9!


00:05:930 (2) - mention spacing change like this, then check through your map All fixed

nothing else, if you wanna improve the map more, try more custom hitsound, it'd be a huge work tho Uhm, I think hitsounds are ok at the moment, I've already tried to look for custom hitsounds but I think that the actual hitsounds are ok!
Thanks for your modding :D
Topic Starter

LKs wrote:

Mod Infos:

You should fix this.


  • Ricordo che quando avevo moddato questa mappa c'era un video, perchè l'hai tolto?
    Fossi in te non mi limiterei ad usare solo delle fontane kiai, un kiai pieno da 01:21:567 a 01:44:839 non starebbe poi così male.


  • 00:31:748 (3) - Muovi questo cerchio a x:256 y:168, praticamente dove è posizionato 00:29:203 (1). (sarebbe ancora meglio se entrambi i cerchi si trovassero a x:256 y:192 per una migliore simmetria)
    01:01:203 (1) e 01:07:021 (1) - Mancano i segni delle new combo su questi due slider, li hai tolti di proposito?
    01:14:294 (3,4,5,1) - Prova ad usare una simmetria migliore, ad esempio:
    01:57:930 (3,4,5,6,7) - Seleziona tutti sti cerchi e poi ctrl + g per un miglior flow.


  • Meh, aumenterei HP e OD di 1 per bilanciare con le altre diff visto che nella Standard sono messi a 3 e nella Another a 8.
    00:13:203 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Fossi in te renderei questa pattern identica a quella successiva. (o per lo meno curva di più gli slider come hai fatto dopo per migliorare il flow)
    00:38:294 (2) - Rendi questo slider un ~ simmetrico capovolto verticalmente.
    01:08:476 (1) - Ruota questo slider 10° in senso orario per migliorare il flow.
    01:09:385 (4) - Questo invece ruotalo di 7° sempre in senso orario.
    01:25:203 (3) - Capovolgi questo slider orizzontalmente e poi invertilo. (lascialo a x:472 y:212)
    01:38:294 (3) - Fossi in te metterei il finish a 01:39:021 (1) come hai fatto nella Standard.
    02:01:035 (2) - Rendilo simmetrico, ti ho lasciato un code per aiutarti, se non sai come usarlo chiamami:


  • 00:40:839 (1) - Togli il whistle dal corpo dello slider, a 00:41:203 si sente un normal whistle fastidioso.
    00:56:112 (3,4,5) - Seleziona tutto e poi capovolgi verticalmente. (inoltre prova a migliorare 00:55:385 (1) e 00:56:112 (3), per farti capire meglio seleziona uno di loro due e spamma ctrl + j, come vedi non sono simmetrici)

Dovrebbe essere tutto, la mappa è migliorata un bel pò dall'ultima volta che l'ho moddata, bravo.
Ad ogni modo, richiamami appena fixi per un recheck.
Topic Starter

xxheroxx wrote:

Mod Infos:

You should fix this.


  • Ricordo che quando avevo moddato questa mappa c'era un video, perchè l'hai tolto? Missà che ti stai confondendo, non c'è mai stato nessun video!
    Fossi in te non mi limiterei ad usare solo delle fontane kiai, un kiai pieno da 01:21:567 a 01:44:839 non starebbe poi così male.
Uhm, in effetti ci stanno bene, fixed


  • 00:31:748 (3) - Muovi questo cerchio a x:256 y:168, praticamente dove è posizionato 00:29:203 (1). (sarebbe ancora meglio se entrambi i cerchi si trovassero a x:256 y:192 per una migliore simmetria) Sono riuscito a spostare tutto il pattern al centro, ora è perfettamente simmetrico e flowwa meglio
    01:01:203 (1) e 01:07:021 (1) - Mancano i segni delle new combo su questi due slider, li hai tolti di proposito? Sinceramente non me n'ero accorto rofl
    01:14:294 (3,4,5,1) - Prova ad usare una simmetria migliore, ad esempio: Ho cambiato un po' (4) e (5). Le altre note ho preferito lasciarle al loro posto per non rompere le altre simmetrie
    01:57:930 (3,4,5,6,7) - Seleziona tutti sti cerchi e poi ctrl + g per un miglior flow. Fixed


  • Meh, aumenterei HP e OD di 1 per bilanciare con le altre diff visto che nella Standard sono messi a 3 e nella Another a 8. Okay
    00:13:203 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Fossi in te renderei questa pattern identica a quella successiva. (o per lo meno curva di più gli slider come hai fatto dopo per migliorare il flow) Sono d'accordo. Lo spacing s'è un po' rovinato ma penso che non causi problemi
    00:38:294 (2) - Rendi questo slider un ~ simmetrico capovolto verticalmente. Why not
    01:08:476 (1) - Ruota questo slider 10° in senso orario per migliorare il flow.
    01:09:385 (4) - Questo invece ruotalo di 7° sempre in senso orario. Fixati entrambi
    01:25:203 (3) - Capovolgi questo slider orizzontalmente e poi invertilo. (lascialo a x:472 y:212) Il flow è migliorato molto, fixed
    01:38:294 (3) - Fossi in te metterei il finish a 01:39:021 (1) come hai fatto nella Standard. Ops, me ne ero scordato
    02:01:035 (2) - Rendilo simmetrico, ti ho lasciato un code per aiutarti, se non sai come usarlo chiamami: Oddio, ci sono stato minimo un quarto d'ora, poi ho rinunciato, mi hai aiutato tantissimo, grazie!


  • 00:40:839 (1) - Togli il whistle dal corpo dello slider, a 00:41:203 si sente un normal whistle fastidioso. Penso che sia proprio dentro alla canzone, comunque l'ho tolto
    00:56:112 (3,4,5) - Seleziona tutto e poi capovolgi verticalmente. (inoltre prova a migliorare 00:55:385 (1) e 00:56:112 (3), per farti capire meglio seleziona uno di loro due e spamma ctrl + j, come vedi non sono simmetrici) Ho capovolto gli slider, poi ho invertito (4) e (5) sennò avrei dovuto usare un ctrl+g su uno dei due slider, e ciò avrebbe rovinato la simmetria, è un casino da spiegare, comunque penso che per ora il pattern flowwi bene

Dovrebbe essere tutto, la mappa è migliorata un bel pò dall'ultima volta che l'ho moddata, bravo.
Ad ogni modo, richiamami appena fixi per un recheck.
Okay, ti contatterò In-game, grazie mille!
Topic Starter

xxheroxx wrote:

^ Epic gif.

Than you again!

Yeahh :D
Gratz :D
You finally ranked this cute song!
You did it, nice :>
02:01:035 (2) - This exists, you know.
Topic Starter

those wrote:

02:01:035 (2) - This exists, you know.
I know.
i love this song xD grats
Congratulations Me Lovely Friend :3333!!
Topic Starter
Thank you everyone :)
Pro 3<
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