
Glitching skin elements on 1920x1080

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I am having an issue with a skin I am currently working on.
I desgined the selection-mode@2x.png to be an overlay for the song selection screen:

The issue with this is that there is a small glitch happening at the end of what I skinned:

This only happens on 1920x1080 resolution.
Here's a picutre of what the selection-mode@2x.png looks like in

As you can see, there is nothing sticking out or blending over or anything. I even made sure that the black layer is under the green stripe.

Any help on this would be appreciated as it is really really annoying to me.
You could just add a black background to all 4 of the selection-x images and you shouldnt have this problem. This is (most likely) just yet another issue with rounding
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