A osu!Sync plugin for Streaming. Play a GIF animation with the BPM of beatmap what you playing
How to use?
2. Download plugin
Download and drag to 'plugins' folder where 'Sync.exe' at.
Download: https://github.com/OsuSync/AnimationGifPlayer/releases/download/v0.1-beta/AnimationGifPlayer.dll
Download: https://github.com/OsuSync/AnimationGifPlayer/releases/download/v0.1-beta/AnimationGifPlayer.dll
3. Configuration
1. Open Sync and type 'config', and press ENTER key
2. Find 'GifPlayer' and select 'Configuration'
3. Select your GIF animation
1. Open Sync and type 'config', and press ENTER key
2. Find 'GifPlayer' and select 'Configuration'
3. Select your GIF animation
4. OBS capture
1. Add a 'Window Capture'
2. 'Window' option select '[Sync.exe]: GifPlayer'
3. 'Match Priority' select 'Window title must match'
1. Add a 'Window Capture'
2. 'Window' option select '[Sync.exe]: GifPlayer'
3. 'Match Priority' select 'Window title must match'
5. Latest step
Start osu! and having fun!
NOTE: The player working after first play.
Start osu! and having fun!
NOTE: The player working after first play.