
RTPP Displayer - display real-time pp for ALL MODES! (2022/4/11)

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RealtimePPDisplayer is a Sync plugin which able to calculate and show pp while you are playing osu!std/taiko/ctb/mania. It depends on another plugin named Osu!RTDP and you can show them where you want.

Projects Comment (Chinese)


此时这个工具还不叫Sync,而是osu!IRC。我一开始用这工具还行,但后面有新的功能需求,那会我也刚学会一点编程,用的是Java,于是我找到原作者,也就是现在项目的作者:地雷( Remilia ),跟他谈了一下,他也觉得osu!IRC功能还能改进,于是就计划和我一起开搞,推倒osu!IRC,重构一个新的更好的软件出来。这就是osuSync项目的前身,这个项目就是开源的,最初没在github公开开源,而是gitee


After Days.......

等osuSync的插件功能完全后,于是我们便开始开发各种插件...比如我实现了从osu的频道发消息然后通过osuSync的插件传回到直播间弹幕上;实现了发送弹幕的黑白名单(虽然从没实际用过)插件;实现弹幕观众的谱面推荐插件.... 而地雷那边就一直优化本体程序和实现np命令的插件。那会我就是一边写插件代码,一边测试插件和osuSync应用,去直播osu。



当然就我这种编程/C#菜逼,并没有这个能力去对osu开洞读数据。因此我找到了我的好基友,狗毛(KedamaOvO),刚好他也在玩osu,也会编程。于是我就哄骗他,加入了我们伟大的项目组,the great of Sync Software Developer Team! 然后他就一边学如何使用CE一边搞MemoryReader插件。


有了MemoryReader插件,那么我的OsuLiveStatusPanel插件就可以更加精确获取正确的谱面和相关数据了。然后在实现OsuLiveStatusPanel的谱面pp计算后一段时间,我突然有个很大的脑洞: 能不能做一个显示实时pp在直播界面上?

当然这个脑洞虽然听起来很离谱,但理论上是可行的: 我们有MemoryReader插件可以获取osu!的实时数据,计算pp也可以通过oppai这个项目来实现,输出也可以写一个插件去一直写入文本到,然后OBS读取文本文件就行了。当然仔细想想的话还是有一定的坑,比如:
  1. MemoryReader需要获取游戏时间,而且osu!还有jit过程,找位置难度相对较难(对于刚学的狗毛来说)
  2. oppai不支持一部分谱面文件的计算
  3. 写入文件到被obs读取并更新的所需要的时间太长了



发了邮件之后,我们便愉快的参加了广州的漫展YACA Event 2017, 这某种情况算上是"1st osuSync Senior Developer Commitee Meeting"(毕竟那会我,狗毛,地雷,和将来也加入开发团队的的yf大师即yf_bmp也一起面积了)






当时就很兴奋,预习课本?狗都不看!我就连忙通知了狗毛和地雷,然后就开始着手于编写论坛帖子,我写osu论坛帖子(就是本贴),然后得自己编译osuSync和其他插件的Release版本 , 狗毛就负责编译他的ortdp插件并混淆就交给我。最后我写好帖子基本内容,以及总体测试了软件和插件是否有没有问题。



在此期间有很多用户反应他们全屏osu游戏之后,显示实时pp的窗口就没法更新画面到obs,这是win10的渲染机制导致的。为此我们也额外提供了许多办法绕过此问题,比如使用mmf文件,然后给obs写个插件支持读取mmf文件内容然后更新,写个http api然后写个网页去读取这个api拿到pp数据然后网页渲染,最后obs加载这个网页去显示(因此还产生了另一个osuSync插件OsuDataDistributeRestful),其中最值得说的是地雷提出的脑洞:将pp数据渲染进游戏里面,再由obs捕获osu游戏就行。这就是插件IngameOverlay的由来。









(它应该是最早一批bot账号吧^ ^)




the End....?


osu! version:b20220409
ORTDP version:1.7.0
if you notice your displayer doesn't work,please check their version and update.(just type "plugins update" in Sync console.)

Feature & ChangeLog
  1. Automatic to show/hide with the change of game status.
  2. Support Tourney Mode.
  3. Provide GUI-Window and Text file, you can choose how to show them.
  4. Show realtime datas ,such as PP/100_count/300_count/200_count/miss_count and more.
  5. Support window topmost.
  6. Support I18n.
  7. Support transparency(but it can catched by OBS until it's no transparency).
  8. Add shadow effect switch.
  9. Automatic to get song folder.
  10. Support log file
  11. Add beatmap path searching pattern "*{title}*"
  12. Add debug mode.If you meet trouble please set DebugMode=True and got details info.
  13. NOW IS SUPPORT OBS-PLUGIN!!! live streamers can able to show PP displayer when they are playing with fullscreen.Details.
  14. Support more method output at same time. Details
  15. Support Install/Update in Sync program.Detail
  16. Support customize output content.Details
  17. Improve beatmap searching.Now it is able to display beatmaps which custom path.
  18. Support customize RoundDigits in config.ini
  19. Dispalyer Interface is public ,now you can make a displayer by yourself.
  20. Support output "speed_pp"/"aim_pp"/"acc_pp"/'if_fc_pp"/"max_pp"/"combo" and more.
    1.2.2 | 2018/1/22
  21. Support change font in WPF,please modify FontName in config.ini.(Default:Segoe UI,Recommend:Consolas);
  22. Implement reload setting
  23. fixed some bugs,and add more bugs. XD
    1.2.4(1.2.2) | 2018/1/31
  24. Support Taiko mode.
  25. Add ForceOsuSongsDirectory option in config.ini.(ForceOsuSongsDirectory forces ORTDP to use this path.)
  26. Add GetCurrentData method(Developers can get all data without event invoking)
  27. Support Mania Mode.(BETA)
  28. Support output with expression.for example "total obj:$(n300+n100+n50+nmiss}"
  29. Add more bugs :D
  30. PPY,Please update .NET target version :P
    - - (Sync2.17)
  31. Support auto update.
  32. Add more log info for debugging&check
  33. Add GameMode option(Available options: Auto,Osu,CatchTheBeat,Mania,Taiko)
    (1.3.5 2018/5/15)
  34. Update oppai.dll for HD adjustment.
    1.4.0(1.4.0 2018/6/27)
  35. Add "DisableProcessNotFoundInformation","EnableModsChangedAtListening","IgnoreTouchScreenDecrease " option in config.ini.
  36. Add "Send pp to chat on Ranking" via IRC chat(recommand PublicBotTransferPlugin) Preview Tutorial
  37. Support config can type "config" and modify config conveniently.
  38. Add mmf-split and text-split out method
  39. Mania pp update
  40. sorry ,because of bugs , restart command is unusable ,you can close and then open Sync if it needs restart.
    1.5.0(1.4.3 2018/8/19)
  41. Support expression and provide lots of functions for formatting,Details
  42. Support CTB
    1.6.0(1.4.4 2018/11/1)
  43. Output hardware information in debug mode.
  44. Support logical expression and new functions. like "if(condition, true_expression, false_expression)"
    1.6.8(1.4.4 oppai3.1.1)
  45. update oppai.dll to 3.1.1 and support latest offical pp algorithm.
  46. add update checker and it will be easy to tell you if your Sync/RTPP need to update.
  47. fix bug which cant calculate mania realtime pp.
  48. Add new output method:multi-output
  49. Support new output formatter for multi-output : Javascript
  50. Add new rtpp output params: ${rtstars} and ${stars}.
  51. Adapt osu!version v20190816
  52. Add OnUnstableRateChanged for devs.
  53. Add version check notify.
  54. Adapt osu!version v20190906
  55. Add formatter variable ${ur} to show realtime UnstableRate.
  56. Add formatter function smooth(variable_name).
  57. Add rtppfmt-bp formatter. it's added the following variables: ${rtbp} , ${fcbp} , ${rtpp_with_weigth} , ${fcpp_with_weigth} , ${rtpp_weight} , ${fcpp_weight}.Usage wiki Test ExampleScreenshot
  58. Add formatter variables: ${acc} and ${score}
  59. Support getting replay/hit data Details
  60. support Japanese language, thx Fairy-Phy
  61. support Sync 2.18.4
  62. OLSP support Japanese language, thx Fairy-Phy
  63. support Sync 2.18.5
  64. Adapt osu!version v20220409 , thanks wanjiaXG
  65. Added a class for changing offsets more convenient , thanks Someone999
  1. If it not work,try to run Sync.exe as Administrator.
  2. If you notice ortdp catch wrong(or not exist) Song path.Please modify ForceOsuSongsDirectory to your real Songs path and retry.
  3. Please read FAQ and Usage carefully.I won't reply any thing what I wrote. 8-)
  4. If you feel lag when you are using.You can modify config.ini and set "ListenInterval" value(ms) as you want.(suggest 132,best 33).We will optimize it.
  5. If you got these messages when you are play ctb beatmap:

    Please close Sync and modify "GameMode=CatchTheBeat" or use config command:
  6. Realtime PP Displayer is automatic to start when you open Sync.exe so you needn't input anything command else.(You may have to play once for taking effect)

Usage and Download

* Manual Operation(Video Tutorial)([b]Bilibili):
  1. Download Sync and unzip to a folder which you like.
  2. Open Sync,type "plugins install displayer" and press enter key.
  3. Restart and enjoy :D
Of course, you can download these for skiping above steps(Suggest):

* Download Sync&other plugins for integration:

Sync with RealtimePP + PublicBotTransferPlugin(Download)(virus check)

Download Sync with RealtimePPPlugin + PublicBotTransferPlugin + OsuLiveStatusPanelPlugin + IngameDisplayerPlugin(Download)(virus check)

If you want display pp in game, just type "o i" in Sync before you start osu! program.And then play/replay once to make sure all plugin are working.

Ingame Plugin Page



Other Output Methods Tutorial
Now you can use ODDR plugin and show your realtime pp at any where!
ODDR Video Tutorial
Show realtime pp on your phone in LAN

Now you can show your realtime pp on Streamlabs OBS

Now you can use IngameOverlayPlugin and show your realtime pp in your game!
Ingame Video Simple Tutorial

  1. Will I be banned if i use this plugin? - No,because it's approved by peppy,of course you have to obey the rules and dont use them for bad behaviors.
  2. Why it not show anything when I playing? - Maybe osu!RTDP not support your osu! version,please check update.
  3. Why it arise 0x8007007E crazily? - have you installed Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 or later
  4. Why obs can't update realtime PP GUI-Window when I was playing osu! with fullscreen? - I think it about OS rendering mechanism. You can modify config.ini and set "UseText=True" , so plugin will output to text file (Default output to {SyncFolderPath}\Plugins\rtpp.txt)
  5. Why I can't count PP all/some beatmaps? - Please read this and check yourself
  6. Why it always arise 0x80131515 for each plugin loading? - Please view this or this2.
  7. How to change program language to English/Others? - Please view this
  8. Anti-virus(Defender) software stop me from using program and warn me there are virus/trojran? - Well,in fact there is no any problem because these are open source and build from them.Please ask google how to let to trust(add white-list), or you can get source code and build by yourself.
  9. Could I show them with osu! fullsceen/ingame? - forum/t/773429[/color]
  10. Why did it always arise "Init ModeFinder Failed! ...."? - Please update OsuRTDataProvider plugin and set "GameMode" value to Auto/Osu/CatchTheBeat/Mania/Taiko ,take a try!
  11. How to customize my pp displayer window? - See this and this2

Approved! :+1:
Nice, and highly customizable, but there are some remains of your data in config.ini file in rar you've provided, I don't know it should be like that, I only want to make you aware of that. But still nice work ^^
Topic Starter

Calslock wrote:

Nice, and highly customizable, but there are some remains of your data in config.ini file in rar you've provided, I don't know it should be like that, I only want to make you aware of that. But still nice work ^^
Thank your for replying :D,Now I have fixed rar file and modified url. I didn't notice those because there no wrong when I was testing.

Sync is a program which you can take a communication with spectators between osu!irc and live streaming room. it also support some plugins for customizing features what you want. the setting of plugins will save to file "config.ini". that's the reason why you can see the many dll files in Plugins and config sections in config.ini.
I don't understand. What is this good for?
Topic Starter

squaggly wrote:

I don't understand. What is this good for?

You can show them by OBS for decorating your streaming scene.or collect them for beatmap analysis.all in friends and I just provide tools for our interests.:D
Topic Starter

NotPeOpLe wrote:


This is pretty neat 8-)
Hi, nice work !

GitHub ?
doesn't work for me, it can't find the .osu file because i have my beatmap directory set to my E: drive, is there a config option to change the directory?

[ Aether ] wrote:

doesn't work for me, it can't find the .osu file because i have my beatmap directory set to my E: drive, is there a config option to change the directory?
Please try the new version.
I keep getting, "Sync has stopped working." All I've done after downloading the rar is extract it into a separate folder.
Golden <3

Iota wrote:

I keep getting, "Sync has stopped working." All I've done after downloading the rar is extract it into a separate folder.
same here, help pl0x
一看我的心跳会达到big black的速度lol

Github链接有没有? Edit: am blind :?
Topic Starter

Iota wrote:

I keep getting, "Sync has stopped working." All I've done after downloading the rar is extract it into a separate folder.

EinfachKyoma wrote:

Iota wrote:

I keep getting, "Sync has stopped working." All I've done after downloading the rar is extract it into a separate folder.

same here, help pl0x

Did you have any screenshot pic about program crash?Please send it to my and we will check them.

DarkProjector wrote:

Did you have any screenshot pic about program crash?Please send it to my and we will check them.
Sent in an email regarding this with an attached screenshot of the window.

Hope it helps.
Did you have any screenshot pic about program crash?Please send it to my and we will check them.
sent it but it's most of it is german, dunno if it helps
I threw you a mail problem. если не отправилось я тут напишу

Iota wrote:

I keep getting, "Sync has stopped working." All I've done after downloading the rar is extract it into a separate folder.
Same Problem
Hi guys,

Me and DarkProjector got talking about it and he managed to find the issue for me, here is a quick guide to fixing it:

1. Download the rar file

2. Open the location of the rar file, and right click it, then select properties.

3. Tick the checkbox under the general tab that says "unblock".

4. Press Apply/OK.

5. Extract the sync file from the rar file.

6. Run the Sync.exe

Hope this helps guys.

Iota wrote:

I keep getting, "Sync has stopped working." All I've done after downloading the rar is extract it into a separate folder.

method 1:
Try rar file to do the following:
1. Rigth Click
2. Select "Properties"
3. Click "Unblock"
4. Click "Apply"
5. Unzip again

method 2: 7z
2.Use 7z extract rar
I see there are more tools in the plugins folder. How can I start them?

I've found the normal "sync" client. But the language is set to chinese. Can I change it to english?
Nice ^^
Downloaded the rar and sync.exe always crashes right after opening. Tried opening with and without osu open, and I also had OBS open

Natro wrote:

I've found the normal "sync" client. But the language is set to chinese. Can I change it to english?
Simply type: lang en-US
in the program
It says that it can't read my oppai.dll file. I can't seem to find the issues as to why it wont.
Ah thx. And how does it work with the other plugins? I didn't fin any start command or how I can connect them to Twitch :/

Boldsen wrote:

Natro wrote:

I've found the normal "sync" client. But the language is set to chinese. Can I change it to english?

Simply type: lang en-US
in the program
Hey, I tried using this but I ran into an error :(

I checked and the .dll files are there but for some reason the program can't see them.
Any help is appreciated!

EDIT: it basically says that it can't find those files.

EDIT2: I see in your FAQ you said "Why it arise 0x8007007E crazily? - have you installed Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 or later"
I just checked and I already have the 2015 version.
The plugin is working now but I get little lag spikes while I'm playing
- Remilia

Moreon wrote:

i got this problem :c

Rummy wrote:

Hey, I tried using this but I ran into an error :(

I checked and the .dll files are there but for some reason the program can't see them.
Any help is appreciated!

EDIT: it basically says that it can't find those files.

EDIT2: I see in your FAQ you said "Why it arise 0x8007007E crazily? - have you installed Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 or later"
I just checked and I already have the 2015 version.

Vohlx wrote:

Downloaded the rar and sync.exe always crashes right after opening. Tried opening with and without osu open, and I also had OBS open
Follow these steps:
1. Before you extract files, right click rar archive ,and select properties.
2. Find a section name 'Security' and unlock this archive in 'General' page.
3. Click 'Apply' and 'OK'
4. Exctract and join :D

- Remilia wrote:

Moreon wrote:

i got this problem :c

Rummy wrote:

Hey, I tried using this but I ran into an error :(

I checked and the .dll files are there but for some reason the program can't see them.
Any help is appreciated!

EDIT: it basically says that it can't find those files.

EDIT2: I see in your FAQ you said "Why it arise 0x8007007E crazily? - have you installed Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 or later"
I just checked and I already have the 2015 version.

Vohlx wrote:

Downloaded the rar and sync.exe always crashes right after opening. Tried opening with and without osu open, and I also had OBS open
Follow these steps:
1. Before you extract files, right click rar archive ,and select properties.
2. Find a section name 'Security' and unlock this archive in 'General' page.
3. Click 'Apply' and 'OK'
4. Exctract and join :D
That doesn't help me ;-;
- Remilia

Moreon wrote:

That doesn't help me ;-;
Try unlock all dll files in 'Plugins' folder
How do you remove the green background so it just shows the text?
- Remilia

paddelweeb wrote:

How do you remove the green background so it just shows the text?
Exit program and edit 'config.ini'.

Find [RealTimePPDisplayer.SettingIni] section, change UseText to 'True'
- Remilia
Some browser will mark downloaded file as unsecurity.(When file not signature)

'Sync.exe' will get same mark when you using some archive extractor. Run 'Sync.exe' will get this tip:

When you click 'More Info' and run, though Sync.exe was unlocked but Plugins not.
'Sync.exe' can't load plugins, because Windows locked Plugins files, and raise 0x80131515 error

To slove this issue,

Solution 1
Right click each file in folder. Select properties and unlock.

Solution 2
Use 7zip or other archive extractor

Solution 3
Unlock archive and extractor (Need delete extracted files)
Thanks remilia using 7zip helped :D but i still don't know how to get pp into obs after changing UseText to 'True' ;-;

EinfachKyoma wrote:

The plugin is working now but I get little lag spikes while I'm playing
You can try increasing the value of ListenInterval in config.ini (default value is 33ms)

Natro wrote:

Ah thx. And how does it work with the other plugins? I didn't fin any start command or how I can connect them to Twitch :/

Simple, in your OBS you just add a window capture and choose the window.

U can type help in the console to see all commands, if ur language is set to English it will show description aswell
- Remilia

Natro wrote:

Ah thx. And how does it work with the other plugins? I didn't fin any start command or how I can connect them to Twitch :/
Download the GUI plugin and easy to setup!

- Remilia wrote:

paddelweeb wrote:

How do you remove the green background so it just shows the text?
Exit program and edit 'config.ini'.

Find [RealTimePPDisplayer.SettingIni] section, change UseText to 'True'
But now its not opening the ppscore at all :/
- Remilia

Gaurwaith wrote:

But now its not opening the ppscore at all :/
Try find any find name 'rtpp.txt', the real time pp update in this file.

- Remilia wrote:

Gaurwaith wrote:

But now its not opening the ppscore at all :/
Try find any find name 'rtpp.txt', the real time pp update in this file.
Can't find the rtpp.txt the only other place i found it is in the configuration setting of the sync but even then i dont know what to do with it. DarkProjector said that you can find the rtpp.txt in the Plugins folder or something but it isn't popping up for me even after putting in "True" next to the UseText in the config
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