Still need to change some textures and stuff but I think its complete enough to post it here
(Used #adhd skin as base skin)
Screenshots >>
(Used #adhd skin as base skin)
Pretty much an minimal (especially Mania) not-distracting and simple skin for Osu!
BaZic 3v:
/Remaded Hit Textures for Osu! and Mania
/Changed Result Screen with a PlaceHolder
/Changed Perfomance Texture with a PlaceHolder
/Changed Fruit Textures With white ones (Not the overlay)
/Changed Fail and Pause menu backgrounds
/Changed Unranked Texture
/Remaded Score and combo Numbers
/Added Support for 10k up to 18k for Mania
BaZic 2v:
/Changed Notes
/Changed Keys Textures
/Changed Modes Textures
/Changed Ranking icons (PlaceHolders for now)
/Changed Score,Combo and ScoreEntry Textures
/Changed Section Pass and Failed Audios
/Changed Taiko Normal and Big Note Textures
/Changed Taiko Bar
/Changed Cursor Textures
/Changed Pause Buttons Textures
/Added Don Chan
/Remaded Hit Textures for Osu! and Mania
/Changed Result Screen with a PlaceHolder
/Changed Perfomance Texture with a PlaceHolder
/Changed Fruit Textures With white ones (Not the overlay)
/Changed Fail and Pause menu backgrounds
/Changed Unranked Texture
/Remaded Score and combo Numbers
/Added Support for 10k up to 18k for Mania
BaZic 2v:
/Changed Notes
/Changed Keys Textures
/Changed Modes Textures
/Changed Ranking icons (PlaceHolders for now)
/Changed Score,Combo and ScoreEntry Textures
/Changed Section Pass and Failed Audios
/Changed Taiko Normal and Big Note Textures
/Changed Taiko Bar
/Changed Cursor Textures
/Changed Pause Buttons Textures
/Added Don Chan
Screenshots >>