her everything wrote:
Trigger: 1.00
Release 0.95
RT Top 1.00
RT End 3.95
RT Trigger 0.2
RT Release 0.2
Had the Sayodevice on latest firmware and ran calibration 3 times for each key after entering these settings.
I personally did not like these settings, and found default to be better IMO. I've had the keypad for 2 years and maybe I've just gotten used to the default settings, however I felt as if I had to actually press the key right down to trigger, so I think the trigger window was too small for my liking, considering I am used to the 0.3 default.
For the early keyrelease issue I would just increase the RT release/trigger slightly and keep everything stock.
With the above settings I found I couldn't stream anything over 200 as I wasn't used to it, when I could easily before.