
Thread Necromancy

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lostsilver wrote:

bambi: "i think for ex it's the floofiness, then for bandu's it's the flexiblity."
expunged: "very well. they both understand that i'm hesitant with touch, but i am a bit touch-starved hehe,,, <3"
for everyone: another topic check?

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

bambi: "i think for ex it's the floofiness, then for bandu's it's the flexiblity."
expunged: "very well. they both understand that i'm hesitant with touch, but i am a bit touch-starved hehe,,, <3"
for everyone: another topic check?
dave: "give me something silly/playful about bambi."
bambi: "gimme somethin' flirty/teasy 'bout dave."
expunged: "give me something cozy/cuddly about bendu!!"
bandu: "gimme something playful/goofy about kandi!!"

ps!dave: "give me something silly about haywood and cornwall."
ps!bambi: "give me something goofy 'bout haywood and cornwall."
ps!expunged: "give me something sweet about ps!bandu's origin form."
ps!bandu: "gimme something cuddly about ps!expunged's origin form!!"
"fried rice."

lostsilver wrote:

dave: "give me something silly/playful about bambi."
bambi: "gimme somethin' flirty/teasy 'bout dave."
expunged: "give me something cozy/cuddly about bendu!!"
bandu: "gimme something playful/goofy about kandi!!"

ps!dave: "give me something silly about haywood and cornwall."
ps!bambi: "give me something goofy 'bout haywood and cornwall."
ps!expunged: "give me something sweet about ps!bandu's origin form."
ps!bandu: "gimme something cuddly about ps!expunged's origin form!!"
i had a nap... i think i slept for like an hour?

actually, i guess it's a good time to ask this now, so

for everyone: hydration and nutrition check? hopefully today was kind to you ^^

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

dave: "give me something silly/playful about bambi."
bambi: "gimme somethin' flirty/teasy 'bout dave."
expunged: "give me something cozy/cuddly about bendu!!"
bandu: "gimme something playful/goofy about kandi!!"

ps!dave: "give me something silly about haywood and cornwall."
ps!bambi: "give me something goofy 'bout haywood and cornwall."
ps!expunged: "give me something sweet about ps!bandu's origin form."
ps!bandu: "gimme something cuddly about ps!expunged's origin form!!"
i had a nap... i think i slept for like an hour?

actually, i guess it's a good time to ask this now, so

for everyone: hydration and nutrition check? hopefully today was kind to you ^^
dave: "we're makin' dinner right now! we're having fajitas tonight. today was pretty good to me, hehe."
bambi: "ex and bandu both have lemonade right now. dave and i don't have anything to drink just yet. i feel alright right now, too."
expunged: "i'm feeling good!!"
bandu: "same here!!"

ps!dave: "we're having tacos for dinner. today went well for us so far. ^^"
ps!bambi: "ambrose and i have water, ps!expunged has soda and ps!bandu has juice. today's done me well so far."
ps!expunged: "that weird feeling i had this morning passed finally. i'm feeling okay now. :]"
ps!bandu: "i feel awesome!!! ty for checkin' in on us <33"
for dave: your favorite face to get as a reaction from bambi?
for bambi: what kind of flirty line was the most effective for you when you were just starting to date dave?

qna queue:
expunged: "give me something cozy/cuddly about bendu!!"
bandu: "gimme something playful/goofy about kandi!!"

ps!dave: "give me something silly about haywood and cornwall."
ps!bambi: "give me something goofy 'bout haywood and cornwall."
ps!expunged: "give me something sweet about ps!bandu's origin form."
ps!bandu: "gimme something cuddly about ps!expunged's origin form!!"

Achromalia wrote:

for dave: your favorite face to get as a reaction from bambi?
for bambi: what kind of flirty line was the most effective for you when you were just starting to date dave?

qna queue:
expunged: "give me something cozy/cuddly about bendu!!"
bandu: "gimme something playful/goofy about kandi!!"

ps!dave: "give me something silly about haywood and cornwall."
ps!bambi: "give me something goofy 'bout haywood and cornwall."
ps!expunged: "give me something sweet about ps!bandu's origin form."
ps!bandu: "gimme something cuddly about ps!expunged's origin form!!"
dave: "that smug face i normally do when i'm trying to flirt, hehe. <3"
bambi: "okay- so at one point he said 'i should complain to spotify for not making you this week's hottest single.' and it made me bLUSH SO HARD HAHA--"

NicNock wrote:


lostsilver wrote:

dave: "that smug face i normally do when i'm trying to flirt, hehe. <3"
bambi: "okay- so at one point he said 'i should complain to spotify for not making you this week's hottest single.' and it made me bLUSH SO HARD HAHA--"
that is such a good line, impressive o.o

for expunged: what kinds of comforting conversations do you have with bendu while cuddling, if any?
for bandu: what do you notice is kandi's favorite form of humor? how does she make you laugh, and what is it that makes her laugh?

qna queue:
ps!dave: "give me something silly about haywood and cornwall."
ps!bambi: "give me something goofy 'bout haywood and cornwall."
ps!expunged: "give me something sweet about ps!bandu's origin form."
ps!bandu: "gimme something cuddly about ps!expunged's origin form!!"

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

dave: "that smug face i normally do when i'm trying to flirt, hehe. <3"
bambi: "okay- so at one point he said 'i should complain to spotify for not making you this week's hottest single.' and it made me bLUSH SO HARD HAHA--"
that is such a good line, impressive o.o

for expunged: what kinds of comforting conversations do you have with bendu while cuddling, if any?
for bandu: what do you notice is kandi's favorite form of humor? how does she make you laugh, and what is it that makes her laugh?

qna queue:
ps!dave: "give me something silly about haywood and cornwall."
ps!bambi: "give me something goofy 'bout haywood and cornwall."
ps!expunged: "give me something sweet about ps!bandu's origin form."
ps!bandu: "gimme something cuddly about ps!expunged's origin form!!"
dave: "hehe, thank you!"

expunged: "we have those sweet reassuring conversations about how we both will always be there for eachother <33"
bandu: "she has that like goofy loud funny face type of humor like i do! she likes to do goofy faces at me to make me giggle, and i enjoy doing the same!! i also like to screech at her to make her laugh <3"

lostsilver wrote:

expunged: "we have those sweet reassuring conversations about how we both will always be there for eachother <33"
bandu: "she has that like goofy loud funny face type of humor like i do! she likes to do goofy faces at me to make me giggle, and i enjoy doing the same!! i also like to screech at her to make her laugh <3"
for the ambwells: have y'all ever pranked the other dads? have they ever pranked the two of you?

qna queue:
ps!expunged: "give me something sweet about ps!bandu's origin form."
ps!bandu: "gimme something cuddly about ps!expunged's origin form!!"

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

expunged: "we have those sweet reassuring conversations about how we both will always be there for eachother <33"
bandu: "she has that like goofy loud funny face type of humor like i do! she likes to do goofy faces at me to make me giggle, and i enjoy doing the same!! i also like to screech at her to make her laugh <3"
for the ambwells: have y'all ever pranked the other dads? have they ever pranked the two of you?

qna queue:
ps!expunged: "give me something sweet about ps!bandu's origin form."
ps!bandu: "gimme something cuddly about ps!expunged's origin form!!"
ps!dave: "not yet, but we're thinking of it."
ps!bambi: "yeah. we're thinkin' of doin' one, but we haven't around to it. the haywalls haven't pranked us yet either."
"chocolate ice cream."
gonna go to sleep
will continue qna tomorrow!!
totally lost, i'm drowning with every new tab i create ;o;
"wild rice."
heavy eyes... too tired
4 more days remain and ill be free
i'm hoping that i can organize at least some of this mess

but lately i've been making custom firefox color themes and then coordinating them with my win7 color themes, so... ig i've been occupied with that too ^^;;

so sigma
good morning everyone!!
my body forced me out of bed so i guess im awake now :')

the ashwood-cornbluffs and the ambwell-bandellos all say hi too!!

westtle wrote:

squashy boy

reffty_gag wrote:

westtle wrote:

squashy boy
lol what

also, working on the ps!au animatic and goofy sprites!!! finally got the motivation to try and get more major work done on stuff <3

oh, also reffty, i got your request done ^^
waking up and like... ow what the heck is up with my lungs and organs it kinda hurts

really super interesting dreams though... there is no way i can think of to summarize in a way i think would ever make sense

Achromalia wrote:

ow what the heck is up with my lungs and organs it kinda hurts

really super interesting dreams though... there is no way i can think of to summarize in a way i think would ever make sense
oh noes (;o-o) that doesnt sound very good
it'll be ok hopefully :)
urgh it's like... at the very bottom-right edge/corner, it hurts the more air is in them, but it's probably not the lungs themselves at all, i think it's more like...

i probably slept in a bad position and something got pinched or squeezed inside my body and it wont un-pinch or un-squeeze, it still hurts but it's a little bit dull ^^ i also woke up thinking my heart was hurting and that was weird but... no i dont feel anything wrong with my heart, i wish understood what was happening with me or happening to me

wait no! there's multiple places? there's different places with weird amounts of pressure-- so That's why it felt like it came from my heart, one point like just barely off to the side somewhere up in my chest to my left, it isn't as painful though... so so weird, i'll probably survive and everything though, bc i always get weird little pains, but that was not nice to wake up to!

oh also! proud of you lostie you can do it!! gl with spritework it looks genuinely hard but it is always impressive when you make something with it ;o;

ok lets see... :>

for everyone: food and water? how's breakfast been so far for y'all?

Achromalia wrote:

urgh it's like...
at the very bottom-right edge/corner, it hurts the more air is in them, but it's probably not the lungs themselves at all, i think it's more like...

i probably slept in a bad position and something got pinched or squeezed inside my body and it wont un-pinch or un-squeeze, it still hurts but it's a little bit dull ^^ i also woke up thinking my heart was hurting and that was weird but... no i dont feel anything wrong with my heart, i wish understood what was happening with me or happening to me

wait no! there's multiple places? there's different places with weird amounts of pressure-- so That's why it felt like it came from my heart, one point like just barely off to the side somewhere up in my chest to my left, it isn't as painful though... so so weird, i'll probably survive and everything though, bc i always get weird little pains, but that was not nice to wake up to!

oh also! proud of you lostie you can do it!! gl with spritework it looks genuinely hard but it is always impressive when you make something with it ;o;

ok lets see... :>

for everyone: food and water? how's breakfast been so far for y'all?
hope you're alright man,,, :< but also, ty!! i'll try my best to get something sprite related out today ^^

dave: "we're having breakfast burritos~! i know bandu and expunged absolutely love 'em, hehe!"
bambi: "dave and i have tea, ex and banbon have lemonade. (yes, i just called bandu banbon. :])"
expunged, sleepily: "hehe,,, funny lemon drink,,, <3"
bandu: "lol, ex like just woke up"

ps!dave: "we're having pancakes this morning."
ps!bambi: "mhm. ambrose and i have water, ps!bandu has juice."
ps!bandu: "ps!expunged has been in seir lab all night and this morning... i should go check on sem... i really don't think se has eaten or drank anything either..."
aaaa i hope ps!ex is ok....

for the bandellos: what do you each like to cozily cling/attach to from each other's origin forms when cuddled up together?
i don't know what i want to eat... it's not like there were that many choices, but :/

Achromalia wrote:

aaaa i hope ps!ex is ok....

for the bandellos: what do you each like to cozily cling/attach to from each other's origin forms when cuddled up together?
ps!bandu: "same... the door to seir lab is locked, so i can't even check on sem right now... but as for your question, i like to cling onto seir tail bc se wraps me up in it,, se likes to just cling onto me in general because i'm soft and chubby and nice to hug <3"

*ps!expunged runs into the room and clings onto ps!bandu, squeezing zem tightly*
ps!expunged, blushing slightly: "mmh... i needed that..."
ps!bandu, happily: "sis!! there you are!! are you okay? do you need anything?"
ps!expunged: "mm... i think i just need sleep..."
ps!bandu: "okay... do you want to go take a quick nap?"
ps!expunged: "yeah... i'll be back to answer questions later... i've been up all night stressed, so i think i just need to lay down and not think about it..."
ps!bandu: "okay! i'll see you later sis! i love you so much!!"
ps!expunged: "love you too, kiddo..."

*ps!expunged goes to lay down on the couch. ps!bandu's tail wags slightly now that ze knows ps!expunged is okay, and ze looks up at you, smiling*
ps!bandu: "mm,,, you can still give sem questions, i'll answer for sem ^^"
for everyone: topic check ^^

Achromalia wrote:

for everyone: topic check ^^
dave: "give me something silly about ex's origin form."
bambi: "give me something cuddly 'bout bandu's origin form."
expunged: "give me something cozy about mr. haywood ^^"
bandu: "gimme something silly about bamb!! make it origin form related too please <3"

ps!dave: "mmm... i don't know, just give me something about ps!bandu."
ps!bambi: "gimme somethin' cuddly 'bout ps!expunged."
ps!bandu: "give me something sweet about mr. ambrose and give ps!expunged something sleepy/cozy about mr. cresswell!! i'll answer for sem since se is asleep rn ^^"

also i had goofy interaction and did this ^^

lostsilver wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

JustABeginner wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

expunged: "i would like a headpat please"
headpets and hugs \( ̄︶ ̄*\))
*expunged is very happy <3*
i kinda wanna make a sketch of this now
just your pfp character giving ex headpats hehe
imma do that rq

lostsilver wrote:

also i had goofy interaction and did this ^^

lostsilver wrote:

JustABeginner wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

expunged: "i would like a headpat please"
headpets and hugs \( ̄︶ ̄*\))
*expunged is very happy <3*
i kinda wanna make a sketch of this now
just your pfp character giving ex headpats hehe
imma do that rq

i noticed that in the thread, it was rlly sweet :>

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

also i had goofy interaction and did this ^^

lostsilver wrote:

JustABeginner wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

expunged: "i would like a headpat please"
headpets and hugs \( ̄︶ ̄*\))
*expunged is very happy <3*
i kinda wanna make a sketch of this now
just your pfp character giving ex headpats hehe
imma do that rq

i noticed that in the thread, it was rlly sweet :>
hehehe <33
for ps!expunged: a favor from mister ambrose that you deeply appreciate?
for ps!bandu: an average sleepy night in mister cresswell's arms?

qna queue:
dave: "give me something silly about ex's origin form."
bambi: "give me something cuddly 'bout bandu's origin form."
expunged: "give me something cozy about mr. haywood ^^"
bandu: "gimme something silly about bamb!! make it origin form related too please <3"

ps!dave: "mmm... i don't know, just give me something about ps!bandu."
ps!bambi: "gimme somethin' cuddly 'bout ps!expunged."

Achromalia wrote:

for ps!expunged: a favor from mister ambrose that you deeply appreciate?
for ps!bandu: an average sleepy night in mister cresswell's arms?

qna queue:
dave: "give me something silly about ex's origin form."
bambi: "give me something cuddly 'bout bandu's origin form."
expunged: "give me something cozy about mr. haywood ^^"
bandu: "gimme something silly about bamb!! make it origin form related too please <3"

ps!dave: "mmm... i don't know, just give me something about ps!bandu."
ps!bambi: "gimme somethin' cuddly 'bout ps!expunged."
ps!bandu: "i'll answer for ps!ex cuz se is still asleep. se told me that mr. ambrose cleaned seir lab when se wasn't expecting him to! and for me, a sleepy night with mr. cresswell is just cuddles and maybe a movie if i feel like it <3"
"mineral water."
i fell asleep again...?? hmmn

had more nice dreams, i was someone's mouse companion friend and it got sing-songy and then they asked me not to ask them about their feelings, so i repeated it back to them with a much more soft quiet tone than before, like "...okay :> i will stop asking questions about feelings" and then there was a pause before they seemed to relax and we moved on

i wonder if ps!ex is awake now...

Achromalia wrote:

asleep again...?? had more nice dreams, i was someone's mouse companion friend and it got sing-songy for a moment and then they asked me not to ask them about their feelings, so i repeated it back to them with a much but soft quiet tone than before, like "...okay :> i will stop asking questions about feelings" and then there was a pause before they seemed to relax and we moved on

i wonder if ps!ex is awake now...
ps!bandu: "se is awake now!! :D"
ps!expunged: "hello, hehe... i'm still pretty tired, but it'll pass."
i remember that the song part of the dream was literally just the most badly-improvised thing of whatever came to mind, and it eventually came to a point where i and my human friend were following someone out in like this overpass bridge thingy, with all these cars going by, and then i just pointed all the way over to the horizon of this city in this one part of the song and just went "chapel!" like it was supposed to mean something

but my human friend didn't like it and i think they were uncomfortable, idk what they said... that's probably how it got to the part where they made their request :c it was probably personal so maybe they didnt want to get into it

for ps!dave: what do you like to tell/show people about ps!bandu when referring to and doting on and speaking highly of zem?
for ps!bambi: hmm... what is something you've learned while cuddling with ps!ex? does se cuddle differently with you compared to anyone else?

qna queue:
dave: "give me something silly about ex's origin form."
bambi: "give me something cuddly 'bout bandu's origin form."
expunged: "give me something cozy about mr. haywood ^^"
bandu: "gimme something silly about bamb!! make it origin form related too please <3"

Achromalia wrote:

i remember that the song part of the dream was literally just the most badly-improvised thing of whatever came to mind, and it eventually came to a point where i and my human friend were following someone out in like this overpass bridge thingy, with all these cars going by, and then i just pointed all the way over to the horizon of this city in this one part of the song and just went "chapel!" like it was supposed to mean something

but my human friend didn't like it and i think they were uncomfortable, idk what they said... that's probably how it got to the part where they made their request :c it was probably personal so maybe they didnt want to get into it

for ps!dave: what do you like to tell/show people about ps!bandu when referring to and doting on and speaking highly of zem?
for ps!bambi: hmm... what is something you've learned while cuddling with ps!ex? does se cuddle differently with you compared to anyone else?

qna queue:
dave: "give me something silly about ex's origin form."
bambi: "give me something cuddly 'bout bandu's origin form."
expunged: "give me something cozy about mr. haywood ^^"
bandu: "gimme something silly about bamb!! make it origin form related too please <3"
i see,, that does sound like an interesting dream!!

ps!dave: "i like to tell people about the weird flexibility thing ze has. ze really enjoys showing it to people too! i think it's actually pretty neat! :)"
ps!bambi: "se seems to be more like a 'i want cuddles but try not to touch me too much' kinda person. se likes the cuddles most of time, but sometimes se doesn't really... want anything to do with physical affection. it's kinda strange, but i can understand it, knowin' what se has been through."
i got too carried away,, 50 minutes gone :c and then almost got carried away again

for dave: does ex make any jokes with you about their origin form?
for bambi: what's a memory you have of cuddling with bandu in his origin form?

qna queue:
expunged: "give me something cozy about mr. haywood ^^"
bandu: "gimme something silly about bamb!! make it origin form related too please <3"

Achromalia wrote:

i got too carried away,, 50 minutes gone :c and then almost got carried away again

for dave: does ex make any jokes with you about their origin form?
for bambi: what's a memory you have of cuddling with bandu in his origin form?

qna queue:
expunged: "give me something cozy about mr. haywood ^^"
bandu: "gimme something silly about bamb!! make it origin form related too please <3"
dave: "sometimes! they like to make the joke about being like a cat. they like to say 'well, you know what they say. if i fits, i sits!' i honestly love it, hehe! <3"
bambi: "i remember when bandu cuddled me in his origin form for the first time when that frickin' growth spurt happened. he just picked me up like a cat and just SQUEEZED ME... i honestly loved it so much. it was probably the best cuddle i've ever gotten from bandu. <3"

lostsilver wrote:

dave: "sometimes! they like to make the joke about being like a cat. they like to say 'well, you know what they say. if i fits, i sits!' i honestly love it, hehe! <3"
bambi: "i remember when bandu cuddled me in his origin form for the first time when that frickin' growth spurt happened. he just picked me up like a cat and just SQUEEZED ME... i honestly loved it so much. it was probably the best cuddle i've ever gotten from bandu. <3"
for expunged: what is probably the warmest element of mister haywood's personality in your eyes? what makes you feel safe as a result of that specific personality trait?
for bandu: do you make any jokes with bambi about your origin form? does he make any about it?

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

dave: "sometimes! they like to make the joke about being like a cat. they like to say 'well, you know what they say. if i fits, i sits!' i honestly love it, hehe! <3"
bambi: "i remember when bandu cuddled me in his origin form for the first time when that frickin' growth spurt happened. he just picked me up like a cat and just SQUEEZED ME... i honestly loved it so much. it was probably the best cuddle i've ever gotten from bandu. <3"
for expunged: what is probably the warmest element of mister haywood's personality in your eyes? what makes you feel safe as a result of that specific personality trait?
for bandu: do you make any jokes with bambi about your origin form? does he make any about it?
expunged: "hm... i think for me it's his honesty, his helpfulness/kindness and his friendliness!"
expunged: "and for how they make me feel safe?"
expunged: "for honesty: he's always been open and true to all of us about how he feels or how he sees certain situations. and knowing this, it's helped me build alot of trust for him too. he's honest to himself aswell, always reassuring himself that everything will get better when times are tough. for helpfulness/kindness: he's always there to reach out a helping hand! he brought me and bandu under his wing, and nursed us both back to health with mr. cornwall. he even tried to do the same with kandi, knowing how her parents didn't want her around bandu and i! and finally, for friendliness: it's kind of the same as helpfulness/kindness. he's just such a sweet person to be around! at first, i didn't think he would be who he is with bandu and i, but i was wrong! him and mr. cornwall are some of the friendliest people i've ever met!! sure, mr. cornwall might have some tough skin, but it's just the way he was raised. he took after his father, i assume. but they're both so loving, and i'm always trying to be just as loving back <3"

expunged: "big ramble, but it's okay <333"
bandu: "yeah lol,,, i like to just look at him and say 'i could kick you like a football' or 'are you gonna bite my shins when i least expect it?' and he kinda does the same! he likes to say 'how's the weather up there?' and 'i wanna climb you like a tree' lol... i love him so much <3"

ps!expunged: "also, just thought i'd mention. lostie finished my sprites and put them in the game. you get to see the chart she made specifically for my sprites too. :]"
ps!bandu: "here's the link!! (ft me!!!) she hopes you like them <33"
distracted again :c

lostsilver wrote:

expunged: "hm... i think for me it's his honesty, his helpfulness/kindness and his friendliness!"
expunged: "and for how they make me feel safe?"
expunged: "for honesty: he's always been open and true to all of us about how he feels or how he sees certain situations. and knowing this, it's helped me build alot of trust for him too. he's honest to himself aswell, always reassuring himself that everything will get better when times are tough. for helpfulness/kindness: he's always there to reach out a helping hand! he brought me and bandu under his wing, and nursed us both back to health with mr. cornwall. he even tried to do the same with kandi, knowing how her parents didn't want her around bandu and i! and finally, for friendliness: it's kind of the same as helpfulness/kindness. he's just such a sweet person to be around! at first, i didn't think he would be who he is with bandu and i, but i was wrong! him and mr. cornwall are some of the friendliest people i've ever met!! sure, mr. cornwall might have some tough skin, but it's just the way he was raised. he took after his father, i assume. but they're both so loving, and i'm always trying to be just as loving back <3"

expunged: "big ramble, but it's okay <333"
bandu: "yeah lol,,, i like to just look at him and say 'i could kick you like a football' or 'are you gonna bite my shins when i least expect it?' and he kinda does the same! he likes to say 'how's the weather up there?' and 'i wanna climb you like a tree' lol... i love him so much <3"
i see <3

lostsilver wrote:

ps!expunged: "also, just thought i'd mention. lostie finished my sprites and put them in the game. you get to see the chart she made specifically for my sprites too. :]"
ps!bandu: "here's the link!! (ft me!!!) she hopes you like them <33"
INCREDIBLE.... so expressive and its so good when animated with the music

i have more thoughts on it i swear!! i will maybe expand on this more in another post bc there are a few things i love in particular

for everyone: topic check?

Achromalia wrote:

distracted again :c

lostsilver wrote:

expunged: "hm... i think for me it's his honesty, his helpfulness/kindness and his friendliness!"
expunged: "and for how they make me feel safe?"
expunged: "for honesty: he's always been open and true to all of us about how he feels or how he sees certain situations. and knowing this, it's helped me build alot of trust for him too. he's honest to himself aswell, always reassuring himself that everything will get better when times are tough. for helpfulness/kindness: he's always there to reach out a helping hand! he brought me and bandu under his wing, and nursed us both back to health with mr. cornwall. he even tried to do the same with kandi, knowing how her parents didn't want her around bandu and i! and finally, for friendliness: it's kind of the same as helpfulness/kindness. he's just such a sweet person to be around! at first, i didn't think he would be who he is with bandu and i, but i was wrong! him and mr. cornwall are some of the friendliest people i've ever met!! sure, mr. cornwall might have some tough skin, but it's just the way he was raised. he took after his father, i assume. but they're both so loving, and i'm always trying to be just as loving back <3"

expunged: "big ramble, but it's okay <333"
bandu: "yeah lol,,, i like to just look at him and say 'i could kick you like a football' or 'are you gonna bite my shins when i least expect it?' and he kinda does the same! he likes to say 'how's the weather up there?' and 'i wanna climb you like a tree' lol... i love him so much <3"

i see <3

lostsilver wrote:

ps!expunged: "also, just thought i'd mention. lostie finished my sprites and put them in the game. you get to see the chart she made specifically for my sprites too. :]"
ps!bandu: "here's the link!! (ft me!!!) she hopes you like them <33"
INCREDIBLE.... so expressive and its so good when animated with the music

i have more thoughts on it i swear!! i will maybe expand on this more in another post bc there are a few things i love in particular

for everyone: topic check?
ur okay!! alsooo,, im so happy you like the sprites!!!! im really proud of them eeeeeee <333 and id love to hear your thoughts in the next post too!!! :D

dave: "hm... give me something cute about bambi."
bambi: "gimme somethin' goofy 'bout haywood."
expunged: "mmm,,,, give me something cuddly about ps!bandu :>"
bandu: "gimme something random abt ps!ex!!!"

ps!dave: "i think cresswell and i are done answering questions for right now."
ps!bambi: "yeah, i'm gettin' a bit sleepy, haha."
ps!expunged: "give me something random about bandu ashbluff."
ps!bandu: "gimme something cuddly abt expunged ashbluff please tysmm <33"

lostsilver wrote:

ur okay!! alsooo,, im so happy you like the sprites!!!! im really proud of them eeeeeee <333 and id love to hear your thoughts in the next post too!!! :D
specifically!! your charting abilities feel good, its not like im saying its perfect but some of what you chart goes so well with the actual sprites so it feels very well-arranged :OO

like the individual sprite poses themselves are so unique and NATURAL and readable too (THE WAY PS!EX LOOKS AT PS!BANDU IN THE LEFT-SPRITE IS ADORABLE), and it flows so smoothly, i really like that... the designs of course looked wonderful as they always did


for everyone: hydration? nutrition? what was for dinner? ^^

qna queue:
dave: "hm... give me something cute about bambi."
bambi: "gimme somethin' goofy 'bout haywood."
expunged: "mmm,,,, give me something cuddly about ps!bandu :>"
bandu: "gimme something random abt ps!ex!!!"

ps!dave: "i think cresswell and i are done answering questions for right now."
ps!bambi: "yeah, i'm gettin' a bit sleepy, haha."
ps!expunged: "give me something random about bandu ashbluff."
ps!bandu: "gimme something cuddly abt expunged ashbluff please tysmm <33"

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

ur okay!! alsooo,, im so happy you like the sprites!!!! im really proud of them eeeeeee <333 and id love to hear your thoughts in the next post too!!! :D
specifically!! your charting abilities feel good, its not like im saying its perfect but some of what you chart goes so well with the actual sprites so it feels very well-arranged :OO

like the individual sprite poses themselves are so unique and NATURAL and readable too (THE WAY PS!EX LOOKS AT PS!BANDU IN THE LEFT-SPRITE IS ADORABLE), and it flows so smoothly, i really like that... the designs of course looked wonderful as they always did


for everyone: hydration? nutrition? what was for dinner? ^^

qna queue:
dave: "hm... give me something cute about bambi."
bambi: "gimme somethin' goofy 'bout haywood."
expunged: "mmm,,,, give me something cuddly about ps!bandu :>"
bandu: "gimme something random abt ps!ex!!!"

ps!dave: "i think cresswell and i are done answering questions for right now."
ps!bambi: "yeah, i'm gettin' a bit sleepy, haha."
ps!expunged: "give me something random about bandu ashbluff."
ps!bandu: "gimme something cuddly abt expunged ashbluff please tysmm <33"
HEHEHEHEHEHE TYSMMM,,,, <3333 and yeah, my charting isn't the best, but the more i do it, the better i'll get at it!! :D
also!!! here's the pause music since you seemed curious <3
and i wasnt even planning for ps!ex to look at ps!bandu in the left sprite but omg now that you mention it that is so freaking cute help--

OH ALSO!!!! ive been using incorrect quote generators and im thinking of drawing a few of my faves lol <3

dave: "we had burgers for dinner! (courtesy of bandu, of course.) man, they were good, hehe."
bambi: "mhm. we all had soda tonight."
expunged: "yummy dr pepper <33"
bandu: "i had fanta lol :3"

ps!dave: "we had chicken alfredo tonight, ps!expunged made it. it was really good, haha!"
ps!bambi: "yep. me and ambrose had soda, while ps!expunged had water and ps!bandu had milk, i think."
ps!expunged: "i'm surprised i actually napped today. i still feel tired, but maybe it'll pass if i just wait long enough."
ps!bandu: "no you sickly string bean you need to SLEEP"
yeah!!! <33 its funny that it was accidental but its also so cool lol


ohhh it looks like this is the song? its so cozy/chill...

incorrect quote generator... it was a funny little thing when it first came out, its interesting to see how ppl still use it, idk if it has anything new since i last checked it

for bandu: what are some things you're curious about regarding ps!ex? what do you like to talk about with sem?
for ps!expunged: what's the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of bandu ashbluff? what do you wish you could do more of together with him?

qna queue:
dave: "hm... give me something cute about bambi."
bambi: "gimme somethin' goofy 'bout haywood."
expunged: "mmm,,,, give me something cuddly about ps!bandu :>"

ps!bandu: "gimme something cuddly abt expunged ashbluff please tysmm <33"

Achromalia wrote:

yeah!!! <33 its funny that it was accidental but its also so cool lol


ohhh it looks like this is the song? its so cozy/chill...

incorrect quote generator... it was a funny little thing when it first came out, its interesting to see how ppl still use it, idk if it has anything new since i last checked it

for bandu: what are some things you're curious about regarding ps!ex? what do you like to talk about with sem?
for ps!expunged: what's the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of bandu ashbluff? what do you wish you could do more of together with him?

qna queue:
dave: "hm... give me something cute about bambi."
bambi: "gimme somethin' goofy 'bout haywood."
expunged: "mmm,,,, give me something cuddly about ps!bandu :>"

ps!bandu: "gimme something cuddly abt expunged ashbluff please tysmm <33"
hehehehehe,,,, the sillies,,, <33
thats the one!! and yeah, incorrect quote generators are so fun!!! <33

bandu: "i'm curious about if se has any interests that i have.... i wanna ask sem something about gardening, just to see what se says! i know ps!bandu likes gardening! i like talking to sem about our favorite animals and music btw <3"
ps!expunged: "i think of my bandu when i think of him. they're both carbon copies of eachother, just one's in pain most of the time. (that being ps!bandu.) i really wish i could hang out more with him and expunged ashbluff, but i'm so busy that i never really get the chance..."
sleepy, but i need to organize more...

i think im done with the qna for today,, i wish the haywall-ashbluff and ambwell-bandello families well ^^

Achromalia wrote:

sleepy, but i need to organize more...

i think im done with the qna for today,, i wish the haywall-ashbluff and ambwell-bandello families well ^^
ur ok!!! imma go to sleep anyway,, hehe,,
good night!!! the ashwood-cornbluffs and the ambwell-bandellos wish you well too <3
feeling inattentive...

i wonder where the scoreboard/leaderboard is now...? i'm trying to decide what i want to do with this thread next

initially, i was just going to break the thirteen-month streak with a three-month streak, but... do i want a six-month streak? do i want a nine-month streak again? is there a possibility of making a thirteen-month streak of my own, but better?

...what if i monopolized the point pool of the game for sixteen months...?
3 more days until it happens
...some people needed help but i had no marbles(?) to give them. some buglike insect infantry would land and run through the mall and store with weapons but one of them had an empty magazine and damaged weapons, wandering around with metal beadstrings in their hands... i offer something for them in exchange for a truce

Achromalia wrote:

feeling inattentive...

i wonder where the scoreboard/leaderboard is now...? i'm trying to decide what i want to do with this thread next

initially, i was just going to break the thirteen-month streak with a three-month streak, but... do i want a six-month streak? do i want a nine-month streak again? is there a possibility of making a thirteen-month streak of my own, but better?

...what if i monopolized the point pool of the game for sixteen months...?
"i mean, currently it seems like you're the only one taking this seriously so you probably can. i don't even take this seriously right now so there's really no competition."

westtle wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

...what if i monopolized the point pool of the game for sixteen months...?
"i mean, currently it seems like you're the only one taking this seriously so you probably can. i don't even take this seriously right now so there's really no competition."

i think i primarily wonder now if i want to

really i dont have clear thoughts/opinions one way or the other right now... not yet at least
is the leaderboard still broken :sob::sob:
rubik's cube
good morning everyone!!!
the ashwood=cornbluffs and the ambwell-bandellos all say hi too <33
Sign me up.
This brand is from the hulululu company.
hate to say it, but i told you so

lostsilver wrote:

good morning everyone!!!
the ashwood=cornbluffs and the ambwell-bandellos all say hi too <33
good morning,,,, urrghh waking up is hard to do,,

for everyone: breakfast~ what have y'all had so far? how about water?

my new chrome theme, idk why but i love it


Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

good morning everyone!!!
the ashwood=cornbluffs and the ambwell-bandellos all say hi too <33
good morning,,,, urrghh waking up is hard to do,,

for everyone: breakfast~ what have y'all had so far? how about water?
agh sorry my power went out for a bit-- like right after i made my 'good morning!!' post, my power just went out lol- anyways!!

dave, happily: "pancakes, baby~!"
bambi: "lol. dave and i had tea, ex and bandu had milk."
expunged: "mmm,, strawberry milk my beloved,,, <33"
bandu: "yummy!!"

ps!dave: "we had pancakes aswell, haha!"
ps!bambi: "ambrose and i had water, ps!expunged had juice for the first time in months, and ps!bandu had milk."
ps!expunged, slightly nervous: "surprisingly, i ate, but ps!bandu didn't. i'm not sure why ze didn't, but it's okay. i'm sure ze feels alright. ... hopefully..."

*ps!expunged looks at ps!bandu, worriedly. se tries to ask if zeir okay and if anything happened that caused zem not to eat. ps!bandu notices sem looking at zem and starts getting nervous. ze starts fiddling with zeir claws and looks away*

ps!bandu, nervously: "well, i got sick this morning as soon as i woke up, so i was puking alot... i didn't want to try and eat anything, cuz i knew it would just come back up if i tried... i'm sure that by lunch-time i'll probably feel better... right...?"
for dave: when do you like to nuzzle with bambi?
for bambi: is there something strange mister haywood does that makes you laugh?

qna queue:
expunged: "mmm,,,, give me something cuddly about ps!bandu :>"

ps!bandu: "gimme something cuddly abt expunged ashbluff please tysmm <33"

Achromalia wrote:

for dave: when do you like to nuzzle with bambi?
for bambi: is there something strange mister haywood does that makes you laugh?

qna queue:
expunged: "mmm,,,, give me something cuddly about ps!bandu :>"

ps!bandu: "gimme something cuddly abt expunged ashbluff please tysmm <33"
dave: "i like nuzzling with him when he's sitting on the couch and/or laying down. i really like the feeling of his hair, and i'm basically the only that he lets touch his hair, haha!"
bambi: "he likes to just... take my hand, spin me around, stare at me for a sec, then boop my nose and run away like a goblin. and i frickin' LOVE IT LOL--"

lostsilver wrote:

dave: "i like nuzzling with him when he's sitting on the couch and/or laying down. i really like the feeling of his hair, and i'm basically the only that he lets touch his hair, haha!"
bambi: "he likes to just... take my hand, spin me around, stare at me for a sec, then boop my nose and run away like a goblin. and i frickin' LOVE IT LOL--"
for expunged: what's something you're reminded of while cuddling w ps!bandu?
for ps!bandu: what does it feel like to cuddle with expunged ashbluff?

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

dave: "i like nuzzling with him when he's sitting on the couch and/or laying down. i really like the feeling of his hair, and i'm basically the only that he lets touch his hair, haha!"
bambi: "he likes to just... take my hand, spin me around, stare at me for a sec, then boop my nose and run away like a goblin. and i frickin' LOVE IT LOL--"
for expunged: what's something you're reminded of while cuddling w ps!bandu?
for ps!bandu: what does it feel like to cuddle with expunged ashbluff?
expunged: "it reminds me of how lucky i am to still even be here. cuddling with anyone reminds me of that. if it weren't for bandu, mr. haywood and mr. cornwall, i wouldn't even be alive. i appreciate them all for being here for me <3"
ps!bandu: "it feels really really nice!!! it makes me feel so warm and soft and fuzzy inside and mmMMGH I LOVE IT AAAA"


goofy comic idea :3
bandu: a website asks me 'are you a girl, are you a boy, or would you prefer not to say?' and im like 'nah, im a cheeseburger'
expunged: well, you are what you eat
bandu, smiling: what??--
dave: well then i'd be pasta!
bambi: i'd be corn lol.
dave: what would expunged be?
bandu: the air
expunged: huh??--
bandu: you dont eat anything, therefore you are the air
expunged: im just flowing through the wind,,, no wait, i AM the wind.. I AM THE STORM THAT IS APPROACHING
bandu, laughing: OKAY WAIT SLOW DOWN WHAT--
Aspire V maps are insanely good.

lostsilver wrote:

goofy comic idea :3
bandu: a website asks me 'are you a girl, are you a boy, or would you prefer not to say?' and im like 'nah, im a cheeseburger'
expunged: well, you are what you eat
bandu, smiling: what??--
dave: well then i'd be pasta!
bambi: i'd be corn lol.
dave: what would expunged be?
bandu: the air
expunged: huh??--
bandu: you dont eat anything, therefore you are the air
expunged: im just flowing through the wind,,, no wait, i AM the wind.. I AM THE STORM THAT IS APPROACHING
bandu, laughing: OKAY WAIT SLOW DOWN WHAT--
:p this is so nostalgic lolll

for everyone: topic check?? :O

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

goofy comic idea :3
bandu: a website asks me 'are you a girl, are you a boy, or would you prefer not to say?' and im like 'nah, im a cheeseburger'
expunged: well, you are what you eat
bandu, smiling: what??--
dave: well then i'd be pasta!
bambi: i'd be corn lol.
dave: what would expunged be?
bandu: the air
expunged: huh??--
bandu: you dont eat anything, therefore you are the air
expunged: im just flowing through the wind,,, no wait, i AM the wind.. I AM THE STORM THAT IS APPROACHING
bandu, laughing: OKAY WAIT SLOW DOWN WHAT--
:p this is so nostalgic lolll

for everyone: topic check?? :O
the goobers are goobing again hehehe,,, gonna actually draw that at some point lol

dave: "hm... i don't know. just give me something random about bambi."
bambi: "gimme somethin' random 'bout dave."
expunged: "give me something video game related about bandu <3"
bandu: "gimme something food related abt ex!!"

ps!dave: "mm... i don't know... give me something about cresswell, i suppose."
ps!bambi: "yeah, just gimme somethin' 'bout ambrose."
ps!expunged: "give me something silly and lab related about ps!bandu, please. i think it may help with me feeling a bit stressed today."
ps!bandu: "gimme something cozy and flower related about ps!expunged, please!!!"
for dave: what are some iconic "experiments" bambi has roped you into (ideas he had for doing something crazy or dumb but super funny), if any?
for bambi: what are some conversations you love to have with dave over a meal with each other?

qna queue:
expunged: "give me something video game related about bandu <3"
bandu: "gimme something food related abt ex!!"

ps!dave: "mm... i don't know... give me something about cresswell, i suppose."
ps!bambi: "yeah, just gimme somethin' 'bout ambrose."
ps!expunged: "give me something silly and lab related about ps!bandu, please. i think it may help with me feeling a bit stressed today."
ps!bandu: "gimme something cozy and flower related about ps!expunged, please!!!"

Achromalia wrote:

for dave: what are some iconic "experiments" bambi has roped you into (ideas he had for doing something crazy or dumb but super funny), if any?
for bambi: what are some conversations you love to have with dave over a meal with each other?

qna queue:
expunged: "give me something video game related about bandu <3"
bandu: "gimme something food related abt ex!!"

ps!dave: "mm... i don't know... give me something about cresswell, i suppose."
ps!bambi: "yeah, just gimme somethin' 'bout ambrose."
ps!expunged: "give me something silly and lab related about ps!bandu, please. i think it may help with me feeling a bit stressed today."
ps!bandu: "gimme something cozy and flower related about ps!expunged, please!!!"
dave: "he once had the idea to do something really dangerous, of which i don't remember what thing it was. but i do remember him saying 'i think houdini did something like this once... why, if recall correctly, he was out of the hospital in no time!' and then i looked him right in the eyes, no emotion, and said 'well, that's encouraging.' makes me laugh when i think about it now, haha!"
bambi: "just random stuff we've learned about the kids, what we mean to eachother, maybe a few jokes/puns here and there, y'know. the usual. :]"
for ps!expunged: what are some fun activities or little games ps!bandu plays together with you in the lab? would there be any equipment that you both mess around with for fun/comfort?
for ps!bandu: what sorts of flowers did ps!ex seem fixated on? what were some gentle sensations you both mutually noticed when showing sem the garden? were there any especially aromatic flower scents you both liked?

qna queue:
expunged: "give me something video game related about bandu <3"
bandu: "gimme something food related abt ex!!"

ps!dave: "mm... i don't know... give me something about cresswell, i suppose."
ps!bambi: "yeah, just gimme somethin' 'bout ambrose."

Achromalia wrote:

for ps!expunged: what are some fun activities or little games ps!bandu plays together with you in the lab? would there be any equipment that you both mess around with for fun/comfort?
for ps!bandu: what sorts of flowers did ps!ex seem fixated on? what were some gentle sensations you both mutually noticed when showing sem the garden? were there any especially aromatic flower scents you both liked?

qna queue:
expunged: "give me something video game related about bandu <3"
bandu: "gimme something food related abt ex!!"

ps!dave: "mm... i don't know... give me something about cresswell, i suppose."
ps!bambi: "yeah, just gimme somethin' 'bout ambrose."
ps!expunged: "well, ze has this one little game where ze takes some paper, draws something on it, then has me guess what it is. ze won't show me until i guess. if i guess correctly, ze boops my nose. however, if i get it wrong, ze ruffles my hair. now, with experiments? i suppose you could count us testing how many cuddles we could both take until we chicken out as an experiment."
ps!bandu: "i noticed that out of all flowers we've seen, se seemed the most fixated on the lantanas and the cherry blossoms! the gentle breeze flowing through our hair as i held seir hand walking sem through the garden was the sensation that we both loved about it. and our favorite flower scents are azalea and sweet pea <33"


ehehehe >:)
bandu wakes up in the middle of the night thirsty and goes downstairs to the kitchen. he then turns the light on to see expunged sitting at the counter eating donuts. bandu and expunged make eye contact with eachother for a brief moment, before bandu says 'it's 4 in the morning, why are you up so late?' expunged stands there for a second before saying 'i'm getting my dose of food for the day. now turn the light back off'
for ps!dave: were there any personal challenging insecurities you've been slowly growing from or overcoming thanks to mister cresswell?
for ps!bambi: what are some experiences that you had that you feel mister ambrose has understood better than anyone?

qna queue:
expunged: "give me something video game related about bandu <3"
bandu: "gimme something food related abt ex!!"

Achromalia wrote:

for ps!dave: were there any personal challenging insecurities you've been slowly growing from or overcoming thanks to mister cresswell?
for ps!bambi: what are some experiences that you had that you feel mister ambrose has understood better than anyone?

qna queue:
expunged: "give me something video game related about bandu <3"
bandu: "gimme something food related abt ex!!"
ps!dave: "well, i've always been insecure about wearing glasses... but cresswell has really helped me feel better about it."
ps!bambi: "i... hm... i'm not sure, actually..."

lostsilver wrote:

ps!dave: "well, i've always been insecure about wearing glasses... but cresswell has really helped me feel better about it."
ps!bambi: "i... hm... i'm not sure, actually..."
for expunged: what are some video games that bandu specializes in? when playing with him, what do you think has made him have the most fun?
for bandu: what's something you love making for ex that ex will always eat?
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