As the usage of extended sliders become more and more common throughout mapping in standard, it quickly becomes apparent that a major time-consumer while hitsounding is silencing slider ends.
By definition, extended sliders are sliders that emulate a sort of mania-style "long note", where the note is held until the next clickable beat. Usually, this means that the sliders are 3/4 or 5/4 of a beat, but some may be longer, extending for full measures or more, and some are even 1/2 with the next slider starting on a blue tick.
The reason these should be "silenced" (setting a timing point on the end to 5% volume) is because of the extra hitsound that the extended slider end will cause, indicating a beat that isn't really there. Therefore, as mentioned before, the mapper must set a timing point to 5% volume on the slider end and another one with the original volume on the next hitobject.
That's a lot of ctrl+shift+P's
With this program, the hardest part is finding your .osu file within your songs folder. The rest is just knowing what kind of song you're mapping and clicking a few times.
Java version 1.7 or above required!
Once downloaded and extracted, make sure SliderCreator.jar and files are in the same directory
Once downloaded and extracted, make sure SliderCreator.jar and files are in the same directory
- Open the program by double-clicking the .jar file
- Navigate to your osu! folder, songs folder, then the map folder of the map you want to apply this on
- Select the difficulty you want to apply this on
- Choose from the options provided (will default to Normal Time if no radio buttons are selected)
- Completed, enjoy being lazy.
- Run command prompt (Windows key -> 'cmd' -> Enter)
- Navigate to the directory that the downloads are in ("cd C:\Users\your username on your pc\..." -> Enter)
- Type "java -jar "SliderEnd Silencer".jar" -> Enter (where SliderEnd Silencer is in quotation marks)
- It should now run. If not, you probably don't have the latest version of java