REJECTEDDarling Dance - Will accept, but i think this map has some consistency issues you should work on, regarding the density of the first chorus since the buildup had denser LN structure overall and also its contrast to the second chorus, although i see changing mapping style as a concept i dont think i necessarily agree with it since first and second chorus in particular dont have any musical differences. Where such gimmicks such as changing mapping style imo fit more in songs where there are added elements like where in third chorus the intensity is bigger so therefore its warranted...
Hollow - Generally its not that i dont think i can mod it, its that i just disagree with the maps concept and what its trying to do. The difficulty spike although warranted i think the rest of the chart can be mapped in a more creative way to compensate and not have it be so straightforward and easy.
Off the Hook - Wow this map is so cool, ill see how i can help.
αzalea - Although i think its a solid chart i do have some issues regarding sound representation and general lack of contrast on the first chorus, and its representation of the piano. Which is the main instrument that youve been following through the whole chart.
Ice Angel - Sorry, ig maybe a preference thing but im not a fan of rice maps especially if its 5 minutes of js.
Body F10ating in the Zero Gravity Space - Cool chart i can help out with it. Only big issue i think is that the last chorus is kinda overcharted imo especially from 04:17:790 to 04:20:613. I will only take the top diff.
Apotheosis - Please check preferences, i really dont find anything interesting about 5 minutes of handstreams.
NIGHTMARE † CITY - Sorry im not good at modding dump, especially at this difficulty, tho im confident some of those inverse timings are illegal in most countries :/.
Sendan Life - Please check preferences

, overall its just jacks. More attention should be given to representing music in various vays such as making single or double jacks depending on active instruments. Huge issues with anchors on top difficulty id suggest polishing and overall trying to make more interesting concepts for the map.
This concludes the queue for now it will reopen once im done with modding ty.