
Lost some of my skill after only a 4-month long break

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Hallo, I *tried* to return to osu!mania after taking a break since late march to late june.

I used to be able to play maps 4.3-5* (with mostly A or S-ranks) and now I can (sometimes) barely FC a 3*.
I don't really know what to do, but I noticed that it might be because of my shitty stamina and my wrist getting sore(?) quickly.

I'll gladly use any tips for getting good at the game again.
4 months is actually a lot of time so your situation is understandable. What i would recommend is that you just need to relearn everything, because you already have the muscle memory for them so the process would be fast compared to just starting out.

Dont push yourself to get to the level where you used to be. I would say take your time playing, it will eventually come back or you might even surpass it.

Play lower star maps, ones you are comfortable with and know you can get an FC on. This builds up consistency which you will be needing in higher difficulty maps.

Mindset. Always be positive and not be discouraged just because you became terrible after a break. This will affect your enjoyment to the game.

Have fun, always.

That is all from me hopefully it can help you, so yeah.

Nyx_2023 wrote:

I don't really know what to do, but I noticed that it might be because of my shitty stamina and my wrist getting sore(?) quickly.
My hands felt all stiff & slow when i started playing mania again after a year or so. It just takes a bit of time for the hands to get used to it. Other than that, person above hit the nail on the head.
-Crazy Frog
Well yeah... you didn't play for 4 months... what were you expecting? luckily for you muscle memory exists so you'll get back to your usual skill level if you play consistently again (this applies to all things)
i took a year and a half off of the game and i got back relatively fast (2 months lol) if i can make a comeback you definitely can too

edit: just saw your recent plays see you have gotten back super fast already XD
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