
Poll 17: Why do you map?

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Why do you map?

Because i want a Ranked map of a song i like.
Because i want to get known.
Because i want to challenge the top players.
Because i want to express myself artistically.
Total votes: 161
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Garven i just wanted to say i love your maps

Stefan wrote:

Andrea wrote:

All of you should buy a tablet.
Honestly, it's a money waste. For me.

So why do I map?

I map because I love to do it, it makes fun and yeah xD and when I like the song I have to map it ^^

Garven wrote:

D33d wrote:

I have to ask about the last point. How often do you cringe at your old stuff? As I still haven't ranked my first proper attempt, going back to it is going to be a huge cringe fest.
Sometimes it's a constant cringe. But you know what? I still have fond memories of making the difficulty and meeting/talking with all the people while trying to get it ranked, so I still enjoy it - ugliness and all.
I feel the same way. I'm probably going to keep 'Windowlicker' as it is, because it's nice to look back at where I was and also to retain what was the result of lots of questions and criticism. Of course, if I could bring myself to add Charles' timings to every difficulty, then I'd actually get the ball rolling posthaste. Maybe even push for a rank again.

That's probably another important reason for why I prefer to map, rather than play. It becomes more possible for me to share ideas and work with people and it puts me in a good position to help others quite thoroughly. I'm able to go through maps at my leisure and experiment with ideas, while also doing things which help my musicality. Learning to use a limited set of sounds with different patterns opens up a world of creative ideas and I love to map for that reason alone.
I have no ranked map, but I really love to map because of two points.
Firstly, I think that mapping is reaaaaally fun! Seeing the progress from the map is just so nice.
Secondly, I want to express myself artistically. Since I am a little perfectionist, I am mapping symmetrically like, all the time xD I try to make a map look good while (more or less) containing the flow.
I map because the game itself is really boring...

I would pick two of those available options on the poll, I had to pick one of these two but whatever. These are:

Because i want to express myself artistically aaaaaand because i want a Ranked map of a song i like.

I map because it's very fun for me, I mostly use mapping as a way to express myself artistically like I do when I draw stuff. I also map to give players more "options" of songs when they want something different to play (with this I'm reffering that I map songs that nobody ranked. I like to introduce new stuff into osu! for everyone). That's pretty much it.
I map because... well, usually when I listen to the song, I can 'see' the notes mapped to it

And when I see it can be a good map, I usually try mapping it

Sometimes it's just for fun and nothing else (e.g. big money, rainbow tylenol)
I like watching replays of others playing my map, and that is why I map.

Though, I don't know why I star----- oh right, one of my older friend made me to.
Mapping is fun, and it become even better when you see people enjoying it.

NatsumeRin wrote:

Mapping is fun, and it become even better when you see people enjoying it.
Pretty much.

BeatofIke wrote:

One day, I just decided to go to Youtube to watched random Touhou videos. Eventually, i ended up watching a fan-made touhou opening. I couldn't stop watching the video, because I love the video and the song so much XD. Therefore, I attempted to map this song (this time for ranking), since there was none at the time. About 2.5 months of hardship and 4 months of mapping experience, I finally managed to get my first map ranked!
I'm quite happy to have ranked this map, then. Good to hear it's appreciated.

SapphireGhost wrote:

I'm quite happy to have ranked this map, then. Good to hear it's appreciated.
Thanks again SapphireGhost! I feel proud! :D
I map because my English is poor. :o
So I started mapping to get to know how foreigners use English in reality. to study in the classes isn't enough at all :cry:

The fun parts of mapping in my opinion are about 3-4 things that I can conclude
1) get to know new friends , this helps me practice my English to communicate properly pretty much. lol
2) consult all about technical and subjective stuffs that people are inclined to do the same.
(All related about replying what fixes and non-fixes in my own maps/guest diffs)
3) map the song what I like, I can't map if I don't like the song in the first place. (I think almost everyone tends to think like this) :P
4) watch replay from test playing/score board to see how far people can go by using any additional mods.
I am fun to watch players play my maps. Even they like or hate, Just to see they play is enough for me. 8-)

so the purpose why I map is my English was bad, seems to make sense lol
Kirino Kousaka
I map because it is fun. Also picked the first choice. :3
it has come to my understanding lately that the true reason I map is that I'm a sadist who enjoys watching others suffer
that is, play my maps
Snowy Dream
Both for fun and for ranked :3
I want to share the music with others, enjoy it together.

Blue Dragon wrote:

I map because... well, usually when I listen to the song, I can 'see' the notes mapped to it

And when I see it can be a good map, I usually try mapping it

Sometimes it's just for fun and nothing else (e.g. big money, rainbow tylenol)
You read my mind :3

Blue Dragon wrote:

well, usually when I listen to the song, I can 'see' the notes mapped to it

And when I see it can be a good map, I usually try mapping it
yeah, this, probably the best reason why i'm mapping too lol

Blue Dragon wrote:

I map because... well, usually when I listen to the song, I can 'see' the notes mapped to it

And when I see it can be a good map, I usually try mapping it

Sometimes it's just for fun and nothing else (e.g. big money, rainbow tylenol)
Maybe this can explain one of my reasons why i'm mapping too.

dkun wrote:

I map for the sake of mapping. I enjoy songs I map, and I enjoy the maps I make.

It's fun, and that's what matters. 8-) (I picked other)
dkun, high five \o/
When i think i was bad at mapping at the start..

Now i'm mapping real insane and cool maps, but i don't officially upload them until they're fully done.
Wich is better. :)

Getting ranked will be good, and getting known as a good mapper is a dream i will realize.
I try to map songs I like that aren't ranked, get so far, and then just give up after a while :/ Part of me also wants to become known for mapping lol.

Perhaps one of these days I'll actually finish a map.
answer : Because I have nothing to do
Other : Making osu! to become more popular with famous songs playable on the game :D
I should've came here early... It's exicting to map in first time, but it gets bored when you map too much. It gets exicting to map again when you haven't mapped for ages.
I got nothing to do...
and no one mapping music/song I like, so I try to make them and failed 8-)
I just want my favorite songs ranked, at least I try to do it. :)
i want to increase the difficulty one player can pass through making super hard maps.

Philippines wrote:

i want to increase the difficulty one player can pass through making super hard maps.
To troll people by making as many shitty maps of shitty Digimon songs as I could. :roll:
Because i want a Ranked map of a song i like and other.
I map -
  1. for fun
  2. i like music
  3. i like song
for shits and giggles why fucking else
That wasn't really necessary, you know what I mean.
That was just a way of saying "for fun". There is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Blue Dragon wrote:

That was just a way of saying "for fun". There is absolutely nothing wrong with it.
Are you allowed to swear in forum?
I would say all these answer.
Mapping is a great way to remove stress
the reason why i'm mapping is to make people happy, well i don't have many experience about mapping. but i will try harder

i don't like to be popular just because mapping, i just want my creation will make people happy.

not aiming to be famous
not aiming for ranked maps

always be happy for mapping :D

CDFA wrote:

I map because I'm bored as shit.
Because i want to express myself artistically. And because i want to challenge people
A Tame Wolf
I don't map but I would like to start because i want people to enjoy what I create.
I would need help starting out.
Would anyone like to help me out?
i just do it so i can make my own beatmaps, wish i knew how to use my own music instead of the music made my suggested artists
Baxter RM
a little late to add my opinion

I have mapped songs because I am sure there might be other people that like the same songs I like
I map songs for everyone not just myself
I want people to be able to enjoy their favorite songs
that is why I map songs

all of mine are japanese songs or korean
oh hey im late too brother

i map mainly for expression, and for the songs i love.

as of now, i'm mainly mapping one artist (though i guess im beginning to open up to other artists now). the artist uses themes which i appreciate, and i try to incorporate them into my mapping. for instance, their latest album laments on the practice of literary and musical plagiarism. i express this by looking at the famous maps when osu! gained popularity such as Highscore, a few modern maps, a few graveyard maps, and a few of my own maps. i copy ideas from those maps and blatantly copy then into the maps of the album.

i've done this two other times (one is a double-album with references of my own accross mapsets, and the other is a loosely selected set of beatmaps which try to relive my experience as a player by replicating styles from 2 years ago, but that last one is still pretty fresh with just one song on the list) but all of them are incomplete, because i cannot push myself.

this looks so self gratifying of a post hahah... if it comes across like that, nothing i can do to change your mind

anyway, that's my idea of expression. it's reliant on reference and context, so i doubt if all of them become appreciated, more so for the same reasons. also, i don't strictly implement this as i sound. i'd say it's an expression for mappers rather than for players. actually, maybe it's all just for myself.
[ Sebastian ]
I map, or at least attempt to map in Catch so that I can create something that other people could play and enjoy.

I think I'm actually close to finding that spark that makes me competent in mapping enough to get a Catch map ranked.
PP grind
cuz it makes funnnn
[TCD] Dzar03
I want to make good maps from the songs I loved decently and introduce them to my friend, pushing it ranked so that it got recognized and people can enjoy it
And because it's fun XD
exploring music
Taiko player here. There are many motivations to map. You see, I like to map nutty maps for fun. Recently even, nutty maps because I want to know how strong players fare against them. Ranking a map might be a long term goal, but I'll stick to the firsts for starters.

But lately I came back to the game after like 3+ years and noticed something. That every type of maps existing today actually are pitch based. Pitch based drums? I don't think it works that way (in actuality it does work that way in a way), but thing is every other types are pretty much extinct. I don't really know what they are, but it felt so. Except for following the drums. Taiko is actually quite free imo, it's so free you can make it work even without following the song. There are so much things that works and you just need to make the consistency. From there, you can use the song as a reference and there are certain follow points that could be considered as 'the soul' of the song and it's not the vocal, nor the drums.

In reality though, pitch is king, and that's how the world agreed to map Taiko, or so I heard. It's a shame that the long history of Taiko-ing actually went down the drain pretty much. All that I said was sentiment based, but it rooted from this next statement. I felt that too many modern maps nowadays felt so very soulless. I'll be fair, I still relate to a very few maps mapped by certain mappers. If you're reading this, a Taiko hitting warrior, I'll tell you that since pitch is what it's all about. Maps has felt more balanced (diff wise), a lot are boring, and you're following the pitch. Not really representing the song.

Some people would say that I ignored the pitch, and respect to Jarvis for pointing out my mistakes and made good notes out of my map at some point. But know this. Pitch might be what's going on during the time, but sometimes there are something more significant and you're ignoring it. There's no real way to map Taiko and that, in my opinion is a just fact. Please engrave your soul into your maps. Everybody listens to the vocals, and some the drums too. But in reality, a song is way beyond those, and so is your own spirit.

Hence, this problem gave rise to my greatest motivation yet. I just want to make something fun and memorable.
Because mapping is fun
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