
[STD 3v3] Mod Mains Showdown (5k - 50k) [CONCLUDED]

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  1. International tournament
  2. Rank range 5k - 50k
  3. This tournament will NOT be badged
  4. Format 3v3, maximum team size 6, minimum team size 3
    1. Each team MUST have at least one NM, HD, and HR player
    2. The makeup of the team past this rule doesn't matter (i.e. a team can have 4 NM players, 1 HD player, and 1 HR player, as long as the HD and HR players are always playing)
  5. ScoreV2, double elimination, Qualifiers into Round of 32

Team Register | Free Agent Sign-up | Staff

  1. Every player MUST be in the Discord server to participate!
  2. You MUST be locked in as either a NM, HD, or HR player.
  3. Free Agents must fill out the Free Agent Sign-up form to be officially listed as a free agent.
    1. Staff will NOT form teams from Free Agents.
  4. Staff cannot participate in the tournament.
  5. All players must be within the rank range when registrations close.
  6. Staff reserve the right to screen any player at their discretion.
  7. After initial screening results are released, teams have 48 hours to submit replacements for their screened players and have them approved by staff.
  8. All team names must be appropriate.
    1. Team names must be 25 characters or less (including spaces) for bancho.

Qualifiers Procedure

  1. Team captains will sign up for a qualifier lobby after registration and screening concludes.
  2. The referee for your lobby will send invites 5-10 minutes before the scheduled time.
  3. There is a buffer of 5-10 minutes after the scheduled time before the referee starts NM1.
  4. All maps will be played in order.
  5. If your team is late for the first few maps, the ref may allow you to replay them after the last map.
  6. If a player on your team disconnects 15 seconds into the map, that player may replay after the last map. This rule only applies once per team.
  7. Nuanced decisions will be left to the referee’s discretion.
  8. Seeding will be based on average placement.

Match Procedure

  1. The referee for your match will send invites 5-10 minutes before the scheduled time.
  2. There is a buffer of 10 minutes after the scheduled time before the missing team automatically forfeits.
    1. Missing = the team doesn't have at least 1 NM, HD, and HR player available to play
    2. If both teams are missing, they may reschedule as long as it is the same weekend. If unable to do so, both teams will receive an automatic forfeit.
  3. Reschedule requests should be made at least 24 hours before match time to ensure a referee is available.
  4. In the case that neither team can agree on a time, the match may remain at the default time or you may DM the host/co-host to schedule a time that works best.
    1. The staff team will try our best to give out reasonable default schedules.
  5. No warmups will be permitted.
  6. Captains will roll.
    1. Winner of the roll decides either the pick order or the ban order
    2. Loser of the roll decides the leftover choice
  7. Bans will be in ABBA order
    1. 1 ban in RO32 and RO16
    2. 2 bans in Quarter-finals and onwards
  8. Teams have 90 seconds to ban a map, and forfeit that ban if the timer runs out.
  9. Teams have 90 seconds to pick a map, and give that pick to their opponent if the timer runs out.
  10. Teams have 90 seconds to make roster changes and ready up after a map has been selected.
  11. In case of a disconnection, the map may be replayed if it happens 30 seconds in. This rule only applies once per team.
  12. Each team may use a 2 minute timeout once per match.
  13. In the TB map, players must use their assigned mods.
  14. Nuanced decisions will be left to the referee’s discretion.

Mappool structure


(6.2*): 9 FM


(5.8*, best of 9, 1 ban): 11 FM 1 TB


(6.0*, best of 9, 1 ban): 11 FM 1 TB


(6.2*, best of 11, 2 bans): 15 FM 1 TB


(6.4*, best of 11, 2 bans): 15 FM 1 TB


(6.6*, best of 13, 2 bans): 17 FM 1 TB


(6.8*, best of 13, 2 bans): 17 FM 1 TB

Player Regs: 4/28/2024 - 5/24/2024
Qualifiers: 5/31/2024 - 6/3/2024
Round of 32: 6/7/2024 - 6/10/2024
Round of 16: 6/14/2024 - 6/17/2024
Quarter-finals: 6/21/2024 - 6/24/2024
Semi-finals: 6/28/2024 - 7/1/2024
Finals: 7/5/2024 - 7/8/2024
Grand Finals: 7/12/2024 - 7/15/2024

First place: 4 months of osu!supporter + Profile Banner
Second place: 2 months of osu!supporter + Profile Banner
Third place: 1 month of osu!supporter + Profile Banner

Shoutout to _Kuwumi_ for the idea, June Journament for the tournament outline, and Ari's Ultimate Showdown for much of the stylistic choices.
this guy is THE goat.
Topic Starter
Schedule has been updated with the dates for registration and brackets. Staff that are still needed include: Referees, Playtesters, Replayers, and Commenatators. Thank you to all players and staff who have joined!
#1 tournament and sandwich maker
do i meet reqs?
banger idea
Stupid Femboy
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