CutieTeal, CookieLoa, and Higure Ragtags <3 Sylliant Has some of the coolest unique (for 5 digits) scores mroza12 RACE CAR MathAlpha24 Tournament co-host and pooling partner Bubble998 Used to be my rival but he got too good for me yimasu Basically my employer I playtest for him whenever he needs it
Favorite mappers
val0108 pho Luscent Down Meg Hey lululu (lu^3) DeviousPanda Akali evth
100% medal completion Get 4 Digit in every game mode Pass Because Maybe! Pt. 2 - Achieved May 15th, 2024 (A rank!!) Get on US team for 5WC Get on Virginia team for 5USC Win a tournament
MILESTONES: 100pp play - I forgot but I think it was on Twintail Dreamer! Insane diff (nomod). I was so happy to set this play, I had been trying to get an FC on it for a super long time and I didn't even know it was worth 100pp.
200pp play - Kyun Kyun Tamaran Lunatic diff (nomod). Very bad map, was not proud of this as my first 200.
300pp play - Last Goodbye Determination Diff (nomod). I got this when I was 6 digit and it got me into 5 digit really easily.
After my first 300, I did something really stupid and I got restricted, so these scores are wiped now :/
400pp play - Laugh it up, Roll with it!. I got this map randomly recommended to me by Tillerino some random play session late at night and got a pretty good run on it so I've been practicing it ever since and finally got an FC.
500pp play - 600pp play - 700pp play - 800pp play - 900pp play - 1000pp play -