I love how I am able to read the hiragana and kanji very well in your sentence but then there is this in katakana "フリガナ". I still have not learned katakana ;-;keremaru wrote:
Manishh wrote:
I love how I am able to read the hiragana and kanji very well in your sentence but then there is this in katakana "フリガナ". I still have not learned katakana ;-;keremaru wrote:
Patatitta wrote:
look I like anime but i'm not a masochist
Why have you learned Kanji but not KatakanaManishh wrote:
I love how I am able to read the hiragana and kanji very well in your sentence but then there is this in katakana "フリガナ". I still have not learned katakana ;-;keremaru wrote:
um you know um, you know uh, katakana is annoyingYmir wrote:
Why have you learned Kanji but not KatakanaManishh wrote:
I love how I am able to read the hiragana and kanji very well in your sentence but then there is this in katakana "フリガナ". I still have not learned katakana ;-;keremaru wrote:
if u know hiragana then katakana is easier than hiragana tbhManishh wrote:
um you know um, you know uh, katakana is annoyingYmir wrote:
Why have you learned Kanji but not KatakanaManishh wrote:
I love how I am able to read the hiragana and kanji very well in your sentence but then there is this in katakana "フリガナ". I still have not learned katakana ;-;keremaru wrote:
H-HENTAIGANA? >///<keremaru wrote:
Yeah i know, kanji can be difficult to learn, but personally, i have learned a language before, so a third won't hurt, i think. Also i am applying a learning technique i used to not forget things through time, it is called: flashcard method, but maybe you know it already.Ymir wrote:
I don't really study it because I don't want to learn Kanji, but I do speak it from time to time in VC with friends. I do hope I get the motivation to study it one day so I can have more suitable vocabulary, but I don't plan on being fluent.
Maybe it is just your studying method, don't be discouraged by the nowadays immediate culture, yeah, maybe it will take years, but you need to love the process of learning either japanese or chinese.Reyalp51 wrote:
one of the hardest to learn, if i had the skill i would rather learn mandarin
wow, i personally like the hearing part, i almost understand anything while watching anime and listening to music.Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:
I grab it and drop it. Focusing more on listening comprehension.
So cool Kobold, something i would not understand at first sight, but thanks to a friend, i kinda know the true meaning, packed with history and culture about the japanese language. Omigoto-Kobold84 wrote:
Manishh wrote:
I had intended on creating the exact thread about a week ago but during my search in finding OT! individual who are already studying Japanese. I stumbled upon kobold and found out he studies japanese, so I struck a conversation and it lasted for an hour and half, causing me to forget about the thread.
I'm probably one of the newest learners in Japanese, having started just three months ago—or at least I thought I was until I discovered you're also diving into it now. Initially, I took the approach of learning 15-20 hiragana characters per day, which, admittedly, isn't the speediest method out there. In hindsight, I believe it's more effective to memorize all hiragana in a single day, and master it while learning vocab. There's a video that articulates this strategy excellently: .For grammar, I relied on the Tokini Andy Genki series , which proved to be quite helpful. However, I've scaled back my grammar studies for now due to an upcoming exam. Once that's out of the way, I plan to switch to Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese. It's less tied to the Genki book and offers more direct explanations with better examples.
For Kanji, once again, the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKWrWRFyfYo&list=PLA_RcUI8km1ME3ewzc4pcJ-cA-cw0-nKa&index=1]Tokini Andy kanji series[/url really helped me with making Kanji look less scary, and I did learn my first 80 kanji from his video, which I still remember even though I haven't reviewed them for over a month. He makes them so easy to remember.
I am planning on learning at least 200-300 kanji from RTK-1 (Remembering the Kanji-1), which has over 2000 kanji in it. Each kanji has its own story to make it easier to recall. I know it has mixed reviews; some say it's a waste of time, some say it can be useful. All I want to do is get used to remembering them.
For vocabulary, like everyone else, I use Anki. I've switched between three decks, which I probably shouldn't have, but I guess I made some poor choices. The first deck I used was the JLPT N5 vocabulary deck, which had a total of 800 cards. I think I only completed about 150 cards from it. Then I moved on to the Core 2k deck, which had more meaningful cards, but I switched again when someone suggested a different deck, which I'm currently using. This deck is called Refold JP1k v3 and it focuses more on the 1k most common words, which I find really helpful. Every card seems meaningful, unlike some from my last two decks. It also has a feature where you first try to recall the reading, and then you can check if it's correct by clicking on the eye icon before flipping the card to see the meaning. I love it.
Japanese is definitely a long term commitment. I doubt I will reach a point in 3-4years where I can speak Japanese decently and understand youtube videos. Though If I did, it will be the best achievement of my life.
i see... (‘◉⌓◉’)Behrauder wrote:
I already explained why I don't want to learn Japanese in a random post, and I would quote it, but I'm too lazy to look for the post...
Maybe you need something to do daily in japanese to remember the hiraganas. But hey, you've tried, and that's hard for most people.Karmine wrote:
I tried at some point but quickly gave up, couldn't even memorise hiraganas.
Yes, they are: pure hiragana, compound hiragana and katakana. With this you can make any word then it is compressed with the help of kanjis. Haha really, to annoy? That is a valid motivation haha, but, what really matters is the knowledge you acquire, i think.burgernfat wrote:
didnt japanese have more than 1 alphabet
the only reason i would try to learn japanese would be to queue into respective cs servers and start annoying the hell out of them until the game ends (this was legitimately my motivation to start learning russian)
Hi, english is taught here from kindertgarden to college (4-21 years old) ,so ,i do not see it that much hard, in fact i see your native language more difficult, and, it is said that our languages are connected somehow, the so called romance languages. Yeah you have a point, why would you learn this language in particular? You really don't have to, it is up to your needs tbh. I do like japanese because i love anime.Corne2Plum3 wrote:
I'm already having some struggles with English, so with japanese I don't think I'm even able to do that. And also, why I would learn this language in particular?
Thats a good point, really, a good one.Patatitta wrote:
look I like anime but i'm not a masochist
I wish you the best of luck.- Marco - wrote:
i wish so i can marry her in Japan
I learned in college to see difficult things as a challenge and to appreciate the process in learning something diffucult. Just don't be discouraged by hard things.Oh hey you have learned the basics of japanese, maybe you are ready to learn kanji. Gambare-B0ii wrote:
I had tried learning japanese myself in the past, but once I learned about how friggin difficult it is I gave up :/
but I do know hiragana and katakana
WOAH! so pink, so stylish, aesthetic if i may say.keremaru wrote:
WAOS! chinese! That's cool tho. Somehow they are connected by kanji, as they have the same meaning in japanese and chinese.Jangsoodlor wrote:
I know how to read a fair bit of hiragana, and a few Kanji (as I used to took Chinese back in middle school)
Yes i see your point haha. Subtitles are good for learning to read faster btw.Scyla wrote:
No,I might be really deep into Japanese culture but I can't see any benefit of studying Japanese for myself. For now I'm just fine with subtitles
I know grass/kusa tho
Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:
H-HENTAIGANA? >///<keremaru wrote:
I see, wow! Almost 4 years. that is so cool! And how was your peak level? Did you watch anime without subtittles at your peak?MistressRemilia wrote:
I minored in it at university (they didn't offer it as a major where I went), and thus studied it for about 3.5 years, but I'm somewhat rusty these days since I don't use it much.
I never knew what my actual proficiency level was, but I was able to live there for a while without much issue, and I was able to read some manga without consulting a kanji dictionary too often. Anime I can still kinda halfway watch without subtitles, but it heavily depends on the anime and the character. Just don't ask me to read it, my kanji knowledge has gone to shit.Hachiman Ryouta wrote:
I see, wow! Almost 4 years. that is so cool! And how was your peak level? Did you watch anime without subtittles at your peak?MistressRemilia wrote:
I minored in it at university (they didn't offer it as a major where I went), and thus studied it for about 3.5 years, but I'm somewhat rusty these days since I don't use it much.
That's the fun part. I don't.Manishh wrote:
how do you guys learn kanji using anki? kanji like 食べる [Taberu] or 私 [watashi] are easy to remember since they are used frequently. Kanji like 楽しい [tanoshii] are also easier since you can create a story, for example the kanji for '楽'しい looks like a game boss and games are fun so the meaning is enjoyable. But majority of Kanji are not that simple for example 勉強 [benkyou], 確認 [kakunin] etc just have so many strokes, and I dont feel like seeing them or writing them every day is the most efficient way.
Very helpful thanksNuuskamuikkunen wrote:
That's the fun part. I don't.Manishh wrote:
how do you guys learn kanji using anki? kanji like 食べる [Taberu] or 私 [watashi] are easy to remember since they are used frequently. Kanji like 楽しい [tanoshii] are also easier since you can create a story, for example the kanji for '楽'しい looks like a game boss and games are fun so the meaning is enjoyable. But majority of Kanji are not that simple for example 勉強 [benkyou], 確認 [kakunin] etc just have so many strokes, and I dont feel like seeing them or writing them every day is the most efficient way.
Unironically I find that way of learning Kanji too tedious. Do NOT learn by strokes, learn by radicals.Manishh wrote:
Very helpful thanksNuuskamuikkunen wrote:
That's the fun part. I don't.Manishh wrote:
how do you guys learn kanji using anki? kanji like 食べる [Taberu] or 私 [watashi] are easy to remember since they are used frequently. Kanji like 楽しい [tanoshii] are also easier since you can create a story, for example the kanji for '楽'しい looks like a game boss and games are fun so the meaning is enjoyable. But majority of Kanji are not that simple for example 勉強 [benkyou], 確認 [kakunin] etc just have so many strokes, and I dont feel like seeing them or writing them every day is the most efficient way.
Me too haha.MrMcMikey22 wrote:
I can gibberish japanese! .w.
I am not at this level yet, I am starting to learn katakana at the moment. But yeah I will use Anki to learn kanji.Manishh wrote:
how do you guys learn kanji using anki? kanji like 食べる [Taberu] or 私 [watashi] are easy to remember since they are used frequently. Kanji like 楽しい [tanoshii] are also easier since you can create a story, for example the kanji for '楽'しい looks like a game boss and games are fun so the meaning is enjoyable. But majority of Kanji are not that simple for example 勉強 [benkyou], 確認 [kakunin] etc just have so many strokes, and I dont feel like seeing them or writing them every day is the most efficient way.
Scyla wrote:
その男は同性愛者です 女性は多いのに、なぜ彼氏がゲイなのでしょうか? そう、私の夫は同性愛者です、同性愛者ではありません、私の夫、あなたはもうそれを尊重できません。私はバイセクシャルで、彼女はゲイです。私のボーイフレンドがゲイであるというだけではなく、私はそれを本物の女性と同じように考えており、ゲイの男性とデートすることに何の問題もありません。ゲイの友達がいると彼らは「イエス」と言います ただ騙して騙すだけだけど、私は違うよ 私はパートナーを、ありのままで愛している 私は彼女を愛している、なぜなら彼女は私がこの世界で一人ではないと感じてくれている人だから。愛には性別はありません。たとえ彼女が同性愛者であっても、私は私のジョワを愛しています。彼女は単なる同性愛者ではありません。なぜなら、私にとって彼女は私のプリンセスである女性だからです。判断してください、あなたが何と言おうと気にしません♀️♂️ 🌈🌈
easy, be a fellow chink. u automatically gain the overpowered perk of easy understanding of KanjiManishh wrote:
how do you guys learn kanji using anki? kanji like 食べる [Taberu] or 私 [watashi] are easy to remember since they are used frequently. Kanji like 楽しい [tanoshii] are also easier since you can create a story, for example the kanji for '楽'しい looks like a game boss and games are fun so the meaning is enjoyable. But majority of Kanji are not that simple for example 勉強 [benkyou], 確認 [kakunin] etc just have so many strokes, and I dont feel like seeing them or writing them every day is the most efficient way.
ええ? でもまだ大きなちんぽを持ちたいのに。Cerno wrote:
easy, be a fellow chink. u automatically gain the overpowered perk of easy understanding of KanjiManishh wrote:
how do you guys learn kanji using anki? kanji like 食べる [Taberu] or 私 [watashi] are easy to remember since they are used frequently. Kanji like 楽しい [tanoshii] are also easier since you can create a story, for example the kanji for '楽'しい looks like a game boss and games are fun so the meaning is enjoyable. But majority of Kanji are not that simple for example 勉強 [benkyou], 確認 [kakunin] etc just have so many strokes, and I dont feel like seeing them or writing them every day is the most efficient way.
Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:
えっ?ホモじゃなかったっけ?keremaru wrote:
なんだお前らは話せてであるかNuuskamuikkunen wrote:
ClevelandsMyBro wrote:
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
Scyla wrote:
その男は同性愛者です 女性は多いのに、なぜ彼氏がゲイなのでしょうか? そう、私の夫は同性愛者です、同性愛者ではありません、私の夫、あなたはもうそれを尊重できません。私はバイセクシャルで、彼女はゲイです。私のボーイフレンドがゲイであるというだけではなく、私はそれを本物の女性と同じように考えており、ゲイの男性とデートすることに何の問題もありません。ゲイの友達がいると彼らは「イエス」と言います ただ騙して騙すだけだけど、私は違うよ 私はパートナーを、ありのままで愛している 私は彼女を愛している、なぜなら彼女は私がこの世界で一人ではないと感じてくれている人だから。愛には性別はありません。たとえ彼女が同性愛者であっても、私は私のジョワを愛しています。彼女は単なる同性愛者ではありません。なぜなら、私にとって彼女は私のプリンセスである女性だからです。判断してください、あなたが何と言おうと気にしません♀️♂️ 🌈🌈
Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:
えっ?ホモじゃなかったっけ?keremaru wrote:
なんだお前らは話せてであるかNuuskamuikkunen wrote:
same dude, sameHachiman Ryouta wrote:
ClevelandsMyBro wrote:
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门Scyla wrote:
その男は同性愛者です 女性は多いのに、なぜ彼氏がゲイなのでしょうか? そう、私の夫は同性愛者です、同性愛者ではありません、私の夫、あなたはもうそれを尊重できません。私はバイセクシャルで、彼女はゲイです。私のボーイフレンドがゲイであるというだけではなく、私はそれを本物の女性と同じように考えており、ゲイの男性とデートすることに何の問題もありません。ゲイの友達がいると彼らは「イエス」と言います ただ騙して騙すだけだけど、私は違うよ 私はパートナーを、ありのままで愛している 私は彼女を愛している、なぜなら彼女は私がこの世界で一人ではないと感じてくれている人だから。愛には性別はありません。たとえ彼女が同性愛者であっても、私は私のジョワを愛しています。彼女は単なる同性愛者ではありません。なぜなら、私にとって彼女は私のプリンセスである女性だからです。判断してください、あなたが何と言おうと気にしません♀️♂️ 🌈🌈I do not understand
でも僕が!keremaru wrote:
Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:
えっ?ホモじゃなかったっけ?keremaru wrote:
なんだお前らは話せてであるかNuuskamuikkunen wrote:
これからこのスレッドはホモになった。ではない そうぜ、同性愛者ではないぜ。
hmmmm :thonk:Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:
ええ? でもまだ大きなちんぽを持ちたいのに。Cerno wrote:
easy, be a fellow chink. u automatically gain the overpowered perk of easy understanding of KanjiManishh wrote:
how do you guys learn kanji using anki? kanji like 食べる [Taberu] or 私 [watashi] are easy to remember since they are used frequently. Kanji like 楽しい [tanoshii] are also easier since you can create a story, for example the kanji for '楽'しい looks like a game boss and games are fun so the meaning is enjoyable. But majority of Kanji are not that simple for example 勉強 [benkyou], 確認 [kakunin] etc just have so many strokes, and I dont feel like seeing them or writing them every day is the most efficient way.
Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:
でも僕が!keremaru wrote:
Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:
えっ?ホモじゃなかったっけ?keremaru wrote:
なんだお前らは話せてであるかNuuskamuikkunen wrote:
これからこのスレッドはホモになった。ではない そうぜ、同性愛者ではないぜ。
でもあなたのことを話せなかったぞ。このスレッドよ!keremaru wrote:
Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:
でも僕が!keremaru wrote:
Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:
えっ?ホモじゃなかったっけ?keremaru wrote:
なんだお前らは話せてであるかNuuskamuikkunen wrote:
これからこのスレッドはホモになった。ではない そうぜ、同性愛者ではないぜ。 お前にはそうして、俺はないぜ
Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:
でもあなたのことを話せなかったぞ。このスレッドよ!keremaru wrote:
Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:
でも僕が!keremaru wrote:
Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:
えっ?ホモじゃなかったっけ?keremaru wrote:
なんだお前らは話せてであるかNuuskamuikkunen wrote:
これからこのスレッドはホモになった。ではない そうぜ、同性愛者ではないぜ。 お前にはそうして、俺はないぜ
ありがとうございました。 ManishhさんManishh wrote:
Be aware of Burn out, if you spend a lot of hours just like a burst of energy, you might get burn out fast. Other than that If you get a good amount of vocabulary, I suggest watching Teasing master takagi-san, its quite easy to immerse in it for Japanese. https://animelon.com is a good website for immersing in anime to learn japanese, it provide a lot of subtitle
Same method, i just added hiragana and katakana writing (on a paper) on weekends.Manishh wrote:
whats the update
Hachiman Ryouta wrote:
Same method, i just added hiragana and katakana writing (on a paper) on weekends.Manishh wrote:
whats the update
I am studying rn.
Thanks for the feedback keremaru!keremaru wrote:
Hachiman Ryouta wrote:
Same method, i just added hiragana and katakana writing (on a paper) on weekends.Manishh wrote:
whats the update
I am studying rn.
A AAAAAholy shit ur hiragana handwriting is really clean for a starting
also i don't know español
but あなた is moreso used for people you're really, REALLY close to (like girlfriend/boyfriend, husband/wife, mostly used for people you're in a relationship with)
most people just stick to names
"where did miki-san go?"
since it doesn't confuse the subject for anyone else, but it also works for if the subject is in the conversation
an alternative identifier like
"what's your favorite blend of coffee?"
or おまえ
"this is your fault, isn't it?"
which is generally a ruder identifier and only mainly used either by people who don't really care, or for people you don't know very well
or simply don't use anything at all
"i wonder where our next class is"
"isn't it on the third floor"
"are you serious?"
the last one relies heavily on context, but works wonders for the flow of a conversation
tldr あなた is for people really really close to you
I have defined and condensed my studies of japanese into an hour a day like this:Hachiman Ryouta wrote:
My study method:
I am watching a Youtube video series of lessons on basic Japanese based on the book: Minna no nihongo. The teacher has offered some documents to study along with the lessons, as well as Homework, and a Discord Server to answer questions. He has shared a web site for Flashcards of Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji, and, an online dictionary. I do like this lessons but also explore other channels for Grammar and vocabulary.
First, I do the flashcard training of the day, Then I spend, like... an hour watching a lesson and doing my notes in the windows notepad. At the end I watch a grammar video. In the weekends I watch anime and practice hearing making notes of the words I find useful, being selective with vocabulary is key to not burnout your brain.
I am defynig my method and it is constantly changing acording to what I investigate and learn.
Hi. I am changing my method to prepare myself to kanji and whole phrases, with Anki's help, and vocab training as well.Manishh wrote:
bump. update