
[proposal - osu!catch] note density rewording in cup

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current note density cup RC
Note density should follow a mostly 1/1 pattern. 1/2 and/or 1/3 patterns should be used sparingly.
while current is more or less fine aswell, it incentivates a 1/1 heavy rhythm - which leads to many mappers (from what I've seem myself, especially newer ones) on often mindlessly spamming 1/1 sliders without further object gaps or any slower rhythms; a few more reasons:

  1. a constant 1/1 snap timing requires "precise" clicking/movement on literally every beat, which imo is too fast-paced for first-time players still figuring ctb's game mechanic, not to say rhythm can easily become too monotonous
  2. slower rhythms allow for clearer perception of the beat/song and its main melody together with more time to process and react, which aids learning
  3. cup difficulties are intended to introduce core concepts comfortably without much pressure (kinda opposite of what a constant 1/1 rhythm suggests, which is obviously more intense with constant movement
I suggest rewording it to something similar such as:
Note density should follow a mostly 1/1, 2/1, or slower pattern. 1/2 and/or 1/3 patterns should be used sparingly.
*better rewording/fine-tuning welcome

this doesn't change much compared to current but lets people know they can/should do slower rhythms to 1/1 if they deem necessary/fitting

*i know it's based on 180bpm but this is something beneficial regardless of bpm
Fine, but your sentence excludes 3/2 snapping, which is also a very good addition to variety in cups. Just "or slower pattern" would be better imo
Agre with mniam

Mniam wrote:

Fine, but your sentence excludes 3/2 snapping, which is also a very good addition to variety in cups. Just "or slower pattern" would be better imo
zero's proposal doesn't exclude 3/2 per se, since that's a rhythm between 1/1 and 2/1. What it tries is to incentivate mappers not to use only 1/1s but combine them with some pauses to make some more variation.
anecdotal, but we have the exact same wording for easy diffs in standard, and I can't remember seeing anyone get confused by it, so I feel like the mention of 2/1 shouldn't be much of an issue if you want to clearly lower the suggested rhythm density
general support for this was here; will be considered in rc rewrite
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