
[GD or M4M / CLOSED] Vincus' Guest Difficulty queue

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Status: CLOSED


Welcome to my Guest difficulty and mod for mod queue! This queue will be primarely focused on GD requests (modding is optional and secondary) to help you fill your spread, if you want to rank a map. I don't have many ranked maps currently, so I wan't to expand the list on my profile a little bit. I will try to finish the GDs in 1-2 weeks, but it can take longer, if the queue is long or im busy with other stuff

Also I can't promise if the queue will last long lmao, just a lil experiment

- 4k, 6k and 7k only
- I will only make one GD
- I will not map or mod any hitsounds
- I will not map any SVs
- Your map must be going for ranked
- Collabs are also welcome, as long as you set me as an GD owner (You only have to do that, if I map a large section of the map) in that case, please also communicate with me via osu DM or discord (username Vincus)
- I will message you the finished map link per osu Dm or Discord

- The longer the song is, the pickier I get! There is no real limit, but I prefer shorter songs (2 minutes or less)
- Im usually pretty open when it comes to music, but please don't request too boring or slow songs
- I like energetic genres like happy hardcore
- I like most songs from SDVX or Wacca
- Please have mapping experience before requesting me (ranking criteria, knowing how to make a proper spread...)
- It would be good, if you allready have a ranked map
- I prefer 6k and 7k over 4k
- I can map any difficulty, but I would prefer Insane or harder
- I might have trouble to map something, that is out of my playability range (check my profile for approximate skill level)
- I can map most patterns, but I would prefer, if it's not too much dump or tech

M4M yes or no (if yes, what diff should I mod and what map will you mod):
info about the map:
difficulty to GD/Collab (E/N/H/I/X/X+/X++...):
Infos about how I should make my GD/Collab (optional):

M4M Maps
beatmapsets/2093616#mania/4460354 (almost guaranteed GD/Mod if modded properly, my diff prefered)
beatmapsets/2100539#mania/4406652 (prefer something between Adv - Max)
M4M: No (i would but mapping skill issue)
artist - title: ZUN - Maiden's Cappricio ~ Dream Battle
beatmap link: beatmapsets/2107654#mania/4423214
keys: 7
length: 2:37
info about the map: not much to say
difficulty to GD: up to you
Infos about how I should make my GD/Collab (optional): HI! i have some maps you might also like (in the pending section), not just this one, you are more than welcome to make a GD on any of them, just let me know, ty <3
o wo)b
M4M: no
artist - title: Sad Keyboard Guy & Gardens - Waking Shadows feat. eili
beatmap link: beatmapsets/2093616#mania/4389532
keys: 4k
length: 5:45
info about the map: Hybrid, Tech, Jack, and LN vocals
difficulty to GD: 7k X
Infos about how I should make my GD/Collab (optional): You're free to do whatever you like with the 7k GD
M4M yes or no: no
artist - title: Chito (CV: Minase Inori), Yuuri (CV: Kubo Yurika) - More One Night (Assertive Hardcore Bootleg) [short ver.]
beatmap link: beatmapsets/2089606#mania/4379296
keys: 7k
length: 1:03
info about the map: Hybrid chordstream style short map
difficulty to GD/Collab (E/N/H/I/X/X+/X++...): I (~4.1-4.5*)
Infos about how I should make my GD/Collab: do what you'd like but try do hybrid if you can please

Topic Starter
(Zonityy) Sad Keyboard Guy & Gardens - Waking Shadows feat. eili: The map looks pretty solid and the song is a banger, so I think that I will have a good time mapping it in 7k. Since the song is pretty long, it might take a while, but I will try to finish it at least this month

(Robeats) Chito (CV: Minase Inori), Yuuri (CV: Kubo Yurika) - More One Night (Assertive Hardcore Bootleg): I think the gameplay in the current diffs could be improved a little bit, but it's nothing that makes it unrankable. This song is pretty short in general and also sounds nice (even though I kinda allread heared it a little too much haha) so I think this is good enough for me to accept

Not Accepted:
(Timophobia) ZUN - Maiden's Cappricio ~ Dream Battle
The gameplay isn't bad, but from a mapping perspective there are some flaws (like missed sounds and chord consistency) that would not make in rankable in it's current state, so I don't think that I will make a GD for the map, sorry!

Queue is still open btw, maybe I will accept 1-2 more maps before closing
M4M yes or no (if yes, what diff should I mod and what map will you mod): no
artist - title: Hanasaka Yui (CV: M.A.O) - Harumachi Clover (VINXIS Dopamine Hit)
beatmap link: beatmapsets/2117370#mania/4446708
keys: 4K
length: 0:33
info about the map: troll map i made that has been stuck in my drive for a few months but decided to push for rank
difficulty to GD/Collab (E/N/H/I/X/X+/X++...): either H or I hard diff has been fulfilled so normal or insane gd would be delightful
Infos about how I should make my GD/Collab (optional): any pattern you would like to do
M4M: no
Artist - title: Lone Alpha - Flourish feat. Kiichan
Beatmap link: beatmapsets/2103634#mania/4413756
Keys: 4K only
Length: 3:06
Info about the map: I don't know how to describe it perfectly, but it's mostly a LN-based map
Difficulty to GD: 6K or 7K, any keymode you want as long as it's in the difficulty range of H/I
Infos about how I should make my GD/Collab: Do as you please, i don't really mind it
M4M: sure, i can do all diffs, but will focus more on novice - advanced beatmapsets/2100539#mania/4406652
artist - title: ITZY - #Twenty (Cut Ver.)
beatmap link: beatmapsets/2117269#mania/4446488
keys: 4K
length: 1:15
info about the map: stream and chordjack

U can mod any diff, thxs
i will start your mod in about two days
M4M yes or no (if yes, what diff should I mod and what map will you mod): no
artist - title: picco feat. Aitsuki Nakuru - Musou Fantasy
beatmap link: beatmapsets/2119155#mania/4451450
keys: 4K
length: 2:52
info about the map: LN hybrid map more LN than rice, a little tech
difficulty to GD/Collab (E/N/H/I/X/X+/X++...): Insane
Infos about how I should make my GD/Collab (optional): any pattern you would like! i want 3.9~4.1 sr
Greetings from the same country!

M4M yes or no: no
artist - title: LeaF - Crow Rabbit
beatmap link: beatmapsets/2105415#mania/4417678
keys: 4k
length: 2:07
info about the map: Fast LN map with some hybrid and some full LN parts
difficulty to GD/Collab (E/N/H/I/X/X+/X++...): Insane
Infos about how I should make my GD/Collab (optional): Preferably some hybrid LN so that its not too difficult for players that just reached this skill level. Around 4* maybe

Thx in advance!

M4M yes or no : no
artist - title: drlou - Cursed Wish
beatmap link: beatmapsets/2107435#mania/4422748
keys: 4k
length: 2:58
info about the map: hs/js/cj
difficulty to GD/Collab: hard/insane
Infos about how I should make my GD/Collab: any pattern you would like! (sr 4*~4,3*)
Topic Starter
Holy balls when did this blow up
Anyways, sorry for the wait! I might take a little bit of more time with the GDs because of MWC practice, school stuff other GD requests, so please be patient!


(rynxelia__) Hanasaka Yui (CV: M.A.O) - Harumachi Clover (VINXIS Dopamine Hit)
30 Seconds is more than doable for me to map, will map Insane

(Shad0wStar) ITZY - #Twenty (Cut Ver.)
Um, im guessing you don't need GDs? It wasn't really my intention to not take GD request at all when opening the queue but I can still mod it, since the song is pretty short anyways (and I need modders lol)

Rejected: (sorry that the list is so long, I just have high standards sometimes :( It doesn't mean, that your maps are bad though! )

(GOSChara) Lone Alpha - Flourish feat. Kiichan
The map is pretty solid, but the song is a little too calm for me and I don't know how I would feel about mapping 3 minutes of the song, sorry

(nareun04) picco feat. Aitsuki Nakuru - Musou Fantasy
The song is okay, but unfortunately I don't really like the current top diff that much, because the overall representation and the usage of LNs could be cleaner and more expressive

(-Kurumii) LeaF - Crow Rabbit
Der Song is ein banger, aber ich finde, dass die jetzige top diff den Song nicht sehr gut repräsentiert und die Long notes könnten auch etwas cleaner gemapped werden. Consistency und difficulty balancing könnten in meinen Augen auch mehr Aufmerksamkeit bekommen, tut mir Leid :(

(Vincy_02) drlou - Cursed Wish
The consistency in the chordsize and the overall difficulty balancing is lacking in the current top diff and I personally also don't really like the streams in the kiais. Im also not a big fan of the song

Closing queue until I finally finish that 6 minute tb GD lol...

Oh yeah also changed the Layout a bit, beacuse there were a lot of information that i would just instantly see when clicking on the map link lol
Topic Starter
Open again, I didn't finish all requests yet, but they are very short anyways
I will also try to be less picky this time :D
M4M: No
Artist - Title: Jamie Berry - Lost in the Rhythm (Jacques Melissa's Remix)
Beatmap link: beatmapsets/1784016#mania/4460241
Keys: 4k
Length: 4:05
Info about the map: I consider it to be a map that is a lot of fun to play and includes a variety of patterns, most notably jack and chordjack.
Difficulty to GD: Lost in the Rhythm
Infos about how I should make my GD/Collab (optional):
Topic Starter
All current requests are finished! The queue is open so don't be afraid to request
M4M: no (sowwy)

I'm throwing in various options to see if you're interested in doing a GD for any

IOSYS feat. Nanahira - Judgement Day has come: beatmapsets/2031957#mania/4427374

200BPM 3:51
4 diffs, 2 finished and ready for mods, 2 unfinished, looking for a 5th
HS are done but unmodded
For this mapset I am looking for an Easy / Normal simple diff

xaev - DR PEPPER IS THE OLDEST MAJOR SOFT DRINK IN AMERICA: beatmapsets/2063144#mania/4315023

150BPM 1:51
My diff is done but unmodded and no HS yet
I am looking for rice techy streams oriented GDs easier than my 5* hybrid diff

dj_TAKA - quaver: beatmapsets/2127183#mania/4471770

~182BPM 3:26
My diff is done but unmodded and no HS yet
This is a farm rice set, I am looking for a single 4*/low 5* jack/ or even jumptrill or streams GD farm chart

xaev - daria math: beatmapsets/2048728#mania/4277407

161BPM 3:37
Techy hybrid with SVs, no HS and only diff, it is finished but can't really find people who mod my SVs lol
Looking for any kind of streams/hybird GD that would be easier than my 5* diff and without any SVs
M4M yes or no (if yes, what diff should I mod and what map will you mod): no
Link: beatmapsets/2127527#mania/4472514
info about the map: 247BPM jumpstream main mapset
difficulty to GD/Collab (E/N/H/I/X/X+/X++...): Extra
Infos about how I should make my GD/Collab (optional): -
Topic Starter
Sorry for the wait!


(Maiiy) seatrus - Abendstern
Looks like a cool seatrus song which isn't very long or complicated to map and the current top diff was also very fun :D will map extra


(-Boya) IOSYS feat. Nanahira - Judgement Day has come
Don't like the song that much, so it would be a bit boring for me to map it for 4 minutes

I don't really like the dariacore genre that much

(-Boya) xaev - daria math
Same as above

(-Boya)dj_TAKA - quaver
The song is okay, but I don't want to map a map with the same keymode that is allready in ranked. Also im not a fan of the current patterns in the diff, sorry :(

Queue still open!
M4M yes or no (if yes, what diff should I mod and what map will you mod): any map Just tell me if you accept the map then I'll go straight to making mods.
Link: beatmapsets/2107032#mania/4421610
info about the map: tech, stamina
difficulty to GD/Collab (E/N/H/I/X/X+/X++...): -
Infos about how I should make my GD/Collab (optional): -
Sakuragi Kaware
Heya vincussssssy
M4M yes or no: Yes, X.
I can mod ULTiMATE INFLATiON (HEAVENLY) or Akasha (EXCEED), which you want.
Link: beatmapsets/2134236#mania/4490295
info about the map: Hard map. Hybrid, jack, ln, rice...
difficulty to GD/Collab (E/N/H/I/X/X+/X++...): 7k X
Infos about how I should make my GD/Collab (optional): Of course, if can be high SR, so be it. But focus mainly in difficulty and gameplay. Patterns and structure, up to you.

GD request
M4m: no

Link: beatmapsets/2127628#mania/4472728

Info:4k hybrid chart with minijacks and bursts. Around 3:40 in lenght
Also, im not currently pushing rank because im pushing a different map, after that or if I fail, this one is probably next however

Diff to gd: id like something somewhat inbetween hard and insane, like a hard+ maybe? As long as it properly scales into top diff
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Sorry for the wait! (again)


(de_sync) tn-shi - Contradiction
Song is pretty okay and the current map is very fun :D Ill try to make something for ya


(pashalka) Sad Keyboard Guy & Gardens - Waking Shadows feat Eili
Im kinda tired of listening to the song after mapping it myself :sob: sorry

On hold:
(Sakuragi Kaware) Sydosis - Apollyon
The song is certainly a banger, but 13 minutes........
Im gonna have to think a while about wether I'll accept this GD or m4m request. Maybe I will try to map a little bit and if it turns out good and fun, I can give it a shot. I will write a DM later if I accept or not

Will close queue bc of current requests and I don't have much motivation for the queue rn

(also pls dont punch me if the wait time is longer than expected :c)
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