
Remove the leaderboard during breaks.

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +59
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I'm sure the same goes for many other people, but I've choked countless scores simply because seeing the leaderboard during the break is incredibly stressful. I chose to turn off the leaderboard because I don't want to see it at all. This is just annoying as hell and very demotivating.

incoming "lol just dont have nerves lol lol"
Yes please. I don't know who thought this was a good idea. If I want if off, I want it off.
Just press Tab dude
- Virtu -

Corne2Plum3 wrote:

Just press Tab dude
the ldb still reappears at breaks, and op wants to toggle if off completely
witchhunted replace this skin elements to your skin and leaderboard will be gone.
shift+tab removes it too i believe, for me it never shows and i have shift+tab as well as tab to hide the leaderboard enabled at all times, im pretty sure even if i do, the leaderboard doesnt show up on the side with tab, so idk but it's removable already
Someone did ask for it and I try to come up with this solution, here in this thread: community/forums/topics/1215614

The only problem is that it only works for osu!standard. osu!mania could work if included with "mania-stage-left".
And another thing is that people use different resolution. I only explain for 16:9, so I don't know much of the rest.

Edit: And to those who doesn't dim their background 100%, yeah...
Maybe this feature can be implemented so that this complicated method can be avoided.

xsoci wrote:

shift+tab removes it too i believe, for me it never shows and i have shift+tab as well as tab to hide the leaderboard enabled at all times, im pretty sure even if i do, the leaderboard doesnt show up on the side with tab, so idk but it's removable already
Well, it still shows the leaderboard during break time.
Jun Maeda

GtbBraingang wrote:

Why you revived this thread?
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