
Hirokazu Ando - Bouncing Boss Battle

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2024 at 23:17:29

Artist: Hirokazu Ando
Title: Bouncing Boss Battle
Source: 星のカービィ トリプルデラックス
Tags: Original Soundtrack Videogame Video game Instrumental Theme Kirby Triple Deluxe Background Music Bounce! Back and Forth Nintendo HAL Laboratory of the Stars Hoshi no Kābyi Toripuru Derakkusu 3ds platform fighting tobidase! oku e okuhe temae temaehe bosu batoru ost Jun Ishikawa
BPM: 125
Filesize: 2732kb
Play Time: 00:57
Difficulties Available:
  1. Expert (5,53 stars, 226 notes)
  2. Fight! (6,26 stars, 232 notes)
  3. Hard (3,27 stars, 156 notes)
  4. Insane (4,62 stars, 197 notes)
  5. Normal (2,03 stars, 100 notes)
Download: Hirokazu Ando - Bouncing Boss Battle
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

~ #1 Ranked ~

~ #36 ~

I am Speed (5 days; 1 day per difficulty) ( •̀ ω •́ )✧.
Normal diff gapped (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

Malphs / dakiwii THE GOATS 🐐🐐🐐

10k Plays 24-09-2024 z3 TYSM TO EVERYONE
20k Plays 25-10-2024
30k Plays 19-02-2025

~ Special Thanks To ~

Malphs and Dakiwii for nominating.
Irz_ for being my bro.
6Nusu9 goated behavior 🐐.
And to everyone who played the map :3c.

26-01-2024: Missing HS on Insane Diff.
19-08-2024: Revived set.
1-09-2024: Remapped "Normal" difficulty. NORMAL V1
3-09-2024: Applied dakiwii mods. Pre-mods
6-09-2024: Applied Malphs mods.
6-09-2024: Updated metadata. (
Tobidase! okuhe temaehe bosu batoru -> Bouncing Boss Battle (Cut Ver.))
8-09-2024: Updated metadata. (Bouncing Boss Battle (Cut Ver.) -> Bouncing Boss Battle)
9-09-2024: Updated Normal and Hard diffs.
10-09-2024: Updated HS & changes on "Hard" difficulty 00:46:820 (3,4,5,6,7) -
11-09-2024: Updated HS & added "ost Jun Ishikawa" to tags (And fixed Ninetendo xD).
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