
April Challenge: Osu! (TV Size) [Challenge Over]

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Sign-up Rules and Brackets
- The ranges for each bracket of play (in rankings and SR) are as follows:
  1. 900K+ (1.5-2*)
  2. 899-700K (2-2.5*)
  3. 699-500K (2.5-3*)
  4. 499-300K (3-3.5*)
  5. 299-200K (3.5-4*)
  6. 199-150K (4-4.5*)
  7. 149K-100K (4.5-5*)
  8. 99K-50K (5-5.5*)
  9. 50K-10K (5.5-6*)
  10. <10K (6*+)

- All who post will be checked by the end of sign-ups for your range (and obviously when I'm putting you in your brackets).
- Two days before sign-ups end will be when your bracket placement is locked in, also called the "lock-in" phase. At that point, even if you get enough pp to advance to a new bracket (eg. at 501K, you get enough to jump to 497K, but you will still be locked into the 699-500K bracket). However, advancements before that point will be accounted for and you will be moved to the proper bracket.
-Players who sign up during this lock-in phase will also be subject to said lock-in as well.
-Any bracket that has one or zero participants will be removed.
--If a bracket has only one player, they will be given a one-time option to jump down to a lower bracket (eg. a single 499-300K player may jump to the 299-200K bracket). If this option is not taken, you will be removed alongside the bracket.
--If this option is taken, this will be waived if and ONLY if a lower-bracket single player decides to jump into your bracket to make it a 2-person (and thus viable) bracket. If nobody opts to take the advancement (or will otherwise be affected by it before you), your own advancement will take place.
Example 1: Player 1 is the only one in the 500-699K bracket and opts to take the advancement to the 300-499K bracket. Player 2 is also the only one in the 700-899K bracket but does not take the advancement. Player 2 will be removed with their bracket while Player 1 will advance.
Example 2: Player 1 is the only one in the 500-699K bracket and opts to take the advancement to the 300-499K bracket. Player 2 is also the only one in the 700-899K bracket and also takes the advancement. Player 3 is also the only one in the 900K+ bracket but does not take the advancement. Player 2 will advance as they were still in a single-person bracket, but Player 1 will not because Player 2 has moved up to join them.
Example 3: Same scenario as Example 2 except the 900K+ does take the advancement. Player 2 will remain in their bracket since Player 3 advanced, while Player 1 will be removed as nobody was able to move into their bracket.

-Sign-ups officially end at 23:59 April 1st, 2023. Anyone who asks after this day will not be added.

Roundtable Pool Rules
-There will be 8 maps for each bracket.
-On the first day of competition, I will announce the first map used for each bracket. As indicated by the title, each map will be a (TV Size) map or otherwise shorter than two minutes.
-For each map, players will have two days to submit scores for the map; in this month's case, April 2nd and 3rd. Once that two-day period is up, you will be unable to submit another score for that map until the final days of the challenge. However, as stated in the sign-in rules above, you may submit as many scores as you like within that two-day period for that map.
-This series of two-day submissions will continue until all the maps I designated for the brackets are played.
-The final 5-7 days will be a free submission period, where you may submit scores for all the maps in your bracket as a final period to upgrade your scores. Once the final day of the challenge is over, no more submissions will be accepted.

Competition Rules
- Scores must be submitted or dated from 00:00 April 2nd to 23:59 April 25th. That does mean you will need to re-do your score if you had one submitted previously.
- There is no limit to the number of scores you may submit, so long as it is submitted within the time-frame of the challenge. Submit one-and-dones, or replay your maps every day until you get the best score you can, whatever works for you.
- Picture proof or a link to the score is required in a companion thread that will be made on the day the challenge starts. It is also on you to ensure your links work and are updated. I can and will trawl for scores if absolutely necessary or if something janky happens, and if I find a broken link I will try to point it out, but I will not be doing so regularly.
- Players must submit scores for at least two maps by the end of the first week, and for at least five maps before the open submission period. Players who fail to do so will be automatically DQ'd and may not re-enter. Repeat offenders will be barred from participating in future challenges. If you find out you can no longer participate or don't want to, please just let me know instead of ghosting. I have no problem with you requesting to leave at any time.
--Also, DTNF or D-rank scores will NOT be accepted.
- All mods are available for use. However, be aware that using mods such as NF, HT, or SO to get "easy" SS's will mean you might lose on score tiebreaks.
- Points will be distributed based on the number of songs used in each bracket. 1st place will get 6 points with 6 songs, for example, 2nd 5, and so on. If there are more players than there are songs, those who fall outside of that number will not be given points.
--Using extra mods will not earn you extra points by itself. However, they can be used to aid you in score tiebreaks.
- If a player SS's a map, they will be given a bonus point.
- Tiebreaks will be broken down as follows, from top priority to lowest: Accuracy->score->timestamp.
--Example 1: Player A has a play with 93% acc., while Player B has 95%. In this scenario, Player B would win the map.
--Example 2: Player A and Player B both have 97% acc, but Player A has 8.5M points while Player B has 7.8M points. In this scenario, Player A would win the map.
--Example 3: Player A and Player B both SS the map, but Player B has 1,100 more points due to a faster spinner. In this scenario Player B would win.
--Example 4: Player A and Player B both SS the map and either have the same spinner points or the map has no spinner. However, Player A submitted their play one day before Player B. In this scenario, Player A would win.
- The player from each bracket with the most points wins.

- The winner of each bracket will earn 1 month's Osu!Supporter from me.
- If a player SS's all their songs in their bracket, I will give them 2 months Supporter on top of the 1 month for winning.
- Others are more than welcome to offer their own rewards to players if they so choose. However, if you are participating you may not offer a reward of any kind for the challenge. If there is enough support for it I may allow for rewards on brackets outside your own, but that remains to be seen.

Again, just posting to open sign-ups. The Map selection part will be heavily edited for the new format I'm going to try, so either ignore it or wait patiently for me to edit in the correct ruleset.

I'm also sure some of you would've wanted a Spring-based theme (or related to April Fools), but I sadly haven't had the time to do a proper search for enough maps for that. Maybe next year.
[ Sebastian ]
Thank goodness it's TV sized maps this time. The long maps from last month stressed me out.
her everything
Not sure if I'm allowed to join but finally a short challenge comfortable for me so /in
Sorry for not being able to complete last month's maps and participate in this month since I'll be in a mania tournament called GBC. But I've invited some of my friends around my rank to join in so you may expect some fiercer competition XD!
/in and hopefully i'll be able to compete in 5-digit bracket this time
(also pleeease stylise Osu as osu! ty i just can't)
[ Sebastian ]
Also /in
I want to have a try./in
I'm /in
/in as always
I'll enter again, for 5 digit this time. Thanks for organising, your tourneys are great because even an HD main like myself can join
[ Sebastian ]

Voidedosu wrote:

Maybe next year.
Wait, so you're making this a multiyear event? RIP all your money.
can i sign up /in
Topic Starter
Everyone so far has been added.

flareling22 wrote:

/in and hopefully i'll be able to compete in 5-digit bracket this time
(also pleeease stylise Osu as osu! ty i just can't)
If you can make 5-digit by the 30th, then you can.

EDIT: Ruleset has been cleaned up and has the roundtable pool rules added. Keep in mind that tomorrow is when the lock-in goes into effect, so get your rank-ups done now if you wish to move to a higher bracket.
/in if theres a bracket for me
Topic Starter
Jer1cs is added, and the lock-in phase has begun. If you are in a single-player bracket, please post or DM if you wish to advance to the next bracket.

However, I've noticed that this is a significantly less populated challenge than the previous ones, whether because people are doing other challenges (like Heip) or I guess a level of disinterest or something. I don't blame anyone for that--I don't have the right to demand you join this challenge--, but it does mean that currently the only viable bracket is the 100-149k (and potentially either 500-699K or 300-499K depending on who opts to advance and who doesn't.

So, for the single-player brackets right now, I have a proposition: I will not cut any bracket that has at least one person involved in it so that all of you can play. In exchange, I will up the requirements to "gain" points to either very high acc (99%+) or an SS. Furthermore, since you would be only playing against yourself, there will only be the prize for getting all SS's on your plays, but I will up the reward to 3 or 4 months of Supporter instead of just two.

I'm willing to delay starting the bracket a couple of days if necessary for you all to consider this or offer any counter-proposals. I would rather not cut down to only two brackets if I can help it.
[ Sebastian ]
If you don't do single player brackets, opt me in to being moved up. I don't want a repeat of February.
uhh im pretty sure im in the 50k-99k bracket with lunchZA
I dont mind the single player brackets, but the chance ill ss anything is really low, getting 99%+ is hard enough for me
Maybe make players pick hard mods like hd or hr to increase the challenge for the single brackets if needed instead
Also try posting this on the tournament forum and more people might see this
Topic Starter

flareling22 wrote:

uhh im pretty sure im in the 50k-99k bracket with lunchZA
So you are. Gratz, btw.

jer1cs wrote:

I dont mind the single player brackets, but the chance ill ss anything is really low, getting 99%+ is hard enough for me
Maybe make players pick hard mods like hd or hr to increase the challenge for the single brackets if needed instead
Also try posting this on the tournament forum and more people might see this
I can do that? I guess I thought I couldn't since it wasn't the typical tourney type.

I would be fine with increasing the SR of the single brackets by .5 to one whole star. The main thing is just to find some way of providing a higher challenge for yourself since there is no one to compete against.
Yoo get me in here
Sounds fun. I'm /in

Voidedosu wrote:

jer1cs wrote:

I dont mind the single player brackets, but the chance ill ss anything is really low, getting 99%+ is hard enough for me
Maybe make players pick hard mods like hd or hr to increase the challenge for the single brackets if needed instead
Also try posting this on the tournament forum and more people might see this
I can do that? I guess I thought I couldn't since it wasn't the typical tourney type.

I would be fine with increasing the SR of the single brackets by .5 to one whole star. The main thing is just to find some way of providing a higher challenge for yourself since there is no one to compete against.
Yeah that would be fine, though with how many people already seeing ur other post i think at least 1 other person my rank range would join
i want to participate!
Topic Starter

jer1cs wrote:

Voidedosu wrote:

jer1cs wrote:

I dont mind the single player brackets, but the chance ill ss anything is really low, getting 99%+ is hard enough for me
Maybe make players pick hard mods like hd or hr to increase the challenge for the single brackets if needed instead
Also try posting this on the tournament forum and more people might see this
I can do that? I guess I thought I couldn't since it wasn't the typical tourney type.

I would be fine with increasing the SR of the single brackets by .5 to one whole star. The main thing is just to find some way of providing a higher challenge for yourself since there is no one to compete against.
Yeah that would be fine, though with how many people already seeing ur other post i think at least 1 other person my rank range would join
BsTT almost did.

Still, could you or somebody post in the tourney thread so we can say there's one day left? It's just my post so I can't bump it myself.
Topic Starter

Magikarp_Is_AG wrote:


BinNurSuchten wrote:

Sounds fun. I'm /in
As a heads-up, the two of you are currently the only players in single-player brackets (well, possibly viable brackets; Jer1cs is in a single-player bracket but it seems there won't be anyone for him to compete against). If Magikarp wishes to advance that will allow the two of you to compete against each other, so I'd like for him to give his choice first, and if that's a no then you can decide if you want to move up, Bin.

As for Jer1cs, I primarily gave that trade-off option back when it seemed like there would only be two brackets, but since you're near the highest end of this, I think I'll leave the option open for you so long as someone else doesn't join your bracket. You still want to have a single bracket where you play maps that are .5-1* higher than usual?

EDIT: That being said, I'm kinda amazed that cross-posting worked that well. I need to remember that for the future.

Voidedosu wrote:

As for Jer1cs, I primarily gave that trade-off option back when it seemed like there would only be two brackets, but since you're near the highest end of this, I think I'll leave the option open for you so long as someone else doesn't join your bracket. You still want to have a single bracket where you play maps that are .5-1* higher than usual?

EDIT: That being said, I'm kinda amazed that cross-posting worked that well. I need to remember that for the future.
Yeah thats fine for me, but im kinda interested if that would mean that the sr range goes up to 6.5* or 7.0* for me (not that i'll mind playing difficult maps)
[ Sebastian ]
Update on rewards from last month? I don't want to be rude in any way. I just want to know if you're struggling financially or something.
So I wonder whether the match is start?
also why I can't open "Spreadsheet link"(maybe in China?)
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ShiroHanaSaki wrote:

So I wonder whether the match is start?
also why I can't open "Spreadsheet link"(maybe in China?)
The fact you're in China shouldn't be an issue, considering that Heipizhu is from China and he had no troubles with last month's. I have it set so anyone with the link can access it, so if you could give me more specifics about what's going on I might be able to figure out something. For now, This is your map for Round 1

In any case, Sign-ups are now closed and Round 1 has begun. I've also made a thread for you to post your scores with a template included for your scores, so please make sure to use that for your submissions and post here for any questions or dicussions about maps, players, etc.

Voidedosu wrote:

ShiroHanaSaki wrote:

So I wonder whether the match is start?
also why I can't open "Spreadsheet link"(maybe in China?)
The fact you're in China shouldn't be an issue, considering that Heipizhu is from China and he had no troubles with last month's. I have it set so anyone with the link can access it, so if you could give me more specifics about what's going on I might be able to figure out something. For now, This is your map for Round 1

In any case, Sign-ups are now closed and Round 1 has begun. I've also made a thread for you to post your scores with a template included for your scores, so please make sure to use that for your submissions and post here for any questions or dicussions about maps, players, etc.

Nah, I do have trouble in checking the spreadsheat because 'google sheet isn't supported in your country', but anyway, if you have no idea (or don't want to) use a VPN, you may check your opponents' score manually and calculate the score yourself. :)
Topic Starter
Oh, I thought you could see it last month just fine. My bad. Then it probly is because you're in China, I'd imagine.

You can still post scores in the score thread, but I'll try to remember to DM you the link as well each round.

/in aswell :)
[ Sebastian ]

[ Sebastian ] wrote:

Update on rewards from last month? I don't want to be rude in any way. I just want to know if you're struggling financially or something.
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