
Lia - Farewell Song (Short Ver.)[Osu|Taiko]

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I love this song veryyyy much<3 :oops:
I love this song too C;
Star ~ :)
Cyril Scarlet
nice map~~~ :) :)
Ok,here's my mod!


  1. Whis does this diff have CS 4? Use CS 3 instead
  2. The rythm at the beginning sounds really strange but apart from this,no major problems

  1. 00:47:366 (2) - 1 grid right (grid level 3)
  2. So many 1/4 sliders D:

  1. 00:19:985 (7) - I would put this slider under the note 6
Well,very good map,and sorry for my short mod!
My rating: 9.5/10
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-kevincela- wrote:

Ok,here's my mod!


  1. Whis does this diff have CS 4? Use CS 3 instead CS?What do you mean?
  2. The rythm at the beginning sounds really strange but apart from this,no major problems
X.It's fair to newbie and it's fit the music.


  1. 00:19:985 (7) - I would put this slider under the note 6
I don't know I should or shouldn't give a kds to your post...
If you don't know CS means Circle Size
hit 0 至hit 300 那7幅圖,我在遊戲中只能夠看到hit0是一個月亮,其他的因為太淺色了(而且和背景顏色太相似),我只看到數字

01:21:652 (2) - 01:22:128那個tick位很容易使新手因聽到聲而放手,或者只係將呢度轉做default S,然後取消01:21:652 (2)個slider尾個whistle?
01:47:128 (6) - ^
01:52:128 (2) - ^
02:02:366 (3) - ^
02:15:699 (4) - ^

好神奇地,呢個difficulty 個circle size仲大過relaxing,或者考慮將Relaxing個圈較返大d?
00:57:604 (1) - 這slider會否放得太上了?
01:21:890 (3) - 個人覺得,這種長1/4 的 slider在這難度裏有點急促,不太自然,或考慮延長至紅線end?
01:27:604 (6) - ^
01:31:414 (6) - ^
01:42:842 (7) - ^
01:46:652 (7) - ^
01:56:176 (3) - ^
02:04:985 (2) - 把此hitcircle變做finish?(聲音較之前finish 的 (4) 大5~10%)
02:05:461 (3,4) - 把這2個變做finish? (聲音較之前finish 的 (3) 大5~10%)
02:09:509 (6) - 太急促,或考慮延長至紅線?


另,我能否guest一個hard ? (難度大約在Tenshi和Tsubasa之間)
Topic Starter
你可以,但請在7月5號之前給我,因為8號Joshua Lost 考完試就回來做SB,skin也交給他fixed把..


Vikon wrote:

01:21:652 (2) - 01:22:128那個tick位很容易使新手因聽到聲而放手,或者只係將呢度轉做default S,然後取消01:21:652 (2)個slider尾個whistle?
01:47:128 (6) - ^
01:52:128 (2) - ^
02:02:366 (3) - ^
02:15:699 (4) - ^ 這樣設計是為了音效更流暢.So,keep for now
Snowy Dream
VIP ._.
00:40:461 (1) - spacing?
00:55:699 (1) - 最好上去點>.>

01:33:795 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - 像這樣的變距stream最好是逐個增距 用最小的格子(tiny)然後spacing按上shift去改
直接從0.2→0.4→0.6→0.8感覺太突然了>.> (當然如果是故意的就保留吧._.)

02:20:223 (x) - 這裡最好放個note 否則這3個note跳著 跳到後滿把後面的(1)也跳了。 結果瞬間MISS

01:20:938 (2) - 能下來點嘛._.
Topic Starter

Snowy Dream wrote:

00:40:461 (1) - spacing?
00:55:699 (1) - 最好上去點>.> Both fixed.

01:20:938 (2) - 能下來點嘛._. X,make it on purpose.
趕緊rank吧... Take care of yourself
Helo , got request from TBRT's Queue.
Thanks because supporting us :D

Hp drain rate ---> 5
AR ---> 5

bye >w</

good luck ==''

EDIT : sorry orz my mistake

ヽ(・∀・ )ノ
Raging Bull

More of a personal opinion, but remove slider tick hitsounds? I don't like how there is hitsounds for slider ticks ._.

Seems okay

I find it silly to see normal has bigger hit circles than easy, maybe lower circle by 1 tick? Or raise easy by 1 tick?
01:34:747 (7) - NC?
Really nothing much.

Keep Kiai and break time consistent in all your diff? Unless it's a guest mapper.
I don't know if it's Kiai abuse, but try not to do that. I see a few toggles that doesn't really need to be there.
00:22:842 (3,4,5) - I don't like how these are stacked up. It looks pretty ugly to me and there's a lot in the map ._.;; Maybe place them
similar to 02:27:842 (1,2) where it's a lot more visible.
00:37:128 (2) - I rather you just stack it at the end of the slider. It looks weird like that.
02:16:533 (1) - This slider really didn't make sense to me. Remove it.

02:02:128 (4,1) - Big jump for a rather relaxing/calming song. Maybe reduce distance? D:
02:17:366 (1,2) - Really big jump. ^

Good luck.

Raging Bull wrote:

Keep Kiai and break time consistent in all your diff? Unless it's a guest mapper. I'm :D
I don't know if it's Kiai abuse, but try not to do that. I see a few toggles that doesn't really need to be there. it's fine
00:22:842 (3,4,5) - I don't like how these are stacked up. It looks pretty ugly to me and there's a lot in the map ._.;; Maybe place them
similar to 02:27:842 (1,2) where it's a lot more visible. These stackings are not common only, I think they are fine.
00:37:128 (2) - I rather you just stack it at the end of the slider. It looks weird like that. if stack with the slider, it is too similar to 00:35:700 (3,4), easy to get confused.
02:16:533 (1) - This slider really didn't make sense to me. Remove it.Fixed~! remap the part from 02:15:461 to 02:19:034 (5)
Download: Lia - Farewell Song (kanpakyin) [Vikon Fixed after Raging Bull].osu
Topic Starter

Raging Bull wrote:

More of a personal opinion, but remove slider tick hitsounds? I don't like how there is hitsounds for slider ticks ._.X,Sorry I need it to balance the hitsound.

02:02:128 (4,1) - Big jump for a rather relaxing/calming song. Maybe reduce distance? D: X,(1)-is on a accent point,so that's fine.
02:17:366 (1,2) - Really big jump. ^ X,It's a jump patten with previous combo.
Nothing changed but thanks anyway~
Back from exams.. @_@
Finally have time to fix this...
Thanks all modders.. Some advices applied. ^o^//

Download: Lia - Farewell Song (kanpakyin) [Tsubasa].osu

00:17:723 - d
00:53:795 - K--dd
01:50:699 - ddd fits more as the ending of one sentence.

nice :D

00:38:557 (3,4) - 唔太習慣閃電擺法 (4)係(264,192)好D?
01:34:747 (3,4) - soft clap?
01:47:366 (6) - try to place it at (352,16) and rotate it clockwisely 30 degrees

You are reminded that all timeline should be on tick.
00:54:509 (1,2,3) - the spacing should be fixed with grid lv3 orz
01:51:176 (t) - the timeline is useless... put 0.75x on the last timeline (on the blue tick)

don't see problems for the rest of diff, just intersting that circle size of relaxing is smaller than tsubasa lol
also in low SV and big circle size, 1/4 sliders may not look good... orz

star x 2
Topic Starter

wmfchris wrote:


00:17:723 - d Fixed
00:53:795 - K--dd X,k on drum sound.
01:50:699 - ddd fits more as the ending of one sentence. I guess ddk should be better than ddd.

00:38:557 (3,4) - 唔太習慣閃電擺法 (4)係(264,192)好D?X,睇落去ok..
01:34:747 (3,4) - soft clap? 用左normal clap.
01:47:366 (6) - try to place it at (352,16) and rotate it clockwisely 30 degrees X,no no
Thanks for modding!


wmfchris wrote:

You are reminded that all timeline should be on tick. :arrow: 改唔改冇咩分別,所以冇改 (拍
00:54:509 (1,2,3) - the spacing should be fixed with grid lv3 orz :arrow: ok
01:51:176 (t) - the timeline is useless... put 0.75x on the last timeline (on the blue tick) :arrow: ok
Download: Lia - Farewell Song (kanpakyin) [Vikon after wmf].osu
The 08 team_Bourdon

- Circle Size -1?
01:07:842 (6) - this slider looks strange.
01:24:271 (1) - ^

00:31:414 (1) - just suggest, delete the KIAI time at here.

00:45:699 (3) - this slider looks strange.

i can't see any problem in this map~
just give a little-star~!!! :D
and dont give me Kud~

* You need a hitcircleoverlay.png
* I really don't like those weird spinner


00:28:080 (6) - Move 1/2 eariler?
00:46:652 (1) - Little bit too far from spinner. Try close to the spinner, or the noobs can't reach this while gameplay
01:07:128 (2) - Clap here doesn't fit, I guess.....


* Circle Size +1 (pleaseeeee!!!)

00:22:842 (6) - Add 1 repeating slider, I think it's doesn't make sense if you make a slider like this
00:24:747 (4) - Remove this, copy 00:24:390 (3), move to 00:24:747, and remove whistle at head slider (suggestion)
00:25:223 (5) - New combo
00:29:033 (4) - ^
00:57:604 (1) - The tail slider is touch the HP Bar
01:21:890 (3) - Again, it's make no sense if you make a slider like this, try add 1 repeating slider
01:27:604 (6) - ^
01:31:414 (6) - ^
01:31:890 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I think 9 combo is too long for normal/hard diff
01:56:176 (3) - Same issue as 01:21:890 (3)
02:06:652 (1) - It looks like tail slider is almost offscreen



* AR +1 or +2?
* This hitsound is fucking awesome

00:23:319 (B) - Map this break? Like other diff?
00:29:033 (x) - Add note here, or the player will click 00:29:271 (1) earlier
00:56:890 (1) - Add 1 repeating slider?
01:31:890 (1,1,1,2,1,2,1,1) - This combo is make no sense. If you disagree this, then explain me why (no need to flamewar)
01:44:271 (1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3) - ^
01:51:176 (B) - Map this break? Like other diff?


00:19:866 (5) - New combo?
00:20:699 (1) - Remove new combo?
00:37:366 (1) - ^
00:45:699 (3) - This slider has a weird slider shape...
01:20:938 (2) - I'm not sure if the head slider is overlap with hitburst, since the hitburst has a transparent space


It is just me or the song is quite like an old song~
Topic Starter

The 08 team_Bourdon wrote:

00:45:699 (3) - this slider looks strange. X,no it's fit the music.

Leorda wrote:


* You need a hitcircleoverlay.png
* I really don't like those weird spinner X,that's quite beautiful IMO.


00:28:080 (6) - Move 1/2 eariler? Fixed in other way.
00:46:652 (1) - Little bit too far from spinner. Try close to the spinner, or the noobs can't reach this while gameplay Fixed
01:07:128 (2) - Clap here doesn't fit, I guess..... X,it's fit.

00:19:866 (5) - New combo? X
00:20:699 (1) - Remove new combo? X
00:37:366 (1) - ^ Fixed
00:45:699 (3) - This slider has a weird slider shape... X,Really?I don't think so.
01:20:938 (2) - I'm not sure if the head slider is overlap with hitburst, since the hitburst has a transparent space X,it's fine.
Thanks for modding.
@The 08 team_Bourdon

The 08 team_Bourdon wrote:


- Circle Size -1?
01:07:842 (6) - this slider looks strange.
01:24:271 (1) - ^
Sorry all negative but thank you ~ >w<//


Leorda wrote:

* Circle Size +1 (pleaseeeee!!!) Errrr...Really sorry because I prefer the biggest size in a normal diff with my style..><

00:22:842 (6) - Add 1 repeating slider, I think it's doesn't make sense if you make a slider like this Good idea but make difficult to arrange following notes.
00:24:747 (4) - Remove this, copy 00:24:390 (3), move to 00:24:747, and remove whistle at head slider (suggestion) Sorry
00:25:223 (5) - New combo Fixed
00:29:033 (4) - ^ Fixed
00:57:604 (1) - The tail slider is touch the HP Bar Fixed
01:21:890 (3) - Again, it's make no sense if you make a slider like this, try add 1 repeating slider X
01:27:604 (6) - ^ X
01:31:414 (6) - ^ X
01:31:890 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I think 9 combo is too long for normal/hard diff Adding an additional new combo between them is strange imo..
01:56:176 (3) - Same issue as 01:21:890 (3) X
02:06:652 (1) - It looks like tail slider is almost offscreen X
Thank you ~ ^^

Download: Lia - Farewell Song (kanpakyin) [Tsubasa].osu

The 08 team_Bourdon wrote:

00:31:414 (1) - just suggest, delete the KIAI time at here. :arrow: I think it's fine.


Leorda wrote:


* AR +1 or +2? :arrow: +1
* This hitsound is fucking awesome :arrow: Thx ~

00:23:319 (B) - Map this break? Like other diff? :arrow: no,I like having a break after the first part to see the grade and Acc %
00:29:033 (x) - Add note here, or the player will click 00:29:271 (1) earlier :arrow: yes, you are right.
00:56:890 (1) - Add 1 repeating slider? :arrow: good
01:31:890 (1,1,1,2,1,2,1,1) - This combo is make no sense. If you disagree this, then explain me why (no need to flamewar) :arrow: to have some patterns different from the main part because it is near the end of the part.
01:44:271 (1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3) - ^ :arrow: to balance the notes frequency between 01:43:318 (1,2) and 01:45:223 (1,2,3) (make the frequency increase gradually), but add a note at 01:44:985
01:51:176 (B) - Map this break? Like other diff? :arrow: no, it is too tired to play a 2min-long map without a little break (for me). And to make a soft part after the break to let the players have a different taste of the map.

Thx for all modders~~!

Download: Lia - Farewell Song (kanpakyin) [Vikon after Leorda].osu
為了防止另一個AIR的map被截泡,先把comboburst調至388 x 768 之下吧 (淚目
ranking criteria 咁寫,唔跟實在有點麻煩 (sad

I can't let such a nice song have a 128 kbs mp3 file, here use this one ><

Offset / Green sections / All ellements in time - 99ms
You might also want to increase the hitsound volume.

maybe include (Short ver.) in the title?

Well, I can't find anything in the maps.
Please fix the mp3 and maybe I can bubble :)
Topic Starter

happy30 wrote:

I can't let such a nice song have a 128 kbs mp3 file, here use this one ><

Offset / Green sections / All ellements in time - 99ms
You might also want to increase the hitsound volume.

maybe include (Short ver.) in the title?

Well, I can't find anything in the maps.
Please fix the mp3 and maybe I can bubble :)
All Done!Thanks for New MP3.
oh, just a few things before i bubble:

- Fix the kiai time in Vikon so that it matches the other osu!-difficulties
- Fix spinner background, the center is not centered:
- Two unsnapped notes in taiko
Uh, guess i'm late, tee'hee >< i'm sorry >:
^^ Pretty nice mapset. :3
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