
Issue feat. Keira Green - Open your Eyes (Nightcore Mix)

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lidan69 wrote:

OzzyOzrock wrote:

00:03:324 (5) - What the, why does distance snap let you put it this far? Oh. 1.5. Why?
00:04:592 (8) - Ends in a strange place.

01:06:730 (3) - clap

Good job, I suppose.
Hello ~

I recommend you make a easy, as the guest you have as easy a more normal, I dare say that almost one hard.

00:22:343 : Very difficult for an easy
00:23:311 : Finish
00:47:159 : Very difficult for an easy
00:48:337 : Finish
01:21:938 : Very difficult for an easy
01:23:025 : Finish
01:43:674 : Very difficult for an easy
01:44:761 : Finish
02:08:309 : Very difficult for an easy
02:09:396 : Finish

[lidan69's Normal]
00:25:063 : Finish
01:46:223 : ^
01:57:817 : ^
02:01:078 : Unranked, remove it or move it
02:09:502 : This should end here : 02:09:411 (Add Finish)

02:09:411 : Finish

[Shael's Insane]
00:48:252 : Finish
02:08:686 : This spin finish here : 02:09:049 (Add Finish)
02:32:599 : Finish

GL with the map ~

darck360 wrote:

[lidan69's Normal]
00:25:063 : Finish
01:46:223 : ^
01:57:817 : ^
02:01:078 : Unranked, remove it or move it
02:09:502 : This should end here : 02:09:411 (Add Finish)

Download: Bastino feat. D@d - Open your eyes (Nightcore Mix) (kurohana) [lidan69's Normal].osu
Topic Starter

darck360 wrote:

Hello ~

I recommend you make a easy, as the guest you have as easy a more normal, I dare say that almost one hard.
02:09:411 : Finish
fixed ^^

lidan69 wrote:

darck360 wrote:

[lidan69's Normal]
00:25:063 : Finish
01:46:223 : ^
01:57:817 : ^
02:01:078 : Unranked, remove it or move it
02:09:502 : This should end here : 02:09:411 (Add Finish)
uploadet ^^
BPM is 165.60 not 165.62, where 165.62 at the end of song, beat are a bit off
offset 428
Snap the inherited timing after changing the offset and BPM

Will further mod when I got the time~

03:20 <Ayeen> : knock knock
03:20 <Ayeen> : anyone there
03:20 <kurohana> : yes xDD
03:20 <Ayeen> : xD
03:21 <Ayeen> : ok, I think I just IC mod
03:21 <kurohana> : ok^^
03:21 <Ayeen> : i did give you bpm and offset earlier i think
03:21 <Ayeen> : start from easy
03:21 <kurohana> : yes^^ thats right^^
03:22 <Ayeen> : easy using DS 1.2 the whole map?
03:22 <kurohana> : should i do this?
03:22 <Ayeen> : oh wait, this map i mean
03:22 *Ayeen is editing (Bastino feat. D@d - Open your eyes (Nightcore Mix))[]
03:22 <kurohana> : yes, i know xD
03:23 <Ayeen> : ok
03:23 <Ayeen> : easy should use consistent spacing
03:23 <kurohana> : ok
03:24 <kurohana> : ok, ill change that ^^
03:24 <Ayeen> : 00:02:239 -
03:24 <Ayeen> : 1,2,3 use 1.2
03:24 <Ayeen> : while 3,4,5 use 1.3
03:25 <kurohana> : ok
03:25 <Ayeen> : change it to more consistent spacing
03:25 <kurohana> : ok
03:26 <Ayeen> : 00:08:036 (2,3,4) sapcing
03:26 <Ayeen> : spacing*
03:26 <Ayeen> : 1.4 used there~
03:26 <kurohana> : ok
03:27 <Ayeen> : same goes 4,5,6
03:27 <kurohana> : ok
03:27 <Ayeen> : 00:19:268 - (4,1)
03:27 <Ayeen> : spacing
03:28 <Ayeen> : (1,2,3) the next pattern too
03:28 <Ayeen> : 1.6 used >.<
03:29 <kurohana> : ok
03:30 <Ayeen> : start spiner here 00:21:985 maybe?
03:30 <Ayeen> : just suggestion
03:30 <Ayeen> : and I think spinner a bit too short for beginner
03:30 <kurohana> : ok^^
03:31 <Ayeen> : 00:25:065- (1,2) spacing
03:33 <Ayeen> : 00:29:775 - (3,2) spacing can be ignored because time frame between them
03:33 <Ayeen> : but (3,1) is still a no
03:34 <kurohana> : ok
03:34 <Ayeen> : 00:31:949 -(2,3,4) spacing
03:35 <kurohana> : DS 1.2?
03:35 <Ayeen> : up to you, but it must be constant
03:35 <kurohana> : ok
03:36 <Ayeen> : if you use 1.2 from start, than 1.2 till end unless there is time gap
03:36 <kurohana> : ok
03:36 <Ayeen> : 00:33:580 - (1) suggesting spinner start here
03:36 <Ayeen> : just a suggestion~
03:37 <kurohana> : ok
03:37 <Ayeen> : 00:38:109 -(3,4) spacing
03:38 <kurohana> : ok
03:38 <Ayeen> : 00:39:196-(5,6,1,2) spacing
03:39 <Ayeen> : (4,5) earlier can be ignored due to time gap as i mentioned earlier
03:39 <kurohana> : ok
03:39 <Ayeen> : forgot the (3) in the 00:39:196~
03:40 <kurohana> : ok
03:40 <Ayeen> : 00:45:355 -1
03:40 <Ayeen> : this one is a good spinner for beginner
03:40 <kurohana> : ok
03:41 <Ayeen> : 00:59:848 -(1,2,3) spacing
03:42 <kurohana> : 4 too?
03:42 <Ayeen> : nope
03:43 <kurohana> : ok
03:43 <Ayeen> : 3,4 is fone
03:43 <Ayeen> : fine
03:43 <kurohana> : ok
03:43 <Ayeen> : 01:04:558-(4,5,1) spacing
03:44 <kurohana> : ok
03:45 <Ayeen> : ~ starting from 01:07:094
03:45 <Ayeen> : DS is much more worst ~.~
03:45 <Ayeen> : some 1.6, some 1.3
03:45 <kurohana> : ok
03:45 <Ayeen> : let me detailed it
03:46 <kurohana> : ok
03:46 <Ayeen> : 01:07:094 -(3,4,1,2,3,1)
03:47 <Ayeen> : worst is on from 1,2 DS 1.8
03:47 <kurohana> : ok
03:49 <Ayeen> : 01:14:341-(this point till spinner)
03:49 <Ayeen> : sapcing
03:50 <kurohana> : ok
03:51 <Ayeen> : I think I leave the rest of spacing inconsistency for you to fix it, else it would take hours for us to mod
03:51 <kurohana> : yes xD
03:51 <Ayeen> : you know how to check DS?
03:51 <kurohana> : yes ^^
03:52 <Ayeen> : uhmm... select a notes/slider and under the beatsnap divisor it will show the DS on next and previous one
03:53 <kurohana> : ok^^
03:53 <Ayeen> : that way, you can check DS faster
03:53 <kurohana> : ok
03:54 <kurohana> : how can i see if its wrong?
03:54 <Ayeen> : wait, I show an example
03:54 <kurohana> : ok
03:56 <Ayeen> : uploading the example, the white arrow show the DS
03:56 <Ayeen> :
03:57 <Ayeen> : there is where you can check the DS
03:57 <kurohana> : ok
03:58 <Ayeen> : ok, hitsound is too soft
03:59 <Ayeen> : change from 50% to 65% or 70%
03:59 <kurohana> : hm?
03:59 <kurohana> : ok
03:59 <Ayeen> : listen to it first, dont just accept >.>
03:59 <kurohana> : ok
04:00 <Ayeen> : going to hard now
04:00 <kurohana> : ok
04:01 <Ayeen> : seem good so far xD
04:01 <kurohana> : yay xDD
04:01 <Ayeen> : just snap the inherited time
04:02 <kurohana> : that means?
04:02 <Ayeen> : AR seem a bit too fast for me
04:02 <Ayeen> : maybe -1
04:02 <Ayeen> : the yellow/green lines
04:02 <kurohana> : ah, ok
04:03 <Ayeen> : as the BPM changes, should follow the new timing as well
04:03 <kurohana> : ok
04:03 <kurohana> : will change that later, cost too much time >.<
04:04 <Ayeen> : take your time
04:04 <kurohana> : ok
04:08 <Ayeen> : should be good I guess, fast modding though~
04:08 <kurohana> : ok
04:08 <Ayeen> : well that all, the rest difficulty I shall continue tommorow
04:09 <kurohana> : ok, write in thread^^
04:09 <Ayeen> : and about SB, thanks for playing is a bit too sudden appear...
04:09 <kurohana> : ok
04:09 <Ayeen> : maybe fade to clear.. sorry for bad english there
04:10 <kurohana> : ok
04:11 <Ayeen> : that all from me
04:11 <kurohana> : ok
04:12 <Ayeen> : thanks for your time hearing my babling~
04:12 <kurohana> : xDD it was modding, not babling xD
Topic Starter
thanks ^w^
Just dropped by to thank you for your offer of a guest diff even though I didn't need one.
And to fix the title for a second time; it should be "Open Your Eyes", not "Open your eyes". (Capitalize the "y" and the "e".)
And to shoot a kudostar, since it's Nightcore.
And to promise you that I'll get around to modding this at some point.
And... yeah.
Continued on guest difficulties:

generally, the score spreadsheet is kinda messy~
Easy,2.56 star rating : 725,180
p3n Normal 3.13 star rating : 1,04M
Lidan69 Normal 3.98 star rating: 1,3M
Hard 4.71 star rating : 5.8M
Insane 4.93 star rating : 5.1M? 0.o
Especially on Insane and Hard

p3n normal:
reduce the hitsound volume which is (75%) to (65% or 60%) It more appropriate.
snap all inherited time to new offset/bpm
00:13:471 Lower down volume to 40%
00;19:630 same as above. I think it better
Just a speed mod~ didn't mod through much

Lidan Normal:
Spinner in this difficulty is much more length than the other 2 easier diff~
Soo many blue lines @.@ Not a prob though
hitsound volume from 50% to 60 or 65%?
02:23:906 (5) Ugly slider/ asymmetry
Same as p3n diff, jsut a quick walkthrough~

Shael insane:
00:22:167 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17) Seem a bit inconsistent spacing for this stream, but bleh it minor
01:43:326 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17) Inconsistency spacing is obvious here
Another fast walkthrough~

Ayeen wrote:

Lidan Normal:
Spinner in this difficulty is much more length than the other 2 easier diff~
Soo many blue lines @.@ Not a prob though
hitsound volume from 50% to 60 or 65%?
02:23:906 (5) Ugly slider/ asymmetry
Same as p3n diff, jsut a quick walkthrough~
fixed everything expect the red colored. Somehow didn't understand what you mean.

Download: Bastino feat. D@d - Open your eyes (Nightcore Mix) (kurohana) [lidan69's Normal].osu
Hi. Sorry for late mod...

it would be nice if you would add some kiai sections. the map would look more Dynamic
Please don't use Slider Tick Rate 2 just for higher combo. Change it to 1

in some sections there is too much blur. try to reduce it because the player will have red eyes after playing~

00:13:833 (2) - you should add whistle at start.
00:16:732 (1) - ^
00:19:630 (1) - ^
00:27:601 (6) - New Combo
00:28:326 (1) - remove New combo
00:29:413 (1) - remove new combo

[lindan69's Normal]
this looks more like a normal+

nothing else~ good luck and star
Topic Starter
@akrolsmir: thanks for kudosu star x33

@Ayeen: fixed ^^

@lidan69: uploadet ^^ and changed some kiai times, looks now better ~

@Tonoicutzu: fixed ^^
SB i'll make later^^
Irgendwas ist beim Upload schiefgegangen denke ich. Hab die Map neu geladen aber da ist keine MP3 dabei. Die Gesamtgröße der .osz ist 20,3KB :o

Schreib mir ne PM oder schau ob ich online bin und schreib mich ingame an wenn der Fehler behoben ist...dann kümmer ich mich um meine guest-diff (ohne mp3 geht das schlecht fürchte ich).
Hübsche Map :)
Bei den Tags kannst du Nightcore Open Your Eyes Bastino Feat. D@d kurohana entfernen, da die Dinge ja bereits in Artist und Title angegeben sind und du als Creator nicht in den Tags stehen brauchst.

/me verschickt ein Sternchen :3
Topic Starter

eviLinco wrote:

Hübsche Map :)
Bei den Tags kannst du Nightcore Open Your Eyes Bastino Feat. D@d kurohana entfernen, da die Dinge ja bereits in Artist und Title angegeben sind und du als Creator nicht in den Tags stehen brauchst.

/me verschickt ein Sternchen :3
danke dir ^.^ hab das mit den tags jetz geändert :D

p3n wrote:

sollte jetzt eigentlich so weit passen!
habs geuploadet ^^
three .osb file exists in your .osz, delete two of them and re-submit.
mp3 @ 320 kbps, compress it to 128~192 kbps plx
the BG are @ 1021 * 768, resize it into 1024*768
(the two SB pic should be 640*480 as well, instead of 640*481)

[Insane] kiai time has been too much in this diff? :s [Make better use of 1/4 repeating sliders instead of triplet notes every time~]
00:06:043 (9) - mute that ending
00:11:841 (13) - ^
00:21:985 (x) - needs a note [You can arrange the notes in the first 20 secs in a better way *_*]
00:31:587 (2) - spacing
01:05:645 (1) - right 1 grid
01:40:790 (x) - needs some connection here
General suggestions here:
1) follow the spacing rule : constant time -> constant spacing, use the same spacing multiplier throughout the diff, otherwise something like 01:43 is really bad. Check AI mod for spacing issues.
2) Make use of sliders for triplets...
3) The kiai time is too much...

[Hard] OD+1
00:02:964 (2) - 1/8 shorter
00:23:072 (x) - the 1/8 can starts here while make it gradually louder, remove NC as well.
00:25:065 (1) - remove NC
00:29:232 (1) - ^, NC on (4) [Fix all similar new combo stuffs, try to new combo every sentences]
00:51:152 (1,3) - stack
01:40:246 (11,1) - confusing placement of (1), place (1) in other places
01:44:051 (1) - same as 00:23:072
nice trial, as a (quite easy hard), there're too many 1/8 imo.

[69's Hard] (not really hard lol), OA AR+1?
00:36:659 - this combo is too near to the boundary, the slider overlaps with the HP bar.
00:47:710 - excess timing line
01:00:935 (2,3,4) - confusing spacing arrangement
01:14:703 (7,8,9) - put (7,8) in the same horizontal level and (8,9) in the same vertical level

00:29:051 (x) - use 1/4 repeated slider instead of 1/4 slider

ok summerzing the above stuffs

- this mapset is probably so easy, especially easy~hard
- kiai problem
- spacing
- maybe you can try to do more diffs on your own xD

so when just ask for remod whenever you need xD
Topic Starter

wmfchris wrote:

three .osb file exists in your .osz, delete two of them and re-submit. fixed
mp3 @ 320 kbps, compress it to 128~192 kbps plx ok... i must do this
the BG are @ 1021 * 768, resize it into 1024*768 is that bad?
(the two SB pic should be 640*480 as well, instead of 640*481) ^

[Hard] OD+1
00:02:964 (2) - 1/8 shorter fixed
00:23:072 (x) - the 1/8 can starts here while make it gradually louder, remove NC as well. fixed, but without louder
00:25:065 (1) - remove NC fixed
00:29:232 (1) - ^, NC on (4) [Fix all similar new combo stuffs, try to new combo every sentences] later
00:51:152 (1,3) - stack what do you mean with this?
01:40:246 (11,1) - confusing placement of (1), place (1) in other places fixed
01:44:051 (1) - same as 00:23:072 fixed
nice trial, as a (quite easy hard), there're too many 1/8 imo.

lol~ each diff has a different first note point, not really a problem, just would be nice if they were similar...
5 diffs should make this set nicely balanced ;D
I dont like nightcore U.U
Letter boxing wouldnt hurt anyone
02:21:007 - really need kiai here?

Shael's Insane
00:02:420 (1) - Feels odd starting with a 1.0x slider, maybe add a note before this or replace
00:06:225 - There are no notes here because of vocal-mapping? maybe try to change this, there is still a beat here, even if its faint...
00:12:022 - ^
00:16:007 (6) - Add whistle at end
00:19:087 (14) - make a slider till big white tick
00:19:268 - ARGH THERE EVERYWHERE...orz
00:22:167 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17) - This could all be N instead, would sound nicer...
00:25:065 - This should be beginning of kiai in my opinion
00:37:928 (6) - Better if it ends at large white tick, even if theres no sound.
00:45:355 (7) - loooooong. also, maybe end at 00:46:804 - and then extend spinner
01:38:616 (4,5,6,7) - dosent sound right. check it out (clue: its the slider)
01:43:326 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17) - same thing with N. Maybe stack under previous note? dosent seem right to anti-jump
01:49:667 (13) - here it is again
01:54:377 (1) - Make end of this S or very quiet
02:00:899 (7) - ...oh whatever
02:06:152 - i would map through this

Why does this diff have less breaks than Insane? lool
00:07:312 (5) - This volume feel over powering (the end)
00:13:109 (5) - Again ^
00:13:833 (1) - carry on this beat or remove
00:18:362 (4) - bad spacing
00:20:174 (5) - whats this slider body sound for? lol
00:22:167 (10) - add new combo to give a 'glue' for slow down~
00:23:072 (11) - fade out end...?
00:25:790 (5,6,7) - spacing ?!
00:29:232 (7) - 1/8 dosent fit, dont abuse it
00:47:167 (1) - move. maybe to: x:112 y:96 ?
01:44:051 (8) - Fade out again
02:02:529 (9) - bad place
02:32:692 - pointless point :<

lidan69's Hard
whats with the bookmarks? lol
Make the kiai time same as other diffs

P3n's Normal

most timing points are off, fix them?

Good luck~star
Topic Starter

Kiiwa wrote:

Letter boxing wouldnt hurt anyone
02:21:007 - really need kiai here?

Why does this diff have less breaks than Insane? lool
00:07:312 (5) - This volume feel over powering (the end)
00:13:109 (5) - Again ^
00:13:833 (1) - carry on this beat or remove
00:18:362 (4) - bad spacing
00:20:174 (5) - whats this slider body sound for? lol
00:22:167 (10) - add new combo to give a 'glue' for slow down~
00:23:072 (11) - fade out end...?
00:25:790 (5,6,7) - spacing ?!
00:29:232 (7) - 1/8 dosent fit, dont abuse it
00:47:167 (1) - move. maybe to: x:112 y:96 ?
01:44:051 (8) - Fade out again
02:02:529 (9) - bad place
02:32:692 - pointless point :<

most timing points are off, fix them?
fixed all of them

thanks for modding^^
it's a usual practice to keep the image at 4:3 size, that ensures the quality of the background.
Just resize them if you have time~

wmfchris wrote:

[69's Hard] (not really hard lol), OA AR+1?
00:36:659 - this combo is too near to the boundary, the slider overlaps with the HP bar.
00:47:710 - excess timing line
01:00:935 (2,3,4) - confusing spacing arrangement
01:14:703 (7,8,9) - put (7,8) in the same horizontal level and (8,9) in the same vertical level

Kiiwa wrote:

lidan69's Hard
whats with the bookmarks? lol
Make the kiai time same as other diffs
fixed. Tried to make it a bit harder.

Download: Bastino feat. D@d - Open Your Eyes (Nightcore Mix) (kurohana) [lidan69's Hard].osu
Topic Starter

wmfchris wrote:

it's a usual practice to keep the image at 4:3 size, that ensures the quality of the background.
Just resize them if you have time~
i will make it tomorrow ~

lidan69 wrote:

wmfchris wrote:

[69's Hard] (not really hard lol), OA AR+1?
00:36:659 - this combo is too near to the boundary, the slider overlaps with the HP bar.
00:47:710 - excess timing line
01:00:935 (2,3,4) - confusing spacing arrangement
01:14:703 (7,8,9) - put (7,8) in the same horizontal level and (8,9) in the same vertical level

Kiiwa wrote:

lidan69's Hard
whats with the bookmarks? lol
Make the kiai time same as other diffs
fixed. Tried to make it a bit harder.
uploadet ^^
Shael's Insane

00:38:109 (x) - There seriously needs to be a note here. It feels so awkward without one. So consider moving around some notes?
01:42:420 (7) - end slider at 01:42:783
01:43:145 (x) - add note here

Any reason why the beatmap is mostly on the left side?.. it feels really weird to me.


00:24:250 (1,2,3) - confusing spacing. Either space out more or turn it into a slider.
00:25:790 (5) - new combo. though, I'm still not a big fan with the spacing, but i think it's better if a new combo is there.
00:28:870 (6,7) - spacing.
01:20:500 (1,2,3,4) - i don't like this spacing.
01:45:409 (1,2,3) - space out better or turn them into a slider or something.
02:07:239 (6) - this note is somewhat hidden. I don't like the placement of it. Could you move it elsewhere?

Not a big fan of the spacing here. i'll be honest :(

Lidan's hard

00:03:688 (6) - start the slider at 00:03:869, and add a note at 00:03:688.
00:13:471 (5) - new combo?
00:35:210 (10) - sounds a little weird imo :/
00:54:051 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - this stacking is just boring imo. make some sort of shape out of it?
01:02:746 (5,6,7,8) - rotate by 90 degrees? to make it more interesting..
01:37:347 (6) - move 1/4 tick forward.
[01:36:442 (5,6) - even if you fix the above suggestion, i would still use the white ticks and refrain from the blue ones. It just flows better that way]
01:41:333 (1,2,3,4,5) - this doesn't follow the vocals very well.

I would rather use the normal hitsound in the kiai sections... it just doesn't make sense. kiai sections don't sound epic at all when you don't use the normal hitsound :/

also... slider speed and spacing is really small imo.

p3n's normal

00:06:225 (1) - sounds a little weird imo. Also, this will just confuse beginners imo, cuz of the rhythm (the music isn't place anything to provoke this D:)
00:25:790 (2) - i would not repeat this 3 times. I think once is enough. Then add a note at 00:26:514. It makes it easier to read imo.
00:29:232 (4) - i would truly refrain from using blue ticks in a normal. I guess it's still your decision tho.
00:44:993 (2) - yea, not sure about the 3 repeats. the music doesn't really have any notes like this. All the repeat sliders like this in the other kiai sections are fine cuz there are actually notes there and it flows well.


01:04:196 (3) - i would move this note elsewhere.
01:21:496 (1) - start on white tick
01:34:993 (2) - did you purposely make this have a regular clap hitsound? or by accident?
01:38:616 (2) - ^?
01:57:638 (1) - delete combo. there's no need for one imo.

slider tick rate 1? i like having the same tick rate in all levels :/

nice map :3

there's a lot of spacing things i don't like tho :(
offset 424

unhnn,,,,, lots of spacing mistakes here ;_;

00:02:235 (1) - this start is strange, how about like [ur=]this[/url]
00:04:771 (5) - spacing
00:09:481 (4,5) - ^
00:10:568 (5,6) - ^
00:14:920 (3) - ^
00:17:819 (2) - ^
00:20:717 (2,3) - ^
00:25:428 (2) - ^
00:26:514 (4,5) - ^
00:28:326 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
00:30:862 (1,2,3,4) - ^

it seems almost all of the note should be respaced ,please check if all the notes are on grid and have spacing mistakes

01:38:612 (2) - remove clap

p3n's Normal
slider tick rate -1
also , lots of notes are not on grid , plz fix it up

00:06:225 (1) - beat on blue tick is strange ,let it beat on red tick

lidan69's Hard
00:02:420 (2,3,4,5) - spacing
00:03:233 (X) - why this green line make BPM x 1.5 ? BPM x 1.0 plz
00:14:196 (6) - new combo
00:19:630 (1) - right a grid
00:25:427 (1) - how about use normal-hit hitsound?
00:32:312 (6) - new combo
00:43:725 (6) - ^
01:14:341 (8) - ^
01:20:138 (7) - ^
01:37:348 (6) - set it at 01:37:348
01:38:254 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - is this part has any rhythm ? O_o how about like this ?

and spinner will end at same time
01:48:399 (5) - new combo
01:59:993 (5) - ^
02:01:804 (1) - remove new combo
02:02:529 (2) - new combo
02:03:254 (6) - Scraping the HP bar
02:18:109 (5) - new combo
02:21:007 (1) - down a grid
02:23:906 (6) - new combo
02:29:703 (6) - ^

also , lots of notes are not on grid , plz fix it up

00:19:630 (1) - vol 50% will be better, 65% is too high here
00:25:065 (4) - new combo
00:25:790 (5) - spacing
00:27:239 (1) - spacing? I don't really like this kind of spacing =.=
00:31:587 (5) - new combo
00:44:630 (7) - ^
01:02:384 (1) - spacing?
01:07:638 (5) - set it at x:265 y:32
01:37:891 (2) - left a grid

this diff is very random , it look not good .and i can't also understand spacing very well , I suggest use the same spacing and don't use too much different spacing ,it's hard to play

Shael's Insane
00:04:594 (9) - break time
00:10:391 (13) - ^
00:24:341 (1,2,3) - advance 1/4 beat
01:39:159 (7) - reduce 1 repeat
01:45:410 (1,2,3) - advance 1/4 beat

have a star~
Topic Starter
have made spacing new in [Hard] and [Easy], please remod this

lidan69 wrote:

[p3n's Normal]


[lidan69's Hard]

00:03:688 (6) - Maybe new combo?
00:18:181 (5) - ^
00:59:848 (7) - Line up with (6)
01:15:427 (2) - Line up with (1)
01:42:601 (4) - Line up with (3)

[Shael's Insane]

00:28:870 (11) - New combo

sorry for late, here is recheck for EZ and HD

00:08:036 (2,4) - not complete overlay (disable Grid Snap to fix )
00:17:819 (2) - finish?
00:19:630 (1,3) - not complete overlay
00:20:717 (2) - finish?
01:14:341 (1,2) - 4 repeats is a little hard for begenners , 3 repeats are enough (However, if you think is unnecessary,you needn't to do it)

00:04:594 (6) - new combo because BPM changes suddenly (or set it farther)
00:10:391 (6) - ^
00:13:109 (5) - ^
00:22:167 (1) - ^
01:25:754 (6) - ^
00:07:130 (4) - left 1 grid
00:18:725 (5) - x:104 y:256
00:19:087 (6) - x:200 y:176
00:52:601 (x) - add a circle
00:54:413 (x) - delete unuseful green line
00:55:138 (x) - ^
00:55:862 (x) - ^
00:56:587 (x) - ^
00:57:312 (x) - ^
00:58:036 (x) - ^
00:58:761 (x) - ^
00:59:485 (x) - ^

OK , that's all . good luck to you ~ :)
- Shael's Insane
00:06:949 (3,4) - Unexpected jump semi jump. Please change it to same distance.
00:24:341 (1,2,3) - Of coz, the timing isn't get right.
01:04:739 (3,7) - Ugly with those cover. 3 is cover 7 ...
01:38:435 (3,7) - Isn't a perfect cover.

- Hard
00:09:667 (5,6) - Two distance, make it far or new combo
00:18:725 (5) - up one grid or two and 00:19:087 (6) - also.
00:54:413 (X) - This break has many timing section un-need please remove it.
01:25:029 (5,6) - The distance problem as the upper part.

- All
I had said that you should find someone to re-check your timing.
If the timing is right.
You need to map it by 1/3. Becuase it match to 1/3.

Good luck STAR
Topic Starter

Daigurenhyourinmaru wrote:

sorry for late, here is recheck for EZ and HD

00:08:036 (2,4) - not complete overlay (disable Grid Snap to fix )
00:17:819 (2) - finish?
00:19:630 (1,3) - not complete overlay
00:20:717 (2) - finish?
01:14:341 (1,2) - 4 repeats is a little hard for begenners , 3 repeats are enough (However, if you think is unnecessary,you needn't to do it)

00:04:594 (6) - new combo because BPM changes suddenly (or set it farther)
00:10:391 (6) - ^
00:13:109 (5) - ^
00:22:167 (1) - ^
01:25:754 (6) - ^
00:07:130 (4) - left 1 grid
00:18:725 (5) - x:104 y:256
00:19:087 (6) - x:200 y:176
00:52:601 (x) - add a circle
00:54:413 (x) - delete unuseful green line
00:55:138 (x) - ^
00:55:862 (x) - ^
00:56:587 (x) - ^
00:57:312 (x) - ^
00:58:036 (x) - ^
00:58:761 (x) - ^
00:59:485 (x) - ^

OK , that's all . good luck to you ~ :)

KingsAL2 wrote:

- Hard
00:09:667 (5,6) - Two distance, make it far or new combo
00:18:725 (5) - up one grid or two and 00:19:087 (6) - also.
00:54:413 (X) - This break has many timing section un-need please remove it.
01:25:029 (5,6) - The distance problem as the upper part.
^ this was the same as Daigurenhyourinmaru says
- All
You need to map it by 1/3. Becuase it match to 1/3. wouldn't do this, because in [Hard] doesn't sound this :(

Good luck STAR
but thanks for mod
I think the SB is better without letterboxing on breaks...

Well, you should nazi many points... like the incorrects beat blanket (ex. 00:09:123 (3,4) - )
You should Angle Snap more to eliminate partial overlaps in hit-repeating slider slider groups like 01:14:341 (1,2) -

[p3n's Normal]
00:06:225 (1) - this slider is so much off rhythmn ( why you did make it 3/4 using even claps on blue ticks? ) simply make this like this
00:16:913 (x) - Add This? (there another drum here, and it wouldn't make you wait the voice to click..
00:29:232 (4) - bit off in rhythmn for a normal.. use a simple 1/2 Slider with no repeats or two hit circle at start and end of this?
01:50:391 (4) - ^

[lidan69's Hard]

I don't think the N:C1 stay good at the start.. used like this
00:35:210 (4) - that slider sound bad.. use a 1/2 repeating, 1/4 repeating or mix slider 'n' streams ( 3 repeat of 1/2 slider plus 1/4 stream )
00:44:268 (8) - Clap?
00:56:949 (5) - 1 grid (3) left 1 up
00:57:674 (6) - ehm, why you didn't complete the hexagon with this?
00:59:485 (6,7) - 1 grid left
01:38:797 (2) - Remove Clap -.-

Well, you should nazi many points... like the incorrects beat blanket (ex. 01:40:790 (2,3) - )
00:13:109 (1) - More spacing from the previous .. as it seem like 00:12:565 (3) - (this)
01:25:754 (1) - Copypaste 01:25:029 (5) - here ,Flip it Horizontally and Reverse Selection as it seem like this
01:29:377 (1) - You can disrespect spacing rules here.. (please ç.ç) and move this in the start of 01:30:101 (3) -
01:54:196 (1,2) - Fli those, to remove them from an overlap

You should improve it on graphics, like using less overlaps, moving hits better etcetera...
Topic Starter

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

I think the SB is better without letterboxing on breaks...

Well, you should nazi many points... like the incorrects beat blanket (ex. 00:09:123 (3,4) - )
You should Angle Snap more to eliminate partial overlaps in hit-repeating slider slider groups like 01:14:341 (1,2) -

Well, you should nazi many points... like the incorrects beat blanket (ex. 01:40:790 (2,3) - )
00:13:109 (1) - More spacing from the previous .. as it seem like 00:12:565 (3) - (this)
01:25:754 (1) - Copypaste 01:25:029 (5) - here ,Flip it Horizontally and Reverse Selection as it seem like this
01:29:377 (1) - You can disrespect spacing rules here.. (please ç.ç) and move this in the start of 01:30:101 (3) -
01:54:196 (1,2) - Fli those, to remove them from an overlap
ok, fixed, but waht did you mean with "nazi this"?

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

[lidan69's Hard]

I don't think the N:C1 stay good at the start.. used like this
00:35:210 (4) - that slider sound bad.. use a 1/2 repeating, 1/4 repeating or mix slider 'n' streams ( 3 repeat of 1/2 slider plus 1/4 stream )
00:44:268 (8) - Clap?
00:56:949 (5) - 1 grid (3) left 1 up
00:57:674 (6) - ehm, why you didn't complete the hexagon with this?
00:59:485 (6,7) - 1 grid left
01:38:797 (2) - Remove Clap -.-

Download: Bastino feat. D@d - Open Your Eyes (Nightcore Mix) (kurohana) [lidan69's Hard].osu

kurohana wrote:

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

I think the SB is better without letterboxing on breaks...

Well, you should nazi many points... like the incorrects beat blanket (ex. 00:09:123 (3,4) - )
You should Angle Snap more to eliminate partial overlaps in hit-repeating slider slider groups like 01:14:341 (1,2) -

Well, you should nazi many points... like the incorrects beat blanket (ex. 01:40:790 (2,3) - )
00:13:109 (1) - More spacing from the previous .. as it seem like 00:12:565 (3) - (this)
01:25:754 (1) - Copypaste 01:25:029 (5) - here ,Flip it Horizontally and Reverse Selection as it seem like this
01:29:377 (1) - You can disrespect spacing rules here.. (please ç.ç) and move this in the start of 01:30:101 (3) -
01:54:196 (1,2) - Fli those, to remove them from an overlap
ok, fixed, but waht did you mean with "nazi this"?
there are some point you should make sharper in graphic, i founded that almost all beat blanket you used weren't well done, try to make the slider border respect better the hit circle approach circle in those
Remove "Letterbox during breaks"...

hmm Star ;)
Topic Starter
thanks ^^

lidan69 wrote:

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

[lidan69's Hard]

I don't think the N:C1 stay good at the start.. used like this
00:35:210 (4) - that slider sound bad.. use a 1/2 repeating, 1/4 repeating or mix slider 'n' streams ( 3 repeat of 1/2 slider plus 1/4 stream )
00:44:268 (8) - Clap?
00:56:949 (5) - 1 grid (3) left 1 up
00:57:674 (6) - ehm, why you didn't complete the hexagon with this?
00:59:485 (6,7) - 1 grid left
01:38:797 (2) - Remove Clap -.-
uploadet ^^
Ayeen's second mod:

Background is 1021x768, make it 1024x768 and do full submit
kurohana.jpg is not used in SB :|
I'm suggesting start your first kiai time at 00:24:341 it is more appropriate here as it starting of lyrics. Right now your easy diff have different kiai time than other diff too that was at 00:25:065
Remove kurohana in tags. You already the creator of the mapset aka the one who submit, so there is no need to put your name in tags

Shael Insane:
About cosmestic, maybe someone better wil fix that, i am not good at it. Some notes seem to be quite random placed~
00:26:062 (2) Move to 00;26:152. There is no beat at 00:26:062
00:30:049 (2) Move to 00:30:500. ^
00:31:859 (2) ^
01:47:221 (2) ^
01:51:569 (2) ^
01:53:018 (2) ^
Move all to white tick one step forward aka 1/1 in mapping word
I suspect mostly the notes drop on blue tick or more known as (1/4) because of BPM changes and didn't noticed after it.
02:31:333 (1) Spinner should start here imo

You might wanna reduce slider tick rate to 1 or 0.5 where slider tick rate 2 make the score here 5.5M while Shael insane that supposed to be harder is 4.7M score only. reducing it to 1 or 0.5 will make it become 4.6M score though
00:31:859 (2) Move to white tick forward
00:52:601 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) You can think of making more interesting pattern here. Right now, that kinda random

Lidan hard:
some slider shape bother me here ~ But im not good at cosmestic, so Im leaving it to other modders

p3n Normal:
00:06:225 (1) fix this slider, right now some of it bounce on blue tick. making some funny hitsound
Other than that, is cosmetic issues, that I wont do as well

Dont use 1/3. The song is using 1/4 instead of 1/3
00:21:895 (1) Start spinner here instead using 1/3
00:33:580 (1) start spinner here
01:43:145 (1) ^
02:07:692 (1) start spinner here
02;30:971 (1) star spinner here

Best of luck form me ~
Topic Starter
thanks for 2nd mod ^^
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