
(Mania) I need help for my receptors / judgement line position

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(This is only my second topic post, i'm sorry if it's confusing or i'm using certain things / terms wrongly, but I need help.)
Hi, i'm currently making a orb/circle skin for Mania. But I am having a bit of trouble determining a few things with my skin, more specifically with my hitbox offset and timing on this skin.

It might be my keyboard:
My keyboard is unable to handle quad keys (ASKL all at once), and instead of inputting them at all, it just acts like I didn't press anything at all. Is THIS the thing that's causing my bad accuracy? I checked my PollRate on a testing site online and it said it was around 260-340, I can't remember for sure.

It might be the skin:
I've tinkered with the positioning of the judgement line quite a lot, but no matter how much I fiddle with it I just can't find a "Sweet spot". I always land about 100-300 less "Perfect" than "Marvelous!" which Marvelous is my highest accuracy judgement.

It might be me, or my skill:
It could be me, and me having inconsistent timing, or just bad skinning experience, or even bad gameplay habits. I've recently been adapting myself to hit the circles right as they're centered into the receptors, so I had put my judgement line as close as I could to where that was the case to create a "Marvelous!" hit.

Additional Information:
I am trying to make my very own personalized and special skin. My goal with the skin isn't really to make it popular or publish it some day, just to make a skin that's perfect for me, that's why I want to know what's causing this accuracy issue. The skin itself is slowly being built up mostly from the ground up with a very basic circle skin I had found online, clearing out almost everything from the original and trying to work it back up to a skin I can use. As for the base of the skin, I forgot what it was called.

I genuinely can't tell what it is, or find a way to reliably determine what the problem is. It's causing me to have a headache, especially since even with judgement line set to visible, and constantly changing it midway through replays of BotPlay to see how "centered" it is, when I try it myself it just doesn't feel right. Does anyone have any potential advice on how I could find or look for the problem, or fix it? I genuinely want to get better accuracy as I improve in speed and precision, so any advice or tips genuinely help, thanks.
Maybe this guide will help
Also if you send me a link I can fix it for you if you want
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MFGSTC wrote:

Maybe this guide will help
Also if you send me a link I can fix it for you if you want
I remember watching this guide before a good while ago, but a rewatch might help me figure this out. Thank you for reminding me of it!

Also, thank you for the offer, but I will pass on it. I'm going to try to do this on my own, not out of arrogance or stubbornness, I just wanna learn the method for fixing these problems on my own so I can make more skins down the line.

I'll rewatch the video you linked soon. Afterwards i'll try to see if I can figure out rather it's my skin, or the keyboard / myself that's the problem, that'll at least help me narrow down the possibilities.
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