
osu! Community Meeting #4 [Complete]

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lesjuh wrote:

How late is that for timezone GMT+1 :?
It will be starting at 7:00 saturday for you.
Pretty late, but I'll put in the effort to stay up for this. :P

Hmm... It has been a while since I've had an all-nighte-*dies*

I hate having to miss community meetings, but I've got some classes in the morning at 9AM. Staying up till 3AM won't be too good for me, but I might be able to make it...
Aww maaan, 6am? That's another night / early morning lost to this game! =P
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Chaos Anime X
Humm may seen kind of strange, but can we discuss the community's approval of the smilies? I don't like that they are soooo small. I can't really see them on my 1600 x 1200 screen

chaosanime wrote:

Humm may seen kind of strange, but can we discuss the community's approval of the smilies? I don't like that they are soooo small. I can't really see them on my 1600 x 1200 screen
I don't like that they exist. But that's me.

Oh hang on I bet they can be disabled
I rather like the smileys. It's not like we can replace them with bigger ones. If you want to get rid of them for yourself:

Prefs => Board Preferences => Edit Display Options => Display Smileys as Images => No

Then you'll just see the text versions, which will of course be scaled.
You can "replace" smilies with bigger ones by using


if you really want to
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Chaos Anime X
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Chaos Anime X

Loginer wrote:

You can also check "Disable smilies" before posting to disable smilies in that post.

chaosanime wrote:

Humm may seen kind of strange, but can we discuss the community's approval of the smilies? I don't like that they are soooo small. I can't really see them on my 1600 x 1200 screen
If you can't see the smilies, you're sitting too far away from the screen.
I can see them, I just can't tell what the faces are actually doing (on most of the animated ones at least)

chaosanime wrote:

good points, but I'm talking about DEFAULT smilies

LuigiHann wrote:

I rather like the smileys. It's not like we can replace them with bigger ones. If you want to get rid of them for yourself:

Prefs => Board Preferences => Edit Display Options => Display Smileys as Images => No

Then you'll just see the text versions, which will of course be scaled.
I mean, we could replace them with bigger ones, but the current ones are standard size for a forum, and fit in nicely with a standard 12-point font.
Thanks to all for coming. Meeting minutes will be up tomorrow for those who couldn't make it. In the mean time, you may read a chat log here.
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Yeah i missed it too :|
It would be 7:00 in the morning for me, I need some sleep too xD
Missed the meeting due to lack of knowledge regarding TIMEZONES. D:

chaosanime wrote:

Humm may seen kind of strange, but can we discuss the community's approval of the smilies? I don't like that they are soooo small. I can't really see them on my 1600 x 1200 screen
Are you blind or something? I can see them just fine on a 1920 x 1200 screen, personally.
Wasn't there due to timezone so I flew over through the log and here's my thoughts:

peppy wrote:

- Beatmap Moderation
Not entirely sure if the proposed system might work well, but I agree it can't hurt to try.
Still, I don't see this without a major overhaul in the forums/homepage (like using a suggestion system or a "featured" system to allow people to access maps quicker so they can notice them quicker). Also, a #mod channel so non-BATs can discuss modding and a possible formal "Mod exchange" system would be nice (as in formally asking somebody a mod exchange so they both help each other out).
Kudos system would also need some serious thought as in both the rating the potential map and mapper get as well as the rating the modder gets from the mapper in how useful he was.

peppy wrote:

- Localisation
Yeah, should be doable. Translating the interface is not that complicated and adding Kanji support/fallback would be nice, too.
Also, I need to get back to work on the FAQ now that I got reminded of it.
By the way, maybe ask the specific users of each country if there's something specific they'd want besides a UI translation? I could ask at the spanish and german boards if necessary.

peppy wrote:

- Expanding the Team
Sounds good from what I read in the log. Go ahead. Sent you a pm on some suggestions I have on this.
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