
[WIP] Cytofu! - Cytoid(/Cytus II?) beatmap to osu! beatmap converter

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Yup, exactly what the title says.
I've made a program that converts Cytoid maps to osu! maps.
I made this in one night (March 1 - March 2) so don't expect any high code quality

I plan to eventually add some form of storyboard generator that does the scanline
Currently this only generates the [TimingPoints] and [HitObjects] for an .osu file, and outputs them in the console.
Pull requests appreciated!

Current features:
  1. Timing point and hitobject generation
  2. Generates hold circles as very small slider circles
  3. Generates combos according to when the scanline changes directions
  4. Open source
  5. Written in pure Python 3
  6. Can rickroll you at a 9.75 star rating (according to lazer)
  7. Doesn't crash (hopefully)
  8. It uh... works.
How to use it:
  1. Make sure you have Python 3 installed
  2. Put your map's json file in the same directory as the program with the name map.json
  3. Run
  4. It will print the resulting osu! beatmap data, so put those [TimingPoints] and [HitObjects] in your .osu file
  5. Done!
Let me know if I should anything else (either to this post or the program)
Also if you need help using the program feel free to ask!

Screenshots (taken with E.CS skin):

A hold circle

Auto gameplay on lazer (map)

Auto gameplay on stable (map (I'm serious))

Download it from GitHub
Holy shit this is awesome :O
That sounds fun
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