Hey o/
sv creation request
Artist - Title: RoughSketch - 777
Length: 2:02
s/1312841Description: tl;dr 按照曲子有什么就写什么的思路写,结果塞了vibro (map-whatever-song-gives but ended up putting in vibros)
Diff(s): (and if it contains different key counts, plz describe whether snaps of diffs are the same) Jackpot
Intensity you need: { gentle/ midium/ strong } medium
Density you need: { 1 ~ 10 } 3-5(适量即可,主要难点不应该是sv)
100% sure your offset is correct?: { yes/ no } yes
想要认真写一些比较难的4k,发现这一首歌比较适合写难,某些部分参照了SDVX的666就写了。大概曲子能够写多难就写多难,一个地方适合塞什么就塞什么,不怎么管可玩性和sr,尾杀塞了一段~195BPM 1/4 chordjack就完事了,结果找人测的时候才发现自己写了个vibro尾杀(笑
--- Description from mania discord server ---
I partially drew the mapping style from 666 in SDVX. These two songs are pretty similar - they got similar names, similar BPM pattern, same artist, and both are themed around that particular number etc. They also got that ending 1/4 kick sequence.
I sticked to the principle of "map to the feeling of a section", mapping whatever is appropriate for each section. I let myself experiment with minijack sequences because this is going to be jacky. The two vibro segments---one after the initial calm sequence, one near the end---are the evil patterns here. I stole that mostly as is from 666[MXM] in SDVX (blame PHQUASE), and extended that sequence to the length of the whole segment. Then I tried to nerf down the first of them -- feels like it isn't good to do that right at the start.
This plays horribly (per HowToPlayLN), as expected, so I am thinking -- Is this complete crap, or is it just at the line between ok and meme?