
Write until you get an error.

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So right now it is 2 AM where I am so I'm really tired. At least I'm on the PC, so I'm not having as much of hard time I had befre

Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larot
Shohei Ohtani
So, I guess I'll continue my fanic
Larto Latop.......
what the........
Larto Larop

Christ this is bad -.-'
So here I go, what if I am just thinking in spanish and all I can write is in english and I don't really know what to sya <- Lol now that I read it, it has no sense at all

Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Latro xDD
Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto LArto -- D:<
From the thread I have gathered the most common typos combined to be:

Larto Larto Larto LaroLAtrop Larto
I have no idea what to type here, so I'll just say random stuff. y
larto larto t
- - - - -
Challenge (which I have never tried)
Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto l


Lybydose wrote:

Let's do this!

Akali Alistar Amumu Anivia Annie Ashe Blitzcrank Brand Caitlyn Cassiopeia Cho'Gath Corki Dr. Mundo Evelynn Ezreal Fiddlesticks Galio Gangplank Garen Gragas Heimerdinger Irelia Janna Jarvan IV Jax Karma Karthus Kassadin Katarina Kayle Kennen Kog'Maw LeBlank

You were close, you wrote LeBlank which Blank is empty and is a typo os .... FUCK
I had a dream once when I was in a fast escalator with no rails so it was really thrilling adn... shit
so I'm eating athe.

Okay so there was this one ime-

I definitely enjoy Osu! the game, and writing Larto isn't too gard-

It's funny because there's a lot of Alumni who are here and are typing in this exact topic which actually really surprises me, maybe because Larto isn't BAT anymore and that's probably why he can do that...

...Alternatively he probably PM'd them all to post on this but I doubt he'd do that regardless if he's an attention whore. On the other fact, it's probable that he wpi--

--Well...That was a good run at least... Too bad I have too much practice typing Larto over and over again.

Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Lao--

for now let's try typing, how long would I last without making any mistakes. who knows? mana keh-

I love hjow
*cracks fingers*

Ok, I'm definitely NOT going to mess up. Even with CAPS and stuff, and all these commas and hard qwords like apostrophe-

damn, I spelled words wrong. This is a fun thread LOL
She sells sea shells by the sea shore. She sells sea shells by the sea shore. She sells sea shells by the sea shore. She sells sea shells by the sea shore. She sells sea shells by the sea shore. She sells sea shells by the sea shore. She sells sea shells by the sea shore. She sells sea shells by the sea shore. She sells sea shells by the sea shore. She sells sea shells by the sea shore. She sells sea shells by the sea shore. She sells sea shells by the sea shore. She sells sea shells by the sea shore. She sells sea shells by the sea shore.

Ugh I need a new thing to type...

Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall, ninety-nine bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around. Ninety-eight bottles of beer on the wall. Ninety-eight bottles of beer on the wall, ninety-eight bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around. Ninety-seven bottles of beer on the wall. Ninety-seven bottles of beer on the wall, ninety-seven bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around. Ninety-six bottles of beer on the wall. Ninety-sei-

One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty Twenty-One Twenty-Two Twenty-Three Twenty-Four Twenty-Five Twenty-Six twenty D:
I remember today, we were riding the bus home & we saw some guy that looked like Osama or something. Well that's what they said. then I got bored & started yelling jibberish.

I like pie. I like pie, I'm going to go eat some pie, fyc...
i fialed

What can I possibly write in this here field of text hmmn? Oh I'm not entirely sure. Also, I'm not entirely sure how do you spell "hmmn" properly, but I'll assume you type it as "hmmn." And yes, you're supposed to place periods in front of an ending of a pair of quotation marks, at least that is what my teacher lectured to me back in grade schl-

Does anyone besides me hate that feeling like there is something in the back of their mouth? I swear to god it's there now and I don't know what to do about it. I want to like rip out my teeth just to find it, oh well not my problem. I'll just continue living onwards. Oh god I hope that's a real word or else I'll feel like an idiot....well more of an idiot than I usually am. Anyway randomt

Reimu Marisa Rumia Cirno Meiling Kao
Hmmm, I'm not sure what to wer
Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto Larto A

jjrocks wrote:

Does anyone besides me hate that feeling like there is something in the back of their mouth? I swear to god it's there now and I don't know what to do about it. I want to like rip out my teeth just to find it, oh well not my problem. I'll just continue living onwards. Oh god I hope that's a real word or else I'll feel like an idiot....well more of an idiot than I usually am. Anyway randomt

Dear jjrocks,

That's your tongue.
So have any of you guys heard about dave?

He's a pretty cool guy, never complains, and is all round awesome/

... Good attempt.
Larto Larto Larot...

I suck
Why bug someone and talk to him/her if only you would endd
Reimu Marisa Sakuya Cirno Letty CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN (not an error) Alice Lily White Lunasa Lyrica Merlin Youmu Yuyuko Ran Yukari

Hakurei Kirisame Izaya

Wojjan wrote:

jjrocks wrote:

Does anyone besides me hate that feeling like there is something in the back of their mouth? I swear to god it's there now and I don't know what to do about it. I want to like rip out my teeth just to find it, oh well not my problem. I'll just continue living onwards. Oh god I hope that's a real word or else I'll feel like an idiot....well more of an idiot than I usually am. Anyway randomt

Dear jjrocks,

That's your tongue.
No, it was like a piece of spinach, or whatever I was eating at the time...I don't really know how to explain it but I was using my tongue to get rid of it. I'm playing minecraft again (sorry for getting off-topic but hey that's what this forum is for) also, are we going with grammar rules here because I would've lost a long long time ago. It's also getting pretty hot in my room, why am I wearing a long sleeve shirt then....oh that's right I'm doin g
Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend.
Friday! Friday! Gettin' down on Friday! Everybody's lookin' forwat

for wat?
I hatge

hatge. damnit
It's almost 3AM in the morning, so I'd like to see how far I can get typing this crap out while I am falling asleep simultaneously. Wow, I actually managed to spell "simultaneously" right. I usually get that wrong. Most of the time. Maybe I type better when I'm falling asleep? I guess I learn something new everyday. Yep, everyday.

So uhhhh, what to talk about. Well uhm uhm uhm uhm, my entire computer workstation is composed of apparatus of black colour; a black laptop, a black mouse, a black mousepad, a black printer - oh speaking of which, why is my printer on? Hold on, let me turn the crap off. OH GOD WHY IS IT SO LOUD SHUT UP YOU STUPID PRINTER UGHHH. Oh, it turned off. Good. Now, back to discussing random stuff. This is off-topic anyway, right? Hmmn. Quite. Indeed. Excellent. Fabulous. Fuc- no I will not say it.

Oh did I tell you about the time where PSN went down? Well, I didn't tell you; you probably found out yourself. Tragic moment. Well at least some of its basic features is back up and running. That's good, right? Still, I want to access the PS Store and buy some random crap since they are having that "Welcome Back!" program.. they're still having that proig-

LOL. "proig" should have been "program."
Louis Cyphre
Larto LArto Larto LArto Larto Larto Larto Larto larto Larto La@erto

my hands are so effing tired after playing the stream compilation, an
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