
RTPP Displayer - display real-time pp for ALL MODES! (2022/4/11)

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yo hmm mine just show the little grey box even tho i did anything like the tuto can you help me ?
not working for me the script auto crashes the sync.exe thing
I did everything but doesn't appear in game, and before I start my osu session I insert "o i" but it keeps saying "error".
i have a problem that keeps me from using the pp counter INSIDE the game.
whenever i lunch the second Sync; i get an error with the followig context:

i tried everything. unlocking the archive, redownloading sync, and i even had to install 7zip since im used to winrar but it seems like it didn't help neither.
any help would be appricated. sorry for my bad english!
I need help with this error:

It looks that I can't connect to the network, but how? My internet connection is not slow. This errors appears when I want to install a plugin. Do someone know how can I troubleshoot this?

[size=50][20:01:11] Cannot update : OpenRead : No es posible conectar con el servidor remoto
[20:01:32] No es posible conectar con el servidor remoto
[20:01:32] en System.Net.WebClient.OpenRead(Uri address)
en System.Net.WebClient.OpenRead(String address)
en Sync.Tools.Builtin.PluginCommand.Serializer[T](String url)
en Sync.Tools.Builtin.PluginCommand.InstallByKeyword(String keyword, Boolean requireRestart)
en Sync.Tools.Builtin.PluginCommand.Install(String guid)
en Sync.Tools.Builtin.PluginCommand.Plugins(Arguments arg)
en Sync.Command.CommandDispatch.invoke(String name, Arguments args)
[20:01:32] System
i cant connect to the remote serever idk why tho
[Peter Griffin]
>plugins install displayer
[12:23:45 PM] Cannot update : OpenRead : Unable to connect to the remote server
[12:24:06 PM] Unable to connect to the remote server
[12:24:06 PM] at System.Net.WebClient.OpenRead(Uri address)
at System.Net.WebClient.OpenRead(String address)
at Sync.Tools.Builtin.PluginCommand.Serializer[T](String url)
at Sync.Tools.Builtin.PluginCommand.InstallByKeyword(String keyword, Boolean requireRestart)
at Sync.Tools.Builtin.PluginCommand.Install(String guid)
at Sync.Tools.Builtin.PluginCommand.Plugins(Arguments arg)
at Sync.Command.CommandDispatch.invoke(String name, Arguments args)
[12:24:06 PM] System
[12:24:06 PM] Command execution failed, type 'help' for command list.

I get the error " Fetch Sync update info failed,please check your network if it can able to connect" can somebody help me?
i press the virus check link and it said that "2 security vendors flagged this URL as malicious:", which is Autoshun and CMC Threat Intelligence.
So the link for the error 0x80131515 in faq goes to the same site and doesn't lead anywhere, please help I really like this idea
I can't connect to Is this website closed?
>plugins install config
[13:02:58] Cannot update : OpenRead : 无法连接到远程服务器
[13:03:19] 无法连接到远程服务器
[13:03:19] 在 System.Net.WebClient.OpenRead(Uri address)
在 System.Net.WebClient.OpenRead(String address)
在 Sync.Tools.Builtin.PluginCommand.Serializer[T](String url)
在 Sync.Tools.Builtin.PluginCommand.InstallByKeyword(String keyword, Boolean requireRestart)
在 Sync.Tools.Builtin.PluginCommand.Install(String guid)
在 Sync.Tools.Builtin.PluginCommand.Plugins(Arguments arg)
在 Sync.Command.CommandDispatch.invoke(String name, Arguments args)
[13:03:19] System
[13:03:19] Command execution failed, type 'help' for command list.
hi sorry if this is a dumb question---i'm trying to configure rtpp-multi-output-cofig.json, but everytime i make changes they don't affect the overlay + when i save via the config panel, my changes are reverted (that is, the document reverts to the state it was before my edits). is there any way of fixing this? i'm trying to maintain the different sizes of the hit counts + pp count but trying to remove the "-> ____pp (____ pp/s)" part
I really like your work but its just telling me that Im not connected to the server. If I try to install the plugins, it says "Not able to connect with remote server". Pls help my internet is very well at all.
Everyone who install this nowadays should realize that the program is completely outdated and it is no longer going to work.
The developer stopped updating it to be compatible with the current versions of osu!. Last Update was 14 months ago, not too hard to realize why it doesn't work anymore.
It doesn't work every time I start it it says

Unhandled Exception: System.Management.ManagementException: Invalid class
at System.Management.ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo(ManagementStatus errorCode)
at System.Management.ManagementObjectCollection.ManagementObjectEnumerator.MoveNext()
at OsuRTDataProvider.Helper.HardwareInformationHelper.GetOSInformation()
at OsuRTDataProvider.Helper.HardwareInformationHelper.PrintHardwareInformation()
at OsuRTDataProvider.OsuRTDataProviderPlugin.<>c.<.ctor>b__14_0(ProgramReadyEvent e)
at Sync.Plugins.EventDispatcher.RaiseEvent[Event](Type eventType, Event event)
at Sync.Plugins.BaseEventDispatcher`1.RaiseEvent[Event](Event event)
at Sync.Plugins.PluginManager.ReadySync()
at Sync.Tools.StartupHelper.InitSync()
at Sync.Tools.StartupHelper.Start()
at Sync.Program.Main(String[] args)
-[ cloudy ]-
Anyone know how to get a PP counter in game? Been looking online but when i open the console it says i cant connect to the remote server (

MysticHD21 wrote:

Anyone know how to get a PP counter in game? Been looking online but when i open the console it says i cant connect to the remote server (
its outdated
My pp counter is working just fine. But everytime i update osu, it always goes like this. Does anyone know how to fix this? i've already experiencing this issue two times and it's so annoying

Im very sad that it doesn't work now, I think or he deleted from his server, or he just missclicked something

In both cases, I would like to thank for this program it helped me a lot
I can't use this because it keeps on saying this.

[12:34:37 pm] Loaded 12 Filters
Opps! You seem occur a error! We was captured this error and repoting to developers

Unhandled Exception: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'F:\output'.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.Directory.InternalCreateDirectory(String fullPath, String path, Object dirSecurityObj, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.Directory.InternalCreateDirectoryHelper(String path, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(String path)
at OsuLiveStatusPanel.PPShow.Output.DiskFileOutput..ctor(String path)
at OsuLiveStatusPanel.PPShow.Output.OutputBase.Create(String path)
at OsuLiveStatusPanel.PPShow.InfoOutputterWrapper.Init(String config_path)
at OsuLiveStatusPanel.PPShow.InfoOutputterWrapper..ctor(String config_path)
at OsuLiveStatusPanel.OsuLiveStatusPanelPlugin.SetupPlugin(SyncHost host)
at OsuLiveStatusPanel.OsuLiveStatusPanelPlugin.OsuLiveStatusPanelPlugin_onLoadComplete(LoadCompleteEvent evt)
at Sync.Plugins.EventDispatcher.RaiseEvent[Event](Type eventType, Event event)
at Sync.Plugins.BaseEventDispatcher`1.RaiseEvent[Event](Event event)
at Sync.Plugins.PluginManager.ReadyProgram()
at Sync.SyncHost.Load()
at Sync.Tools.StartupHelper.InitSync()
at Sync.Tools.StartupHelper.Start()
at Sync.Program.Main(String[] args)
pp displayer dont work anymore? cant get it running since 2 weeks or so
dj elektryk
Don`t woprking now
Mine keeps saying "Cannot update : OpenRead : Unable to connect to the remote server" when I try to install plugins.

DarkProjector wrote:

RealtimePPDisplayer is a Sync plugin which able to calculate and show pp while you are playing osu!std/taiko/ctb/mania. It depends on another plugin named Osu!RTDP and you can show them where you want.

osu! version:b20200715
ORTDP version:1.6.4
if you notice your displayer doesn't work,please check their version and update.(just type "plugins update" in Sync console.)

Feature & ChangeLog
  1. Automatic to show/hide with the change of game status.
  2. Support Tourney Mode.
  3. Provide GUI-Window and Text file, you can choose how to show them.
  4. Show realtime datas ,such as PP/100_count/300_count/200_count/miss_count and more.
  5. Support window topmost.
  6. Support I18n.
  7. Support transparency(but it can catched by OBS until it's no transparency).
  8. Add shadow effect switch.
  9. Automatic to get song folder.
  10. Support log file
  11. Add beatmap path searching pattern "*{title}*"
  12. Add debug mode.If you meet trouble please set DebugMode=True and got details info.
  13. NOW IS SUPPORT OBS-PLUGIN!!! live streamers can able to show PP displayer when they are playing with fullscreen.Details.
  14. Support more method output at same time. Details
  15. Support Install/Update in Sync program.Detail
  16. Support customize output content.Details
  17. Improve beatmap searching.Now it is able to display beatmaps which custom path.
  18. Support customize RoundDigits in config.ini
  19. Dispalyer Interface is public ,now you can make a displayer by yourself.
  20. Support output "speed_pp"/"aim_pp"/"acc_pp"/'if_fc_pp"/"max_pp"/"combo" and more.
    1.2.2 | 2018/1/22
  21. Support change font in WPF,please modify FontName in config.ini.(Default:Segoe UI,Recommend:Consolas);
  22. Implement reload setting
  23. fixed some bugs,and add more bugs. XD
    1.2.4(1.2.2) | 2018/1/31
  24. Support Taiko mode.
  25. Add ForceOsuSongsDirectory option in config.ini.(ForceOsuSongsDirectory forces ORTDP to use this path.)
  26. Add GetCurrentData method(Developers can get all data without event invoking)
  27. Support Mania Mode.(BETA)
  28. Support output with expression.for example "total obj:$(n300+n100+n50+nmiss}"
  29. Add more bugs :D
  30. PPY,Please update .NET target version :P
    - - (Sync2.17)
  31. Support auto update.
  32. Add more log info for debugging&check
  33. Add GameMode option(Available options: Auto,Osu,CatchTheBeat,Mania,Taiko)
    (1.3.5 2018/5/15)
  34. Update oppai.dll for HD adjustment.
    1.4.0(1.4.0 2018/6/27)
  35. Add "DisableProcessNotFoundInformation","EnableModsChangedAtListening","IgnoreTouchScreenDecrease " option in config.ini.
  36. Add "Send pp to chat on Ranking" via IRC chat(recommand PublicBotTransferPlugin) Preview Tutorial
  37. Support config can type "config" and modify config conveniently.
  38. Add mmf-split and text-split out method
  39. Mania pp update
  40. sorry ,because of bugs , restart command is unusable ,you can close and then open Sync if it needs restart.
    1.5.0(1.4.3 2018/8/19)
  41. Support expression and provide lots of functions for formatting,Details
  42. Support CTB
    1.6.0(1.4.4 2018/11/1)
  43. Output hardware information in debug mode.
  44. Support logical expression and new functions. like "if(condition, true_expression, false_expression)"
    1.6.8(1.4.4 oppai3.1.1)
  45. update oppai.dll to 3.1.1 and support latest offical pp algorithm.
  46. add update checker and it will be easy to tell you if your Sync/RTPP need to update.
  47. fix bug which cant calculate mania realtime pp.
  48. Add new output method:multi-output
  49. Support new output formatter for multi-output : Javascript
  50. Add new rtpp output params: ${rtstars} and ${stars}.
  51. Adapt osu!version v20190816
  52. Add OnUnstableRateChanged for devs.
  53. Add version check notify.
  54. Adapt osu!version v20190906
  55. Add formatter variable ${ur} to show realtime UnstableRate.
  56. Add formatter function smooth(variable_name).
  57. Add rtppfmt-bp formatter. it's added the following variables: ${rtbp} , ${fcbp} , ${rtpp_with_weigth} , ${fcpp_with_weigth} , ${rtpp_weight} , ${fcpp_weight}.Usage wiki Test ExampleScreenshot
  58. Add formatter variables: ${acc} and ${score}
  59. Support getting replay/hit data Details
  60. support Japanese language, thx Fairy-Phy
  61. support Sync 2.18.4
  62. OLSP support Japanese language, thx Fairy-Phy
  63. support Sync 2.18.5
  1. If it not work,try to run Sync.exe as Administrator.
  2. If you notice ortdp catch wrong(or not exist) Song path.Please modify ForceOsuSongsDirectory to your real Songs path and retry.
  3. Please read FAQ and Usage carefully.I won't reply any thing what I wrote. 8-)
  4. If you feel lag when you are using.You can modify config.ini and set "ListenInterval" value(ms) as you want.(suggest 132,best 33).We will optimize it.
  5. If you got these messages when you are play ctb beatmap:

    Please close Sync and modify "GameMode=CatchTheBeat" or use config command:
  6. Realtime PP Displayer is automatic to start when you open Sync.exe so you needn't input anything command else.(You may have to play once for taking effect)

Usage and Download

* Manual Operation(Video Tutorial)([b]Bilibili):
  1. Download Sync and unzip to a folder which you like.
  2. Open Sync,type "plugins install displayer" and press enter key.
  3. Restart and enjoy :D
Of course, you can download these for skiping above steps(Suggest):

* Download Sync&other plugins for integration:

Sync with RealtimePP + PublicBotTransferPlugin(Download)(virus check)

Download Sync with RealtimePPPlugin + PublicBotTransferPlugin + OsuLiveStatusPanelPlugin + IngameDisplayerPlugin(Download)(virus check)

If you want display pp in game, just type "o i" in Sync before you start osu! program.And then play/replay once to make sure all plugin are working.

Ingame Plugin Page



Other Output Methods Tutorial
Now you can use ODDR plugin and show your realtime pp at any where!
ODDR Video Tutorial
Show realtime pp on your phone in LAN

Now you can show your realtime pp on Streamlabs OBS

Now you can use IngameOverlayPlugin and show your realtime pp in your game!
Ingame Video Simple Tutorial

  1. Will I be banned if i use this plugin? - No,because it's approved by peppy,of course you have to obey the rules and dont use them for bad behaviors.
  2. Why it not show anything when I playing? - Maybe osu!RTDP not support your osu! version,please check update.
  3. Why it arise 0x8007007E crazily? - have you installed Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 or later
  4. Why obs can't update realtime PP GUI-Window when I was playing osu! with fullscreen? - I think it about OS rendering mechanism. You can modify config.ini and set "UseText=True" , so plugin will output to text file (Default output to {SyncFolderPath}\Plugins\rtpp.txt)
  5. Why I can't count PP all/some beatmaps? - Please read this and check yourself
  6. Why it always arise 0x80131515 for each plugin loading? - Please view this or this2.
  7. How to change program language to English/Others? - Please view this
  8. Anti-virus(Defender) software stop me from using program and warn me there are virus/trojran? - Well,in fact there is no any problem because these are open source and build from them.Please ask google how to let to trust(add white-list), or you can get source code and build by yourself.
  9. Could I show them with osu! fullsceen/ingame? - forum/t/773429[/color]
  10. Why did it always arise "Init ModeFinder Failed! ...."? - Please update OsuRTDataProvider plugin and set "GameMode" value to Auto/Osu/CatchTheBeat/Mania/Taiko ,take a try!
  11. How to customize my pp displayer window? - See this and this2

so the problem is that i cannot connect to the servers of the program, maybe include in some apps to download with it ?
I don't have the access to F:\output and it doesn't work, anyone have a fix for that?
And the pp counter ????
The pp counter is dead. The site with updates dont work

And then what if i cant connect to?

Lukke wrote:

And then what if i cant connect to?
i have the same issue, i tried to reinstall, get plugins by myself, tried older versions, turning off windows security, even update stuff - doesn't work either
I have been facing a problem. It can't connect and throws an error no matter what I run.

[12:08:22 PM] Fetch Sync update info failed,please check your network if it can able to connect

I checked my internet and it is just fine. What's wrong with it? How do I fix it?
RIP RTPP Displayer.
Hi, I got a problem where it says this: Fetch Sync update info failed, please check you network if it can able to connect
how can i fix that?

Domo11Sk wrote:

Hi, I got a problem where it says this: Fetch Sync update info failed, please check you network if it can able to connect
how can i fix that?
by switching to gosumemory or StreamCompanion
hi, so when i try to open sync so i can install the stuff after it has an error it closes the window and wont let me type
say shisui
it just crash, where can i find help?
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