
Taiko Editor

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This is an external editor for taiko maps.

Download Link

The direct download may be slightly out-of-date, as I don't update it as often. After launching, a green arrow will appear on the top right of the menu if an update is available.

If you already have the program, you can use this one which only contains the file that actually changes. However, I would recommend just using the update button in the menu (should appear at top right if new version is available).

Last update: April 2, 2024 v3.5.5

Edit multiple difficulties at the same time
SV editing with function based SV generation (without using a separate program and then reloading)
View gameplay alongside the map.
It's an editor

Map select

Object, sv, and gameplay of a single map

Editing multiple difficulties of a map

Extract files from rar, run the exe. No idea if you can get this working on mac, the exe file just runs the jar file in libs with the included JRE.

Do not put this in a folder with special characters in the path. eg. ! as in osu!.

In the main menu, you can type to search. Click a map to open it.
Top left button or ctrl+n can be used to add another "view".

You may encounter crashes or bugs. If you do, please leave a comment with whatever details you can provide. An "error.txt" file should be generated in the case of a crash. If you could, include the contents of that file or dm it to me if you don't want to share folder names.

KNOWN ISSUES (mostly stuff I can't fix without completely remaking in a different engine):
May not run on certain pcs. May have something to do with openGL support.
Do not put the program in a location with non-alphanumeric (letters/numbers) characters in the file path. It may not work if you do.

Rapidly seeking in .ogg audio may occasionally glitch and jump to the start of the track.

If you delete an object, undo, select the object, then redo, the deleted object remains selected, which can result in buggy behavior.

Minor Notes
Initial load time can be slow if you have a lot of maps and not on an ssd. Subsequent times should be a bit faster.
The audio engine used is different, so some songs may play with the wrong audio offset. Use - and = to adjust the audio offset (hold ctrl to adjust larger amounts).
Takes a bit more ram than necessary. This should only be a notable problem if you have very limited quantities of ram (<1 or 2 GB) and want to edit extremely long (>15min) songs. For normal length maps it doesn't take that much.

Escape to exit.

You can see and modify all hotkeys in the editor's settings.
Exceptions are scroll wheel inputs.
Scroll normally to shift in time (or up and down if you have enough open to necessitate it)
Scroll with alt to scroll faster.
Scroll with ctrl to change snapping.
Scroll with shift to zoom in/out.

Click on timeline to jump.
Space to play/pause.
Left/Right arrows or z/x to move to previous/next snap.
Ctrl+left/right arrows or Shift+z/x to move to previous/next bookmark.
Z and X use shift as ctrl+z and ctrl+x are for undo and cut respectively.

Editor Controls:
Numbers for hotkeys to swap tools.
wertyuiop: instant use tools starting from index 2. Most tools do not support instant use.
- For placing objects, w and e will place a don/kat at the current position. If objects are selected, it will convert them to dons/kats instead.
- Using this to place a timing point will create a timing point with the same properties as the most recent one.

q - toggle finisher lock (makes placed objects finishers). Pressing q while objects are selected will convert them to/from finishers instead.
Holding Shift while placing dons/kats/sliders will make them finishers.
Mouse to use tools.
Right click to delete things.
Up/Down arrows to change playback rate. Speed changing was done through a lazy method, so pitch is also affected.
Ctrl+a - select all
ctrl+c - copy selection
ctrl+x - cut selection
` (~ key) - clear selection
ctrl+v - paste
ctrl+b - add bookmark at current position
ctrl+g - reverse selection
ctrl+alt+r - resnap selection - TEST FEATURE, I would not rely on this.
ctrl+n or top right button - open a new view
ctrl+s - save current difficulty
ctrl+shift+s - save all open difficulties
ctrl+z - undo
ctrl+y - redo
delete/backspace - delete selection, or if nothing is selected, delete object near the current time.

ctrl+scroll wheel to change snaps
shift+scroll wheel to change zoom
Scroll wheel can also be used to navigate through song.
If there are enough views to enable view scrolling, the scroll wheel will do that instead.

Selection tool:
Click an object to select it. Clicking directly on an object and dragging it will move it.
You can click on green lines and drag up and down to adjust their value in the SV editor. Holding shift will decrease how much it changes. I wouldn't recommend actually using this since you don't have that much precise control.
Instead, click on the label that says the SV of the line to adjust it by typing.
Clicking and dragging not directly on an object will select a range.

You can hold alt while dragging most things to ignore snaps. No idea why you'd want this, maybe for moving a green line? Idk, it was less than a line of code so I did it.

- and = to adjust offset. Some songs may not play with the correct offset. Use this to adjust. Hold ctrl to increase how much offset is adjusted by.
I can never remember which way positive/negative numbers are supposed to go for audio offset so if they're opposite how they should be tell me.
(I think I have it backwards right now.)
if sfx are late, use +. Early, use -.
Hold alt to adjust the offset of the waveform in effect views.

- Rewrote waveform stuff to be hopefully more efficient, and also load on a separate thread.

- Fix bug with loading osu seasonal backgrounds that could cause crashes

- Dropdown fix?
- Drag and drop image to set background
- Some other stuff

- Added hotkey to adjust waveform
- Errors that occur in the attempt to save a map will now output an error file

- Adjusted waveform rendering slightly, added additional view mode
- little bugfix with setting volume then adjusting it by dragging vertically

- Add option for a waveform to effect view.
- finish up timing editing. May still have bugs.
- adjusted audio loading so it won't wait as long when quickly swapping tracks in menu

- fix problems with snap generation

- fix some more bugs

- fix some minor visual bugs

- fix snapping based sv function thing

- some minor redline editing capability. still not intended for timing use; value cannot be adjusted yet
- sv function tool can generate based on a snapping instead of object positions

- Save info about editor for each map
(keep same views open, save offset and current position in song)
- Can lock position of any view, and have duplicates of the same type of view. This can be used to view multiple parts of the map at once.
- Probably bugfixes and also new bugs

3.3.4 - 3.3.6
- Double click to jump to object
- Bugfixes, probably
- Might be other features, I don't remember

- A little more kiai stuff
- Right click value of a line in effect editor to start typing from clear text
- Setting to use current osu snappings instead of lazer snappings
- stuff

- Fixed some kiai editing stuff
- Added an icon (will be used while running. If you already have the program, you'll need to redownload the .exe for it to also use the icon.)

- Should improve load times.

- Should fix occasional crashes when using sv editor with gameplay view. Added 1/36 snap.

- Fixed directly opening .osu files with the program (requires newer launcher)

- Add a dropdown thingy in editor. Currently only one new option.

- fix some hotkey text
- allow alt+scroll to go fast
- add auto refresh to gameplay view
- it's a little inefficient, so it can be disabled if it causes lag
- added 1/32 and 1/48 snaps
- 1/32 is because why not, 1/48 is for the sake of having 1/12 + 1/16.
- I have the necessary code to allow enabling arbitrary combinations of snaps, but I'm too lazy to make ui for it.

- some bugs
- added gradual volume change tool to volume mode of effect editor

- fix right clicking to delete object that overlaps a break prioritizing the break over the object
- fix stuttering when scrolling backwards during playback
- fix artist+title shortening code thing bug
- make drag scrolling with selection tool during playback not Hyper Speed
- add shift+b hotkey to remove bookmarks

- In-between versions before this were mostly just small bugfixes.
- Added another function (sine) for sv generation.

- Significant changes to backend stuff, not much changed in terms of features.
- There were probably some bugfixes in here.

- SV function tool has some new stuff.
- Besides that, mostly just bugfixes.

- New menu. Also, will store some information to hopefully? reduce load times on subsequent loads.
- Last component of maps that could be required for rankability, breaks, are now supported. They will be managed automatically, though you can adjust their starts/ends and delete them (if the gap is small enough) with right click. TODO - Ability to add breaks to small gaps that don't require them but can fit them.
- Bugfixes, probably?

- difficulty creation
- Some bugfixes, I think? Don't remember everything, but it's mostly small things.

- kiai on timeline, kiai editing in effect view
- difficulty settings (name, od, hp)
- bug fixes involving inaccuracy of saved slider length
- some other bug fixes, stuff involving loading

2.0 - qol
- no significant mapping related features.
- Some bugfixes.
- Initial loading should be much faster.
- A tentative built-in update feature. Can't test it properly until the next version though.

1.7 - ogg
- Tentative ogg support. There may be bugs.
- Some basic settings. You can adjust volume and don/kat placement.
- New button on object view that will set the position of all dons/kats (or just selected, if you have any selected) to the positions set in the settings

1.6 - things
- Volume editing. SV editor -> Effect editor, click little lightning button to swap between sv and volume
- Refresh button for gameplay view
- On crash, an error file will be created in the .exe location. If you can give this to me that'd be cool.

1.5 - I skipped .2 versions because this one is cool
- SV editing
- Sliders with hitsounds on certain parts will be saved correctly
- Cool little info popup when hovering a few things
- probably some other little things, idk

- window size functionality
- changed tool area layout
- ctrl+shift+s to save all
- minor bugfixes

- SV Graph was incorrect. Fixed.
- Confirmation on exit.
- Minor bugfixes.

- Gameplay view
- Minor bugfixes

- Green line placement tool.
- Minor bugfixes

- Copying and pasting timing points won't crash the editor

Random stuff:

I wanted a taiko editor.
Why not work on lazer since they're adding a taiko editor there?
I started this a while ago, and am significantly more familiar with java than I am with C#, and I did not feel like learning the necessary details of how the engine for osu lazer works along with meeting the necessary standards for lazer code submissions. Working on my own means I can just add whatever feature I feel like.

Currently desired feedback:

literally anything, just say what you think would be helpful/important and if I agree I'll do it
alchyr god
cool! do you have plans to add mac os and osu lazer support?
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it theoretically runs on mac, I'd just need a thing to run the jar with the jre since exe files don't work

lazer support - if lazer ever becomes the official version of osu, maybe xd
Jason X
My tip for anyone with a ton of maps and a slow pc, make a new osu folder and only put songs in you wanna edit.

I like this editor, makes it easier to see the note spread among multiple diffs.
Setting it up was simple, although it lacks the option to change the screen resolution/change from windowed to fullscreen. (Editing the config did nothing for me)

On my end at least, can't tell if others also have this problem.

- Pressing Esc to close the program ends in the window "not reacting", had to result in Task Manager to close it.
(Alt + F4 works flawlessly though :) )

- Create a new diff does nothing, then clicking the mouse in the program instantly closes it.
(I guess it crashed, can't really tell because the window is just gone.)

- Having a slider with a hitsound on a single reverse or end circle results in the difficulty file corrupting, if one loads it in osu editor everything after the point where the slider starts is gone.
(Selected (Red) has a clap sound )
Some suggestions
- When pressing ctrl + s, save every diff and not just the one selected. (I learned the hard way how saving works here...)

- Make the tool selection (bottom box) horizontal, this way the box could be made smaller and there is more room for another diff.

- Add an option to take screenshots. (Or make the window not hidden when using puush to capture current window)

I hope this helps ^^
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adjusting window size in config should work properly now, it was not working due to needing a decent amount of overhaul due to some changes to how the window stuff worked

some bugfixes
(for same reasons as window size thing, was using a popup confirmation method for certain things that would show up underneath the window in fullscreen and be inaccessible and freeze the window. Now uses a not-popup.)
(- Having a slider with a hitsound on a single reverse or end circle results in the difficulty file corrupting, if one loads it in osu editor everything after the point where the slider starts is gone.) is NOT fixed (thanks for finding the specific cause of that though. I ran into an issue saving a slider once but wasn't sure why.)

tool selection thing is horizontal because yes it was way too big
originally planned on maybe putting more stuff there but I don't need more stuff there

ctrl+shift+s to save all difficulties
Amazing program, feels really liberating to be able to move so freely if that makes sense. Only critique right now would be that the colors feel very straining on the eyes. When going back into the main client to test my creations everything looked way more muted in comparison.
wet dream of taiko mappers
Jason X

Ulqui wrote:

wet dream of taiko mappers
Well... you're not wrong
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SV editing is now properly implemented.
Click the label area on a green line in the sv view (using selection tool) to edit a green line's sv by typing.
If multiple lines are selected, this will adjust the value of all selected lines.

Also a bugfix or two.
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- Volume editing. SV editor -> Effect editor, click little lightning button to swap between sv and volume
- Refresh button for gameplay view
- On crash, an error file will be created in the .exe location. If you can give this to me that'd be cool.
- You can place sv only on currently selected objects using the sv function tool
- minor stuff

fast update for something I would consider a serious bug
- On certain locales, decimal numbers may be saved using commas instead of periods. This should fix that, but I can't test this.

edit 2: according to the person who had the issue, this fixed it.

(oh right, also object colors updated.)

Alchyr wrote:

edit 2: according to the person who had the issue, this fixed it.
oh hi that'd be me
Topic Starter
- Tentative ogg support. There may be bugs.
- Some basic settings. You can adjust volume and don/kat placement.
- New button on object view that will set the position of all dons/kats (or just selected, if you have any selected) to the positions set in the settings

From here on, the update download will contain the jar directly, as compression had very little effect on filesize and simply made it less convenient.

(also don and kat colors are updated. This was in 1.6.1 I believe, but not mentioned.)
ALCHYR = LINDOP????????????????????????
AMAZING JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
used it on my latest map and it's incredible TwTT

- don't know if it could be possible to manually choose the "excentricity" of the curve for the SV Function, like in this example

- the possibility to tab in the SV Function to the Initial SV and Final SV QNQNQNQNQNQNQNQ

- having effect panel already open when the program starts (ulqui is too lazy to open the effect panel manually)
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2.0 - qol
- no significant mapping related features.
- Some bugfixes.
- Initial loading should be much faster depending on pc
- A tentative built-in update feature. Can't test it properly until the next version though.

Make sure when you update (if you use the update download) both "desktop-1.0.jar" and the "update" folder should both go inside the lib folder. The "update" folder is required for the tentative updating feature to work.
Taro Sykes
Hey there, found a new issue - maps are rated 0* until you edit them in the osu! editor. Might be an issue with osu!'s code rather than your editor though
really pog
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- kiai on timeline, kiai editing in effect view
- kiai tool will make a line kiai. If multiple lines are selected in a row, can affect them all.
- holding shift while placing a green line with green line tool will make it the opposite of wherever it is. So placing with shift in a kiai section will make a non-kiai line, placing in a non-kiai section will place a kiai line.
- difficulty settings (name, od, hp)
- bug fixes involving inaccuracy of saved slider length
- some other bug fixes, stuff involving loading

From self-testing, built-in update seems pretty unreliable :(
Decent odds that it will download the update, then fail to move the created file due to "file in use".

If so, there will be a temp.jar in the lib folder, which is the new version, while desktop-1.0.jar is the old version.

The update download link in first post also contains an updated version of the updater, which I recommend downloading (not necessary if you download full thing).
With some changes to update code/updater, hopefully it'll be more reliable for the next version.

(2.2 - Probably not making new posts for each update anymore since it will show in-editor that there's an update. Changelog can be found in main post.)
wake up babe, today we mapping in the Alchyr editor

Alchyr wrote:

it theoretically runs on mac, I'd just need a thing to run the jar with the jre since exe files don't work

lazer support - if lazer ever becomes the official version of osu, maybe xd

seems to work fine with wine at least right now so I wouldn't worry too much

also this is epic I reached a new record at fastest mapping time thanks to you
Jason X
Resolved problem
Headsup when creating a new diff from an existing one in this editor, it breaks the diff.

I've submitted the cause and a Solution to Alchyr, if anyone encounters this message I leave instructions on how to fix it manually below.
Problem fix
Manual solution for this problem.

- Open your songs folder and navigate to the folder of the map in question.
- Find the .osu file that is causing problems and open it with a suitable editor[1].
- in the .osu file, search for "//Break Periods", you can do this by pressing ctrl + F (example screenshot)
- Delete the numbers below "//Break Periods", so it looks like this.
- Save the .osu, problem solved.

Suitable editors:
- editor (comes default with Windows)
- Notepad++
- Visual Studio Code

(Example screenshots were made in Notepad++ )

Despite always breaking something after updates I love this editor, and I will keep breaking stuff and submitting solutions until Alchyr blocks me :P
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(Comment to note that the above bug has been fixed, and also that the program has been updated a decent number of times since then.)

Decided to just put changelogs in the main post instead of posting for every update.
Just downloaded it today, kinda epic but I think it would be useful if the scroll wheel could be set to seek left/right at the rate it does when snapping is disabled, since it feels really slow otherwise. (for just getting around, since on longer maps its hard to not accidentally jump all over the place when using the timeline. Z/X could continue to function as they are now). Basically it feels like fighting the program a bit to move around in medium-sized increments. But besides that I really like it, def gonna use

edit: placing a bunch of bookmarks evenly spaced everywhere and getting around with ctrl+left/right is a pretty good workaround
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