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I don't think it's anon.
They're doing their best not to affect the PSN, I think this is maintenance or a big mistake or something.
Argh, this is awful.

Entire day ruined.
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I feel bad for all the Portal 2 co-op users right now. I need to convince a friend to get this game cause co-op sounds pretty fun.
Platted Ar tonelico Qoga a few days ago.
It's nice to get away from all the turn-based games I've been playing.
The game has kept me excited for 96 hours before I had to wait 4 more to get the last 100 hour trophy.

If I had RL friends to play with, I'd get Mortal Kombat. Other than that, not interested. Lol, online pass for 10 dollars?
Haven't really been interested in the Portal series since I'm not a particular fan of Valve. I'd like to give Portal 2 a try when I get it some day.

Going to get Arcana Heart 3 when the PSN goes back online.
CrimmiSkye - PSN: RappelZAppend


Tekken 6 - Lili or Lars
Super Street Fighter IV - Fei Long or Ken
Street Fighter IV - ^
Soul Calibur IV - Maxi, Mitsurugi, Sophitia or Raphael
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 - Ryu/Sentinel/Morrigan or Spider Man/Hulk/Zero
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 - Captain Commando/Ryu/Ken or B.B. Hood/Morrigan/Wolverine
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 - Sasuke or Sakura
Smackdown! vs. Raw 2011
Dance Dance Revolution 2010
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 2
Call of Duty: Black Ops
DJ Hero 2
Resident Evil 5
Crysis 2
Devil May Cry 4
Grand Turismo 5
Virtua Fighter 5 - Jackie Bryant
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe - Scorpion or The Joker
Mortal Kombat - Scorpion or Raiden

Mostly i play the Marvel vs. Capcom games but if you need a match you know where to find me. :D
PSN has been down for about 3 days now(on the weekend, perfect timing). Does anyone know when it will be operational again?
Mr Gaddy
The easter weekend. :|
Follow the twitter or blog.
I want to play Portal 2 goddamnit.
Apparently Anon isn't really attacking them, Sony is just shutting down because they're afraid of anon's attacks. Whelp.

Anyways, the new Mortal Kombat is surprisingly good. I actually think it's better than SSF4. It actually feels a lot like SSF4 in terms of pace, but it feels a lot more flexible. Not quite as good as MvC3, though.
I blame you, Pokebis.
I affect thousands.

Seibei4211 wrote:

I feel bad for all the Portal 2 co-op users right now. I need to convince a friend to get this game cause co-op sounds pretty fun.
Didn't stop me. I bought the PS3 version so I could play co-op with my friends, and that's what I've been doing. Since it's not necessary to play co-op on PSN. Gogo split screen/irl friends

Moreover, if you want to play online and you have the PS3 version, you can still load it on your PC and play online via steam.
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You just answered a bunch of questions that I hadn't gotten around to asking yet. It's nice to use your psychic powers for good.
Better get some new credit cards (and maybe change your name). ... opes-to-ha
God, you are the biggest jerk Pokebis.

Behonkiss wrote:

Better get some new credit cards (and maybe change your name). ... opes-to-ha
saw that @ ... -qriocity/

capital gg

problem is, some of the information that was stolen is a mystery to me. I don't know what my security question is. I don't know what the answer to that is, either, though I could probably figure it out if I knew the question.

Good thing my password re-use is very low, so the password that was probably stolen doesn't work in many places.
I used fake information for most of my PSN account info, used a really old password that I don't use anymore, and never used a credit card, only bought PSN credits.
Does this make me lucky?
the information was compromised a while ago, right? So chances are, anything that was going to be done might be done already

Though I still have shit to keep an eye on
Well, crap. I can't remember if I used my generic password or a unique one....

Then again even if they have my passwords I'd like to see them get their hands on any of my usernames/numbers for anything I really care about. As for credit card... well being a debit credit kinda helps here, can't lose anything if I have nothing to lose XD.

Anyway - I assume someone here is PS3 savvy, is there any cheap/easy way to get either screenshots or video recordings off your PS3. Ie, I play a game and want to record my boss fight or something.

Rantai wrote:

Anyway - I assume someone here is PS3 savvy, is there any cheap/easy way to get either screenshots or video recordings off your PS3. Ie, I play a game and want to record my boss fight or something.
Capture card comes into mind but that's probably not the cheapest nor the easiest method.
So I called my bank today because of the breach, and I got as far as "I'm calling in response to the recent Playst-" before he interrupted me. I probably could have just said "PSN" after hello and he'd have completely gotten my meaning, hah

Today I learned that my bank has a pretty awesome fraud policy in place, though, so I'm not going to lose any money even if my card gets used for something.
I learned that Sony knew about the compromise about a week before they actually informed everyone so whoever caused the breach has a huge head start on doing anything with that information. I never registered my credit card on my profile and everything except my email and password is false information so I consider myself very fortunate.

Akai-Moeru wrote:

I learned that Sony knew about the compromise about a week before they actually informed everyone so whoever caused the breach has a huge head start on doing anything with that information.
I read earlier today that people tend to only be paranoid for about 90 days after learning about something like this, so it's entirely possible that the data just isn't going to be used until people stop caring about it.

I realized earlier today that pretty much all my PSN information other than my name/email is wrong. I've moved twice since I created my account, so all that address information is useless. And since 77 million accounts have been compromised, it's probably gonna take a while before yours gets used. Every time that DB is queried, there's a 1/77000000 chance it's you (actually odds are probably higher for those of us with CC info up there)

In other news, Sony's been hit with a class action lawsuit, they hope to have PSN back up by the 30th, and with any luck they're going to try to have a better relationship with their customers from now on
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Portal 2 is fucking awesome. I did some local co-op today and that was freakin' fun. It's a good feeling when you have to think about a puzzle and the solution just comes to you and it totally works. Also, I underestimated how hilarious this game is.

awp wrote:

Akai-Moeru wrote:

they hope to have PSN back up by the 30th
Got a source for this? All I've been hearing is that they hope to have "some" services up in maybe a week.
This article echos a few claims from Sony (apparently through Kotaku, but when following the source link I just get a "main page" on Kotaku, not the actual article) which suggests so:
Sony Online Entertainment says that it has a number of special events planned to thank players of the PS3 versions of DC Universe Online and Free Realms for their patience while work continues on getting PSN back up and running.

These events will commence on Saturday 30th April, although that is presumably reliant on PSN being back in action by then

though I don't care about PSN being down; nothing good is coming out of the Rock Band store these days and I've been too glued to Persona 4 to even play Portal 2 (which I don't use PSN for anyway, I'm just saiyan). So the fact that the PSN has been down for the past week or two hasn't actually affected me in any way yet.
It's 2011, you should have played Persona 4 several years ago.

You should be sharing in our collective misery.
I still haven't gotten around to finishing Persona 3 8-) ;_;
Haven't played my PS3 in ages either thanks to my PSP...
Then get rid of all your shitty psp games and play persona 3 portable instead.

You guys disgust me.
lol sony

Ivalset wrote:

Then get rid of all your shitty psp games and play persona 3 portable instead.
I bought Persona 3 FES and Persona 4 for the PS2 a couple days ago, so I'm tempted to do a second run of P4 (thanks for having various branching paths, Atlus. I can't have everything can I) before cracking open P3.

Apparently the new estimate for PSN is May 3. And yet I still don't care~

Even when the PSN is up, I pretty much only use the store aspect. I've played RB2 with Rolled a few times (hey Rolled I have RB3 now just fyi) but that's mostly it for me.
I don't remember any significant branching paths in persona 4, unless you mean shit like basketball team/ whatever the other shitty one was.

Well, I guess you'd have to do a second run for the optional boss fight anyway.

Also, you should have played FES before P4. Actually, it probably won't be much of an issue for you to play 3 after 4, it's just lacking a few refinements from P4. And while you could technically play p3p for those improvements, you'd be missing out on cutscenes, exploring the town and the Answer (though some may say that's more of a blessing than a curse). Actually, you'd have to play p3p eventually anyway just for the female route.

Man, you have a lot of persona ahead of you.
Yeah I'm gonna play them backward. I don't know the difference between P2 Innocent Sin and P2 the other one, but I've got P2IS on my PSP.

Having said that, yeah, I may well go play P3P, but I'm undecided whether I'll do that before P2 or after. We'll see how P3FES hits me. And yeah, I am referring to things like who you become intimate with (in my case it was actually two girls, and I didn't think that was allowed) and sports/arts clubs. I didn't even finish some of the social links (Yumi, Ai, Hisano, Margaret, Kanji) that I did start. Also, I never found the temperance social link. I'm guessing it's Bro Konishi, but he can really go fuck himself for all I care.

I'm still in the process of chasing Izanami in my own personal world but I've got mothra-fucking Beelzebub on my side now, so it should be even more one-sided than it already has been thus far.

Should I feel like a genius for being one step ahead of the mystery/Investigation Team, or was the game just well-written enough to be obvious, but not obvious about being obvious? I didn't use a FAQ for any of it, but I was ahead of the curve for every single one of the plot twists except that until the morning of the last abduction, I had no suspects. But man, I knew Nanako was in trouble like a week before it happened. That one was totally obvious.

If you're stupid and end up getting the bad ending, do you at least get a full dungeon out of it, or do your lousy decisions just go "oh, well, that's everything: you win!"? Because the midnight channel made it look like there was a dungeon involved. One where I could find a new Dousing Rod which I need for a Quest. That'd be kinda douchey.

Minecraft world is pretty cool.

Also, yes, I found out how to get the true ending on my own, but this was after I didn't get the true ending and read up on the Internet that I did, in fact, not get the true ending, and that you can't lock the true ending out if you get to the ending.

The ending really did feel like a candidate for the true ending, as long as you don't mind a handful of loose ends never being tied up or explained, which would have defeated the moral behind the ENTIRE GAME
I'm pretty sure Bro Konishi was Hanged. I think Temperance was day care mother (with annoying kid).

I think you should have started being super suspicious about halfway through, I think around Rise's affair. Then there's always the classic video game logic deduction methods, ie which characters have assets that they probably shouldn't considering their current involvement. But that's a pretty gay way to play a murder mystery and a really gay way to play games in general.

As for bad endings, you just cut to a depressing ending scene (or a scene that leaves you with questions unanswered).

Also, Ishtar owns, Trumpeter is as ridiculous as ever, and Yoshitsune is fucking broken/op as hell.
Oh I didn't do Daycare either. Fuck that.

Anyhow, I got the super true ending. It was kind of funny, as I was fighting the first phase of the Truth I thought to myself, that mechanic where your allies take a mortal blow for you is actually a pretty emotional thing, game mechanics aside. They really should have put that in the final battle. And they did.

The credits are rolling right now. I'm not sure whether it's my PS2 or my burned copy of Persona 4 (the legit one's in the mail atm) but the loading time between now and the 3.5 weeks ago when I started playing have quadrupled. Hell, just two nights ago I'd cleared the game, and during the credits, the video/BGM would skip a bit, and by sheer luck, the audio ended juuust as the credits did.

Going through it again, my disc reading can't keep up with the buffer consumption worth a damn. The actual credits (the copyright Atlus 1996, 2008 message) scrolled and faded about seven minutes ago, but the PS2 is still struggling with streaming the videos/audio. It's funny, because every time the PS2 stops to read more content into the buffer, the train stops. It's gotta be a really irritating ride, that one.
I thought this thread was about the PS3. If you silly mods don't get back on topic I'm going to, uhhhhh.
No, this thread is about the Playstation 3 Club, of which we are all members.
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Yeah, I talk about Wii games on here sometimes. But if someone without a PS3 came in here talking about Halo or something, then they're in the wrong thread.
besides, Persona 4 is awesome

and 3 is probably also awesome, I'll find out soon enough
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Sony wrote:

We discovered that the intruders had planted a file on one of our Sony Online Entertainment servers named “Anonymous” with the words “We are Legion.”
Yeah, I totally believe now that Anonymous had nothing to do with this.
And anybody could have placed that there. Including disgruntled employees or hackers looking to frame.
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