Artist - Title: Camellia & Toby Fox - Flying Through A Starry Sky
M4M or NM: NM
Difficulties: kantan, futsuu, muzukashii, oni
BPM: 117-153
Genre: Electronic (8-bit, gameboy)
Beatmap link:
beatmapsets/1258670#taiko/2616409This is my first map, I chose this because of the artists (toby and camellia collab, from a small game made by temmie) and thought it was interesting to have a taiko map of this genre (3/4 waltz).
The map also introduced a lot of mapping concepts to me all at once as a new mapper, such as bpm and sv changes, and learning to map properly with different intensities (map is a loop of the same melody, second half is mapped similarly but slightly harder than the first half), spread consistency, proper breaks, etc.