
Sasha Asuka - Meguri Meguru

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BPM 184,000

OFFSET 2 646

fix it.I rechecked.
03:21:531 (X) - Add a note.
03:22:183 (X) - ^
03:22:509 (X) - ^
03:29:357 (X) - ^

[Yuki's Hard]
01:25:118 (X) - Add a note.
01:25:444 (X) - Add a note.
01:33:922 (4,1) - Spacing makes the latter note very difficult to read...use consistent spacing please
03:35:879 (2) - Using both a clap and a finish does not work very well, I suggest removing the clap.
03:36:857 (5) - ^
04:00:335 ~ 04:05:226 - Is this break necessary? I suggest mapping it o.o

00:42:563 (2,4) - Remove these notes and
00:43:216 (X) - Add a note here? Fits the music better imo
00:48:433 (X) - Add a note here and
00:48:759 (5) - Remove this note.
01:11:748 (4) - Make this slider a short repeating one instead of a non-repeating one to represent the snare drum?
01:14:357 (4) - ^
02:30:009 (2) - ^
03:35:226 (4) - ^
01:16:966 (X) - Add a note
01:17:129 (X) - ^
01:18:270 (X) - ^
01:22:346 (X) - ^
01:24:955 (X) - ^
01:27:563 (X) - ^
01:40:607 (X) - ^
01:48:433 (X) - ^
02:24:303 (X) - ^
02:35:063 (6) - Remove this note and
02:35:390 (X) - Add a note here
02:51:042 (X) - ^
02:53:650 (X) - ^
03:09:303 (X) - ^
03:27:563 (X) - ^
03:30:172 (X) - ^
03:30:661 (X) - ^
04:07:509 (X) - ^
04:19:737 (X) - ^

Beautiful song TwT

Komeiji Yuki

KRZY wrote:

[Yuki's Hard]
01:25:118 (X) - Add a note.
01:25:444 (X) - Add a note.
Prefer to connect for a slider :3

01:33:922 (4,1) - Spacing makes the latter note very difficult to read...use consistent spacing please
Decrease 1 reverse for 01:33:922 (4) and make enough spacing to read
(just like the arrangement between 01:31:313 (1) ~01:32:781 (8) )

03:35:879 (2) - Using both a clap and a finish does not work very well, I suggest removing the clap.
Done :3

03:36:857 (5) - ^
Done :3

04:00:335 ~ 04:05:226 - Is this break necessary? I suggest mapping it o.o
There are two overlapping vocals and I map it or not imo:
03:18:596 - 03:22:183 >> I map it because it is continous
04:00:335 ~ 04:05:226 >> It's weird to play when it turns to refrain rapidly

Thanks for your modding ^^
EDIT: I have an exam tomorrow . If there are some modding tonight , I will fix it after the exam >.<

Download: Sasha Asuka - Meguri Meguru (loveFantasy) [Yuki's Hard].osu
Topic Starter

ZLOdeuka wrote:

BPM 184,000
OFFSET 2 646
fix it.I rechecked.
BPM 184=92, and i don't think 2646 is correct (asked some experienced player and a GMT member)

KRZY wrote:

03:21:531 (X) - Add a note. ok
03:22:183 (X) - ^ ok
03:22:509 (X) - ^ ok
03:29:357 (X) - ^ ok

00:42:563 (2,4) - Remove these notes and
00:43:216 (X) - Add a note here? Fits the music better imo
00:48:433 (X) - Add a note here and
00:48:759 (5) - Remove this note.
i know yours fits the music better, but i'm trying not to use triplets the whole songs...need more consideration
01:11:748 (4) - Make this slider a short repeating one instead of a non-repeating one to represent the snare drum?
01:14:357 (4) - ^ ok
02:30:009 (2) - ^ no due to pattern design
03:35:226 (4) - ^ ok
01:16:966 (X) - Add a note no
01:17:129 (X) - ^ no
01:18:270 (X) - ^ ok
01:22:346 (X) - ^ ok
01:24:955 (X) - ^ ok
01:27:563 (X) - ^ ok
01:40:607 (X) - ^ ok and break (6) into circles
01:48:433 (X) - ^ ok
02:24:303 (X) - ^ ok
02:35:063 (6) - Remove this note and
02:35:390 (X) - Add a note here ok
02:51:042 (X) - ^ instead repeat 1 more time
02:53:650 (X) - ^ instead rearrange a bit
03:09:303 (X) - ^ no due to pattern design
03:27:563 (X) - ^ ok
03:30:172 (X) - ^ ok
03:30:661 (X) - ^ ok
04:07:509 (X) - ^ i think it makes too many notes then
04:19:737 (X) - ^ i think it makes too many notes then

Beautiful song TwT

thank you >w<

also updated GD after mod

EDIT: done full submit to fix a minor sb issue, it's not necessary to re-download
EDIT2: double checked, offset will stay as it was
pink star before i mod.
Good :3
:) :)
OVERALL, this is a good map :3
因为还很多事情做所以只能mod hard..抱歉

00:44:357 (1) - left 1 grid
00:44:357 (1,5) - whistle
01:00:661 (3,4) - right 1 grid
01:07:183 (8,9) - 可以和3,4平行
01:13:053 (1) - 这个做一个ctrl+r不是正好吗lol
01:14:357 (4) - 间距变成了1.0X 虽然变动很微小但是保持0.9还是更好看吧:3
01:18:596 (2) - 微小的spacing
01:49:900 (3) - ^
02:22:183 (5) - ^
02:22:509 (1) - 可以左移一点保持三角形
02:37:835 (2) - 末尾clap
02:54:140 (6) - 微小的spacing
03:10:933 (2,3) - 可以考虑与1重叠
03:28:705 (10) - 上移一点
03:56:422 (1) - new combo?
04:07:672 (6) - tiny spacing

歌好好听> < 而且还很送分
Topic Starter

_Kiva wrote:

OVERALL, this is a good map :3
因为还很多事情做所以只能mod hard..抱歉
check the mods, solid for me

so i kudosu first ;)
3.KIAI TIME的起止时间应该都在长白线(重音)上...?




说实话这个难度的节奏打着有点奇怪...各种长短不一confusing的折返slider lol...嘛不过打多几遍也没那么怪了
00:45:009(4) 强烈建议不要stack...按了好多次都没按准OTL
01:12:237(6) 加一个折返?
02:36:368(1) ^?
02:40:933(5) ^?
03:34:574(x) 加个note?
04:05:716(1) 这个真的有些unexpectable....

Circle Size+1?我觉得你的排布适合大点的圈...更好看些(殴
Topic Starter

wanhyrzh wrote:


1.去掉countdown吧,挺碍眼的(喂 you're right, 我會做一下countdown skin (喂filesize要無限上漲啦)
2.去掉break段的letterbox? done (請教了學姐才知道這功能在幹嘛, 當初為了讓歌詞對齊黑線還花了不少retry..)
3.KIAI TIME的起止时间应该都在长白线(重音)上...? 修正了Normal, Hard是GD又有些mod所以等他改完我再check

1.skip太小了...调大些? 嗯..考慮考慮, 畢竟skip不算太重要的element
2.sectionpass和fail用默认的太大了...调小一些,顺便换换颜色?k. 喂filesize要無限上漲啦x2
3.考虑加些skin什么的...(最建议加sliderball和warningarrow...这两个真的很不搭调OTL)k. 喂filesize要無限上漲啦x3
4.话说circle.png是做啥用的?誤會, 忘記刪了, 等增加skin element後會resubmit
5.spinner-circle的中心点有点偏离中心了...最好拿张默认的skin来参照一下修正? 實際上呢, 他偏了1px, 而且無法修正 (因為畫不到0.5px去啊囧), 遊戲時應該是沒問題的

SB design我得考慮考慮..不過因為BG的關係確不太好arrange..


Insane: 這是Hard啊淚目
Circle Size+1?我觉得你的排布适合大点的圈...更好看些(殴
想多找些人拿feedback, 畢竟我認為我給的spacing算小, 而且這又是最高的難度
fix countdown/letterbox atm for further modder to mod normally, since sb/skin may cost a lot of time.
Colin Hou
  1. circle.png remove and full submit
  2. enable 'Display storyboard in front of combo fire'
  3. the reverse-arrow in your skin has an odd direction x_x
  4. bg.png 1.1MB used jpg instead can save a lot of space
  5. lyric1.png there is a blank between け and る? (same in lyric24.png)
  1. move the quoted code from [Yuki's Hard].osu to .osb. Pay attention that don't copy mine cuz that would lead to the lose of blanks
  1. 00:23:324 (T) - move the hitsound-sample setting to the uninherited section and remove this
  2. 01:27:086 (T) - unused section
  3. 01:45:661 (3,4) - suggesting keep the spacing like 01:44:357 (3,1).
  4. 03:10:444 (1,2,3) - i'm really supporting this, a bit confusing with a low AR but should be fine
  5. 03:13:053 (2,3) - ^
  6. 03:17:517 (T) - unused section
  7. 04:25:933 (T) - a bit early for a star-stream here, starting KIAI at 04:26:096 and end it at 04:26:178 could be better. same thing happens at 01:54:629
[Yuki's Hard]:
  1. 00:16:669 (T) - move the hitsound-sample setting to the uninherited section and remove this
  2. 01:53:976 (T) - same thing like 04:25:933 (T) in [Love]
  3. 04:27:890 (T) - ^
  4. 02:59:747 (T) - remove and start the KIAI at 03:00:009
  1. 04:25:933 (T) - just U know Y
  2. 01:54:629 (T) - ^
Topic Starter

_Kiva wrote:

[HARD] [Love]
00:44:357 (1) - left 1 grid (1,2) left 1 grid.
00:44:357 (1,5) - whistle instead remove the whistle on 00:43:053 (5)
01:00:661 (3,4) - right 1 grid 這邊是刻意的
01:07:183 (8,9) - 可以和3,4平行 調整了1,2,3,4,8,9
01:13:053 (1) - 这个做一个ctrl+r不是正好吗lol 這邊也是刻意的, 再有人提到不適會考慮改
01:14:357 (4) - 间距变成了1.0X 虽然变动很微小但是保持0.9还是更好看吧:3 1:10-1:15 由於是一個vocal的小轉折我做了一個很小的spacing change, 後面兩句又換回來
01:18:596 (2) - 微小的spacing fixed
01:49:900 (3) - ^ 這邊是刻意的
02:22:183 (5) - ^ 欸? 這個spacing沒有不對呀0.0
02:22:509 (1) - 可以左移一点保持三角形 slight rearranged
02:37:835 (2) - 末尾clap ok
02:54:140 (6) - 微小的spacing slight rearranged
03:10:933 (2,3) - 可以考虑与1重叠 這邊也是刻意的, 由於屬於比較會被念的部分, 再有一個抱怨就改
03:28:705 (10) - 上移一点 why 0.0
03:56:422 (1) - new combo? ok
04:07:672 (6) - tiny spacing 左移1 pixel (喂這個也太nazi了)

歌好好听> < 而且还很送分
Topic Starter

Colin Hou wrote:

  1. circle.png remove and full submit k.
  2. enable 'Display storyboard in front of combo fire' my bad Orz..always turn it off..
  3. the reverse-arrow in your skin has an odd direction x_x working on a new one
  4. bg.png 1.1MB used jpg instead can save a lot of space k.
  5. lyric1.png there is a blank between け and る? (same in lyric24.png) in fact it's the font itself, decreased spacing
  1. move the quoted code from [Yuki's Hard].osu to .osb. Pay attention that don't copy mine cuz that would lead to the lose of blanks
    ^this is not done because it has to be in lower layer to other storyboard elements, and elements in .osb seems to be in higher layer compared to .osu, in fact this is the reason i put all these in .osu instead
    ^done above in every diff.
    ^this paragraph is not done since it's diff-specific
  1. 00:23:324 (T) - move the hitsound-sample setting to the uninherited section and remove this k. my bad
  2. 01:27:086 (T) - unused section deleted.
  3. 01:45:661 (3,4) - suggesting keep the spacing like 01:44:357 (3,1). nice.
  4. 03:10:444 (1,2,3) - i'm really supporting this, a bit confusing with a low AR but should be fine
  5. 03:13:053 (2,3) - ^ i'm really happy to hear that, thanks
  6. 03:17:517 (T) - unused section deleted
  7. 04:25:933 (T) - a bit early for a star-stream here, starting KIAI at 04:26:096 and end it at 04:26:178 could be better. same thing happens at 01:54:629 nice.
  1. 04:25:933 (T) - just U know Y
  2. 01:54:629 (T) - ^ k.
thank you!

also makes me notice there're some unused timing sections in Yuki's Hard so @a0178042: please check them in timing panel

shooting a pink star because i'm happy to get Colin's mod and today is my birthday :D
Komeiji Yuki
Sorry late fixing

wanhyrzh wrote:

说实话这个难度的节奏打着有点奇怪...各种长短不一confusing的折返slider lol...嘛不过打多几遍也没那么怪了
其实我个人感觉最大的问题可能是在于节奏下得太短促了,特别是各种短slider和各种间歇泉式的节奏...主要是这歌是那种比较悠长的感觉,总觉得和这节奏不是很搭调...不过是我个人感觉而已,没什么XD 我大部分note都跟著vocal所以感覺會怪怪就是...
HP-1?有点高了。 OK
00:45:009(4) 强烈建议不要stack...按了好多次都没按准OTL
Change site

01:12:237(6) 加一个折返?
feel weird

02:36:368(1) ^?
add :3

02:40:933(5) ^?
feel weird

03:34:574(x) 加个note?
add :3

04:05:716(1) 这个真的有些unexpectable....

Colin Hou wrote:

[Yuki's Hard]:
  1. 00:16:669 (T) - move the hitsound-sample setting to the uninherited section and remove this

  2. 01:53:976 (T) - same thing like 04:25:933 (T) in [Love]
  3. 04:27:890 (T) - ^
    Both done :3

  4. 02:59:747 (T) - remove and start the KIAI at 03:00:009

also delete some uneeded same timing section to previous , it's easy to separate the same timing sections after osu b1800
Both thanks for your modding^^

and happy birthday to loveFantasy!!~~

Download: Sasha Asuka - Meguri Meguru (loveFantasy) [Yuki's Hard].osu
Topic Starter

wanhyrzh wrote:

01:12:237(6) 加一个折返?

a0178042 wrote:

feel weird
個人覺得這個diff內其實有很多這類 increase gameflow 但會造成"feel weird" 的東西, 我的看法是改不改完全individual-base
譬如說<01:16:640> (6) 也是和這個 (6) 類似的 (我去擺也會多一折返)

但就像wanh說的, yuki 決定跟 vocal, 所以雖然我並不是太喜歡這首歌跟vocal去map, 但這是一個不同的mapstyle, 或許會有其他喜歡跟著vocal打的玩家能享受, anyway有兩個Hard可以讓玩家挑嘛 ;)
Green = Design
Blue = Suggestion
Red = Change This!

- The .mp3 is very long, maybe cut or fade it out at the end

00:45:009 (1) - Start spinner at 00:44:683
03:02:618 (6) - new combo
03:16:313 (1) - Start spinner at 03:15:987

[Yuki's Hard]
01:15:335 (3,4) - Move 1 grid up
01:29:031 (1) - Start at 01:29:357
02:45:990 (7) - New Combo
02:57:729 (1) - Start at 02:58:053

00:49:900 - Map this break?
02:39:466 ^ ???

Very nice,
Have a Star~
Komeiji Yuki

KillerRind wrote:

Green = Design
Blue = Suggestion
Red = Change This!

[Yuki's Hard]
01:15:335 (3,4) - Move 1 grid up Done~
01:29:031 (1) - Start at 01:29:357 Done~
02:45:990 (7) - New Combo No change also 01:17:292 (7) continuous combo maybe fitter
02:57:729 (1) - Start at 02:58:053 Done~
Thanks for modding :3

Download: Sasha Asuka - Meguri Meguru (loveFantasy) [Yuki's Hard].osu
Topic Starter

KillerRind wrote:

Green = Design
Blue = Suggestion
Red = Change This!

- The .mp3 is very long, maybe cut or fade it out at the end
i'll consider cutting the last 30s, but i'm not cutting the preludes.

00:45:009 (1) - Start spinner at 00:44:683
03:02:618 (6) - new combo yes
03:16:313 (1) - Start spinner at 03:15:987
no to spinners since i sync with drums more and want to control gameflow with those 1-beat spacing from spinners.

00:49:900 - Map this break? no
02:39:466 ^ ??? i'm beaten at this break :( mapped

Very nice,
Have a Star~
thank you very much.
0:34:574 (2) - add a hitwhistle, so it follows the pattern
2:20:553 (5) - delete this hitwhistle at it's end, sounds quite better
2:28:705 (8,1) - spaw new combos
2:54:140 (6) - i don't really like the idea of silencing this note, how about deleting 173976 and 174303 timing sections?
3:22:835 (1,3) - spaw new combos
3:56:748 (3) - a whistle instead of a clap sounds way better
3:59:357 (4) - ^

[Yuki's Hard]
0:37:835 (5) - i kinda miss a hitclap at the ends of those sliders. ;w;
3:30:009 (1,2) - swap new combos
3:37:183 (6,1) - uh...this is at least weird o.o rearrange this part
3:37:509 (1,2) - swap new combos
3:50:227 (3) - new combo (take a look at previous choruses, you will see why)
4:05:716 (1) - this new combo isn't really necessary
4:08:487 (1) - ^

0:23:487 (1) - this spinner should end at 0:26:096, like on the rest of difficulties
0:30:009 (4) - it misses a hitwhistle at 0:30:172 on the timeline. :P /me is stupid and can't explain what does he mean
1:22:835 (1,3) - swap new combos
1:37:183 (1) - this new combo isn't really necessary
2:29:357 (1) - add a hitwhistle at it's beginning
4:21:531 (1) - i've never liked using new combos like this.
4:22:835 (1) - ^

221748 - 1.5x spacing...o.o i'd suggest using something like 'speed up', because '1.5x spacing' doesn't look cool. :P

i like maps like those, they're original and show something that's not seen so often :)
good job! :D/
Topic Starter

rEdo wrote:

0:34:574 (2) - add a hitwhistle, so it follows the pattern ok
2:20:553 (5) - delete this hitwhistle at it's end, sounds quite better ok
2:28:705 (8,1) - spaw new combos ok
2:54:140 (6) - i don't really like the idea of silencing this note, how about deleting 173976 and 174303 timing sections? ok
3:22:835 (1,3) - spaw new combos ok
3:56:748 (3) - a whistle instead of a clap sounds way better ok
3:59:357 (4) - ^ ok

0:23:487 (1) - this spinner should end at 0:26:096, like on the rest of difficulties ok
0:30:009 (4) - it misses a hitwhistle at 0:30:172 on the timeline. :P /me is stupid and can't explain what does he mean fixed
1:22:835 (1,3) - swap new combos well i sync with lyrics there
1:37:183 (1) - this new combo isn't really necessary ok
2:29:357 (1) - add a hitwhistle at it's beginning ok
4:21:531 (1) - i've never liked using new combos like this. sorry but i'm keeping them atm :o
4:22:835 (1) - ^ ^

221748 - 1.5x spacing...o.o i'd suggest using something like 'speed up', because '1.5x spacing' doesn't look cool. :P
i'll consider this

i like maps like those, they're original and show something that's not seen so often :)
good job! :D/
thank you!

EDIT1: guest diff updated after yuki's reply
Komeiji Yuki

rEdo wrote:

[Yuki's Hard]
0:37:835 (5) - i kinda miss a hitclap at the ends of those sliders. ;w;
Σ(>Δ <"")....Add clap~

3:30:009 (1,2) - swap new combos

3:37:183 (6,1) - uh...this is at least weird o.o rearrange this part
change (6) to a circle and reduce the distance of jump

3:37:509 (1,2) - swap new combos

3:50:227 (3) - new combo (take a look at previous choruses, you will see why)
:P Done~

4:05:716 (1) - this new combo isn't really necessary
4:08:487 (1) - ^
remove :D

Thanks for modding~

EDIT:剛剛不小心夾帶到別的Guest Diff... -...- fix

Download: Sasha Asuka - Meguri Meguru (loveFantasy) [Yuki's Hard].osu
Hi~ My mod here. All below are just suggestions.
loveFantasy叫我mod [Yuki's Hard] 所以只有这个难度 :P

[Yuki's Hard]
Sorry for long long post
00:28:379 (1,2) - 为啥要stack... 我觉得把2放到1和3中间比较好
00:28:705 (3,4) - 跳的不是非常make sense... 不过也还可以接受
00:30:498 - 加note?
00:30:661 (6) - 既然前后都是关于中间Y轴对称的,这个circle最好也放到Y轴上
00:30:987 (1,2) - 同00:28:379 (1,2)
00:31:313 (3,4) - 同00:28:705 (3,4)
00:36:205 (3) - 减1 repeat?
00:39:629 (3) - 这稍微有点artificial difficulty >.> 按正常方式来转180度?

00:42:238 (3) - ^
01:07:672 (3) - 最后一个repeat +clap
01:09:140 (5) - 建议位置与01:07:672 (3)水平对称
01:10:444 (2) - slider开始只用clap就好了,去掉finish 有点吵
01:11:422 (5) - +clap. clap是normal组的底音 没有clap只有finish不好听...
01:13:053 (1,2,3,4) - 你是想做菱形么0.0 如果是的话可以考虑用下面的坐标
01:13:053 (1) - x 152 y 112
01:13:379 (2) - x 96 y 208
01:13:705 (3) - x 152 y 304
01:14:031 (4) - x 208 y 208
01:16:640 (6) - 开头去掉clap 结尾+clap
01:18:270 (10) - 去掉中间那个repeat的finish...?
01:35:390 (8) - 开始+clap
01:36:205 (1,2) - why jump here 0.0 如果是我map的话我可能会stack 做成DS的点或者slider也不错 但是这个jump... 抱歉我无法理解
02:19:248 (6,7) - 换长slider...?
02:25:770 (3) - 减1 repeat?
02:29:520 (4) - 建议换成02:29:520 - circle 然后 02:29:683 - 跟vocal的长slider 后面那段感觉有点空
02:45:338 (6) - 开头去掉clap 结尾+clap
02:46:968 (10) - 去掉中间那个repeat的finish...?
02:50:555 (5,6) - 5 去clap, 6 +clap
02:53:162 (4,5) - 4 去clap, 5 +clap
03:04:903 (1,2) - why jump here again 0.0
04:00:661 - 04:05:226 why break...?

Nice skin & SB =w= And star~
Komeiji Yuki

Cirno wrote:

Hi~ My mod here. All below are just suggestions.
loveFantasy叫我mod [Yuki's Hard] 所以只有这个难度 :P

[Yuki's Hard]
Sorry for long long post
00:28:379 (1,2) - 为啥要stack... 我觉得把2放到1和3中间比较好
Make the shape

00:28:705 (3,4) - 跳的不是非常make sense... 不过也还可以接受
^ (Horizontal flip + Reverse)

00:30:498 - 加note?
If the modders mention, too

00:30:661 (6) - 既然前后都是关于中间Y轴对称的,这个circle最好也放到Y轴上feel
feel weird put on Y axis , but change site to keep distance snap

00:30:987 (1,2) - 同00:28:379 (1,2)
00:31:313 (3,4) - 同00:28:705 (3,4)

00:36:205 (3) - 减1 repeat?

00:39:629 (3) - 这稍微有点artificial difficulty >.> 按正常方式来转180度?
00:42:238 (3) - ^
Both change~

01:07:672 (3) - 最后一个repeat +clap

01:09:140 (5) - 建议位置与01:07:672 (3)水平对称
Distance between (3.4) will be different with (5.6)

01:10:444 (2) - slider开始只用clap就好了,去掉finish 有点吵

01:11:422 (5) - +clap. clap是normal组的底音 没有clap只有finish不好听...
Normal-clap doesn't fit this song

01:13:053 (1,2,3,4) - 你是想做菱形么0.0 如果是的话可以考虑用下面的坐标

01:13:053 (1) - x 152 y 112
01:13:379 (2) - x 96 y 208
01:13:705 (3) - x 152 y 304
01:14:031 (4) - x 208 y 208
make symmetry from 01:13:379 (2) - 01:15:335 (3)

01:16:640 (6) - 开头去掉clap 结尾+clap

01:18:270 (10) - 去掉中间那个repeat的finish...?

01:35:390 (8) - 开始+clap

01:36:205 (1,2) - why jump here 0.0 如果是我map的话我可能会stack 做成DS的点或者slider也不错 但是这个jump... 抱歉我无法理解
stack instead

02:19:248 (6,7) - 换长slider...?
Only change (6) to slider . Maintain (7) for a circle

02:25:770 (3) - 减1 repeat?

02:29:520 (4) - 建议换成02:29:520 - circle 然后 02:29:683 - 跟vocal的长slider 后面那段感觉有点空

02:45:338 (6) - 开头去掉clap 结尾+clap

02:46:968 (10) - 去掉中间那个repeat的finish...?

02:50:555 (5,6) - 5 去clap, 6 +clap

02:53:162 (4,5) - 4 去clap, 5 +clap

03:04:903 (1,2) - why jump here again 0.0 :twisted:

后面还好点>.> -.-

04:00:661 - 04:05:226 why break...?

Nice skin & SB =w= And star~
Download: Sasha Asuka - Meguri Meguru (loveFantasy) [Yuki's Hard].osu
Heyy ~ Skin check by request >w<

- For reverse arrow try this

- The play-skip is too small, make it bigger
- Hit 300 is not well centered
- The black glow on the hitcircle overlay is cut
- I personally don't like the font you are using for the elements I'd suggest using a simplier one like the one for the lyrics
- For slider ball I really don't know what you could use, maybe the default one but grayed out ?

- Some elements have unnecessary transparency, most/all lyrics and some of the other elements, that makes the pic bigger in size

* Star ~
Topic Starter

lovhin456 wrote:

Heyy ~ Skin check by request >w<

- For reverse arrow try this
[attachment=0:003fa]reversearrow.png[/attachment:003fa] that's a great one, thank you >v<
- The play-skip is too small, make it bigger done
- Hit 300 is not well centered done to all hit blahblah elements :3
- The black glow on the hitcircle overlay is cut remaked
- I personally don't like the font you are using for the elements I'd suggest using a simplier one like the one for the lyrics
i'm keeping at the moment it since my friend and me likes it and the lyrics font doesn't fit the spinner, need more feedbacks
- For slider ball I really don't know what you could use, maybe the default one but grayed out ?
Orz..i'll think about other solutions

- Some elements have unnecessary transparency, most/all lyrics and some of the other elements, that makes the pic bigger in size
i'll fixed this but since it may take hours so not now

* Star ~
thank you!

done a full submit (including GD update)
EDIT2: maybe i wont delete transparency because after fixing 2 or 3 of them i notice that file size saved is too unimportant, i'll remember it when making next map anyway

* Seriously, you have a unnesescary transparent space in your lyric SB. So you should cut the transparent space, or it'll be lag in ancient PC
* You should re-make the skin elements, some shadow are cut off

00:37:835 (5,6) - IMO, this is hard to click for average player
00:39:140 (1) - No jump in normal diff please
00:41:748 (5) - Activate new combo
01:20:879 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I feel this pattern are random, change something better?
01:31:313 (1) - Inconsistent spacing
01:33:922 (3) - Activate new combo
01:39:140 (6) - ^
01:51:205 (6,7) - Don't stack these in slider. It's confusing for average player
02:26:748 (5) - Activate new combo
02:30:661 (4) - ^
03:58:705 (2) - Don't stack these in slider. It's confusing for average player
04:17:618 (3) - ^
04:20:227 (3) - ^

Yuki's Hard
00:30:661 (6) - Activate new combo
00:30:987 (1) - Deactivate new combo
00:37:835 (5) - Inconsistent spacing
00:39:629 (3) - ^
00:41:096 (5) - Activate new combo
00:41:422 (1) - Deactivate new combo
00:42:238 (3) - Inconsistent spacing
00:43:379 (5) - Activate new combo
00:43:705 (1) - Deactivate new combo
00:44:194 (2) - Inconsistent spacing
02:21:205 (3) - ^
03:25:933 (2) - ^

* At beginning of map, the distance spacing was 0,9x and other was 1,0x please re-spacing them

01:16:803 (x) - Add note?
01:16:966 (x) - ^
01:20:879 (1) - Ugly slider
01:29:520 (1) - New combo for prevent any spinner bug
02:27:726 (1) - ^
03:36:531 (1) - ^
03:39:140 (1) - ^
04:23:813 (1) - ^

I feel sleepy because of this song
Sorry for slow mod :/, haven't really been wanting to look at my queue. now i have two other things to mod D:


00:49:574(break) - wut... why is there a break here lol. oh whatever.. < -- this should go in a general section, but i'm too lazy to do that.
01:37:835(3,4) - not extremely clear and feels a bit weird. try something like this:
then put claps at 01:37:672 and at 01:37:998 and remove claps on combo 2 and 5
01:48:270(2) - move 1/4 tick back and fix spacing. Remove clap from 01:47:944 and put one at 01:48:107. Sounds better
02:46:966(1,2,3) - doesn't really seem to fit that well imo, but it doesn't matter.
03:00:498(2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5.. 03:06:368) - wow this feels really awkward to me. It sometimes follows vocals and it sometimes follows something that doesn't seem to exist. The drums aren't doing anything this weird.
03:10:444(1,2) - it looks like the repeat slider will repeat 3 times, which it doesn't.
03:13:053(2,3) - ^
03:45:661(4,5,6,7) - I feel like it usually sounds better if this type of groupings of two started on a red tick no a white tick. Sometimes it feels correct or it fits the song when it's on the white tick, but this one feels much more awkward lol... the other ones are fine/sound good.

Yuki's Hard

01:31:313(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - what.. the... this spacing makes no sense to me. it's harder to read first of all, and also this is kiai time, and I would expect that (if not the same spacing) that it would be larger spacing, not smaller spacing.
02:31:640(3) - naziing... could you make the slider end in the same place as 02:30:661?
02:40:933(5) - sounds better if you start this slider at at 02:40:607 and end at 02:41:096. Then you can fix spacing if you'd like.
02:46:966(10) - finishes do not fit imo.
03:44:357(1...) - same as 01:31:313. I would not decrease spacing like this. you can at least move combo 5 and 6 further apart, cuz it looks like they are 1/4 apart. at least imo.
04:05:716(3) - you haven't had a jump like this before, and i just did not expect it at all. If you're not going to stick with the same spacing, i would recommend you at least place it a bit closer than it is now.


00:37:835(5,6) - it's the only place where player needs to press 1/4 tick after the last beat, not including those repeat sliders that last 1/2 a beat. perhaps you could change it.. or not.
01:46:966(1) - add finish
03:09:466(2,3,4,5) - does not seem to fit
03:17:618(spinner) - clap instead of finish

Nice map :3
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:


* Seriously, you have a unnesescary transparent space in your lyric SB. So you should cut the transparent space, or it'll be lag in ancient PC all fixed now
* You should re-make the skin elements, some shadow are cut off fixed

00:37:835 (5,6) - IMO, this is hard to click for average player
00:39:140 (1) - No jump in normal diff please rearrange (5,6,1)
00:41:748 (5) - Activate new combo yes
01:20:879 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I feel this pattern are random, change something better? change (3) into slider
01:31:313 (1) - Inconsistent spacing it's a bit nazi... fixed
01:33:922 (3) - Activate new combo yes
01:39:140 (6) - ^ no
01:51:205 (6,7) - Don't stack these in slider. It's confusing for average player yes
02:26:748 (5) - Activate new combo maybe not
02:30:661 (4) - ^ fixed instead on (5)
03:58:705 (2) - Don't stack these in slider. It's confusing for average player
04:17:618 (3) - ^
04:20:227 (3) - ^ about these, i think i'll keep them, since this is a Normal not Easy

* At beginning of map, the distance spacing was 0,9x and other was 1,0x please re-spacing them
this is intentional and i don't think they influence gameplay so i'll keep most of them
01:16:803 (x) - Add note? no for consistency
01:16:966 (x) - ^ yes but instead change (1) into slider starting from here
01:20:879 (1) - Ugly slider matching up lyrics, won't fix
01:29:520 (1) - New combo for prevent any spinner bug
02:27:726 (1) - ^
03:36:531 (1) - ^
03:39:140 (1) - ^
04:23:813 (1) - ^ all fixed

I feel sleepy because of this song hope that's a good thing (?)
thank you!

winber1 wrote:

Sorry for slow mod :/, haven't really been wanting to look at my queue. now i have two other things to mod D:


00:49:574(break) - wut... why is there a break here lol. oh whatever.. < -- this should go in a general section, but i'm too lazy to do that. the feeling to this break is individual-based (many feedbacks said kay when many said map please), and i said keep
01:37:835(3,4) - not extremely clear and feels a bit weird. try something like this:
then put claps at 01:37:672 and at 01:37:998 and remove claps on combo 2 and 5 solid suggestion, but i like what they are now :/
01:48:270(2) - move 1/4 tick back and fix spacing. Remove clap from 01:47:944 and put one at 01:48:107. Sounds better instead remove whistles on (2,4)
02:46:966(1,2,3) - doesn't really seem to fit that well imo, but it doesn't matter. change (3) into clap
03:00:498(2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5.. 03:06:368) - wow this feels really awkward to me. It sometimes follows vocals and it sometimes follows something that doesn't seem to exist. The drums aren't doing anything this weird.
sticked to vocal more now
03:10:444(1,2) - it looks like the repeat slider will repeat 3 times, which it doesn't.
03:13:053(2,3) - ^ i like them
03:45:661(4,5,6,7) - I feel like it usually sounds better if this type of groupings of two started on a red tick no a white tick. Sometimes it feels correct or it fits the song when it's on the white tick, but this one feels much more awkward lol... the other ones are fine/sound good. removed finish on (2,4,5)


00:37:835(5,6) - it's the only place where player needs to press 1/4 tick after the last beat, not including those repeat sliders that last 1/2 a beat. perhaps you could change it.. or not. fix in Leorda's mod
01:46:966(1) - add finish is a bit noisy :/
03:09:466(2,3,4,5) - does not seem to fit highlighting the vocal, and i cant think of a better hitsound
03:17:618(spinner) - clap instead of finish fixed

Nice map :3
thank you too!

done a full submit.
Komeiji Yuki

Leorda wrote:


Yuki's Hard
00:30:661 (6) - Activate new combo
00:30:987 (1) - Deactivate new combo

00:37:835 (5) - Inconsistent spacing

00:39:629 (3) - ^

00:41:096 (5) - Activate new combo
00:41:422 (1) - Deactivate new combo

00:42:238 (3) - Inconsistent spacing

00:43:379 (5) - Activate new combo
00:43:705 (1) - Deactivate new combo

00:44:194 (2) - Inconsistent spacing
small jump

02:21:205 (3) - ^

03:25:933 (2) - ^
Adjust the patterns from 03:22:835 (1) - 03:25:118 (1) left 1 grid

winber1 wrote:

Yuki's Hard

01:31:313(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - what.. the... this spacing makes no sense to me. it's harder to read first of all, and also this is kiai time, and I would expect that (if not the same spacing) that it would be larger spacing, not smaller spacing.
Adjust x_x

02:31:640(3) - naziing... could you make the slider end in the same place as 02:30:661?
Done :3

02:40:933(5) - sounds better if you start this slider at at 02:40:607 and end at 02:41:096. Then you can fix spacing if you'd like.
02:46:966(10) - finishes do not fit imo.
No change temporary o_o"

03:44:357(1...) - same as 01:31:313. I would not decrease spacing like this. you can at least move combo 5 and 6 further apart, cuz it looks like they are 1/4 apart. at least imo.

04:05:716(3) - you haven't had a jump like this before, and i just did not expect it at all. If you're not going to stick with the same spacing, i would recommend you at least place it a bit closer than it is now.
Fix the shape and pattern
Both thanks for spending time on modding :3

Download: Sasha Asuka - Meguri Meguru (loveFantasy) [Yuki's Hard].osu
Topic Starter
Hello. I want this one to be ranked. Awesome song~ I love it.
Actually I planned to make this one as beatmap... after my WIP one is finished.

Seems this one is too long. There is a shorter one (tv size) which is used in MAIKAZE Anime.
Anyway, my star is here~
Topic Starter

C R E A M wrote:

Hello. I want this one to be ranked. Awesome song~ I love it.
Actually I planned to make this one as beatmap... after my WIP one is finished.

Seems this one is too long. There is a shorter one (tv size) which is used in MAIKAZE Anime.
Anyway, my star is here~
yep, this is a full version of the song, i did consider making tv size one, but the final decision is as you see :P
thank you for the star

loveFantasy wrote:

C R E A M wrote:

Hello. I want this one to be ranked. Awesome song~ I love it.
Actually I planned to make this one as beatmap... after my WIP one is finished.

Seems this one is too long. There is a shorter one (tv size) which is used in MAIKAZE Anime.
Anyway, my star is here~
yep, this is a full version of the song, i did consider making tv size one, but the final decision is as you see :P
thank you for the star
I see. I hope to play ranked one of this map. Good luck~
Card N'FoRcE
- General: (Considerations and things you need to check/fix for the whole map)
  • Offset -5ms
- Normal:
  1. .Suggestions: (Fixing this should make gameplay/aesthetics a bit better)
    02:13:053 (1) - add the same Finish as 00:23:487 (1)
    02:37:183 (1) - add the same Finish as 00:45:009 (1)
- Yuki's Hard:
  1. .Suggestions: (Fixing this should make gameplay/aesthetics a bit better)
    01:51:205 (1) - make it end at 01:54:792
    03:36:857 (5,6) - reverse them? that jump feels weird, the regular pattern looks so much better...
  2. .Errors/Mistakes: (Bad gameplay issues or badly applied changes)
    I know what you're doing with those 1/4 at the beginning and the end :>
    They're fine, but 00:43:705 (2,3) is the only one that's really easy to misread due to the song (i could explain but it would take a while), so please fix it.
    Also, 69 Unsnapped notes.
- Love:
  1. .Suggestions: (Fixing this should make gameplay/aesthetics a bit better)
    00:23:487 (1) - add the Finish like in Normal
    02:13:053 (1) - ^ (or if you don't like the Finish at least remove it from Normal as well)
    04:23:813 (1) - ^
    01:16:966 - add a beat here. It's easy to misread 01:17:129 (1) because of this.
Komeiji Yuki

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

- General: (Considerations and things you need to check/fix for the whole map)
  • Offset -5ms

Not sure LF Change it or not . 如果還沒換的話請幫我換一下吧

- Yuki's Hard:
  1. .Suggestions: (Fixing this should make gameplay/aesthetics a bit better)
    01:51:205 (1) - make it end at 01:54:792
    03:36:857 (5,6) - reverse them? that jump feels weird, the regular pattern looks so much better...
  2. .Errors/Mistakes: (Bad gameplay issues or badly applied changes)
    I know what you're doing with those 1/4 at the beginning and the end :>
    They're fine, but 00:43:705 (2,3) is the only one that's really easy to misread due to the song (i could explain but it would take a while), so please fix it.
    Fix . Also make the previous circle(1) and this slider (2) into a reverse slider
    I think it's better to play now >:( "
    Also, 69 Unsnapped notes.

Thx for modding :3~~
Download: Sasha Asuka - Meguri Meguru (loveFantasy) [Yuki's Hard].osu

  • 01:39:050 (T) - useless timeline, delete?
    02:26:096 (4) - Remove whistle?
    03:08:161 (1) - Starts at 03:07:835?
[Yuki's Hard]

Just some suggestions XD

  • 00:45:661 (6) - Add whistle end or add a repeat?
    00:48:270 (5) - ^
    01:05:390 (4,5) - Stacking
    01:18:270 (10) - Remove the finish at repeat?
    01:25:770 (1) - Stacking
    02:24:140 (X) - add a note?
    03:22:835 (1) - add clap?
    03:34:574 (5) - clap end?

Circle size-1? I have to keep my eyes on notes rather listen to the music...Changing the circle size would not affect points either...

  • 01:37:835 (3,4) - =_=b the spacing is really confusing
    03:13:053 (2,3,4) - ^
    04:02:618 (11) - move to y-axis?
Nicely done, star
Topic Starter

Selee wrote:


  • 01:39:050 (T) - useless timeline, delete? fixed
    02:26:096 (4) - Remove whistle? rearrange whistle in this combo instead
    03:08:161 (1) - Starts at 03:07:835? fixed
also rearranged some hitsound after 03:08:161..


Circle size-1? I have to keep my eyes on notes rather listen to the music...Changing the circle size would not affect points either... no

  • 01:37:835 (3,4) - =_=b the spacing is really confusing bpm is low so i think that's acceptable
    03:13:053 (2,3,4) - ^ same reason
    04:02:618 (11) - move to y-axis? rearranged and placed on y-axis now
Nicely done, star
a random modder! thank you very much
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