
Is it possible to share a map anonymously without making an alternative account?

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Hello, I am making a mania 4k map for a song that I really love, but when I'm finish I want to be able to get actual honest, uncensored opinions on it as I am only making it because I absolutely love the song with all of my heart and want to have a map for it that feels really really good to play, and I don't want people to try to sugar-coat their opinions on what was done poorly, or even sub par, is there any way to remove your name from a map that you made?

Thank you for reading

no but just submit it, go to MAPPERS (not players) and ask them for mods, and then it'll go off from there.
there's seemingly no point in being anonymous when asking for feedback so just submit it normally
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Li Syaoran wrote:

no but just submit it, go to MAPPERS (not players) and ask them for mods, and then it'll go off from there.
Hello, I know this is going to sound extremely stupid, but how would one approach a mapper to request a mod?

In every video I've seen about how to map it appears that mappers do not like being bothered to mod maps as the mapping scene is extremely saturated and it is probably annoying for them to be badgered to review maps when the person has no prior proof to demonstrate their value, and I am genuinely terrified of aggravating a mapper that I look up to.

Do they generally put something in their BIO stating that they are willing to mod maps? Or do you just have to guess and hope to not be a pest?

Protochi wrote:

Li Syaoran wrote:

no but just submit it, go to MAPPERS (not players) and ask them for mods, and then it'll go off from there.
Hello, I know this is going to sound extremely stupid, but how would one approach a mapper to request a mod?

In every video I've seen about how to map it appears that mappers do not like being bothered to mod maps as the mapping scene is extremely saturated and it is probably annoying for them to be badgered to review maps when the person has no prior proof to demonstrate their value, and I am genuinely terrified of aggravating a mapper that I look up to.

Do they generally put something in their BIO stating that they are willing to mod maps? Or do you just have to guess and hope to not be a pest?
Modding Queues subforum.
Though this is entirely up to you, instead of asking for a full mod, try and ask experienced mappers for their feedback on what you can improve on and what areas you generally lack in terms of mapping. It's their choice whether or not they decide to take a look at the map, but I don't think people would go as far as to being aggravated by you just asking for general feedback. Looking at their "me!" section first is a good thing to do before you approach them.

If you're going to use the Modding Queues subforum linked above, make sure you look for queues that are specifically meant for modding mania maps, it'll be mentioned usually beside the title of each thread. Lastly, you can take a look at this, it should feed you the knowledge of different terms we use for requesting mods. Good luck!
There's also in #modreqs channel in-game but chances you'll get a mod is low. But /np'ing there doesn't guarantee anything since modders don't usually pick maps to mod there since its not their obligation. There's higher chance getting accepted if you are requesting a mod directly posting in their modding queue or DM'ing mappers. But as Petal said, look at their user page first before messaging them. But if there's nothing written about it, I think there's no need to be scared of when requesting for some mods or feedbacks
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