
Do any of your friends know what osu! is?

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I mention that I play Osu! frequently, but I never actually explain what it is unless I'm specifically asked. Only a small handful of my friends know exactly what it is, but on the bright side, none of them judge me for playing it. 😁
Nope :c Its sad but what can I do force them to play for 24 7
Rusty af
Irl friends? Probably not. Online friends? Definitely
but he only played for 1 day :v
"last online 5 month's ago"
"joined 5 month's ago"
Performance "17pp"
haha i rolypoly
they probably have never heard of it lol. I'm pretty sure in just one person in my class knows about it
Yep, one of my friends tried it, many of them want to play it but they don't have a PC.
I told him I just started playing and he said he tried it before but doesn't play anymore because he sucks at it. >>
yes i forced him to start playing he plays better than me now

actually i didn't force him he wanted to play after i showed him the game
what are "friends"?
- Isla -
yeah. first world problems.
best friend of 10 years > RagingRainbow ^_^
haha i rolypoly
pretty sure no one is but idk
I have a few friends who know what Osu is, they mainly try to play the game to get better at their mouse movements for other games. Not sure if those logistics work out or not, but I'm just glad I can get them to play sometimes.
Neko [OwO]
Only one of my friends knows what osu! is (surprising considering all 3 of them are weebs). He is an absolute god at the game and can go all the way up to 1 star difficulty (seriously, he can only do 1 stars). He played it before me but quit because he couldn't pass the tutorial. He's slowly started to get back in to it when I started getting average at it.
- Isla -
Huh no:(
- Marco -
I have a friend who played osu! but he plays it very rarely, almost never.
i think i have friends who know osu what is
my family knows what osu! is, I told my friends about.

They thought it was cool and thought I was gay.
- Isla -
not at all
Pretty much everyone i know knows that I play rhythm games competitively lmao. So they pretty much know how much a godlike game Osu is.
nope im lonely
Almost all of my friends know that I play osu but none of them have played the game for more than an hour or 2
No, I tried to tell them but they don't listen. I don't even tell people that I watch anime

AkumaMNL wrote:

No, I tried to tell them but they don't listen. I don't even tell people that I watch anime
that is kinda sad isn't it?
like you should be able to tell your IRL freinds about you interest and stuff

Btw i always talk about OSU! or anime with my IRL weeb freinds
Nature angel
I only have 3 friends who know about osu!
Some of my friends knows osu! And heck they even try to play the game! ^^
friends? hehe... what's ''Friends''? its just me... coffie.... and my osu addict.
some of my friends on discord know I play it and one of my irl friends actually play it. Its kind of weird because I don't like telling many people :/
None of my friends know or even heard about osu, just me.
Most of my friends know osu! but some quit or barely even play
No, but then again I dont have any atm
Most of them know, tried it but never play actively, one of them literally use osu as a music player,he don’t even play the game.
Looking through this thread makes me think a bunch of people are talking over one another without anyone really listening in.

Because of this, I'm going to pitch in in the ever hope someone shall see this.

Because my country have a small population, but we have a fairly large playerbase in proportion, the youth here generally heard of osu, even those who don't play it. I have a real life classmate who plays with me. Know a few more, some high-ranked in the country, but not close friends. So yeah, osu is farily well-known here, especially in the anime community.
I tried asking my classmates about rhythm games and this is what happened:
Classmate A: Rhythm games? What are those?
Classmate B: *Ignores*
Classmate C: That's lame. MOBA is the best.
Classmate D: I only play Battle Royale games. (This is the guy that broke his left arm)
So, in general, none of my classmates know about osu!. One of my best friends do know it but she's currently stuck playing Geometry Dash.
i can't think of anyone i've met irl that knew what osu! was before i told them and most of them thinks it's bad after i tell them
haha i rolypoly
legit no one knows about it
there was this girl in my class a year ago that played it but im no longer in a class with her
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