The notes are way to bunched together to even read at some parts, my current scroll speed is 30. Or is there any other way to be able to read those kind of bunched and jumbled notes?
agreed; your skin's hit position is one of the most important factors in picking a notespeed. 30 notespeed is gonna feel very fast if you're hit position is high.tgnehs wrote:
I second the opinions above. I use 32 but I use a low judgement skin and large circles and I have a high refresh rate monitor, meaning that I have a lot of time to see and react to the notes falling. I used to use 36 speed, but I find that at this level using a lower speed is helpful for reading simple patterns like jumptrills and jumpstreams. But yeah, it really depends on your skin. The main limitations for a low speed is density and for high speed is accuracy and tech patterns. Mess around with speed