
Survey 43: Community Voice 2020

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delete notelock
Angel 149
osu has mascots? I did not know that
A way to mass download beatmap packs instead of using shady torrents or things like that.
delete dendy

Vallindra wrote:

Ive been more into mapping lately and I realy dislike having to do so much stuff just to silence a slider end.

hahaha to bad

KatouMegumi wrote:

Recorti wrote:

Sorry, i mean video guides
(waiting osu!lazer release :/)

Lazer is already released, like. 3 years ago.
There is already official osu! video guide series, that does include mapping and whatnot.
Geez, you people really should just look around first before asking.

you're right
but it just a dev build
I'd really like some more progression systems.. PP was fine for the longest time but im tired of just farming the same kind of maps. Hit a wall in terms of improvement, still love playing tho. I would just love to fill any progression bar - maybe for different mods, see a more meaningful number grow. More kinds of pp systems for different skills or mapping styles (hard to accomplish im sure..) Achievements seem boring to me, but its a step in the right direction. The player level is a useless number, what use has the score number? Global ranks are too time consuming and tiring to achieve. Im not an overachiever compared to those monsters.

Gimme anything to unlock, anything to decorate myself with by trying different things or showing endurance in play even when stagnating or participating in the community. Dunno, integrate an optional clicker or idle game, thats what it is anyway when i listen to or play the music i learned to love. I remember peppy writing that he would love to make a rpg or something (dont quote me on that)

How about some better media control to enjoy the music, its a huge part of the game and i don't want to and can't tap away all day.

Maybe there is some way to make interacting in the game more fun, maybe when spectating another player. Come on, everyone loves a little attention or acknowledgement for the skills they develope, be it a a newbie or pro. Im still amazed about what i can do, how i have gotten better over the years, how others improve, what they can do. Can anyone think about a way to participate while spectating? Ffs i'd farm some osu! coins other players drop while farming

I love osu! but i really wouldnt mind a fresh experience, something else to strive for, something i can spend a lot of time with inside of osu! other than osu!. There is no other way to use what i learned in this game but this game, you know what im saying, its a useless skill outside of osu! and i want MORE and there is always more but i want even MORE

make osu! addicting for the burned out again, you feel me

Man i love you all, do anything or nothing i'll be here anyway
i love osu
Jitzera 9
Add an option to queue player online/offline notifications for after finishing a beatmap
Can't we accept notelock as a difficulty element to challenge us in the game?
Glad to see an active development approach in reaching out to the community. This game truly has a very bright open future indeed.
Игра гавно, но мне нравится.
This may be a bit of a hot take but could we maybe have less... anime backgrounds whenever Osu! is celebrating something (for example spring) I'd kinda love to see more minimalistic takes on Osu! art and stuff instead of having to see only anime girls on my game
Shouldn't this be posted in front page of news as well?
the game is good and all, but what comes to my attention is the beatmap. you see, i'll love it if you can sort the beatmap by popularity. I know there's a reason for it. but I'm looking forward to it.
Red Nerd
Please make a way of multiple bpm sliders works [ but what do i mean? ]
Maps like Pishi's Suite Nr.1 G-Dur, BWV 1007 I. Prelude beatmapsets/160528#osu/392107
Whenever a slider passes a bpm change, the mapper needs to make sv changes and keep spamming changes every single time, and this is so damn frustrating. Everyone that tried multiple bpm songs knows that mapping extras and insanes are not that tricky, but hards / normals are a nightmare
I know it could break old maps that uses sv's for this, but just make something like mapping v3 or something
X rated

Vallindra wrote:

Ive been more into mapping lately and I realy dislike having to do so much stuff just to silence a slider end.

amen brother

Saturnalize wrote:

Shouldn't this be posted in front page of news as well?

Will be, yes.
A really helpful osu tutorial for new people teaching how to streams o jumps.
To can change the CS of the maps in any moment and not only one on all the map.
Example: (like AR)

CS: 3 - 4.5
I love this game owo and always will nuff said
I don't know exactly if this is because of the server, but I think the problem of not being able to download the map of this game or being too slow to download should be fixed. This problem has caused more frequent and long-term inconveniences these days. If the server itself of this game cannot be fixed, I think it would be better to connect them for download through mirror sites such as Bloodcat and, or at least officially let them know that there are such mirror sites.
Lalo Mora

[Quarter] wrote:

I'd really like some more progression systems.. PP was fine for the longest time but im tired of just farming the same kind of maps. Hit a wall in terms of improvement, still love playing tho. I would just love to fill any progression bar - maybe for different mods, see a more meaningful number grow. More kinds of pp systems for different skills or mapping styles (hard to accomplish im sure..) Achievements seem boring to me, but its a step in the right direction. The player level is a useless number, what use has the score number? Global ranks are too time consuming and tiring to achieve. Im not an overachiever compared to those monsters.

Gimme anything to unlock, anything to decorate myself with by trying different things or showing endurance in play even when stagnating or participating in the community. Dunno, integrate an optional clicker or idle game, thats what it is anyway when i listen to or play the music i learned to love. I remember peppy writing that he would love to make a rpg or something (dont quote me on that)

How about some better media control to enjoy the music, its a huge part of the game and i don't want to and can't tap away all day.

Maybe there is some way to make interacting in the game more fun, maybe when spectating another player. Come on, everyone loves a little attention or acknowledgement for the skills they develope, be it a a newbie or pro. Im still amazed about what i can do, how i have gotten better over the years, how others improve, what they can do. Can anyone think about a way to participate while spectating? Ffs i'd farm some osu! coins other players drop while farming

I love osu! but i really wouldnt mind a fresh experience, something else to strive for, something i can spend a lot of time with inside of osu! other than osu!. There is no other way to use what i learned in this game but this game, you know what im saying, its a useless skill outside of osu! and i want MORE and there is always more but i want even MORE

make osu! addicting for the burned out again, you feel me

Man i love you all, do anything or nothing i'll be here anyway

What if as a way of progression (like rocket league) with each significant achievement (fc X star rating, reach X rank, X amount of SS ranks, reach X amount of Y star rating FCs) you get a special pfp border or unique identifier to show that accomplishment?

It would motivate me to play more certainly. If i could get a cool pfp border for FCing 100x 5 star maps you would catch me playing all day. Maybe even reach 100x 200pp+ plays to get a cool border idk.

The possibilites are endless and it would set an actual goal for most people to push for. Just an idea though, many different things to expand on.

Also I agree on the music player. If I am in a collection, please just play the songs from that collection and not dash hopes 3 lol
Editor feedback wasn't included in the survey so I'll put it here... I crash way too much, usually has to do with all the times I open the timing points menu (f6). Does anyone know if there's a place know where to put your ideas to improve the editor other than suggestions?
You should add a searchbar for searching skins and let us choose maps in a certain difficulty like 6*/7*/8* maps on the osu! website specifically
When RC will get a rule about making the song after ranking it unrankable? Like seriously, it's so much annoying to have like 100 sets with Harumachi Clover and Chikatto Chika Chika! Why not encourage mapping a new song which isn't ranked yet? Especially: rare genres like psytrance, trance, neurofunk, dubstep and some deathstep?
Great game, the best game I played so far! But for god's sake, please, would you agree to create an official tutorial on: How to create a map"? Thank you, regards,


emiIio wrote:

You should've put a response option to what we don't like about the editor, but oh well :(

^^^ This

Editor system is old as hell, ctb and taiko suffers from this. I have no comments on ctb since a lot of mappers have accustommed to it but please let players to know how their map looks like without them needed to play it!!! It's really frustating.

And taiko need new editor as well. Std editor is not suitable for it (like the hell you even can't preview finish notes on taiko if you not listened to it)

Last thing I want to mention is the ability to add x/8 notation! Songs are not only written in x/4

Please care more about this. Easier mapping editor let more people to be able to map
i just star to play osu 3 days ago, so yep its a cool game maybee, just for the new people the configurationt isnt clear at all
i create thi acount a long time ago but i never played like 2 or 3 maps per year,
nakanotsu nimi
limit the amount of new features....
Do you actively create beatmaps or write mods for other people's beatmaps? *
- Yes
- No

(Anyways fix editor, I want my undo to actually undo the actions I made and not crash the game randomly)
could you make osu pay to win pls
achievements, in mi opinion y love it! it would be a great adition!
deleting osu!supporter
Chinese player can't fill the form(
bring back osu! coins
Please... notelocking please remove this just please
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