
Status Update

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Status: I just keep wanting to practise Turkish but I don't think I could focus. :/
Playing a game
Status: just changed my sig!
Status: Just started procrastinating
Status: it's raining pretty hard outside.
Status: I've been playing around with VGM Music Maker today, trying to recreate this song:

I can place the notes pretty well, and I have all the metadata set up (BPM, etc.), but I can't seem to recreate the instruments very well. The four FM synthesis sine wave modulation channels are kinda hard to use. I also don't know how to have the whole drumset on one channel, like on this song from Knuckles' Chaotix. Looks like I'm going to have to do some research and/or ask for some help, especially with the drums.

Edit: this video is very helpful!


Achromalia wrote:


That already looks amazing, I can't wait to see the final result!
I have this song stuck in my head, HALP:


Achromalia wrote:

i feel fucking terrible... heh. hah. fuck.

it's fairly difficult to describe, it's not really something i'd chalk up as depression, it's not self-hatred, it's like...

disappointment, but... not really.

disappointed that this is life. it's the most pointless thing to feel about life as it doesn't exactly change the parameters of life itself, but still.

i miss the past. i'm getting nostalgic, but it's not necessarily nostalgia.

it's a bit like... sonder. or... something.

it's knowing that i could've taken many choices to live many different lives, realizing that the choices i've already made have only led me here. it's not a new concept, but...

i miss her. i miss them. i miss middle school, and how fucking terrible it was. i miss my depressed and apathetic self.

i miss the level of imagination i had. i want to live all of these lives, see what others see, see things differently, do things differently and see what happens, see what i can change, what i can improve, what i can prevent or protect.

i miss the specific quantum states of which i would find myself in the past, even if i've never experienced it. i can only imagine it, and dream about it, but never really see it.


i want to play god, essentially, heh. i don't really care for destruction or anything extravagant, although i'd like to create some things and see how that plays out, but i really would like something like omniscience and omnipresence, and the ability to make quantum leaps in time states, to experience everything.

maybe i'd get bored.

that's okay.

as long as i don't mess anything up.

but i'd like to see these possibilities in my reality.


yet, here i am.

i don't know.

i don't even feel human, sometimes.

it's like i'm a disembodied entity housed in an inseparable physical form that i'm too distracted to care for.

that's technically a viable definition of a conscience or an ego, by the looks of it.

i just feel so detached. i feel so distant from everything, from everyone.

i remember just how lonely i am.

it's cold out here.

it's empty in here.

there's nothing in here, but me, and everything's out there. here, i'm looking outwards into everything that surrounds me, yet, i feel like i'm more like an observer, peering into a reality that i've yet to fully understand.

i'm tired.

i think that's enough.

i'll probably just... lay here, or... something.

i don't know.

so inert.

so familiar.

so tired.

just here.

me, this reality, and the void.

Status: song of the day that is stuck in my head:

Status: I just choked on my water. I was reading some funny comment and laughed while drinking water and since I didn't want to spit out the water I forced myself to drink it and choked quite hard on it. Damn this hurt.
I've got two interviews for two different things on two different days. i hope i don't get two nervous. i'm hoping two handle these two interviews well. one of them starts at one PM and ends at two PM. then after interview number one on day one i have interview number two on day two. i one-der how these two are gonna go.
Doing maths homework in the first time in forever and getting agitated at WW3 news that keeps getting recommended to me on my phone.
Status: I found this house mix yesterday night and now I'm listening to it today.

I thought Monstercat having house was weird, because what Monstercat usually hosts and what I like about house are two totally different things. I'm about ten minutes in and I was right. The description calls it "progressive house". I don't know what it means, but I don't really like it. I much prefer soulful house or J-house, such as the music in this mix:

I really like this one.
Yeah, I listened to another progressive house mix and it's not really my style. It's like if you had a house—electro slider, and you set it to 25% house 75% electro.

I found another great house mix, though. This one isn't the soulful house I usually listen to, but it's still really good. It's like if you set the slider to 50% house 50% electro. It reminds me of something you might find on a radio station in a racing game. It's nice to listen to.

"With all held dear, we aspire to be better.

Against all fear, to passion's fire we are tethered."
I'm thinking of dying (again).

No joke. I even created a scenario.
Well, several ones which I stopped considering because there wasn't any appropriate place for each of them.

If nothing goes wrong on Monday, I'll have to choose whether I'm making my 10-years-old decision true or not.

I just don't want to live where nobody gives a hand to dying wishes. By that, I actually mean "helping people getting their satisfying death".
Nothing is entertaining me but I don't want to sleep. I know that trying to sleep too early will just cause me to have bad thoughts, which is worse than being a bit bored.
A firefly crashed onto my screen.

45Traeath wrote:

I'm thinking of dying (again).

No joke. I even created a scenario.
Well, several ones which I stopped considering because there wasn't any appropriate place for each of them.

If nothing goes wrong on Monday, I'll have to choose whether I'm making my 10-years-old decision true or not.

I just don't want to live where nobody gives a hand to dying wishes. By that, I actually mean "helping people getting their satisfying death".

Hey mate, I've been suffering with similar thoughts. Try talking to someone you trust about this, even if it's me. That being said, a therapist is preferred. Kooth is a good, free online service, though I'm not sure whether or not it's an international one.

Situations may seem endless and pointless to struggle through, but very few situations last a lifetime. Death is permanent. Please remember this. It's an escape from the bad, sure, but also the good, and the chance for good.

There are ways to turn negative thoughts into sonething useful. For example, I constantly think I'm worthless, so when I have the energy, I use this energy to improve myself in some way, even in a rather unnoticeable way. Due to this energy coming rarely, it's usually used to clean my room, but I don't really mind, as it's some relief.

Maybe I've misunderstood and am projecting my thoughts onto you a bit, and in sorry if so. I simply hate the idea of others having these horrible thoughts. They're very difficult to deal with.

Fight your enemies, not join them. :)

Carmlillball wrote:

Kooth looks nice, but it seems to be limited to the UK teenagers ("11-18") in the registration form.

I've been thinking about the "permanence/ephemerality" aspect...
The loss will be permanent for sure...
Good things to come, huh...

<I was thinking about how do I write the reply, then I think I'll have to manage this in a way/an order, so here comes a box.>

A bad childhood aside.

There are chances for good I could think of, um...
Given how things are, I force myself into thinking that I have to leave Paris. It's a nice place, but it's not to be lived in for some people, or maybe several "categories" of people.
That train of thoughts stems from kind of an "inferiority complex" in more of a physiological way, which I grew an excessive awareness... Uh, let me try to rephrase that.
"Which made me grow that", alright, um...
I'm just too aware of how often I could get the common cold. I thought of the possible causes, taking into account a (kind of) regular "warning-style" commercial about how we're sticking huge amounts of germs on ourselves and how to limit their transmission...? "Propagation"?
Well there's this, and, seeing how my family (mostly my big bro') behaves with the belongings, I just had to fly straight to that conclusion. Like...
(Chairs and stools aside, that's just out [I don't play baseball though].)

Then I've been thinking about solutions to limit, if not nullify, the presence of those naughty (micro-)pieces of sxit. Trying to avoid physical contact (from the front and with handbags) aside, I've got a capacity of 675mL of hydroal' solution in 5 separate recipients ("bottles"?) out of "sneaking into" relevant places (so I can get some for free), and an extra "spray-type" recipient that was already empty to start with.

Of course, that's stupidly extreme. Thinking of staying with that much until I manage to get out of Paris, there's nothing about learning how to take care of oneself, but that, as I mentioned, was because I gave up on life since approx' 10 years. So obviously at that time, I went full lazy, which was clearly wrong; I had to plan my own death. But of course, since it was even before I get my jobs and even before I was aware of the lifestyle of my family, I couldn't find a plan and was in the fear of the consequences.
For now I just hate skinship, gravity and uh... I forgot the 3rd thing I was thinking about. [EDIT] Could be "crowds" but I feel like it was something else.
(Also, what girl, woman or anyone would take on a hygienic maniac with that high level of a madness heh. Screw that relationship.)

Getting to one of the point ("Trying to reply to a paragraph"), the only "peace of mind" I have for the moment - physically - is a limited usage of "liquid" on a personal space and belongings (I wouldn't last long, if I started "taking care" of the whole appartment when there's the whole family, plus it's just plain stupid)...
The other good and chances of good being just me virtually relieving myself... New Vocaloid songs, new "books", ASMR, new illustrations on Pixiv, whatev'. But they couldn't erase the pain from living through a generation almost filled with the wrong children.
... *Sudden realization*
Huh... Financial matters...
I'm supposed to go to an appointment on Thursday with a bank counselor, maybe I could talk about my intention of getting out of Paris......

But then there's another thing that'll happen which intensified my intention of "running away" for freakin' good: meeting with my "boss"'s superior, as I fxxked up real hard because of those habits (strike one, losing in performance as an employee, strike two, getting too cocky with my hygienical habits, unexpected and unwanted strike three, someone "added oil on the fire". "Hai! Out!". He wasn't wrong in what he said about me, but wasn't entirely right).
A hope I could think of is that he'll be willing to listen to my version of the "facts", since there's a line between a "fact" and a "memory"...
I'm so negative, I can't bend my feelings to the point of thinking that it will happen. I can only feel like nothing good will happen, aside from the decision to shorten the duration of my contract and never "re-extend" it.
I'm fine with an end being put on my contract. I fxxked up. I just didn't see a third strike coming. It's just that I don't think I'll be able to emotionally handle the tense atmosphere once I enter his office.
But seriously though, what company would take someone like me if I ever talk frankly about such goals... Society in our days want people to be cooperative, not "too" self-centered...

Projecting your thoughts onto me is completely fine; I only wrote that message like a calling card against myself. It's all about how things are going to go in a "Persona 5" fashion, instead of walking away in silence. I felt like writing that because of the mysterious easing magic called "Internet", which happened after writing a '.txt' file supposed to be my "last words/testament/apologies" thing.

What I don't understand is the "enemy" thing...
Oh, joining the "dark thoughts" and let my end happen...
There's one thing that came back to my mind, a colleague told me how we're indeed all different, and pointing out that I'm being too different.
Well, that's on purpose, but I couldn't possibly tell anyone about my death wish. So I misunderstood as "joining the common sense and not fighting it".
I've been planning on that, it's just that it'll take many months and years to obtain my own place to live in. For good. No dying.
But then there's the "months and years" thing that will keep on disturbing me, along with my family's behavior, and the incoming scolding and consequences that will never leave my mind even after going through it...
...*Just me being a dork*
If my life does change in a positive way in the following months, then I will finish my audio montage...
Vocaloid songs aside, there also are some "books" I need to finish reading, it's been a long time without the motivation to read a single thing.
There's also that book on my desk... I never got to actually try to read it, but given how the title is a bit misleading to me...
And I just learned about that novel getting an adaptation that will be broadcast this year...
Ugh. Living is a weird pain.

Also, seems like I'm going to eat lunch alone at home...
*Hesitation intensifies*

45Traeath wrote:

Carmlillball wrote:

Kooth looks nice, but it seems to be limited to the UK teenagers ("11-18") in the registration form.

I've been thinking about the "permanence/ephemerality" aspect...
The loss will be permanent for sure...
Good things to come, huh...

<I was thinking about how do I write the reply, then I think I'll have to manage this in a way/an order, so here comes a box.>

A bad childhood aside.

There are chances for good I could think of, um...
Given how things are, I force myself into thinking that I have to leave Paris. It's a nice place, but it's not to be lived in for some people, or maybe several "categories" of people.
That train of thoughts stems from kind of an "inferiority complex" in more of a physiological way, which I grew an excessive awareness... Uh, let me try to rephrase that.
"Which made me grow that", alright, um...
I'm just too aware of how often I could get the common cold. I thought of the possible causes, taking into account a (kind of) regular "warning-style" commercial about how we're sticking huge amounts of germs on ourselves and how to limit their transmission...? "Propagation"?
Well there's this, and, seeing how my family (mostly my big bro') behaves with the belongings, I just had to fly straight to that conclusion. Like...
(Chairs and stools aside, that's just out [I don't play baseball though].)

Then I've been thinking about solutions to limit, if not nullify, the presence of those naughty (micro-)pieces of sxit. Trying to avoid physical contact (from the front and with handbags) aside, I've got a capacity of 675mL of hydroal' solution in 5 separate recipients ("bottles"?) out of "sneaking into" relevant places (so I can get some for free), and an extra "spray-type" recipient that was already empty to start with.

Of course, that's stupidly extreme. Thinking of staying with that much until I manage to get out of Paris, there's nothing about learning how to take care of oneself, but that, as I mentioned, was because I gave up on life since approx' 10 years. So obviously at that time, I went full lazy, which was clearly wrong; I had to plan my own death. But of course, since it was even before I get my jobs and even before I was aware of the lifestyle of my family, I couldn't find a plan and was in the fear of the consequences.
For now I just hate skinship, gravity and uh... I forgot the 3rd thing I was thinking about. [EDIT] Could be "crowds" but I feel like it was something else.
(Also, what girl, woman or anyone would take on a hygienic maniac with that high level of a madness heh. Screw that relationship.)

Getting to one of the point ("Trying to reply to a paragraph"), the only "peace of mind" I have for the moment - physically - is a limited usage of "liquid" on a personal space and belongings (I wouldn't last long, if I started "taking care" of the whole appartment when there's the whole family, plus it's just plain stupid)...
The other good and chances of good being just me virtually relieving myself... New Vocaloid songs, new "books", ASMR, new illustrations on Pixiv, whatev'. But they couldn't erase the pain from living through a generation almost filled with the wrong children.
... *Sudden realization*
Huh... Financial matters...
I'm supposed to go to an appointment on Thursday with a bank counselor, maybe I could talk about my intention of getting out of Paris......

But then there's another thing that'll happen which intensified my intention of "running away" for freakin' good: meeting with my "boss"'s superior, as I fxxked up real hard because of those habits (strike one, losing in performance as an employee, strike two, getting too cocky with my hygienical habits, unexpected and unwanted strike three, someone "added oil on the fire". "Hai! Out!". He wasn't wrong in what he said about me, but wasn't entirely right).
A hope I could think of is that he'll be willing to listen to my version of the "facts", since there's a line between a "fact" and a "memory"...
I'm so negative, I can't bend my feelings to the point of thinking that it will happen. I can only feel like nothing good will happen, aside from the decision to shorten the duration of my contract and never "re-extend" it.
I'm fine with an end being put on my contract. I fxxked up. I just didn't see a third strike coming. It's just that I don't think I'll be able to emotionally handle the tense atmosphere once I enter his office.
But seriously though, what company would take someone like me if I ever talk frankly about such goals... Society in our days want people to be cooperative, not "too" self-centered...

Projecting your thoughts onto me is completely fine; I only wrote that message like a calling card against myself. It's all about how things are going to go in a "Persona 5" fashion, instead of walking away in silence. I felt like writing that because of the mysterious easing magic called "Internet", which happened after writing a '.txt' file supposed to be my "last words/testament/apologies" thing.

What I don't understand is the "enemy" thing...
Oh, joining the "dark thoughts" and let my end happen...
There's one thing that came back to my mind, a colleague told me how we're indeed all different, and pointing out that I'm being too different.
Well, that's on purpose, but I couldn't possibly tell anyone about my death wish. So I misunderstood as "joining the common sense and not fighting it".
I've been planning on that, it's just that it'll take many months and years to obtain my own place to live in. For good. No dying.
But then there's the "months and years" thing that will keep on disturbing me, along with my family's behavior, and the incoming scolding and consequences that will never leave my mind even after going through it...
...*Just me being a dork*
If my life does change in a positive way in the following months, then I will finish my audio montage...
Vocaloid songs aside, there also are some "books" I need to finish reading, it's been a long time without the motivation to read a single thing.
There's also that book on my desk... I never got to actually try to read it, but given how the title is a bit misleading to me...
And I just learned about that novel getting an adaptation that will be broadcast this year...
Ugh. Living is a weird pain.

Also, seems like I'm going to eat lunch alone at home...
*Hesitation intensifies*

Hi again! The kooth situation is unfortunate, but I'm sure there would be something similar for French folk? Like, an online therapy thing? Or even face-to-face, that's also good. Anything is better than hopelessness!

It's difficult for me to understand your situation, with my limited life experience (in a way, less than a 10 year old), and lack of being able to understand others as a whole. Saying this, I feel I'll mostly be rambling.

Leaving an area does seem difficult, but also a good thing if you're upset with where you live. That's something to look forward to. Even if it takes years, it'll happen eventually, and I figure you'd then be happy.

You seem to be quite scared of germs. Have you tried to share these concerns with your family (so they respect your boundaries a bit more) or with a psychologist (who could help with your underlying issues)? I'm not sure how often you get the common cold, but I only get it around twice a week (although a lot of anxiety-related stomachs issues).

I honestly don't know what else to say about this germ issue. I don't care at all about germs. I clean my room to organise stuff and clean myself to not be self conscious. That's about as far as I go. As of recently, I barely care about either of those things either. Being on the exact opposite side of the coin, I don't know how to help. All I can say is you probably have OCD and the best thing to do with that is to speak to someone trained to deal with that.

As someone with family who doesn't care about hygiene even enough to organise anything, I do agree that trying to clean an entire apartment, with family in there, is a bit ridiculous (although I've always lived in a 3-bedroom house). I used to try. I was just being taken advantage of. So I only tidy my side of my bedroom (I share with my sister) now.

When it comes to possible good, and bad, things, remember that life isn't completely predictable. If I were to tell 14 year old me that I would be socialising, she would laugh at me. Yet I'm doing so, albeit not great (but how good could I be with practically no experience until a few months ago?). This is a good thing, and in the past, I never would've guessed this ever happening to me. So, trying to guess what good could be squeezed into your life is basically useless. You can work towards things, but purely guessing can be restrictive.

Bad things also happen. Messing up at something is understandable. Here's something I can actually give a piece of professional advice on, from my counselor (was for me, but I figured it'll fit in your situation) - you're a human, not a robot. Robots are programmed to be perfect at what they do, and are expected to be perfect. However, nobody should expect a human to be perfect. People do expect others to do their best, but our best isn't perfection, and people are mostly understanding of this. Now back to my usual, non-professional thoughts. You messed up, and you can't change the past, but whatever you do now will guide your way. Will you take what you did and learn, therefore improving; or will you sulk and slam against a wall because you've given up? Well, why give up before you've begun to think about what happened and what you could learn from it?
It takes strength to grow and admit your problems. Hiding your problems from yourself and trying to lock them up to be forgotten is insincere and weak, and gets you nowhere. I'm not saying to constantly stress about stuff you've done years ago or anything, but for you to do something useful with your experience.

I understand being negative, and, to be honest, I'm usually the same way. However, that helps nobody. I've gotten advice from a counselor, which I figured would help you. You should write your negative thoughts then turn them into positive ones (or question the negative thoughts). This works great for me, personally. I find that it makes me much more critical of my ideas and how I feel.
For example, with a class which has a lot of people, I would instinctively think 'there's a lot of people who could make fun of me'. I would previously then give up and not do to the lesson. Do you see how unhelpful thoughts cause unhelpful behaviour? Now, on my first time of having this thought since starting this exercise, I would write this in a notebook. Then, I get to this as soon as possible. Starting to think of points against this thought during registration is very useful, but this isn't always possible. But anyways, I get to the point as soon as possible and argue against it. This is usually after college. I love finding as many perspectives as I could towards everything (including political arguments), so this is quite fun. I try to find reasons why what I've written is false (that 'big class = more people to make fun of me') , or sometimes, why it doesn't matter as much as I thought it does. Then, I learn the things I've written.
I feel that this exercise would be of use to you. Not sure whether you need the full exercise I've been given (doing this to my thoughts, feelings and actions), but your thoughts definitely need help.
It's pretty hard to adapt positive thinking skills, but far from impossible. What's going on is you (and I) are used to thinking negatively, so the neuron pathways associated with negative thinking have been used a lot. This usage means that they strengthen. Neurons which carry information on positive thinking get weaker, or perhaps barely exist at all. This makes them more difficult to access. However, with difficulty, you can flip this on it's head - start using positive thoughts so these neurons strengthen, and use negative thoughts less regularly so these neurons get weaker. This is very difficult, but it's not a great idea to give up before you've tried.
Imperfections exist, and as an emotional person, they take a huge toll on my emotional state. However, it really helps to focus on the good.

I don't know much about work at all, but I would guess that your boss would listen to your side of the story if you're calm about it and not acting in a threatening, not arrogant, way.

I barely know what I've been saying. I just get thoughts and instinctively share them. Doesn't help that my thoughts are unorganised. But I hope this is of some help.

20:54 Somehow feeling optimistic for college for the first time in weeks (or probably the first time in months), despite worrying about this stupid survey/questionnaire bs. I feel I should have enough social skills and confidence to explain that, as far I know, I wasn't supposed to edit the survey, I was supposed to answer it, so I don't know why I was given the link for editing it.

Also want to clean my room, but it's nearly 9 at night.
Father's expecting me to withdraw cash.
And I'm trying to answer this thing.

Carmlillball wrote:

I don't know about "therapy", but I have yet to talk about this to a "psychologist"...?
EDIT: I don't know about the appropriate person, I did talk to a psychologist (if I'm not wrong on the profession), but only about my bad childhood (maybe the maniac side as well, but I wouldn't remember, I should mention that if I'm planning to see her again).

It's fine.

To be fair, that "cold rate" estimation was based only on whether I act with exactly their standards, which to me seem like "visual tidiness".
When I read this "cleaning room and oneself", it feels like the same to me albeit in a different "perspective and method", but the resulting "avoiding self-consciousness" feels also like the same.

My family does care about organization and cleaning. It's best to have something simple, that's what I'm understanding from their general behavior. It's just that I don't have the same perception of how long we can feel safe without repeating the cleaning process that often (realization). They also noticed how I just clean my hands too often (forgot about that part, thinking it was later), so they've taken the hint, and in counterpart, I've limited the usage as much as I could, now just focusing on keeping my belongings safe.

You might be right about the "guessing" thing.
(Consideration in progress...)
Being unable to throw my life away before my "germ awareness", I just thought of getting a diploma, and in the process, find a motivation, a career to aim for.
*Time of "back-and-forth cold" while still going to high school incoming in the middle of the 4 years; awareness follows.*
That didn't happen. But I've met people I could share my time with (although I haven't talked about any of the problems at all), which made the decision even harder to make come true.
I didn't think the year after I get that paper I could participate in some "volunteering" work and "formation" program to help myself get into something. I too never guess that could happen.
Problem is. Half of the things I spoke during those times of work were true. The other half being again, to hide my death wish; to be blunt, for now, I'm just doing whatever seems necessary to my ends. I wouldn't say I didn't like those activities, but I tried to be as close as distant, drawing a line between "enjoying myself and feeling at home". Those studies about "good mood at work influencing personal life" might be true... Although I'm just saying that out of memory; I might be wrong about the topic of the thing.

They are aware of our human limits, it's me "not catching up" according to their teaching schedule to make me an actual part of their team...
Having that in mind is a burden to me, huh... Then the blunder from that day intensified it... Ugh *Keep on reading*
I don't know... *Reads again*
I did try to move on... *Reads again*
I know what happened, the "boss" even pointed it out, "being a dork is fine, but only to a certain degree" and I feel like I went too far; like, beyond the possibility of being left a chance to apologize more than I should and just walk out of the company (emphasis on that, I'm forcing too much blame on myself). I don't know what hint I should find and take...
I admitted my problems to my "boss" (name on the responsibility side), now that sxit happened. Aside from meeting her superior (the one who I met to get hired), she planned an appointment for tomorrow, with the company's doc' for me to explain myself to him.
If it wasn't for that third strike, I think I would have felt relieved after talking to the doc', then telling to the "boss" about what happened. But now the whole place, the whole project, the whole picture, the whole next level in my brain is on fire.
Maybe I'll learn things out of the three meetings (doc', bank counselor, "true boss"), but freakin' anxiety...
One thing is I can't die, refering to message's first two lines.

Um... Oh...
"Calm"... I lost that, huh...
I should mention another factor, being the presence of "boss" when I'm metting "true boss". Um...
Oof... Negativity strikes aga--

*YouTube notification*
Oh, good, something to distract me.

*Clearer mind (maybe)*
It's alright, that might have looked like buying time even instinctively, but at least I could actually go all out and have a better consideration/thinking time.
Don't know about the organisation of the text though, but meh.
There's no "healing" the past, I know. Maybe less pain, although slightly, if I ever come to "go out" for real.
Although that (reduced pain) will only be on my side, I guess.
Just, I'm not dead yet. Alright.
If I'm dying, that will be under the heavy weight in mind of what I retained from the meetings and their consequences, happening either a bit later than the next week ("fruitless time, no hint taken") or much later.

EDIT2: Laughter is a good medicine.
Hi there again, mate!
I should probably steal your idea and use a box!
I've tried to cut my rambling down to a minimum. My lengthy comments of nothingness are probably annoying.

45Traeath wrote:

I should mention that if I'm planning to see her again).

If you are planning to see her again, it's best to be fully honest. It's very much worth it!

45Traeath wrote:

But I've met people I could share my time with

45Traeath wrote:

I didn't think the year after I get that paper I could participate in some "volunteering" work and "formation" program to help myself get into something. I too never guess that could happen.

I wonder, do you sort of store the good things that go on? Such as, a positivity jar?

45Traeath wrote:

I'm forcing too much blame on myself

Easier said than done, but I'd suggest to not do that. It's not helpful.

45Traeath wrote:

I admitted my problems to my "boss" (name on the responsibility side), now that sxit happened. Aside from meeting her superior (the one who I met to get hired), she planned an appointment for tomorrow, with the company's doc' for me to explain myself to him.

It seems as though the people are trying to understand you and hopefully help. All I can really suggest is to be honest. In my personal experience, lying hasn't gotten me anywhere.

Trying to understand much else was pretty difficult. Maybe it's because I'm tired; maybe it's because this is just a confusing situation for me.

Good luck with everything; I hope it all goes well for you!

Status: Today has been great! Started like trash, but it kept getting better while I was in college. The lesson was good, then I've tried to play badminton again and it was really fun! I think I've done surprisingly well at it, especially considering the lack of sleep I keep getting lately. Having a peaceful night. Should probably try to sleep at 11 instead of 12.

Carmlillball wrote:


[Box, regarding the "conversation"]

- Taken into account.

- I never thought there were even other kinds of jar. The only one I know being the one for each time someone swears.
If anything, there are times when I just go back and look at the text messages/conversations on the phone I had with one of said friends.
Loads of "memeful" talk, with some traces of our former life at school, but the "memeful" talk wins because laughter is a good medecine.

- We both get it.

- I was more counting on hiding than lying, now that I think about the differences. Even though lying to hide something is more of a common thing, if we're talking steps/order.

- About that, it seems to be going good. I think I can live through the upcoming conversation, after having one with my boss about what happened at the doctor's. I got some words of advice from both of them. (Short version of the Status Update.)

2nd update (short version): I'm getting over it. Feeling so stupid for going too fast and straight to conclusions.

Listening to an Onsen (Internet station) radio show.
I need a full body massage
Box for a single sentence.

Good that everything went well. :)

I'm definitely on core maths now and spending time changing my study timetable! I'm very optimistic for the future!
Just because I'm not doing A level maths right now doesn't mean I can't ever do it. This fact helped a lot when I was told it and I'm thankful I've been told this.
There's no point in feeling bad about myself. I'm able, but not with all these other socialising changes going on and stuff. My entire self is changing quickly. This doesn't make me incapable or worthless, this makes me stressed.
Now I got that down for future reference, I should probably continue with my timetable.
ERA Puzzle

Carmlillball wrote:

Box for a single sentence.

Good that everything went well. :)

I'm definitely on core maths now and spending time changing my study timetable! I'm very optimistic for the future!
Just because I'm not doing A level maths right now doesn't mean I can't ever do it. This fact helped a lot when I was told it and I'm thankful I've been told this.
There's no point in feeling bad about myself. I'm able, but not with all these other socialising changes going on and stuff. My entire self is changing quickly. This doesn't make me incapable or worthless, this makes me stressed.
Now I got that down for future reference, I should probably continue with my timetable.

Things seem to be a lot different for you than last I was here, it's good to see

Status: I'm dropping in and lurking on threads just for funsies.
Tad Fibonacci
Oh hey there Puzzle. Long time no see.
I've missed you.

Status: Just got back home after having some barbecues with my HS friends.
ERA Puzzle
Hi Tad I still love you, loveable frog-man

That is my status. I am a frog-lover.
Zelzatter Zero
Just roaming around the OT to see if there's something interesting going on here.
Now mourning.

n.k.'s YT channel got hacked and suspended afterwards.


(Seriously, though, I hope those bad people get fxxked [in any meaning] in return.)
ERA Puzzle

Wondering if people I used to chat with still hang out here. There's a few people I miss. Nostalgia.
I have just had the most dissapointing cup of "coffee" ever.
Tastes like nothing.
Tad Fibonacci

Puzzle wrote:


Wondering if people I used to chat with still hang out here. There's a few people I miss. Nostalgia.

I get that.
Though I've only been on the forums for a year.
There are so many that came and went.
It's hard to not feel sad.
Status: Suffering from my throat feeling tight, blocked and painful every time I eat. Been like this for a few days. I've never had this before. I've always had tickly coughs or blockages which don't feel the same as what I'm currently suffering. Nothing helps at all. Even searched online because I'm desperate to know what's going on and I can't find anything which causes this specifically. Guess I'm kinda grateful I can't self diagnose.

Feels good. /s
ERA Puzzle

Tad Fibonacci wrote:

Puzzle wrote:


Wondering if people I used to chat with still hang out here. There's a few people I miss. Nostalgia.

I get that.
Though I've only been on the forums for a year.
There are so many that came and went.
It's hard to not feel sad.

yeah, IKR?

Carmlillball wrote:

Status: Suffering from my throat feeling tight, blocked and painful every time I eat. Been like this for a few days. I've never had this before. I've always had tickly coughs or blockages which don't feel the same as what I'm currently suffering. Nothing helps at all. Even searched online because I'm desperate to know what's going on and I can't find anything which causes this specifically. Guess I'm kinda grateful I can't self diagnose.

Feels good. /s

You can't make it to a doctor?

Status: Weekend went by too fast. It's my birthday tomorrow at least
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