
The ^<>v Game

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^ it was alright i guess... although i gotta say, 2019 felt rather short... i don't know why that is...

< working on an animated profile picture, heh... i change quite often, but i feel like this time it would be lasting a little longer than 1 month...

> remember to keep safe during new year as fireworks, firecrackers, or just explosives in general is dangerous

v hoping to improve some factors about themselves in 2020
^ I said it before, and will say it again. I'd need to publish a book to say everything important that's been going on.
< Just got into Finnish metal (Korpiklaani). It's amazing!
> Mind's been overall toxic as hell today. So, barely doing studying and mainly focusing on being in the lands of my music.
v Feels as though they didn't do as much as they should've during 2019.
^ i'm not sure. i definitely feel like i could've-- no, should've done better, but i'm genuinely happy with the progress i've made. i'm more productive and i make better art and music. yet, i want to do better anyways.

< i'm awfully miserable, although i don't feel like it. my life currently consists of laying around, making 6-12 frames of my animation, then passing out.

> people are cool.

v had a slogan or resolution for 2019. mine was "time to do better".
^ Yeah, sort of a "Be a better version of yourself". Which I succeeded.
< Got up real late.
> The next important city to receive the new year at the time I posted this is Moscow.
v Has made resolutions for 2020.
^ Yes! I plan to try and finish a story this year.

< I at least got up in time to see midnight strike. Happy New Year!

> papayapa

v Is excited to see what the future holds for them?
^ i can only work and hope. i do think there are some exciting changes in the near future, so i'll have to make my efforts worth it.

< missing some deadlines and in poor health, but i'm getting work done.

> i'm getting pretty good at not being into people, you could even say i aced it, heh.

v is an artist.
^ No, at least not publicly.
< Everybody fell asleep but me, so I received 2020 all alone, for two consecutive years.
> Not sure if I should try to learn how to draw.
v Not monolingual.
^ technically, i speak both English and Spanish, but i don't have conversations in Spanish, normally. i understand and pronounce it fairly well, though.

< tired. i think i'm overworking, but i want to do more.

> we both know misery.

v you've enjoyed listening to IDM.
^ FIRST GENRE DISCOVERED OF THE DECADE. It sounds a bit like experimental. I like experimental.
< Everyone got up, so there was "happy new year", even if 3 hours late. It's better than nothing.
> I have an hypothesis that the majority here is bilingual at least, yet it seems like English is the lingua franca of practically every forum of the web.
v Has not broken a bone.
^ i haven't broken a bone as far as i'm aware.

< damn, i feel miserable. something's immensely disappointing about today, despite what's been accomplished.

> i wonder what money can be made running a simultaneous set of careers between art, animation, game development, and music production.

v is particularly interested about new cultures.
^ Yes, even so, I haven't been abroad *cries in no passport and in no money*

< I have to go to sleep. HAVE, but don't want. It's 4:00 AM.


v Dislikes furries.
^ i actually think they're pretty cool. within their culture exists an insanely talented base of artists, too. i'm on the fence as to whether i'd consider myself a furry, though.

< i should seriously take care of myself more.

> why the hell does animation take so long to do?

v enjoys listening to Drone music.
^ Who knew drones could make such kind of music? I find it pretty calm.
< Trying to learn Korean.
v Fan of coffee.
^ too young for that
< got a 84pp play on a 2008 map
> stil kinda confused because of that
v will accuse me of being a farmer.
^ Just because you got 84 pp in a 2008 map? Nah. There are way worse ways to farm in CTB. (For example, DT gives more pp than HR)
< I want to go to the beach, alone.
> IBM released a 4K monitor in 2001.
v Likes bitter chocolate.
^ 80% dark is the most I can enjoy. I like eating 75% dark, it's my favorite chocolate.

< Playing chess at 2 AM pushed my sleep schedule over the edge lol


v You're over 20 years old.
^ No, I'm 19.
< I got to fix my circadian cycle once more.
> This is the first time I see less than 10000 users online.
v Nintendo fan.
^ not really. i'm indifferent to Nintendo products, but i do know a friend who is quite passionate about it.

< busy.

> life's tiring.

v is under 18 years old.
^ I'm 19 >_<

< I got my hands on a ceiling bathroom fan. I don't know what to do to it, but my first order of business is to convert the cables into a three-prong connection.

> I swear, anything DJ Kawasaki touches is gold.

> Excited for Achro's release!

v You have an osu profile (I need to rewrite mine lol).
^ well, pretty much i guess

< it's my birthday today woohoo

> the majority votes think dark mode is better then light mode

v you use a tablet to play
^ For android games, yes. For osu!... I don't have one.

< My vacations will be ending in 12 days. I have a presentation to do, and an exam but I still haven't started studying for either, huh.


v Still uses Windows 8.1 or earlier.
^ Nope, I am using windows 10

< I'll have to start considering university. I am very anxious about wether or not I can succeed in university, especially since software engineering is a pretty hard program like all other engineering program.

> Madoka magica rebellion is great.

v Is considering university?
^ technically, i am. it's still not probable, considering my circumstances, low GPA, and overall failure to persist in standardized scoring and traditional schooling. but, i think going to a university or higher ed school would be a pretty cool experience, and i'd have the potential to meet a ton of really cool people. i'd like to pursue something regarding music and art, but i don't think the degrees will actually get me anywhere, and i'm wondering if i should aim for something regarding Engineering, Architecture, or some STEM field of sorts, as they may be more useful and lucrative.

i've also considered arts-focused schools like arts & design colleges and animation schools like CalArts, but i don't think it's actually right for me.

realistically, i don't think i'll attend one. i have too much riding on my creative endeavors.

< still frustrated.

> being a cyborg would be nice!

v is hoping to make a living with an arts-related profession.
^ yes and no... i actually want to make that as a second job and programming as my main job. this would mean that my living would heavily rely on mostly programming, not arts. why did i decide that this shall be what i want to achieve? any arts related job is difficult to get into without proper preparation. with the help of my main job, i can slowly, but surely, get into art related jobs and earn more this way.

< i might not have much knowledge of coding, but it is my dream to not only create odd games, but also create an advancement for technology, a new step with a bunch of other programmers.

> starla is probably one of the best tv shows in my opinion that somewhat disguises itself as some sort of childrens show due to one of the main characters being a star, hence the title, when in reality it has quite the sinister undertones to it, and they aren't afraid to go as far as showing what seems to either be homicide or murder (with blood of course). good job to whoever thought and approved this!

v having a good time? (if not please remember that you are a brave person for going on in life. i hope you live one and one day be happy about your life, for life is hell and you can make your life less like hell)
^ I would say so. Some of my friends from high school invited me to a friend party tomorrow. I'm very grateful, as that group of friends have been together since middle school, but I came in at 11th grade. I still feel like an outsider, especially when they reminisce, but I'm very grateful they still hang out with me.

< I don't know what I'll do after college. I'm hoping I get a job, but there's nothing that's guaranteed in this life except death. I am glad I got to go to university in the first place, though, because I love math and physics, and I love learning about math and physics. If anything, learning calculus was the best thing that happened to me in the last 10 years. So I would say I'm fulfilled in that department.

Oh, and I can't creativity for shit. I can't art, but I like to solve problems. It feels good when I solve a real-world problem with theoretical math.


v You like to sing, or have sung in an open mic event/public karaoke or similar.
^ not really. not my kinda thing. i might hum or sing to myself out of boredom or due to a good song, but i'm no performer.

< i fuckin suck right now, how am i so slow at drawing right now aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

> already past midnight, it's the 3rd in EST. i might postpone until the 10th.

v you're lactose intolerant.
^ I think not, either case, I prefer delactosed milk.
< "Doing pending homework", Why am I here anyway?
> Dehydration is no cool, ensure to drink water.
v 16 to 25 years old.
^ Yup.

< I backed out of the thing I was supposed to do today with my friends. I don't know if it was because of being scared of socializing or because I still don't think I fit in, but I said that I had a cold and that I couldn't go. Maybe that was a pussy move, and I feel pretty bad for ditching them, but I'm sure they'll have fun without me. I didn't do anything to deserve the invite anyway.

> House music is my favorite <3

v You play video games on a console.
^ Mostly PC.
< There's a lot of oranges and onions in my house. I'm not complaining.
> Feeling nice.
v You have either a blue or a red toothbrush.
^ yup! i got a blue toothbrush. i understand how this is predictable as those two colors are common colors for toothbrush.

< i am definitely going to miss riding my bike when christmas break is over, which basically is now.

> ez zǝ
ɯɯʇ tmm

v is trying to get ready for a very serious amount of work
^ i lightened them up during break, so not very serious amount
< dreamed tornadoes again
> ok i'll go
v you're petting your pet right now.
^ Nope

< I have just had an idea for a program that I now want to make. The code will be for learning generating random environement, path-finding algorithm and artificial intelligence. I am very excited to get started though I still have to finish my chess game before.

> I am not sure how my next session will go. I only have 3 course and one course is just one big project that I will do in a team of 4 with the best programmer in the course. I am kinda sad at how easy the course will likely be.

v Is considering pursuing a career in programming?
^ Currently on TEFL. But slightly interested.
< Why the heck Japanese is so hard to read?!
> HAI.
v Dyed hair.
^ not a fan. i'm indifferent to it on others, and pretty uninterested on myself.

< getting lost in many things. distractions. pleasant ones.

> garrus vakarian, best boy. looked some stuff up on mass effect after watching an animated storytime vid on it.

v makes money from art.
^ No.
< Reading about North Korea (a bit of south too).
> Hungry.
v Has a potato PC.
Tad Fibonacci
^ Yes, though it's a laptop.

< Been replaying Persona 5 recently to prepare for P5 Royal. Reminded how good the game was.

> My brother, who called me a weeb, hates anime and manga and Japanese stuffs just bought 6 anime figures for no reason and looked at their pantsus.

v Also has a potato PC.
^ Currently a potato. I need around 500$ to save it from potatification.



Tad Fibonacci wrote:

My brother, who called me a weeb, hates anime and manga and Japanese stuffs just bought 6 anime figures for no reason and looked at their pantsus.

v Has been abroad.
^ yup. it ended up being both a bad and good decision.

< i have a periodical exam tomorrow for 2 days, most of what i can presume could be in the morning. if not, guess i got time to review. considering i barely review.

> rat year rat year

v still lives with their parents?
^ Indeed

< I just started to work on a new programming project of my own. I am very exceited to see how it will go, hopefully it won't end up being boring to code like my chess game was.

> AI are cool AF

v Is fascinated by artificial intelligence
^ It's incredible all the kind of things one can do.
< Someone added me as a friend. (Thanks ^w^).
> Not sure who will be my next avatar.
v Complaining about something.
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