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i was born and raised in helsinki, finland's capital and also the biggest city, but tiny in comparison to probably most cities you could think of. also, we lived on the very edge of the city, a very sparsely populated area, right next to another town that was already significantly smaller.

same q
Very small, since Singapore is already a city-state

What would it take for you to take a bullet to save the life of another? It sounds like a weird question, but it came from my Physics teacher who showed us a Netflix documentary after our exams.
Tad Fibonacci
To be honest, I don't know.
It would depends on the situation and the person that I'm saving.

Same question.
i wouldn't care; any bullet is dangerous, and i frankly don't care about myself
so it'd take literally nothing for me to take a bullet, i'd just take it

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favorite ice cream ?
It really depends on the day. My favorites are the good old maple&nut and chocolate, I don't really have a favorite among these two, it really just depends on the day.

What do you think are the "Main flavour" for sweets and desserts?

[sample answer]

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In terms of art-styles, do you prefer high-res 2D animation, or high-FPS (30FPS+) pixel animation?
Tad Fibonacci
They're both pretty cool. But I think I like 2D animations juuust a little bit more.
They're pretty close though.

Same question.
as tad said, they are both cool.

they both are great in their nature, both are polar opposites if you think about it.

even though i really love 2d animation, i kind of prefer pixel animations over 2d animations.


As Tad and penta said, both of them are great if they are used properly. I kind of dislike having to choose among one of two art because no matter what my preference may be, in the end it all depends on how the art is used not on what the art is. I'd say in general I prefer 2d animation but really I wouldn't put one above the other.

What do you think of online personality test?
Tad Fibonacci
They're somewhat entertaining if nothing else.
There are things that it gets right and things that it gets wrong.
Guess I'm indifferent towards them.

Same question.
They're entertaining, though not be fully accurate.
If you would really like to learn about yourself, you need to think about yourself. How do you behave? Maybe find, in your conscious, or sub-conscious, why. Looking at yourself would be more accurate than some generalised test.
But there's something fun about Buzzfeed telling me that I'm a 25 year old male blueberry muffin, with no children, who's living in Canada and working as a doctor.

Same question
They can be fun to take at times though I don't believe that what they say is true in the slightest.

Do you think that people should never make decision based on bias.
Tad Fibonacci
Absolutely not.

I don't believe every decision should be decided based only on your bias but I don't think you should disregard them either.


Same question.
decisions are technically made by bias all the time.

your mind's bias directs where your decisions go.

for example, a logical bias that appeals to a need for concrete evidence before doing things. this presents you with the tendency to prefer options or make decisions that provide you with more leniency to take a moment and reflect over what you know and don't know.

other times, an ideological one. this could be a commitment to a particular set of ideas you may have agreed with at some point, for whatever reason. this is more commonly referred to when people think of "bias".

sometimes it's emotional. you may have a bias towards letting your anger consume you for a while, as you may believe it gets it out of your system or something, perhaps that helps, and you decided to stick with what worked.

i think it depends on what you mean by bias, but in a general sense, i'd have to say no.

"bias", in its own way, is technically the means to a decision.

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are there things you consciously continue to do despite obvious detriments, out of vanity? if so, what are those things, and what reasons do you speculate may cause that or somewhat justify that in order for you to continue doing that?
ambot wala guro

Magkano isang piraso ng burger patty dyan?
No sé, no he visto hamburguesas de carne individuales, así que no tengo una buena respuesta.

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Achromalia wrote:

are there things you consciously continue to do despite obvious detriments, out of vanity? if so, what are those things, and what reasons do you speculate may cause that or somewhat justify that in order for you to continue doing that?
It would be that I avoid using french, my native language, as much as I possibly can. I actually know the reason for that.

First reason.

I associate french with christianity since the french speaking citizen of Quebec have been under the rule of religion for a long time. This actually scarred the province greatly since the french Canadian didn't have access to good education, only religious one, it made them pretty much slave to the english-speaker who could get actual education and become buinsnessman where as french Canadian could only work low paying job. The scar of the religious past of Quebec are still hurting Quebec, Quebec is currently amoung the poorest province in Canada and though most people don't value christianity much anymore, there is a lot of racism against people of other religion, especially muslim. I also despise religion in general for numerous other reason that I won't list because it would take too much time.

Now for the second and more important reason.

Back when I was younger I used to consume every media (almost exclusively youtube video in my case) in french since I didn't speak any other language. Since France has a much bigger population than Quebec, there is an overwhelming amount of France's french video and French's creator are also much more popular than Quebec's creator on youtube so the french media I was watching was almost entirely made by French.

At some point I realised that I had started to use a lot of French expression in my daily life and much less Quebec expression since I didn't talk to many people and didn't learn Quebec's expression. That realisation made me very angry at myself since I don't consider myself French in the slightest and this also happened during my phase were I was a very partiotic Canadian. I actually don't acknowledge France as the "Motherland that developped Quebec". From what I learned in history Quebec under French rule was misery and Quebec and Canada only started to grow when the British took over.

After this realisation, I stopped watching any french media altogheter and started to only watch english media even if I wasn't good enough to really understand them. This event is actually what led me to learn english and got me more invested in online communities, which is where I found all of my passions.

The first community I got invested in was heartstone. Through heartstone I found about nightcore. From nightcore I discovered the greatness of music in general and got introduced to anime, which led me to start watching anime. Anime has led me to discover a lot about myself and made me find the euphonium. The euphonium revived my interest in band music and got me more interested in every non-lyrical music as well as instruments in general.

It has now been perhaps around 4 or 5 years since I last used french on the internet and though I am not as opposed to use it anymore, I am still very reluctant, in fact everytime I see french a strange sensation that I dislike and can't really explain fill up my body and make me advert my eyes frmo the screen before I adjust to the language. And the quality of my french has decreased in my daily life, I am finding it much harder to express myself in french because I lack a lot of vocabulary (and english's vocabulary is also much wider and complete than french's one)

That turned out to be a lot longer than I planned it to be.

Are there things you avoid for no good reason?
i'd probably say hygiene. i tend to find it as a pretty big nuisance to maintain my body, and i really only do the minimum i need to survive. i have a terrible habit of neglecting my body altogether as i'm always more interested in something i'm doing, whether it be work concerning music or art, or somethin' else. i forget to piss or even take a shit because i'm stuck all day staring at screens, typing up a storm, cramping up my fingers, and drowning my ears.

man, cyborgs are a lot cooler. they can function and not have to ever process the concept of handling the mess that is the digestive system.

i hardly eat so i'm pretty underweight, and i have a mild iron deficiency, possibly anemia in some mild form as i struggle to exert myself without my heart working insanely hard to keep me going, pretty evident by the numerous times i've collapsed on the track during Physical Ed.

although i don't have much of a problem with showering, i don't take care of my skin as well as i should. i put little effort into cleaning up my face as it's not really a concern to me. it's not like it affects my ability to work.

so yeah. it's something that can go either way with people. some people just simply have to be 100% clean, or look perfectly smooth and neatly groomed, or they just can't go anywhere or do anything. i more or less don't care much about how i look. as long as i'm acceptably clean, then that's fine for me.

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all the time; my mental health, i procrastinate, i don't do things until i'm prompted to do them, it's...
it's a lot of stuff.

are you satisfied in life as a whole?
not yet, no.

it's been hell. the only reason why i cling onto it is because i've got shit i want to see. i've got shit i want to do.

although i'm not there yet, even if life is still kinda shitty, i do think there's something to look forward to.

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it's hard to say. I've been wasting my life up until 15 years old but these past 4 years I've started to find things that I truly want to follow. I'd say I've only been truly living for 4 years which is not enough for me to say that I do or do not feel satisfied with my life. Though if I were to make an hasteful claim, I'd say yes, especially since I've started to play music.

Is anyone?

Do you prefer philosophy or psychology?
Philosophy. I really dislike all social science because they don't provide any hard rule that cannot be broken, they just find some trend within a large group of people and there is always a lot of case where these trend don't apply. Philosophy is kinda nice though I don't really like to study other people's philosophy, I mostly try to find an answer on my own.

What do you believe has been the most important period in your life?

August 2016 to August 2019.

i've changed a fuckton throughout that period of time. prepare for long-winded walls of text (but i do hope you read through it, pretty important stuff to me).


in 2016, i was about 7 or 8 months into my newfound depression, which started in January. i spiraled into a deep nihilism that i struggled to shake off. it felt like i'd been smothered by the void-- that living just didn't make sense to me for a second. by now, my mother had known her old boyfriend for a little while, and i was still living on the couch, disturbed, and...

well, i wasn't in great shape. i roamed the rooms and paced at 4 AM, contemplating every single thing.

by now, i had developed a crush on someone i didn't expect. i learned of a girl that played the piano a while ago and got to meet her with her friends during lunch. it took perhaps a couple months to realize i genuinely liked her, although i don't think it was anything like "love", rather, it was as if i found someone i wanted to anchor myself onto so i could stay above the water of my own pessimistic fucktangular mess of a mentality.

i noticed just how damn amazing she was at both music and art. just like me. similar passions, and we both had an interest in Undertale. of course, since i became an edgy little shit, i saw myself as Sans, and considered her to be like Toriel, considering her optimistic and kind nature.

in 2017, what would become the most insufferable year of my life, i'd end up being miserable as hell. for the first few months, i would continue my edgy ramblings, fit for r/im14andthisisdeep. i started to pursue music and art a bit more, but it mostly was a means to just escape and keep my mind off things. i still liked that girl, but something happened by the end of the 2nd semester, between her parents, and the principal.

...something about college papers. the principal did something. she had no choice but to leave the school as quickly as possible.

summer was an awkward and sluggish period of the year. i tried to talk to her, but we would slowly drift apart, barely even on speaking terms every 2 weeks. 3 weeks, and for the following years, once every couple months.

for my first semester of 9th grade, i would be alone, tired as hell, and frankly, fed up with living. family life was fucking shit. my mother's boyfriend treated my father and i like shit and he'd occasionally fight with my mother. i wasn't comfortable. i lived on that couch for at least a year or two by then. i got used to the cold, and although i melted in 104*F degree weather at night, i got used to that too. my grades were shit. i failed many of my classes. my GPA was around 1.8 at the time.

my personality was also fragmented in a way. i realized how apathetic i was, but couldn't do a damn thing. i didn't understand people. people didn't understand me. i struggled to talk with anyone, really.

by now, i've reached out online, and had been trying to talk to people more. i shared my shitty situation with others and hoped they understood, and i met many friends through that. i had been talking more in the forums of this one game titled "osu!", and met some cool people there too. i did what i could.

life was somewhat of a blur. everything was so fucking dreary, i honestly didn't find much hope in my life, and i held onto whatever interesting things i could find and research at the time, and hoped to express myself someday through my art and music, even though i didn't really know how i'd do it.

but i thought about it.

i tried to end the year with what i've learned. i started spending time with a friend, just a day every few months, to take my mind off things. i would be there for his birthday and for a christmas/winter event of sorts.

in 2018, i started to collect things to fill my apathetic shell.

small things. anything from friendships to different anime to indulge in.

i had left my old school due to the pool of misery it was, and attended another one nearby.

the second semester of freshman year was a period of time where i slowly started to climb from the bottom of my 2-year mental pitfall. sadly, though my mentality was stabilizing, albeit not much better than before, i found myself in probably the shittiest circumstantial point of my life.

my mother and her old boyfriend moved out. we had to move out too. the landlord was selling the house.

2 weeks to move out, yet we had so much to pack.

filling up boxes upon boxes, the monotony was numbing.

we needed to find a place to go, but the situation was pretty bleak. my dad was almost out of money, and hardly had enough to buy food for the second week.

half of our food spoiled because my mother took the refrigerator.

we threw dirty clothes into a bag since the washing machine was taken too.

flies, some bugs here and there. we managed.

by morning, my dad would drive me to the family i'd live with for the following months until he found a place to live. i walked in and tried to be as little of a burden as i could, setting down my things, as they set up what would be my second couch to sleep on.


several days passed. my freshman year was coming to a close, and i'd been on the verge of failing a couple classes. i wasn't particularly comfortable at this new family's home, but it wound up alright.

i get a message on discord.

a message from my father, who hardly knew of its existence.

he was hospitalized after being run over by his own truck on the way to his sister's residence. he was lucky to even be alive, as it could've crushed his intestines if the tires were just a bit higher up on his body. he was let off with bloody tire burns on his thighs.

a couple months passed. he could barely stand, but he managed. meanwhile, i sat on the couch, trying to make the most of the day. i was told my mother would arrive soon to bring me to her apartment, with her boyfriend. i despised this.

but as i finished up with school with passing grades, i'd end up managing that as well. life with them was tolerable, but tiresome, and frankly depressing.

but, i'd eventually get to meet my father again after the incident. he wound up okay after another two months or so.

the following months were a mess, but in summary, i would end up moving back and forth in a dreadful cycle between the custody of both of my parents. a legal battle broke out between them over sharing custody.

during this time, i would begin to release my music to the public starting on August 8th, with a single melody that would stick and resonate with me for over a year thus far:

i'd continue to make music and would use it as a means to express myself.

school began once again, but i decided to give it a reasonable effort. i'd be alone, but at least i had time to myself. i brought my laptop along, which was pretty unusual. other students would come over and listen to the music i was making, then walk off and do their own thing. i'd meet a couple acquaintances and would enjoy their company, but never really made any friends for the first two or three months.

well, i'd eventually meet some friends i could actually hang around with, so that ended fairly well.

we need to skip ahead, it's getting long-winded.

2019, a year of change for me. on the 1st of January, i changed my motto. 2018 had been a year where i could say "i'll manage", but 2019 would be the year i told myself that "it's time to do better".

sadly, i struggled. in some classes, i hardly managed to scrape by, and had some issues with teachers. i fell into an insanely oppressive creative block.

i wouldn't be able to come up with anything or release anything for 5 more months.

in addition, i fucked up my laptop mid-February. i frequently mistreated my electronics, and eventually, that caused the hard drive of that particular laptop to give out (after the battery, of course). i did my best to work through it all, though.

i had no means of making art or music.

i got a replacement in March. it took a while to regain my creative composure, though.

in May, I would finally break the silence and release a song, titled "Atrophy". it's one of my personal favorites:

it was obvious that i'd lose traction, and it didn't do as well as i'd hoped. i continued on anyways to make songs like Apophenia, and then Invictus (despite this one performing the worst thus far).

but that summer would be essentially life-changing.

i spent June biding my time and figuring things out.

July, though, was where i made my decision.

i'd break into the indie-game development community, starting on

i posted on a "Help Wanted" thread for this work-in-progress game titled "Yami no Yume". i didn't know what to exactly make of it, but i thought it was a pretty damn cool game with potential in its concepts. i introduced myself and showed my portfolio of work at the time.

immediately, i was accepted. i spoke with the project manager, one of 3 people who still worked on the game at the time, and i was told in the post-acceptance interview of sorts that they decided that my work would fit their game best, and the music i made was essentially perfect for what they wanted. they liked my art as well and thought it'd be a nice addition.

it would be a project estimated to take at least a year and a half to complete. i was happy to help, though. the game seemed more awesome as i looked into it further. actual human-like AI with dialogue branches that aren't one-dimensional. lore-driven. only one game out of an entire universe-- meaning infinite potential for games set within that universe.

i would be paid by revenue-share, which seemed fair enough.

with that, my productivity rose to a THREE-DAY PERIOD OF INSANE PRODUCTION QUALITY. i was so immensely inspired that i created quite a lot of things with relative ease. i would eventually work out of habit as opposed to relying on motivation.

but that didn't last long. the school year came around again.

i'd work anyways. i envisioned a lot ahead of me, and formed some plans for what i wanted to do next with my life, where i wanted to go, and how far i'd go to get there.

from there on, i knew exactly what i wanted to do.

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Damn, Achro, you've been through a lot. That's amazing, I'm glad you've found something to work on. I hope your irl situation gets better in the future.

I think my life-changing time period was the summer between 9th and 10th grade, which is the summer of 2015, and probably going up to summer of 2016 as well. To explain why, I need to go back to elementary school.

I never learned how to make friends in kindergarten or elementary school. I wanted friends to play with, I really did. But I would always go about it the wrong way: I would chase kids around when they wanted to be left alone, force myself into playground games I wasn't invited to, and generally annoy the hell out of every kid I came across. I would also frequently break down and cry if other kids were being mean to me. I ended up getting bullied daily for this, and because I kept trying to make friends, I would play into anything that anyone said to me. The fact that I went to three different elementary schools didn't help, either; and in every single school I did the same thing. It's as if I wasn't getting the message that this is not the way to make friends.

One week, at the very end of elementary, at the end of my 6th grade year, I had a massive headache at the beginning of the week and I was feeling out of it for the whole week, so I didn't bother anyone at all. I overheard some girls talking about me, and they said, "man, if <john> were always this quiet, he wouldn't be so disgusting to be around." I think that overhearing this was the best thing that happened to me; this was the first big epiphany of my life. From then on out, I decided to stop trying to make friends and stay quiet the whole year (which was only about a month), and sure enough, I stopped getting bullied and started getting ignored. Life was looking up (or so I thought). My family was going to move and I was going to go to a middle school in a different area than my last elementary school, so I wasn't going to see anyone I knew there. It was the perfect chance to try out my new tactic there.

So middle school starts, and as planned, I get ignored. But it turns out being ignored 24/7 can hurt more than being bullied. I kept to myself so much in 7th grade, that by the end of the school year, I regressed in social skills. I couldn't face other people or look anyone in the eyes. But what hurt the most is that deep inside I still wanted to make friends. I thought that somehow, by keeping quiet and not talking to anyone, I was somehow going to make a friend. I still had a little hope that there was still a chance for me to be social. And that never happened, as I learned the hard way. For the two years of middle school, I was pretty much alone. Needless to say, I felt pretty down those two years.

We ended up moving once again to another area and I went to a brand new school for 9th grade; the school was a small charter school. I brought that hope and therefore loneliness over from middle school over to 9th grade, which is nothing new.

It was after 9th grad, the summer between 9th and 10th, that I discovered anime, and most importantly, I discovered WataMote. In case you don't know, WataMote is the story of Kuroki Tomoko; this is her:

Her story is that she is a brand new high school student and she wants to make friends and find a boyfriend; unfortunately, she is very asocial and has trouble even muttering goodbye to her homeroom teacher. However, as the story progresses, she goes on a class trip (as Japanese students usually do) and she somehow comes back with some friends. As you can probably guess, I absolutely found myself in her shoes. That summer, I watched WataMote and read the manga. I read it once that summer, and once more near the middle of 10th grade.

The first time I read it, it actually made me even more sad and pathetic, because I figured that if I copied everything Tomoko did, I would somehow end up with friends just like she did. In 10th grade, I ended up going to Starbucks alone for my birthday, watch anime in public with the speakers up, and generally being awkward with my classmates. After a while, I realized that this wasn't working and decided to read it again.

The second time was truly the second big epiphany of my life. I realized that Tomoko only acquired friends after she stopped caring about not having friends. She only became popular after she stopped becoming popular and was just herself, as cheesy as it sounds. I was halfway through my second year of high school, so it was way too late for me now. I managed to convince my mom to enroll me in the local public school, however; this way, I would get one last chance before I graduated, even if it was just two years.

I told myself to stop caring about being alone and to just be myself; of course, that won't repress that feeling completely, so 11th grade passed by and nothing came out of it. I told myself to not be sad about it, and to not care, but I was sad inside.

However, 12th grade came around and I decided to actually do something. I joined SRLA (a running club where you train to run the LA Marathon) and I had a lot of fun there. And I made my first friend in 6 years during the first semester of 12th grade, and we hung out every day during the second semester, because we had free period together; we used to play Mario Party DS together. I still have him on PSN and talk occasionally.

At the end of 12th grade, I decided to read WataMote one last time. I really had a ball remembering my cringy past (as I am doing now). I stopped reading at the chapter where her third year begins. Here's the page:

I felt that this was a gold stopping point, because we were both starting something new: she was starting her last year of high school, and I was starting my first year of college. If I go back and read it once more, I'll probably get emotional and cry. I think she has a girlfriend now, and if she does it'll probably send me into a spiral of guild and jealousy, so if she does please don't tell me.

Anyway, long story short, I discovered WataMote and it changed my life. I love Tomoko with all my heart for helping me get on the right track <3

TL;DR: I (think I) transitioned from a 3 to a 4 on this chart.


Same question ^_^
For me, it has been my 4th year of secondary school (equivalent of grade 11). Before that, I didn't have anything that I really wanted to do on my own nor friend with whom I could do things. During that year, first of all, I joined the programming team in my schools robotics team and though I didn't do a lot for the team in that year, I have absolutely loved the experience and it has lead me to pursue programming as a career.

Second, at the time my english skill had improved significantly and I was more at ease at joining english community. The main community I would stick around was the heartstone community. However, there is a community that I found through heartstone that has been an incredibly valuable experience for me and that is the nightcore community.

Before then, I would never listen to music, when I was young I have been lead to believe by the kids around me the music was cringy and I have lived a long part of my life avoiding music to not be cringy, which is one of the greatest mistake I have ever done. When it came to nightcore, it was different. Since nightcore was a form of music specific to the internet, I could listen to it in secret and not feel like it was cringy. It felt so great at the time, it was an incredibly strong feeling of deliverence to finally be able to listen to music after having avoided it for so long. Nighcore introduced me to music in general, which has now grown to be a very important part of my life. Nightcore also introduced me to anime and got me interested in it so when friends in the robotics club told me about anime, I was fully willing to jump in. Anime itself became yet another incredibly important part of my life.

After that, I finally had hobbies. Music, anime and just hanging around internet community. I feel like having those hobbies have been the most valuable things that has ever happened to me.

I personally consider to have been born on that year, since it is at that moment that I really started to do something with my life.


Have you ever avoided something because of social pressure?
Having social anxiety........ Pretty much everything.

Pretty much.

Pineapple on pizza, abomination or not?
i actually got to try pineapple on pizza this day...

it is in my opinion not really an abomination as i thought it would be. at first i thought that it is this terrifying mixture of a flavor, but when i finally got to taste what i thought would be bad... it is way better than i thought.

sure... it isn't as great as the classic pepperoni pizza, but it definitely one of the most lovable flavours for me...


do you think you have found your purpose in life? if so, what do you think is your purpose and why do you think this is your purpose?
nope! i find no real purpose, considering that a purpose would imply that some indirect entity imposed an expectation or purpose for which i should fulfill. instead, i live for its own sake. i don't have a good reason to die, so i didn't die. i don't have a whole lot of reasons as to why i should want to live either, but i'm already alive, and... well, i'm too lazy to kill myself at the moment. i just don't really care to.

i just stick around to see how things go, while creating things in hopes that others can live a little more comfortably.

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opinions on the concept of things being "taboo", or NSFW?
[ lexio ]

Achromalia wrote:

nope! i find no real purpose, considering that a purpose would imply that some indirect entity imposed an expectation or purpose for which i should fulfill. instead, i live for its own sake. i don't have a good reason to die, so i didn't die. i don't have a whole lot of reasons as to why i should want to live either, but i'm already alive, and... well, i'm too lazy to kill myself at the moment. i just don't really care to.

i just stick around to see how things go, while creating things in hopes that others can live a little more comfortably.

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opinions on the concept of things being "taboo", or NSFW?

Don't really like it that much, despite the fact I talk about it a lot. I only like it if its cropped/censored.

What do you think of skinning?
Woah, the first thing that came to mind is peeling the skin off people. I'm going to assume you didn't mean that kind of skinning.

I think skinning is a pretty cool feature. I think that the theming feature that Stepmania has is way more fleshed out, though. It allows you to make custom menus and everything.

The only thing I don't like about skinning is the osu community's tendency to distribute skins using .osk files. I would much prefer if skins were to be posted to the Skinning forum first. That way, the posts could tell if the skin is bad or not.

What are your thoughts on tho Love Live franchise? And who is best girl?
i'm indifferent about Love Live. i'm honestly not sure why, but i just didn't seem to be interested by it.

probably the mood/tone of it.

- - -

Achromalia wrote:

opinions on the concept of things being "taboo", or NSFW?
Being able to hide NSFW is a good way to keep oneself safe in public, just like reddit does.

There are just too many kids in the web, so the option of hiding NSFW is good at least when speaking about parental supervision, yet you can't completely save them for seeing innapropiate content.

About Taboo, it is more like a relative thing.

How tolerant are you to spicy foods?
I am quite tolerant of spicy food for Canadian standart. However I have never really eaten south-american food, which I hear is on a whole other level of spiciness compared to anything that we can even get here in Canada.

Do you believe self-driving car would be better than normal car and why?
definitely depends. there's a lot to consider and we'd have to make some assumptions. in theory, i think self-driving cars are definitely better. vehicles like these are immensely helpful for companies regarding delivery of stock for retail. it's preferable to human occupation as you don't have to pay a robot. it saves those companies money.

in fact, this is exactly what's starting to happen around here in the US, truck-driving is slowly being automated and many drivers are losing jobs because of it-- which is where its negative effect comes into play. with more automation, comes job loss. any rote tasks that can be easily performed will be automated, and that means more efficient work gets done. companies can aid from this. sadly though, those who are unemployed will have no means of income and will need to look for other jobs. a Freedom Dividend of $1000 a month would help them pretty greatly as people look for different occupations, and provides them with mobile income as a floor to stand on, so people can climb out of poverty easier. it's a proposal being put out by 2020 presidential candidate Andrew Yang.

sorry, had to bring it up, the idea's fairly important and i'm going to need to spread it around if i want Andrew as my president.

back to the community use of self-driving vehicles. if self-navigation and self-correctional AI is well-developed, and is safe to mass-produce, then those vehicles would be definitely preferable. you're less concerned about user error and more concerned about the vehicle's navigation skills. the problem there is that you'll need to have technology that is advanced enough to be trustworthy on the streets.

it's also likely that these cars would make usage of electric energy, which would be even better, helping to reduce the carbon footprint of fuels used in transportation. seems primarily to be a victory for humanity.

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do you believe attending college/university is your most optimal path to your ideal field of work?
As someone from Quebec, definetely. Universtity in Quebec is far cheaper than in the rest of Canada and in the US. I haven't looked into the cost too much but a friend of mine who is currently taking the program that I plan to take told me he had spent 10k CAD for a little over half of the program, which is a considerible amount of money but isn't nearly as bad as some of the ridiculous cost I've seen from american university. Plus, my program would be software engineering, which is a field that is begging for workforce, in fact, tech companies have helped fund the program because of how badly they need workforce in that domain and the program as 2 mandatory paid internship, which helps getting the money to afford university, depending on how good you are, you can even get up to 4 internship. If you can graduate from the software engineering course you'll definetely get a job because of how badly software job are needed. Plus these job offer some very good advantages and salary.

I am really grateful for living in Quebec because of how accessible school is. It is so accessible that university is absolutely worth it, at least in my field. Even if it is a big investisment, having a univeristy course under your belt will not only make it easier to get high paying job but will also teach you a lot about how to program. Some people say that university is useless and doesn't teach anything that is relevent in a real job and only serves as a paper to show in job interview but I don't think it is true for the field of programming. My friend talks about the course he takes and these course seems to teach some important notion to become a great programmer.


Do you believe that having a good education will make you more likely to find success?
In this country, very difficult no matter how educated I am, there's a huge brain drain because of extremely low wages, even by people with doctorates.
If I want to reach actual success I'd better emigrate or something, which is something I don't want to do yet, as I am still studying, and don't want to leave without a degree.

If you could teleport, but just once, where would you teleport?
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