Problem details: My Osu! recently stopped working correctly and started having some issues. I tried many things to fix it but it didn't work. So here's the problem. I uninstalled Osu! and reinstalled it. I had my Songs folder backed up so i could have my beatmaps back without downloading them manually. I put the songs into the Osu! Songs folder and opened Osu!. It didn't seem to notice the beatmaps so I pressed F5 to see if that worked. It didn't. All it does is that it shows some beatmaps downloading for a split second and then does nothing. Please help and thank you. Sorry it's long.
Video or screenshot showing the problem:
osu! version: Stable 20191107.2 (latest)
Video or screenshot showing the problem:
osu! version: Stable 20191107.2 (latest)