
The ^<>v Game

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^ not until now

< i hate sunny days... it used to be something i like... but i just hate it now... i hate those beams of eye-blinding sunlight entering my room...

> bagworms are badworms

v you like your room well sanitized
^ Not really well sanitized but I do prefer my room well orgranised. Disorganisation really disgust me. I do often end up disorganize but I don't like it when I do.

< I really dislike journalism, to me it's just speaking with limitation (limitation on what you can say, how long you can talk for, what content you can use and probably )and I really hate that.

> I was asked by some first year in my program to help them with some issue they had while writing this post.

v You've been asked help by your underclassmen before.
^ i was asked for directions to a classroom this one time. otherwise, not really. i tend to stick around people older than myself anyways.

< in a foul mood, but i'm getting through it.

> sometimes, both of your parents can be shitty people.

v you have a dismal relationship with at least one of your parents/parental figures.
^ none
< procrastinating
> oh hey my mousetrap caught two mice at once
v do you have collection of something (not digital)?
^ yes i have my hentai book collection

< i reached 4 digit this month

> i know how to spell pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis

v probably has a big hentai book collection as well
^ not really, no. i don't really care for any hentai aside from whatever digital hentai comics i spontaneously pick up out of curiosity, but i don't own anything physical, nor do i have much of anything saved when it come to hentai.

< i'm fairly burnt out. i've been trying to finish my damn songs while i figure out what a good font for Yami no Yume would be. so, i've been making this pixel font in the meantime:

> digital typography is pretty interesting.

v currently lives on their own.
^ Too young.
< I have literally no idea who I am anymore.
> Today's gonna be difficult.
v Also suffering from a cold. :(
^ nah... its been a while since i got a cold... last time i got it was at least 2 or 3 years ago... it lasted for a year...

< i just got a boost of dopamine this morning, and until now... i feel like i'm worry free...

> spider milk

v you haven't tried fried chocolate
^ and i don't think i'd want to... ehh.

< i'm getting really tilted over here in Thread Necromancy. i gotta get up there with my damn points, somehow...

> school got you feeling sluggish? download your free copy of I-Need-A-Friend-At-School-To-Talk-To-About-Random-Shit!

v doesn't really know many people they can trust in real life.
^ True, most of the time other people are caught up in their own things and their own worlds.
< I'm too lazy to turn in my homework. I do it at home, I just don't care much to turn it in.
> "By all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyways. Because bees don't care about what humans think is impossible."
v Definitely knows where > came from.
^ used as bullet for listing?? idk
< woke up 4 am
> be me
v you're waking up early these days
^ haha, a bit too early. i wake up usually around 2-3 am, which is definitely not good for my brain
< i had some ice cream a little while ago and i feel a crap ton better than how i did yesterday. god bless frozen milk?
> save the bees, save the trees, and most importantly, save your knees!
v writes poetry?
^ indeed! it's more on the occasional side, but i throw in poetry with my other work, namely, my music, here and there.

< kinda tired. i'm at least glad i've got a 4-day break from school.

> ...but who knew that you could be so damn fatigued from hardly doing anything?

v struggles with low energy and fatigue.
^ I struggle with low motivation, but not exactly energy nor fatigue.
< Most people think I'm on natural cocaine.
> I'm really not.
v Knows what mitarashi dango (みたらし団子) is, or will look it up on Google.
^ just looked it up, and it looks really good! dang, i really want to try foods from other cultures and places, but i'm a picky eater...
< honestly, i might try digital art soon. might ask for a drawing tablet for i can draw and play osu.
> uwu hours
v has watched and finished over 4 animes (if you remember off the top of your head, you could list them if you want! need some new anime reccomendations anyways...)
^ I have finshed well over 4 anime. If you want some recomandation my favorite would include:
Hibike euphonium

Other amazing show would include (in no particular order)
Tamako Market/Love story
the Monogatari series
Chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai
Koe no katachi
Girls und panzer
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu

< I really love series that have amazing character. When a show has character that feel so real that you respect them as person, even if the plot is bad, boring or non-existant, you can still absolutely love the show. Slice of life anime are the best example of this, if I were to mention some specific exemple k-on (non-existant plot), Tamako market (bad plot) and shoujo shuumatsu ryouko (boring plot) are all among my favorite thanks to their amazing character.

> Even if a character is only imaginary, they can be so great that you are forced to respect them with the same decency you would respect an actual human being.

v Has watched and finished over 50 anime series.
^ I've watched 215 anime series according to my MyAnimeList profile

< My favorite anime genres are slice of life, comedy, romance, Shoujo Ai

> I own over 10 keyboards

v Is underage
^ Nope.

< I didn't drink a drop of alchool since I was adult.

> Alchool is overrated

v Don't like alchool
^ never even tried alcohol, cuz i'm underaged, i don't even know if i like it or not.

< had a dream where i drank a whole bottle of wine and not get drunk. kinda scary cuz this is the topic im responding to after sleeping for 10 hours and getting that dream.

> ngl tho wine has a nice smell

v didn't know that markers have the possibility of being a drug
^ edit: nope, but i sure do love the scent of expo markers/sharpies
< 16歳
> 日本語が良いです
v don't read japanese
^ I tried to learn Japanese a few years ago, only managed to learn Hiragana before I gave up. I still remember some so when I see hiragana I try to read it.

< Having a genuine motivation is the most important factor when trying to learn a new skill in my opinion. The only reason why I wanted to learn Japanese was because I thought it sounded cool, which isn't that great of a motivation and because of that I gave up really quickly.

> School should give value to the motivation of student. I am personally fine with school but it doesn't do much to motivate student to learn their subject. The fear of failure is the only thing really driving almost all student to learn, which is why they just forget most of what they learned as soon as they don't need it to avoid failure. Though it should be remembered that giving motivation to people is really hard, since motivation comes mostly from the experience each individual had throughout their lives.

v Has given up on learning a skill because of a lack of genuine motivation.
^ not exactly, because i don't have any motivations to even start a skill. honestly, the only skill i need to probably learn is how to cook, then i'll be set for life. i know how to write and draw, i guess, so...yeah.

< honestly, writing isn't as hard as you think. yeah, putting words together is hard, but if you know basic english and stuff, you probably could write a novel with a good enough plot. you just have to get the punctuation and stuff right, make sure everything makes sense, etc. don't mind me writing in all lowercase though, haha-

> i wonder if pencils can have different colored graphite and stuff...

v has attempted writing something, doesn't matter if you failed or succeeded.
^ yes, it was really fun. i wrote a backstory for a character that was 4,000 words long, and 16k characters in length.
< i don't really have motivation to do stuff that I don't like doing, so I just try to get by with at least a D-grade in most of my classes. the ones i actually try in are orchestra and japanese, both of which i'm currently in the top class of.
> don't push yourself to be better than someone else at a rapid rate, just get there by your own pace. if it's fast by accident, that's fine. pushing yourself to the limit is fun, but it also burns you out at an extremely fast pace than when you're only doing it casually.
v hasn't eaten portuguese sausage and doesn't know what a heaven it is with some scrambled eggs and rice
furry hater
^ yes

< i really don't know, but i try to be more efficient with anything i do,
but i always get disorganized with my homework and stuff like that

> i am not going to lie, but i lost my flip-phone on a Thursday, now I am
getting used to not having a phone.

v subbed or follows someone that's under 10k subs or followers and got no ☑️
^ yep, most of my favorite youtubers are unverified! mostly gaming/meme channels though.

< is there such thing as a grudge map? like a map that you wanna get revenge on because you missed that one note and want to FC so bad? probably.

> i got ultimate custom night for my computer so guess who's gonna get scared at 11 pm in the dark???

v has heard of FNAF/is a fan of it?
^ Of course, FNAF was the most popular game in the world for a period of time, though I never really got into the gameplay and never bothered to check the lore.

< I was able to produce some very clear and full sound on the euphonium this week. I am very glad, though I still have issue with properly switching between note.

> The great thing about brass instrument is that the sound is almost entirely from how you blow in it. It's one reason as to why I choose the euphonium, I am not very interested in learning a lot of different fingering to play every note like I would have to with a woodwind.

v Knows of Steven Mead?
^ sorry no
< had a good ol' fun fun time with my friend for the past 3-4 days
> i think she likes me back ?
v likes school for some reason
^ I actually do. I haven't had a passion to commit myself to when I was in highschool so school was the only thing to occupy my time. I think most people that dislike school mostly dislike it because they have other activity to commit themselves to and because of that they see school as a duty that takes away from their real interest where as I see school as a place to entertain myself from knowledge.

< I keep making the mistake of using dots instead of commas to separate numbers in my physics lab. I wish french also used dots to separate number, or at least that it allowed both format.

> Physics is the most satisfying things to learn about but I don't really like to actually use it. I just like to learn the raw concept and then learn how it can be put into numbers rather than using the equations that comes from it.

v Likes to learn about physics concept.
^ yeah, or any concepts, but i never go deep into them
< games less than hour/week nowadays
> should i get piano or violin?
v would prefer violin
^ Nah, I would prefer piano (or any wind instrument for that matter)

< I have been going to sleep early recently cause my grade have been disapointing.

> Astrophysics is awesome, it's one of the most entertaining subject to learn about.

v Is interested in astrophysics.
^ I'll pretend I know what that means

< Has the most original avatar

> Cherophobia is the word for the irrational fear of being happy

v Is a germaphobe with a snot fetish
^ not really a germaphobe, and definitely not someone with a snot fetish...

< i want to help people, but sometimes i cannot help them and i know it... it makes me feel bad...

> japan really out there flexing with their ramen museum huh...

v has a difficulty on trying to explain things
^ yes
< no
> she's here
v doesn't know who "she" is
^ You sound like you just had a mouthful of laughing gas cause you make no sense . .. . (nor did that) so no I don't

< Just got his braces off

> A sneeze travels out your mouth at over 100 m.p.h.

v Plays Osu.
^ Of course, everyone here plays (or has played) Osu!
< I´m bored.
> I´m currently experimenting with grahpics.
v likes anime
^ Not really. I used to watch anime, but stopped since most of them are just straight up downgrade from the original sources. That's why I only read manga now.

< Procrastination hits me hard today. 3:27 am and I still have to finish some papers. Nice!

> Some people are not self-aware at all, and it kills me inside whenever I see one of those people

v You listen to satella
^ no i listen to nf
< i'm just frustrated; nothing less, nothing more
> i have to perform in front of my brothers at their elementary school
v f
^ f(x).

< unbearably stressed lately. i don't know what the fuck happened this week, but i know i'm uncharacteristically frustrated. might be my shitty grades, in conjunction with my lousy productivity and whatnot. i'm just not really accomplishing what i've hoped to do, i guess.

> we both know misery...

v you enjoy listening to "hyi - misery" (i'm pretty much obsessed with it).
^ never heard of that song, sorry-

< god why is my sleep schedule so wack, the main important thing i have to do school-wise is a vocab test tomorrow but that's about it

> poyo

v enjoys card games?
^ generally, not really. if any, it might be Uno, but i don't actively care to play that. it's not my thing.

< i'm fairly apprehensive about what i have to do. i know exactly what it is i need to get to, but the methods of how i do that? i've got no clue. i just know i need to get there. i need to actualize what i've envisioned. i can't afford to fuck up when a life of misery is what i'd be left with. if i can gain a source of income through this, that'd be great...

> "I see myseeelf, in the mirror,
that's me somehowww.

I see myseeelf, in the mirror,
I can't believe that,
I won't believe that."

v you have a favorite genre of music.
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