
The ^<>v Game

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^ Yup.

< I have received my euphonium and started to play it a little. I am looking forward to become good at it so I can play my favorite song on it.

> I am pretty easy to please, I love most art I come across and at least like almost every work of art.

v You are easy to be pleased by a work of art.
^ i'll assume it's actual artwork. it depends, really. it's not all that easy to please me, but there are artists who make really good shit that i do like.

< i kinda feel like shit. i'm trying to get over it already, but it hurts a little more than i'd like.

> sometimes, you can't help but just wonder what it's like to live everyone's lives, and to see through their perspective, and understand their mindset, values, and opinions.

v you've had history with religion at some point in your life, whether it's part of your current life, a detriment of your past, or just a chance encounter.
^ Quite a lot, considering I've been doing full course Religious Education throughout school. But seriously, I think that everyone has had some sort of history with religion, even if it's just that you've seen the outside of a church building once in your life.
< I'm currently listening to Over the hills and far away
> ♫'Over the hills and far away, she prays he will return one day'♫
v You have a friend who you strongly care about.
^ Yes, a few years back
< it ain't half a day yet and I'm already free
> weekend begins
v you finished a game this week
^ Nope.
< Is it weird that I'm waiting for Mondays now?
> Tomorrow is gonna be fun too, though.
v You can't defeat Airman.
^ I can't defeat Airman >;'c

< I'm looking forward to the three-day break from school. I should hopefully be able to get some music and art done >:O

> AP US History's tough.

v Are you particularly bothered by/uncomfortable with NSFW stuff by any chance?
^ Slightly. I would rather not...see it in general, but whatever floats other people's boat, I suppose.

< I may try to HDHR the new Outer Science that got ranked. It's hard bro.

> Bow ties > Normal ties

v Prefers warm weather over cold?
^ not really. i'm a bit more comfortable in cold weather.

< i'm a bit tired from the shit school's thrown this week. hopefully this three-day break will give me a chance to get back up to speed.

> the artistic skill of many nsfw artists is just insane sometimes. good enough that both nsfw and sfw look equally amazing, what in the hell? is nsfw the secret key to good art?

v doesn't really care for nsfw art all that much.
^ You're kidding, right? My waifu is a loli. I'm cultured enough to have ventured into that field. I'm not afraid to admit that I enjoy myself in there.
< Still not a great mapper. I've had beef with quite a few, and I'm not exactly comfortable to talk about it here. If you really want to know the story, add me on Discord.
> I'm tired as fuck. I just came back from a buffet dinner my school hosted for an anniversary.
v Same question.
^ No, I actually dislike nsfw art and I avert my eyes from it most of the time. Unless I am doing that action in which case yeah of course.

< I started playing Celeste yesterday and I must say that from what I've seen so far it is absolutely brilliant. Definitely worthy of all the praise it's been getting.

> Euphoniums sound very warm, making them absolutely beautifull.

v You don't like to see nsfw art when you are not doing *that*.
^ honestly NSFW art is best enjoyed when "not doing that". seriously, the art is often really good, and has plenty more value to it all than simply just erotic arousal. of course, that's kinda circumstantial. normally nsfw comics or images can be fun with a bit of a decent story to them. sometimes, that's not even really needed, considering that the art can be damn good enough that you can understand the world off of a simple single image.

< i'm a bit of a porn/hentai/yiff advocate, my eye is constantly caught by the artistic skills many of the nsfw artists have, though there's plenty of other stuff that's less appealing, whether it's lackluster visual appeal or it's some kind of fetish art that i don't really care for.


v you do appreciate nsfw art, but prefer to just get to business instead of looking into the art for 2 hours.
^ yep
< just completed a game recently and i feel empty
> >
v you're into philosophy
^ for the most part, yeah. i'm not really all that into it as i don't necessarily devote my time to checking out tons of books on philosophical topics, but philosophy is pretty interesting, and it seems to have provided some thoughtful perspectives along the way.

< i'm getting to play SC2 with Puzzle a little. kinda sucks that he hasn't been around the forums much, but he's p busy by the looks of things, which is pretty fair. i mean, i'm pretty inactive here as well.

> in an SC2 ranked match of 1v1, never give up until you know you can't fight back. if you have potent units, use them as well as you can, and don't throw 'em away. also, be attentive of your units as you macro into the mid-game and late game. expand often, and attack when you know you'll come out on top.

v you're not much of an anime fan, really.
^ Wrong, I am a pretty big anime fan. Though not the point where it becomes an obsession.

< Recently my has sight shifted from wanting to be good to wanting to improve. There is no such a thing as being good and so trying to reach that goal is futile and ultimately all you will do is be disapointed at yourself for failing to reach something that doesn't exist.

> nothing to say here.

v You value improvement over talent.
Tad Fibonacci
^ not really, I think they're equally as important. A hard working individual can reach the skill level of a talented but lazy person, but they can never be as good as a hard working talented person. Or at least that's how I see it.

< I feel like crap lately. I'm so sick of my daily life.

> sometimes I just wish the sun would stop rising once it's set.

v You are a talented individual.
^ i guess that's a fair way to put it. a lot of it was just working through what i could imagine and representing/expressing thoughts better through practice and eventual improvement, but a lot of it was a bit of creative talent, i suppose.

< i'm a bit apprehensive about school again, i kinda doubt my abilities right now considering that i'm hardly ever making much progress towards completing things, and i'm losing a bit of my following thanks to my longer gaps in release schedules... i dunno if i'll be able to even really grow much.

> adaptive music is cool.

v you believe vocaloids are a little over-rated.
^ It IS overrated

< My CDs just arrived today and holy shit does Taishi makes good music

> Taishi is love, Taishi is life

v You listen to Yamajet
^ i find the name very faintly familiar, but no.

< i'm a bit angry today. i don't have enough time too work on both my AP US History homework in conjunction with my music without having to sacrifice one of 'em, or sacrifice my own sleep.


v you frequently enjoy chiptune.
^ Yes. Some of my favorite chiptune composers are Chroma, Danny Baranowsky, Killerblood, etc.

> I have tons of history HW today too, what a coincidence

< It feels weird when 2/5 of your playlist is chill shit, and another 2/5 is hardcore shit. These things don't alternate pretty well tbh so I gave up listening to my whole playlist randomly and just listening to one album at a time

v You listen to Team Grimoire
^ back when and only when i played osu, they're my top map picks on multi
< slept 6pm, fully awake on 2am
> hopefully it doesn't ruin my sleep schedule
v would you prefer to have night shift at work?
^ Not night shift but evening shift are preferable to me.

< I don't really like when people use the term overrated or underrated. I feel like people use these words the wrong way. When I see people use these words, they want to say that something is liked too much/little by your community, implying that this something should be enjoyed less/more by the community, when in reality what it means to think something is under/over rated is that you personally enjoy something better/less than the rest of people.

> I hope my attempt at talking about both under and over rated at once didn't make my message too hard to read.

v You often find yourself using the term overrated and underrated.
^ Yes, and I’m both kinda ashamed and not about it. Half of the time I use those words to meme around, another half is when I unironically use it

< It was so hot in CA last night that I couldn’t get any decent sleep. The heat is relentless today too

> I miss cold weather in winter

v You have a hard time trying to sleep
^ not really. if anything, i keep falling asleep when i don't want to. if i were a cyborg of sorts, that'd honestly be great. i could live on and do my work without needing to piss or take shits, constantly having to drink or eat things just to sustain myself... aaaaaaaaaaaaaa i don't likey ;w;

< i'm a bit bothered by my lack of sufficient progress. call it high expectations, but i don't like having the work i plan to do remain unfinished.

> i'm still concerned for one of my old friends of sorts. she's still at it again, in a depressive slump of self-harm and suicide attempts. i feel i need to help somehow. if i can just talk to her more... or somehow understand how I can speak to her so as to say something actually helpful,...


v you've had some experiences with the death of friends.
^ no but I probably will
< yes
> toejam
v is not a human
^ I certainly hope that I am human

< I work better when I am under a reasonable amount of stress. When I am relaxed, I am easily distracted and often don't work as hard as when I am trying to finish something for a deadline. So I tend to finish most project pretty late.

> I accidently stole a recorder from my primary school. I don't really know what happened, one day I just looked at my closet, saw the recorder and wondered why I had this. My guess is that I brang it from school one day and forgot to bring it back and somehow the teacher didn't notice.

v You had a similar case of accidently stealing something without realising it.
^ I don’t think I have. I may have forgotten probably


samX500 wrote:

< I work better when I am under a reasonable amount of stress. When I am relaxed, I am easily distracted and often don't work as hard as when I am trying to finish something for a deadline. So I tend to finish most project pretty late.

Same for me too. Working under stress for me is way productive than normal

> It is still so hot in CA

v You listen to maidable
^ I listen to who?
< I can't do 200bpm anymore.
> "As always, homies, we back with the foolishness. Now you guys know what I want!" rubbing hands "I wanna hear from you guys in the comment section about the topics I'mma bout to go over in today's video."
v Doesn't know where (>) came from.
^ You are right

< I really love low instrument, it's one of the main reason as to why the euphonium is my favorite instument. It has a very nice a warm low sound, without being stuck in only the low range like the tuba.

> The word "euphonium" literraly means "well-sounding"

v You prefer low instrument as opposed to high one
^ i...suppose? i do like dark, more heavy instruments, but light ones are nice too!! hope that's what you meant.

< i haven't been online for a while because i'm on electronic punishment because school sucks, and work is piling up. got most of it done though, so now i'm here!

> it punishment time yet?

v has heard of/has watched The Monogatari anime series?
^ not until now

< i hate sunny days... it used to be something i like... but i just hate it now... i hate those beams of eye-blinding sunlight entering my room...

> bagworms are badworms

v you like your room well sanitized
^ Not really well sanitized but I do prefer my room well orgranised. Disorganisation really disgust me. I do often end up disorganize but I don't like it when I do.

< I really dislike journalism, to me it's just speaking with limitation (limitation on what you can say, how long you can talk for, what content you can use and probably )and I really hate that.

> I was asked by some first year in my program to help them with some issue they had while writing this post.

v You've been asked help by your underclassmen before.
^ i was asked for directions to a classroom this one time. otherwise, not really. i tend to stick around people older than myself anyways.

< in a foul mood, but i'm getting through it.

> sometimes, both of your parents can be shitty people.

v you have a dismal relationship with at least one of your parents/parental figures.
^ none
< procrastinating
> oh hey my mousetrap caught two mice at once
v do you have collection of something (not digital)?
^ yes i have my hentai book collection

< i reached 4 digit this month

> i know how to spell pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis

v probably has a big hentai book collection as well
^ not really, no. i don't really care for any hentai aside from whatever digital hentai comics i spontaneously pick up out of curiosity, but i don't own anything physical, nor do i have much of anything saved when it come to hentai.

< i'm fairly burnt out. i've been trying to finish my damn songs while i figure out what a good font for Yami no Yume would be. so, i've been making this pixel font in the meantime:

> digital typography is pretty interesting.

v currently lives on their own.
^ Too young.
< I have literally no idea who I am anymore.
> Today's gonna be difficult.
v Also suffering from a cold. :(
^ nah... its been a while since i got a cold... last time i got it was at least 2 or 3 years ago... it lasted for a year...

< i just got a boost of dopamine this morning, and until now... i feel like i'm worry free...

> spider milk

v you haven't tried fried chocolate
^ and i don't think i'd want to... ehh.

< i'm getting really tilted over here in Thread Necromancy. i gotta get up there with my damn points, somehow...

> school got you feeling sluggish? download your free copy of I-Need-A-Friend-At-School-To-Talk-To-About-Random-Shit!

v doesn't really know many people they can trust in real life.
^ True, most of the time other people are caught up in their own things and their own worlds.
< I'm too lazy to turn in my homework. I do it at home, I just don't care much to turn it in.
> "By all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyways. Because bees don't care about what humans think is impossible."
v Definitely knows where > came from.
^ used as bullet for listing?? idk
< woke up 4 am
> be me
v you're waking up early these days
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