
Yousei Teikoku - Asgard (Short Ver.)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on martedì 22 febbraio 2011 at 7.40.56

Artist: Yousei Teikoku
Title: Asgard (Short Ver.)
Source: fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier
Tags: Louis Cyphre Lucifer Kite kanpakyin Visual Novel
BPM: 130
Filesize: 12832kb
Play Time: 01:33
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,53 stars, 98 notes)
  2. Insane (5 stars, 386 notes)
  3. Kanpakyin's Hard (4,88 stars, 249 notes)
  4. Kite's Hard (4,68 stars, 209 notes)
  5. Lucifer's Normal (2,74 stars, 119 notes)
Download: Yousei Teikoku - Asgard (Short Ver.)
Download: Yousei Teikoku - Asgard (Short Ver.) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My 115th Beatmap.

Hope you will like it ^^

And a special thanks to Louis Cyphre for the Video <3


Insane - Done.
Kite's Hard - Done.
kanpakyin's Hard - Done.
Lucifer's Normal - Done.
Easy - Done.
Cyril Scarlet

insane is fun on DT, good job
Louis Cyphre here a difficulty and histounds that i used. If you don't like my clap, just replace normal-slidertick2 to what you want. :3
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Kudosu to Kite and Louis Cyphre for IRC Mod and various help.

Thanks everyone <3~
:D :D :D
another pwnage from osuplayer :D


Edit: little irc mod about hitsounds and adjusted volume of samples.

Download: normal-hitclap.rar
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Thanks NatsumeRin for the awesome hitsounds IRC mod and for the great custom clap <3

Also, thanks to everyone for supporting this map :3
Asgard <3
starr <3
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Ready :)

Mod please~
Colin Hou
  1. audio lean-in 3 seconds orz. 1.5s is enough imo
  2. 320kbps oops
  1. 01:20:515 (7,8) - make this 1 slider? sounds better
  1. 01:33:669 (4) - remove then rearrange this pattern, consider place 01:33:207 (3) with a slider ends at 01:33:438
[Lucifer's Normal]:
  1. i'm afraid the claps are set on wrong place here, most of them are not on heavy beats (ye red ticks for this song orz) but sounds not horrible :S
[Kanpakyin's Hard]:
  1. slider tick rate 2
  2. volume 60~70 for N2 part orz, a bit noizy now
[Kite's Hard]:
  1. slider tick rate 2
  2. 01:32:976 (2) - mute the end
star~ very familiar hitsounds XD
Well i tried modding this one out (never really done it to anything else except own map so dont mind my babbling too much)

Overall: I didnt really find anything that would strike in the eye in the game play so..well done map

Normal: I know it has rather repeative song, but could there be some slight changes on the pattern in the beginning? It has the same slider over and over in the different positions (not like it would annoy the player however)

Insane: Nothing wrong with it except that i found it easy for insane map (without mods at least)

*Thumbs up for the artist and the beatmap +star*
ps. If this mod does qualify in your queue then send me pm (dont really have any confidence yet on modding since i havent done this before)
mp3 is 320kbps, should be 192

00:03:207 (1) - maybe a new combo?
00:11:053 (2) - 2nd sliderpoint 2 grids left, 2 grids up
00:15:669 (4) - new combo?
00:23:053 (3) - ^
00:50:746 (1) - ^
01:03:207 (5) - ^
01:23:053 (5) - ^
Well, those comboes aren't bad, but I, personally, preffer short comboes in easy and normal. So it's just a suggestion

00:53:515 (1) - remove new combo
00:54:438 (3) - add new combo

[Kite's Hard]
Slider tick rate: 2
Kiai time starts later than in previous diffs. Start it there: 00:55:361

[Kanpakyin's Hard]

00:30:900 (7,8) - offscreen(yeah, in game mode it's not, but still looks weird to me)

seems fine

I knew someone's gonna point what I find while I'm still at modding...
Oh, man :(
This map was in wip long time => (music as in your map)

But ok... My mod here.

00:38:400 (3) - remove note
00:38:630 - add note
01:13:707 (4) - remove note
01:13:938 - add note

Kanpakyin's Hard
00:25:592 (3,4,5) - hard to read (your stacks are different)
00:30:900 (7,8) - too "low" x) up it please

Kite's Hard
Oh, nice.
But 1 suggestions. There is no soft-whisles. They sounds pretty (like in Insane). Please add it, if you can.

Lucifer's Normal
00:15:669 (1) - distance snap
00:48:438 (3) - ^
01:03:207 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - claps placed at another ticks (ну сдвинуты они, звучит криво)

00:20:284 (4,1) - spacing, but ok
00:38:746 (1,1) - ^ , but ok
01:02:746 (4) - add finish
01:17:515 (1,2) - spacing, but ok
01:31:361 (1,2,3,4) - flip horizontally (spacing,too far)

ok, nice, star
Let's try this *tension rises*

Pretty much perfect.

[Lucifer's Normal]
00.13.823 (2) Suggestion: Flip this vertically?
00.28.823 (3) One grid up and right
00.29.053 (4) Two grids right, then distance snap the next (1)
01.12.900 (1) Remove new combo
01.13.823 (3) New combo here

[Kite's Hard]
01.11.724 (4) Slight spacing issue here

[Kanpakyin's Hard]
Not a fan of overlapping sliders, but I'll let it slide
00.59.053 (8) New combo
01.00.207 (1) Remove new combo
01.05.630 (1) ^

Fine here too

Star :)
Might be repeating what others said :/

Lucifer's Normal
01:15:669 (1) End the spinner at 01:17:053
01:17:515 Add a slider ending @ 01:17:976 with a repeat (if you go with what I said above)

Kite's Hard
Kiai Time starts different from other diffs (don't know if it means much though.)
00:06:438 (1) Remove new combo?

Kanpakyin's Hard
00:07:361 (1,2) Switch new combo
00:10:130 (5) Remove new combo

Nice map
PS: Atleast I found things >w<
Louis Cyphre
No changes in my difficulty.

hitsound is so good XD
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Thanks everyone, updated~
Snowy Dream
Colin Hou
Good for me :3
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Thanks a lot Colin :3
ok here we go.... (it was a kind of mess here after a few updates) as I stated earlier I'm new to this.


~looks fine

[Lucifer's Normal]

00:53:073 - (1) remove combo
00:54:458 - (5) new combo
00:55:361 - (1) remove this circle and make the one after it a new combo
01:03:207 - remove the previous (1) move the slider here and make it new combo
01:04:150 - add circle here
01:04:842 - (2) remove circle
01:05:535 - end slider here
01:06:485 - add circle here, make it "clap" as well
01:06:689 - (1) remove circle make one after it new combo
01:06:920 - remove circle
01:17:996 - start <-> slider here en it at 01:18:920. make the beginning and the end "clap", ofcourse remove the circle which was
on 01:18:920.

[Kite's Hard]

00:07:381 - remove new combo
00:08:535 - make this new combo
00:52:496 - move (7slider) to 00:52:612 and make it end at 00:52:843
01:05:535 - add circle here
01:05:650 - (1,2,3,4) spread over till 01:05:996 remove the slider which was first there.
01:06:227 - add circle

[Kanpakyin's Hard] + Insane

~Nothing wrong in my opinion atm

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Sorry but I'm not going to change anything x_x

Thanks anyway :)
nice hitsounds ~star~
oh these super speedy bubbles... never any time to let the map settle the bugs out, then when you find something its so small that its not worth popping whatever bubble you got...

I'm noticing a lack of finishes... Maybe taiko players hate finishes or something?
here's all the cymbal crashes I could find.
8304, 10150, 11073, 11420, 11766, 11996, 14996, 15227, 15689, 18689, 19381, 22612, 24920, 26304, 26766, 27689, 28150, 28612, 30458, 31381, 31612, 31843, 32304, 33689, 33920, 34150, 35535, 35996, 38766, 38996, 39227, 39689, 41535, 42458, 42920, 43381, 45227, 46150, 47073, 47996, 48920, 49843, 50766, 51689, 52612, 55381, 56304, 56766, 57227, 58150, 59073, 60920, 61843, 62304, 62766, 64612, 66458, 70150, 71996, 73843, 79381, 80535, 80766, 80996, 81227, 83073, 83996, 84458, 84920, 87689, 88035, 90689

01:31:381 (1) - lolwut:
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What's wrong with that slider? :P

Also, I can't do anything if there aren't too many finish @_@

Thanks for checking, though :)
  1. 00:08:304 (3) - suggestion: add finish at the start of the slider.
  2. 00:15:689 (4) - suggestion: add finish here.
  3. 00:54:458 (3) - suggestion: add finish at the end of the slider (start of kiai).
  4. 01:02:766 (4) - suggestion: add finish here.
  5. 01:10:150 (4) - suggestion: add finish here.
  6. 01:17:535 (1) - suggestion: add finish at the start of the slider.
Lucifer's Normal:
  1. 00:15:689 (1) - suggestion: add finish at the start of the slider.
  2. 00:54:920 (7) - remove finish from here, this part sounds like an intro for the next part of the song, doesn't fit imo.
  3. 00:55:381 (1) - suggestion: add finish here.
  4. 01:24:919 (1) - suggestion: add finish here.
  5. 01:30:458 (2) - suggestion: remove finish from the end.
  6. 01:32:304 (1,2,3) - suggestion: add finish on the start of the slider, add whistle to (2) and (3).
Kite's Hard:
  1. 00:08:304 (3) - suggestion: add finish at the start of the slider.
  2. 00:15:689 (1) - suggestion: add finish here.
  3. 00:54:458 (1,2,3,4) - (nazi) suggestion: move (2) by 1 grid down, (3) by 2 grids down and 1 to the right, (4) by 2 grids down and 1 to the right, the spacing looks prettier. (feel free to ignore this if you hate nazi modding, it's a really tiny improvement, probably not noticeable while playing)
  4. 00:55:612 (1) - if the above change is made, move (1) by 1 grid down and 1 to the right.
  5. 01:17:535 (1) - suggestion: add finish here.
  6. 01:24:919 (1) - suggestion: add finish at the start of the slider.
Kanpakyin's Hard:
  1. 00:07:381 (1) - suggestion: add finish at the end of the slider.
  2. 00:15:689 (1) - suggestion: add finish at the start of the slider.
  3. 00:54:112 (1) - suggestion: add finish on this spinner.
  4. 01:17:535 (1) - suggestion: add finish here.
  5. 01:24:919 (1) - suggestion: add finish at the start of the slider.
  1. 00:08:304 (1) - suggestion: add finish at the start of the slider.
  2. 00:15:227 (7) - suggestion: add finish at the very end of the slider.
  3. 00:50:073 (5,6,7,8) - split this 3+1 into a 2+2 (move (7) from 00:50:304 to 00:50:420). While this may add variety compared to other parts of the song, it sounds a bit weird, the classic 2+2 sounds the best here.
  4. 00:55:381 (1) - suggestion: add finish at the start of the slider.
  5. 01:17:535 (3) - suggestion: add finish at the start of the slider.
  6. 01:24:458 (8) - suggestion: add finish at the very end of the slider.
Very nicely done map, really like it. I couldn't really find anything wrong with it (apart from those that aren't labeled as a suggestion, but those are just opinions), but I did post some suggestions. Hope it helps.
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