
Cherry Blossom - One Love Story

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Hujibayasi Kyou
star ~
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La Valse

Hujibayasi Kyou wrote:

star ~

? Thank you ~ :)

00:14:025 : Combine 2 and 3 into a slider.
00:21:115 : Remove the slider and put a beat here.
00:53:836 : You changed the spacing for apparently no reason here.
01:12:651 : This Kiai-Time is too long.


Too many, too long Kiai-Times.

00:07:481 : Remove this beat.
00:07:754 : Spacing.
00:35:567 : Spacing.
01:17:551 : Spacing.
01:27:376 : Don't stack beats that aren't in a pattern.
02:25:183 : Don't stack beats that aren't in a pattern.
02:29:137 : These two beat snuck up on me, lol. Think about moving them.
good song...
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter
La Valse

Loogiesquared wrote:


00:14:025 : Combine 2 and 3 into a slider.
00:21:115 : Remove the slider and put a beat here.
00:53:836 : You changed the spacing for apparently no reason here.
01:12:651 : This Kiai-Time is too long.


Too many, too long Kiai-Times.

00:07:481 : Remove this beat.
00:07:754 : Spacing.
00:35:567 : Spacing.
01:17:551 : Spacing.
01:27:376 : Don't stack beats that aren't in a pattern.
02:25:183 : Don't stack beats that aren't in a pattern.
02:29:137 : These two beat snuck up on me, lol. Think about moving them.
Thank you
Topic Starter
La Valse

askerlate47 wrote:

good song...
Thank you :)
Topic Starter
La Valse

sonnyc wrote:

nothing especially need to be fixed(to me)
Maybe Rankable^^
Thank you :)
minyeob's Relaxing:
I don't really like the long break in such a short song.
00:35:84 - This timing section has the same type and volume of hitsounds as the previous one, so I would probably remove it if you don't need it.
Besides that, the map is fine.

Combo mod:
00:20:02 (5) - y are the next few combos not following the lyrics like you did in the other parts of the song?
00:48:65 (4,1) - add a new combo to 4 and remove 1's new combo? (swap new combo)
00:51:11 (5,1) - swap new combo?
01:14:56 (3) - new combo to make it consistent with 01:18:65 (1)
01:20:55 (1) - remove new combo to make it consistent with 01:16:19 (6)
01:22:19 (5) - new combo?
01:27:64 (5,1) - swap new combo?
01:36:37 (1) - I think you should probably make this and the next few combos follow the lyrics
01:51:91 (1) - ^

You might want to consider moving some of the timing section on notes a quarter note back.

ykcarrot's Drum:
Combo mod:
01:06:10 (1,2) - remove 1's new combo and add a new combo to 2?
01:29:55 (4) - add a new combo to show the difference in timing interval.

Combo mod:
00:02:57 (3) - new combo to be consistent with 00:06:93 (1)
01:00:38 (3) - new combo?
01:06:92 (4,1 ) - swap new combo?
01:20:28 (1,5) - remove new combo and maybe put a new combo on 5 to make up for the lack of a new combo in this area
01:30:64 (1) - I think you should probably make this and the next few combos follow the lyrics
02:04:73 (5) - new combo?
02:06:77 (6) - new combo?

Timing section mod:
Clean up the unneeded timing sections?

Insane: I am not exactly sure on your combos at times in this diff, so I am not going to mod it.
You might also want to clean up the timing sections in this diff as well.
Besides those minor items, this map is fine.

Nice map. Star.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Download: Cherry Blossom - One Love Story (hutka) [ykcarrot's Drum].osu
Topic Starter
La Valse
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

비에이티는 각성하라! 각성하라!
역시 스타포인트가 진리인가!
꼭 강압적으로 모딩 시켜야 되냐!
알아서 모딩 해주면 안되냐!

이거 랭크되면 분홍별은 기대하시지 말아야될듯 ㅋ
민엽스타가 7개라니!
다른 사람도 먹여살려야함 ㄷ

Download: Cherry Blossom - One Love Story (hutka) [minyeob's Relaxing].osu
Here's my mod ^^

Blue = Suggestion Red = Check this

[minyeob's Relaxing]
No Problems Found :)

00:52:33 (5) - I think this sounds way cooler extended 1/4
No Problems Found :)

[ykcarrot's Drum]
Quite an interesting map, for being mapped to drums :) Great job
No Problems Found :)

00:26:31 - Maybe a note here?
00:50:70 (1) - To me it sounds cooler if you extend this by one more reverse
02:19:73 (2) - To me the epic chorus part of the song starts here. could Kiai time start here instead of 1/2 a beat earlier?
No Problems Found :)

00:19:07 (4) - I'd add a note here; I'd also place one at 00:19:34.
00:25:88 - Possibly two 1/4 notes here? (one at 00:26:02 as well)
No Problems Found :)

Overall, a great beatmap ^^ I'm definitely looking forward to playing this when it's ranked.

Starred and Favourited
Topic Starter
La Valse

Azure_Kyte wrote:

Here's my mod ^^

Blue = Suggestion Red = Check this

[minyeob's Relaxing]
No Problems Found :)

00:52:33 (5) - I think this sounds way cooler extended 1/4
No Problems Found :)

[ykcarrot's Drum]
Quite an interesting map, for being mapped to drums :) Great job
No Problems Found :)

00:26:31 - Maybe a note here?
00:50:70 (1) - To me it sounds cooler if you extend this by one more reverse
02:19:73 (2) - To me the epic chorus part of the song starts here. could Kiai time start here instead of 1/2 a beat earlier?
No Problems Found :)

00:19:07 (4) - I'd add a note here; I'd also place one at 00:19:34.
00:25:88 - Possibly two 1/4 notes here? (one at 00:26:02 as well)
No Problems Found :)

Overall, a great beatmap ^^ I'm definitely looking forward to playing this when it's ranked.

Starred and Favourited

Thank you ~ :)
Mod request! ^_^

[Minyeob's Relaxing]
01:21:37 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Only thing that messed me up kinda hard to read.
Pretty solid map I would reccommend to map it fully but I see that you might be going for a tv size feel.

I think you should raise HP draain by 1 and raise overall diff by 1. That is all.

[ykcarrot's Drum]
Kinda boringish imo. Could use some custom hitsounds other than that its alright.

00:14:84 (3,4,5) - make this in a neater triangle?
02:31:72 (1,2,3,4,5) - Ew. neater pattern?\

Nothing I could find.

By request~
Please lower all full volume hitsounds by 3 ticks

Meh, it's fine, don't really like the normal-finish usage, but like I said, its fine
Redo All Breaks >.<

D: Normal-finish hitsounds overusage
00:16:20 (1) - the spacing threw me off here
00:52:74 (6) - I say reduce 2 repeats, or make is so the next note isn't a jump
01:02:83 (6) - reduce by 1/4 if you're following vocal here
All the 1/4 sliders seem a bit fast paced for this Normal, but that's just my opinion

The map is too repetitive.... the way this is mapped, it -could- be more creative with more own beats, but other than that, its technically fine.
Would like Overall diff up a notch though.

>_< Either I'm not good at following the random spacing changes or its just too random for me, I guess... please increase Overall Diff by one
At least have a fixed spacing (no jumps) for 00:01:21 to 00:18:11, those jumps just don't fit the music at all
(why does Hard have 00:05:84 (2), and Insane doesn't? remove from hard please~)
That's all

This diff is fine for me

The vocal is hard to follow since it goes on 1/4, but that's just the song's fault >.>
Please use two offsets:

First: Offset 651, BPM 110.00
Second: Offset 139196, BPM 110.00

Resnap afterwards.
Topic Starter
La Valse

satosid wrote:

Thank you star ~
Topic Starter
La Valse

DeathxShinigami wrote:

Mod request! ^_^

[Minyeob's Relaxing]
01:21:37 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Only thing that messed me up kinda hard to read.
Pretty solid map I would reccommend to map it fully but I see that you might be going for a tv size feel.

I think you should raise HP draain by 1 and raise overall diff by 1. That is all.

[ykcarrot's Drum]
Kinda boringish imo. Could use some custom hitsounds other than that its alright.

00:14:84 (3,4,5) - make this in a neater triangle?
02:31:72 (1,2,3,4,5) - Ew. neater pattern?\

Nothing I could find.

Thank you ~
Topic Starter
La Valse

Shinxyn wrote:

By request~
Please lower all full volume hitsounds by 3 ticks

Meh, it's fine, don't really like the normal-finish usage, but like I said, its fine
Redo All Breaks >.<

D: Normal-finish hitsounds overusage
00:16:20 (1) - the spacing threw me off here
00:52:74 (6) - I say reduce 2 repeats, or make is so the next note isn't a jump
01:02:83 (6) - reduce by 1/4 if you're following vocal here
All the 1/4 sliders seem a bit fast paced for this Normal, but that's just my opinion

The map is too repetitive.... the way this is mapped, it -could- be more creative with more own beats, but other than that, its technically fine.
Would like Overall diff up a notch though.

>_< Either I'm not good at following the random spacing changes or its just too random for me, I guess... please increase Overall Diff by one
At least have a fixed spacing (no jumps) for 00:01:21 to 00:18:11, those jumps just don't fit the music at all
(why does Hard have 00:05:84 (2), and Insane doesn't? remove from hard please~)
That's all

This diff is fine for me

The vocal is hard to follow since it goes on 1/4, but that's just the song's fault >.>
Thank you :)
Topic Starter
La Valse

Zekira wrote:

Please use two offsets:

First: Offset 651, BPM 110.00
Second: Offset 139196, BPM 110.00

Resnap afterwards.
Thank you ~ :)
I'll keep current overall diff.
Applied custom hitsound.

Download: ykcarrot's Drum (new hitsound ver.).zip
Topic Starter
La Valse

Cookiezi wrote:

Thank you :)
good song

I'll give 1star
Topic Starter
La Valse
gothic, nuzagoo//Thanks star
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
  1. If you can, cut the mp3 to make it smaller. Just optional though.
[All Difficulties]
  1. You need to make the Kiai Time the same on all difficulties...
  2. Why are there 5 backgrounds? [Normal], [Hard] and [Insane] share the same background. Remove the unused backgrounds and Full Submit.
[minyeob's Relaxing]
  1. Resnap all notes please.

00:53:27 (7,1) - I'd remove this little jump... I'm sure there are other little jumps, but this is the one who bothered me the most.

[ycarrot's Drum]
  1. Interesting concept...
  2. I agree you should make the colors the same as the other difficulties.
  1. Resnap all notes please.
00:50:69 (1,2) - Not snapped correctly.*
00:53:83 - I dislike this 0.5x section... feels too cluttered.
02:08:42 (1,2) - This can be confusing due to slider repeats.

  1. Resnap all notes please.

~ ~ ~

* I hope you know how to restack something to a slider's endpoint. :P
If you don't, just tell me.

~ ~ ~

Just a few tidbits from me. The beatmap is good~
Topic Starter
La Valse
Yes, Gens//Thank you :)
nice map star!
Change the first timing point's offset to about 680. It's too early as it is.

00:42:923 (3): Add a finish to the end of the slider?
01:21:378 (1): Another finish here, to go along with the cymbal crash in the actual song.

I feel like there are way too many parts where it's just a circle or slider every 1/2 beat, one after another. It gets monotonous. Try syncing it better with the lyrics or instruments.
00:35:590 (1): Add a finish at the end of this slider.

This one's also kind of repetitive/monotonous, but it's following the drums so there's not much I can say about it. Could use some different hitsounds besides mostly finishes besides the part about 2/3 through, though.

Not much to say here. Circle placement is a lot better than Normal. Could use further distance spacing, though.

00:53:014 (9): Add a finish at the beginning.
Topic Starter
La Valse
korealien,Behonkiss//thanks :)
Set tick rate to 2 on all difficulties. Get a better mp3.

minyeob's Relaxing:

01:28:22 (5) - 1/4 forward.
01:31:77 (1) - Remove new combo.
Kiai would be nice on the chorus, especially considering all the other difficulties used it.


02:19:77 - Move kiai back 1/1.

ykcarrot's Drum:

The kiai bursts outside of the chorus are annoying.
02:18:40 (1) - Why is this silent?


00:53:04 (1,2,3) - This is hard to read.
02:18:13 - This break is too short.
02:19:77 - Move kiai 1/1 back.


01:05:31 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Sudden spacing change is not good.
01:46:49 (3) - New combo.
01:46:63 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:51:13 (2) - 1/4 back, do not add repeat.
01:51:54 (3) - 1/4 back, add repeat.

02:19:77 - Move kiai 1/1 back.
Topic Starter
La Valse
orioncomet,JarJarJacob//Thanks :)
JarJarJarcob : sorry i couldn't get a better mp3

JarJarJacob wrote:

Set tick rate to 2 on all difficulties. Get a better mp3.
// except my diff. tick rate 2 makes wierd sound at my diff.

ykcarrot's Drum:

The kiai bursts outside of the chorus are annoying. // nothing wrong.
02:18:40 (1) - Why is this silent?
This is intentional. If it isn't silent, you can't hear symbal sound.
Download: Cherry Blossom - One Love Story (hutka) [ykcarrot's Drum].osu
This map set is pretty queer and very evident of newbie mapping, so taking that into consideration this bubble is your encouragement for a job well done.

Keep it up.

Topic Starter
La Valse
pasonia//Thanks :)
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter
La Valse
감사합니다! :)
mtmcl//Thanks :)
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
could someone me the download link of the song....

tnx!!! :) :D ;) :) :D ;)

~ certified anime addict!!!

First 8-)
its a bit nostalgic seeing all of this from years ago, i wish i knew about osu from the beginning
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