
The ^<>v Game

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Tad Fibonacci
^ No, I actually like onions.
< It feels like the more free time I have, the less free time I have.
> Is the universe truly infinite? Or is it just too massive that humans cannot grasp it's scale? If it is not then what is at the universe end?
v You prefer dark chocolate.
^ yes
< man i wish i can create something
> "You're not God or my father or my boss"
v you create something
^ Indeed, I've been coding a game of go this summer.
< My sleep schedule was good enough a few weeks ago but now it's completly gone out of the window
> Onions are great.
v you can code.
^ Yes, pascal
< I hate onion
> Onion sucks
v You hate celery
^ if it's not steamed, then i hate it. otherwise, it's not that bad
< i dumb
> woof
v prefers pre-rework nezha on warframe
^ Don't play warframe, nor any multiplayer game apart from overwatch if I really have nothing to do.
< I prefer singleplayer game over multiplayer game.
> Natsuki best girl.
v Likes to play visual novel.
^ yep, otomes and weird stuff like that are coolio
< just got home from a trip, went over a friends house
> hello happy world best bang dream band
v doesn't reply to messages often?
^ it kind of depends to some extent, but most of the time i'll be responding to messages fairly quickly. the difference is where it is, who it is, and what it's about.

< recently hired as artist (+ gfx, color correcting, designer) and composer (+ sfx & sound design) for a small game development company. it's unpaid work for the time being until we all decide to monetize future games.

> is a pretty great site so far, i've been finding a lot of nice games and developers to talk to.

v has an interest in working with art/music.
Topic Starter
^ music
< i never thought this would survive this long
> words
v either 5 or 6 digit
^ haha, yeah. around 500k, but i'm improving slowly.
soon, brethren. i will be good enough.

< i wish i could afford games on steam uwu

> why are people thinking about raiding area 51

v writes stories?
^ I don't write stories but I have created some story in my mind that I just never put on paper. I started doing this when I was young as a way to fall asleep, over time I created many stories and from the dozens I came up with I merged many together and forgot some to end up with 2 story that I personally believe to be pretty good.

< I am still shaken by what happened to kyoAni but the support they have been getting proves me just how unified our community really is.

> You can often only see the importance of something once you have lost it.

v Was touched on a deeply emotional level by at least one kyoAni show?
^ I'm not exactly sure if I was. I don't recall being emotionally affected the same way others were, but I do know that many of the KyoAni shows I watched were powerful, and did impact me somehow. I enjoyed many of them thoroughly.

I ventured in with Clannad and Clannad After Story, hearing of how it'll pretty much force you to cry, but I guess I wound up fine. I understood why anyone would, though. Shit's tragic. Even then, I enjoyed the hell out of them and re-watched some good chunks of them after the first time.

Then A Silent Voice came around. That was a whole other level of power. I enjoyed it all the same.

Sorry, but my heartstrings were deeply touched by a different show, but I'd have damned myself with lies if I were to say I weren't at least affected by KyoAni's body of work.

< I feel uncertain of what I think of myself. I have no idea what I'd really describe myself to be. All I know is that I'm me.

> People are interesting. They vary from personalities and experiences, and act according to what they know is best. They do what they can. I think if we valued others' perspectives more, we could understand each other a bit more. Sadly, impatience and an infectious quick-to-judge attitude by means of assuming malignant intent leave many of us with a good amount of terrible issues. Many of us distrust each other for whatever reason, and have no will to try to understand why others think as they do. All they know as that they don't want to be around someone who is what they are.

v Finds debates to be immensely beneficial.
^ Nope, fucking hate arguments/debacles. For almost my entire life, they've really done nothing but make people hate each other. I don't like that.
< Job when?
> Korean is really hard. At least harder than Japanese, in my opinion.
v Had retainers for more than 5 years.
^ nope. never had anything of the sort.

< pretty tired. haven't taken care of myself quite as much as i'd have liked.

> i'm genuinely surprised with that answer. i mean, it's understandable and i can see why that'd be the case, but uhhh... not all debates are like that. debates are not for getting each other angry, they're to test and consider each others ideas. to present your reasoning and evidence, to find logic in something and settle it once and for all.

v still hates debates anyways.
^ i dont hate debates

< got a number of maps piled up that i need to check and qualify since i was sick for the past few days 😔

> when i first started mapping i expected myself to get worse at actually playing this game, but it seems it's quite the opposite. in fact, i'm a lot more consistent and generally better than i ever was!

v probably has 0 kudosu
^ Nope, I do have a few, not many though.
< Trying to get better at mapping
> So many good songs that I'd like to make a map for, but I'm so slow at mapping, cause I'm still so bad
v Has not seen "Xam'd: Lost Memories", yet.
^ Yep, what’s that?
< Talking about mapping, I have so many songs I want to map but I never get to it since I’m lazy lmao
> Ranking a map in other gamemode beside standard is so hard, mainly because of the lack of BN
v Want to transfer to mania (round 2)
^ Not really.
< I am std pleb
> Why are there so many mania only player in this forums? I feel like all of the user's here play only mania. (No offense to mania, I am just wondering why so many of them are in the forums when the game mode is far less popular than std)
v Is a mania only player.
^ Hey, that’s me
< Talking aboug mania, 7k is gei while 6k and 4k is pretty fun
> Mania is the best mode in term of song choice. Don’t @ me
v You play taiko
Topic Starter
^ used to play a lot of osu!taiko
< i live in america
> anything
v you joined osu before 2017
^ Haha, no.
< I'm not a mania-only player, I play all game modes. I just haven't been playing at a consistent skill level to be considered "good" at any of them. Especially since I play o!standard with a trackpad. Unless you're me, and you've been playing for a year with a trackpad, I wouldn't suggest using it. I only use it because it's comfortable for me.
> 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594081284811174502841027019385211055596446229489549303819644288109756659334461284756482337867831652712019091456485669234603486104543266482133936072602491412737245870066063155881748815209209628292540917153643678925903600113305305488204665213841469519415116094330572703657595919
V Doesn't enjoy doing math.
^ in fact, i do enjoy mathematics, was really an academic forte of mine back in elementary school. enjoyed it quite a bit until middle school.

< been looking back at what i've escaped from, and the personal experiences i've had as a Jehovah's Witness in the past. it was fairly depressing, dystopian, even. now that my mom's marrying one, and plans on being baptized as one herself, i'm... conflicted. she seems relatively happy, but... i don't know if that'll last.

> the past is worth looking back on. at least you can learn from it, and understand things from it.

v had a fairly rough childhood due to their family.
^ Not really, I feel like I am extremely fortunate. I've honestly never had to deal with any hardship so far in my life and I am honestly wondering how much of it is because of ym ability to avoid problem and how much of it is just raw luck. It's one thing that makes me very stressed out about the future because I doubt I have the mental fortitude to go trough hard time since I've never had to deal with any and in an adult life messing up is very damaging.

< I am really self-conscious about how easy my life is. I hear all around me my classmate and many others talking about their issues and worries and I all I can do is listen thinking "I've never had to face any hardship ever".

> Life is hard.

v Is anxious about how to live their life.
^ Yes. Even though I know what I’m going to do, many people around me pressure me to take on my dad jobs, which is very annoying. Also I don’t even know if I would get a stable life when I get my job and there will be for sure a lot of problems that I will face in the future

< Being productive is tired

> Being productive is tired

v You are tired
^ right
< i'm planning to buy a digital keyboard, just something i'll try to learn while slowly leave gaming behind
> left
v is addicted to something
^ i'm addicted to music. about 80% of my waking hours relate to music, whether i listen to it or whether i make it. music's fucking great. it was partial to saving my life to some extent.

< i still need to figure out how i'll be approaching this job. i'd like to get paid work soon, so i might as well work through this as quickly as i can while being as thorough as i can.

> yiff & futanari are the stuff. i'm bored, so there.

v doesn't really play osu!std.
^ Yes. Mania master race

< I still need to do college app AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

> Sometimes, I get baffle on how people aren’t self-concious at all

v You still play osu
^ Yes I do, though I have been playing less ever since I bought a new mouse and a mousepad. I got used well enough to the mouse but the mousepad I bought is way too small and it makes it very akward to play.

< I might try to play the other game mode a little more until I have another mousepad.

> I can't understand how things like gambling, drugs and cigarette are still issues. People must know that those will fuck their life up so why do they even start?

v Hate gambling.
^ i don't care for it, but i don't necessarily hate it. hate's a bit strong when really, i have no interest in that sorta thing.

< disappointed that i missed so many chances in NP. at least i got some nice dreams as compensation.


samX500 wrote:

> I can't understand how things like gambling, drugs and cigarette are still issues. People must know that those will fuck their life up so why do they even start?
there's a few things called "desperation in rough times", "boredom", and "ignorance". either can be perfect reasons as to why someone would do any of it. people can gamble in rough times out of the perceived necessity to get money from bets in order to survive, as opposed to anything else, especially considering that the gain is more immediate than waiting for a paycheck. same can apply to drugs and cigs, but this time more as stress relief. some drugs just help to distract you from shit in life, and cigs can relieve a little stress. boredom and ignorance are self-explanatory, but yeah. those are generally why people do what they do in those regards, from what i've seen and considered.

v is indifferent towards furries.
^ I don’t really care if a person is a furry or not, as long as that person doesn’t affect me in any bad way. Also though a lot of furry artworks I saw are straight up creepy, some of them are pretty cool too

< While on topic, I think people who kinkshaming really don’t understand or don’t care to understand people who have kinks

> Nosebleed sucks

v You unconciously discriminate people who have different thoughts than you
^ I guess someone could technically say you automatically "discriminate" by the sense that you differentiate who they are by observing their traits and mannerisms, but if you mean I were unconsciously looking down on others by the basis of them solely having different thoughts, that'd be frankly false.

< I'm unsure if I'd consider myself part of the furry fandom. A ton of artists happen to be furries, and make some REALLY cool shit. I fucking love the work many of 'em do. But do I myself really feel all that much of a part of the fandom? Not entirely.

I guess I've got a way to go until that's figured out for certain.

But I admittedly like the characters and art made from the fandom (including NSFW/yiff, sometimes it's even better, holy shit, the detail and lighting).

> Creating character designs for an amphibious-humanoid-alien race of sorts.

v You don't really listen to a whole lot of music aside from maybe some pretty good producers and musicians you've found throughout the years. More or less, you wouldn't consider yourself a music enthusiast.
^ Nope, considering I have 2665 and more songs in my playlists

< I love to discover new songs and artists

> People really should get out of their comfort zone sometimes and listen to stuff they aren’t used to

v You like to try new music
^ hell yeah. looking to add to the 100+ genres i've heard.

< i'm not really all that interested in irl porn, kinda lackluster and awkward if you ask me. hentai/yiff is preferable, but even then, i prefer yiff over all else.

> making playlists with different albums is pretty fun.

v you don't enjoy irl porn.
^ I do, just depend. Hentai is pretty amazing since that’s how u get all of your fantasies and kinks. Irl, however, is realistic, which makes it more immersive I guess

< Talking about fap-able material, don’t really understand a lot of genre but ok

> Have seen some yiff, most of them are pretty weird but some of them are cool, I guess

v You play osu mainly for the music
^ yes and no...

< i honestly have a weird dislike for porn and hentai, i don't know why. well unless you consider food porn one type of porn then that is an exception.

> question time!

v sometimes worries about stuff too much
^ to some extent, yeah. i wouldn't consider it anxiety, but more or less just a general concern for the future.

< i think porn is boring and awkward. hentai is nice and casual. yiff is interesting and gives me the case of HOLY-SHIT-HOW-THE-FUCK-DO-YOU-DRAW-SO-WELL syndrome.

> i swear, it's like at least ~18% of yiff artists have god-like artwork that immerses you into the world of anthropomorphic species.

v has studied in college/university.
^ Yes, I am currently studying in college.

< Since we have been talking about porn a lot let me say that I actually really dislike hentai anime. I never really watch hentai anime, I feel like the art is always bad and especially the sound effect makes it very disturbing. I find hentai manga to be far supperior.

> If you actually love an anime character you should not watch hentai of them under any circumstance.

v Feels akward about talking about porn.
^ Ha, no. Tbh, I don’t really understand why people feel shy about talking about porn (well maybe I do, but you get what I’m trying to say here)

< More porn topic! Hentai anime feels weird, especially with the sound effects. Tried watched one and had to turn down the volume. The slurping sound is too extra tbh, and usually turns me off. Manga tho 👌💯🔥

> Tentacle 👌💯🔥

v You like tentacle
^ not really. i'm rather indifferent, unless i'm around people i'd rather not have know. for their sake and purity, i'd like to respect their wishes towards not being exposed to it.

oh ffs

^ tentacles are a mixed bag. i'm generally indifferent unless it's actually, well, good.

< i kind of agree. hentai is often a little lackluster in quality. yiff animations are hooooollyy shitttt, though. have you seen tabuley's animations? what the fuck, that's good.

> i feel like die

v feels like death've'd
^ No, I’m fine now

< I really should finish mario odyssey and shovel knight soon

> When will they port afterbirth+ to ios ):

v You listen to roughsketch
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