
Confess II: Confess Harder

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Chris9427 wrote:

Nothing is easy when it comes to dealing with people, but well, I've given you my two cents. If that's how you'll roll, then go ahead.

Chris9427 wrote:

Brian OA wrote:

That's easier said that done. Kids just don't simply annoy me. I have a deep hatred for them, especially my brothers. Just hearing their voices is a pain.
I can't talk with them.

And the problem with my parents.. ny father literally rips the door open as loud as he can, for the sole purpose to scare the shit out of me. It wasn't that bad the first few weeks, but after 3 years...

It's probably not that long anymore till I can finally move out and live alone. I'll just wait and see what happens. That's how I always solved my problems.
Family is really hard to deal sometimes because even though they share your own blood, they are still different people than you with different ideas. If you think the only solution is to move out, then that's fine. Nobody says that you have to love your biological family at all costs.

Dulcet wrote:

Family is really hard to deal sometimes because even though they share your own blood, they are still different people than you with different ideas. If you think the only solution is to move out, then that's fine. Nobody says that you have to love your biological family at all costs.
"You can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family."
It's all about having luck again.

Brian OA wrote:

What's wrong with it? What's wrong with your family?
To put it simple, ideological difference. It's not like they're communist and I'm liberal, but we have a different way of doing pretty much everything (and apparently my way of doing things irritate them, a lot). They're a follower of "introvert=bad" equation and I'm the only introvert in the family. And they keep bragging about togetherness (I don't think that's the right word), but they lack coordination internally.

As for your first question, I'm sorry, I'm not going to answer that. It's way too personal and I'm not going to tell a guy in Panama whom I just met over the internet several months ago. But you're a smart guy, I know you can understand.

Chris9427 wrote:

It's all about having luck again.
With that outlook on life no wonder you don't like your family. Relationships, trust, love, and understanding aren't built on luck, bud. It is easier said than done but, there are no magical fixes. Stuff like that doesn't get any better just by sitting on your ass and waiting. It's all up to you. So get up off your keister, get out of here, and go start doin' the work. Nothing in this world that's worth having comes easy.

piruchan wrote:

To put it simple, ideological difference. It's not like they're communist and I'm liberal, but we have a different way of doing pretty much everything (and apparently my way of doing things irritate them, a lot). They're a follower of "introvert=bad" equation and I'm the only introvert in the family. And they keep bragging about togetherness (I don't think that's the right word), but they lack coordination internally.
My family throws the same tripe at me but that's not really a good reason to dislike them for it. I mean, that doesn't really matter per se.

Sure an argument about that can get infuriating, but your opinions and approaches to a social life shouldn't affect your relationship with them. Otherwise I would have impaled my brother by now considering we even argue about the way we drink soup. My dad still comes up to me every once in a while and he tells me shit that can be summarized as >tfw your son has tfw no gf.

But hey, that doesn't stop me from hanging around them, supporting them when they're down, and eventually hear a "thanks" or a really fast almost kind of tsun reaction consisting of saying "you're gay" and then running to his/her room. 'Cause I know they'd do the same if I let them. I guess the payback is worth it too sometimes.

So really, if the thing isn't working out, it has to be something else.

As for your first question, I'm sorry, I'm not going to answer that. It's way too personal and I'm not going to tell a guy in Panama whom I just met over the internet several months ago. But you're a smart guy, I know you can understand.
I'm not really up for farming affection points so I won't push it.
I don't use the toaster as much as I want to, because each time I use it, it scares the shit out of me.
Tsukimi Luna
The general public has a false view on introverts.
And we cant help it

Im the kind of person that needs my alone time sometimes, and i hate huge ass parties or large gatherings.
But im not anti social
I love hanging out with my best buddies of course...
But in groups of 2-3 ....
Thats is because i can have quality time with said person

Being in large crowds and big groups overwhelms me..
I cant help to wonder... how are these people able to handle so many people at the same time
because i wouldnt be able to
Maybe some extroverts can share their view on this...?
Im really curious...
Is it still considered quality time

Well i have another thing about me tho...
I really enjoy being alone..
You know how when you go to a mall by yourself... it feels like i have all the time in the world to do whatever i want to.
Without needing to worry about going back at said time to do this and that... or stuff like that
And everything just runs so smoothly at your own pace it feels so relaxing.
And when you have dinner or any meal by yourself.. picking a place to eat which is your own favourite place without having to worry about anyone wanting to go somewhere else feels wonderful.
Taking your time to do whatever you want at your own pace .
Thats what makes being alone so good for me sometimes

But dont get me wrong though...
Being alone is not equivalent to being lonely...
Being lonely just plain right sucks

I wish people would understand introverts more instead of calling us antisocial and not wanting to mix with people...

Whatever the general public thinks about introverts doesn't really matter. They're not your friends and they won't ostracize you just because you're reserved.

That's plain dumb.

Of course, I can totally relate with staying alone. It's easy and simple. Nobody to drag you down or suck you in some weird place; all decisions are unanimous; and nobody's around to judge you.

However, getting out of your comfort zone does give you plenty of opportunities (tfw no gf) you normally wouldn't get otherwise. A friend can only bring out a certain side out of another, so going out in larger groups does let you enjoy different kinds of interactions from the same people. In a sense it's still quality time, it's just spent more as a group than a pair. Thus you get bonds that are formed and identify themselves as teams, classes, residence halls, and so on.

It's not particularly hard though; you're not interacting with everyone at the same time (say the group is made up of six or eight people) so you just switch around different subgroups within and kinda wing it through. Sometimes you'll end up spending more time interacting with some more than others and that's fine. The same happens to everyone else.

Anyway, the only advice I can give you is to relax around groups the same way you would when you're alone. You can't reach out to others or respond to them otherwise. It is hard to socialize properly but you can't go through life's joys properly without it. You can even sperg your way through it as long as it's your style. I mean, I'm not as smooth as my brother or anything and I'm way too immature for any of that shit but you'll figure your way around it with enough time. Before you know it, the very people you meet will motivate you even further (unless they happen to be thugs or cunts, in which case promptly run away)

TL;DR Loosen the fuck up socializing is not a big deal; go back home and relax as needed. Nothing to be insecure about. Refer to this if in doubt.
Trash Boat
I don't know what I'm going to do after high school, and I could be only 2 months away from finishing it, if things go well.
You can opt for an undecided major in college. They'll let you ride that for up to two years, but you'd best get on figuring out what you're going to do as soon as you can.
Random bump.

Everytime I'm on the aeroplane. I NEVER flush the toilet. It scares the CRAP out of me.

Trash Boat wrote:

I don't know what I'm going to do after high school, and I could be only 2 months away from finishing it, if things go well.
I'm the same, and I'm in college. I'm probably too lazy/incapable of doing most jobs.
I go on omegle sometimes, with the common interests tag as 'osu' ;(
I keep a flash drive with all the Osu maps I download on it, so I can switch computers easily. (And for when one of my computers break)
I want to punch anyone who is ignorant enough to believe that just because someone likes anime they're automatically a weeaboo/otaku. I mean, I don't go and say that "baseball is a homo sport" because it involves balls and the bat could be a euphemism for some guy's meat stick.... Some people are ridiculous
I like watching 10 minute videos of just dominoes collapsing on each other.

The first time they get set up, they feel empowered standing in large groups, confident that together they can please the one who was kind enough to get them on their feet yet fate is cruel and they discover the hands that raised them did it with the intent of watching them fall; and with a small push from a finger, they all fulfill what the human wanted. Rinse and Repeat.
I molested my own sister when I was 6 and trying to have sex at 7.. my life cant be more wrong than this.. I am a monster deep inside, no matter what..
i fucking hate this game
- Jade -
venting shit
I'm excited but scared of what the future holds for me. I'm supposed to be a senior next year, and pressure from my family has pretty much been set upon my shoulders. I've always been the honors student, the one who's gotten A's and B's. I used to be way more sociable, happy, and optimistic when I was younger; now it feels like any redeeming qualities I may have had about myself are just gone. I'm struggling with some classes (though I have gotten better this semester, I think), and my procrastination has only gotten worse. I've become more introverted, shy, and quiet around others unless we're very close friends, and my self-esteem and confidence has kind of hit rock bottom. My anxiety seems to get in the way when I try to make new friends; I'm afraid of initiating conversations, and I get so scared of disappointing them or not living up to their "expectations." Every time I've chatted in-game, I only speak to them for a day. After that, they're gone. If anything, I feel like it's my fault. I want to meet someone in which we can share a "mutual closeness" with, rather than being tossed aside and forgotten about. I've come across lots of people that I'd like to be friends with, but just don't have the courage to talk to. I want to be able to get my shit together and be able to become a better person. I want to be ready for what comes ahead in life, and to enjoy life for what it is while I still have time to do so.
Confess huh
Something NOT so personal but personal


I can never get close with anyone on the internet no matter how hard I try

My Reasoning
I'm talking about both friendship and relationship

It's probably cus they don't see me face to face, but I personally think that's the beauty of it. Ya know? When the first thing you see is the most genuine side of someone, who they want to be. Cus that's what it is on the internet, people just be who they want to be. And you might say they can fake a personality, but I argue that's the same with in real life. And these kind of people break after a while. In fact, when you get face to face, there is more cover, more disguise, there is more fear to be someone that is good.

Sounds retarded, I know, but that's just my experience.

People tend to tell me stuff like "be careful who you meet on the internet, you never know who they are". But seriously though, it's the same with anyone you meet "in real life". Kinda like how nobody knew Ted Bundy was a killer. In that sense, it's even more dangerous irl, because on the internet, if trash goes wrong, you have some time to get away. And believe me, if they're a serial killer, they ain't gonna fly all the way to Jamaica just for that one kill.

And then they say there is the creepy guys who will stalk you, and threat you and start this madness love and end up coming to your house.
Seriously though, do you think everyone is that retarded? The chances of you getting hit by one of these guys is probably just about the same as getting stalked by some creep in real life. Again, the latter is the worse case. Cus even if they were, do you think they have the money for it????
It takes A LOT to go to your house!!

I mean after all, the internet was made to bring people together.

I just honestly don't see why "irl friends" are more trustworthy than "online friends"
It just pisses me off that no matter how hard I try, there is just that "internet" wall between me and my friends
Or maybe it's just my personality, Idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

For relationships though, there is the problem of timezones and not being able to get physical, which I guess is an essential part. But that's what makes it better when you DO get together right? Kinda like finally being able to eat that cookie after waiting for an hour, drooling. It just really depends on if you can get past that drooling time and not give up.
what the fuck the above two posts are literally the only two thoughts i have about life
all pressure is on me
at this rate, everything's gonna crumble
Comfy Slippers
i mean i want to be a waifu material too, but every time i end up posting weird autistic shit that distances everyone from me

but i guess ...


i did it again, didnt i?
i will not embrace e-autism
Is this the vent thread? OK then.

Why do we put these in boxes?
I feel as if I'm worthless and can't do anything. Anything I attempt I am trash at, or at least there is someone right next to me that can do it better. I find it satisfying when I solve a problem when I sit down and code, but get let down when I realize I don't know how to do shit on github (fork a project, help out with a program), and I don't even know how to build shit from its source code. I can play piano, but it's very basic, and I have trouble playing with both hands. I know the answer is "play more", but I've been playing since I was 11, almost seven years now, and it seems as if I haven't improved at all. I used to think I was good at math until this year's finals started popping up. I used to not need to study ever but now I'm checking out library books and studying my ass of for this. And I'm not even good anymore, my knowledge of high school math is limited when compared to other people's, especially on the internet. I remember desperately trying to follow with the probability debate in OT Bingo 2, and feeling lost and confused instead. My writing skills are not up to par with my peers, either. Whenever I try to write fiction I either get off topic or it ends up boring because the conflict is weak. My drawing is probably the aspect I am the worst at. I couldn't draw something good even if my life depended on it, and I feel really bad whenever I see people's masterpieces in the Art subforum.

My social skills are shit as well. I can't keep a conversation going at all, and I have no one to talk to during lunch. My greatest fear is probably dying alone, but I have given up on the possibility of avoiding that a long time ago.

I'm not even good at the things I enjoy. I can't get under 25k no matter how hard I try, and I always get 5th place or less whenever I play multiplayer. My skills are nonexistent and I know it.

I feel as if I can't do anything anymore.
no tldr
ayy idk where to start this is going to be long..

I've read a few confessions above and although I might not feel the same way others do about their own situation (since everyone has different experiences), I felt that everyone goes through a similar pain. Again, like always, I'm listening to a pretty messy song right now so this post isn't going to be that contained. Prepare your dyslexia.

First thing on my mind. I've had this thought for about 5 years now. I've lived a dynamic life, and turns out I'm attending my seventh school and living in my fifth country over the duration of 12 years. Which means.... I haven't had enough time to socialize anywhere. Unable to make friends. At school I'm just a kind and smiley student who gets along with everyone, but outside of school I don't have anyone to talk to, nor I go out of my house often. I sometimes ignore my friends' chat because I feel like it's a waste of time. Lunch time is mostly by my own because again, I enjoy eating my lunch fast and chilling for the leftover minutes. Sometimes I'll visit my friends' lunchtable and enjoy - it's really fun talking to friends and eating lunch together - just to feel like I've wasted time and eating lunch by myself again the next day.

Me irl or on the internet is pretty happy mostly because I try not to think about anything. Sometimes I think I'm too lenient. People think I'm easy. I try to meet their expectations and tend to be easy with. There's a rude girl in the grade below and she insults me all day but I just get it over with a smile or laugh. Some probably think I'm dumb because I really don't try to do shit. I've had something similar to depression over the last two years, thinking about suicide at times (not nowadays because I stopped thinking about my life in general lmao) and I think it's slowly transitioning into lethargy. I don't remember doing a single productive thing in the past year or so. I've really thought about visiting a doctor and I probably should. The last months of lethargy, I should say, was pretty depressing if I think of it but at least I'm not stressed and I'm happy to not think about anything.

All friends my age (especially girls) talk about dramas, celebrities, but I'm really not interested in those stuff. I like games and anime, but not deep enough to be called a gamer or weeb, to be honest. I just tend to have a shallow and broad knowledge of various subjects. Boys at school who like games or anime really tend to boast their 'knowledge'. My friend talking about League and being salty about how autistic others are. He's in Bronze 5, watches weird videos of those "new meta" videos, calls random champions OP, gets rekt in ranked, talks to me about how broken the system is. -_-

The only thing I'm left with are studies, which don't really make a good conversation. It usually becomes a rant. I've given up on studies. Although I've seriously slacked off my studies, I'm still a little-above-average student, thanks to my Asian genes or whatever it is. (I swear people say "don't be racist" but there are differences between races. It's just that the differences between races shouldn't limit anyone's ability to do something.) I take the IB, and according to my course selection and subjects taken over the two years, am supposed to be good at Maths and Computer Sciences. I seriously lack those two subjects so much, at this point I'm afraid I won't be able to do well in uni either. I lack a lot of logical ability, and it only seems to worsen over the years. I've stopped reading books at some point because I couldn't understand them well enough anymore. I seriously fear dyslexia or ADHD but you know, it's not like I have severe symptoms and I'm probably exaggerating or making excuses for myself at this point. I think my lethargy is the main problem.

Hopefully uni will cure all these problems. I'm really looking forward to doing subjects I like, studying for a goal, and making friends with mutual interests. Hope my uni has some osu! players or other gamers. HMU if anyone's going to UBC, because that's the most likely uni I will attend.
I'm sorry for this
I try to keep my personal life out of the internet, I really do. It's one of my principles of posting anywhere. I usually only do it when asked.
But if I don't vent now, I think I might explode irl. So please excuse my rant. I'm typing this all right now so please excuse me as well if you find any spelling or grammatical errors.

I just realized something that was hitting me in the face all my life. I realized something that has changed my outlook on life in many ways, something that will change the way I talk to people from now on, most likely. I realized that no one cares about my problems. I realized that me and my problems are insignificant and puny compared to everyone else's. I'm just a little whiny bitch that can't get anything done, that's not good at anything, that's too low-skilled to do anything right. I also found my fatal flaw, the fact that I'm selfish as fuck. If anyone reads this, I want you to Ctrl-F and see how many times I wrote the word "I" in any of my texts. It seems like everything's all about me, and now I've realized that it's not.

I realized this during the course of talking with other people in the discord. I've noticed that I want to be liked by everyone, and as a result end up annoying everyone instead. Pushing my stupid fucking sushi meme and correcting people whenever they make a mistake, bullying abraker and the rest of the staff to do something, and trying to get the attention of everyone else but not getting it kinda wore down on me, I guess. I feel really bad for commiting all these sins against the community of off-topic and I sincerely apologize to anyone I might have hurt.
I guess I finally snapped during today's discussion in #misc. I was trying to find my way into the current discussion to give my opinion, but I couldn't really find a place. And the comments I did put in I ended up deleting because no one cared about them. I've done this is in many conversations all throughout the creation of the discord, but it just clicked to me today that no one gives a shit about me.

I've always known that I was a bit selfish, and that I only really thought about myself, but I didn't know it was this bad. After taking the step back today,
I realized how little anyone cares for me, and how much of a whiny bitch I am to others. Everyone's probably really tired of my boring useless life and insignificant problems. So I won't post them anymore. I was actually planning to rant today about my feelings on a certain situation going on, but I'm not going to anymore because nobody cares. After this rant, I will no longer use "I" as much as I currently do. I will do an analysis on every single fucking word I say to see whether or not it will be of importance to the people around me, and the community as a whole. You'll hopefully see the number of "I"'s decrease.
And I'll try to be a better person from now on.

tl;dr: use Ctrl+f and see how many "I"'s you find. I will try to reduce that from now on.
I don't know why but I tend to pour my heart out on online forums...?
Let's try to not do that this time!
I hate compliments. Well its not that I hate them per se, but I don't like getting them.
When people say that I did well or 'it was fantastic/good/great/amazing' or what have you that its out of pity. I don't think that I can write well, draw well, play the piano, or anything that I do well at all.
I tend to think that anything and everything that I do and can do isn't enough. It started off as just to please my parents but now I'm just not satisfied with myself. At all. My social skills are bad to the point where I can't even preform a damn piano piece in front of 20 people(sorry thats a vent cause of today), my art is one of the most sorry and inconsistent things in the world yet its fun to do(I kinda hat myself for that), I freeze up whenever I'm asked a question or asked to do something infront of others, my grades right now are just the worst they've ever been(me going from straight As to Ds and Cs. That is not going well with my dad right now) and just overall.
I want to change things about myself until I'm satisfied but I know that I can't because when I change I'll just find more things to hate. Heck this turned into a paragraph of self loathing. Whatever.
I'm sorry for wasting your time but still thank you for reading this.
Moving on in life
note: this is gonna get p heated/personal

You like rants?

All you did was lie directly to my face at every chance you got, and manipulate my emotions. You didn't give a fuck about how I felt at any point, did you? You only "cared" when it was convenient for you.

You apologised? How convenient that that only happened when others had told you that what you had said was out of line! You knew what you were doing, that it was wrong. Don't play dumb with me.

You can't get serious because that's not what you come online for? Do you really think I come online to get manipulated by you on a daily basis? I was dumb not to see it from the start, but you're even dumber to think I'd just stay.

How funny it was that you were willing to drop me instantly when I said I couldn't trust you completely. That's not because your friendships are built on trust, it's because you wouldn't be able to play with me if I didn't believe you.

After all, what kind of friend says they'd defend you no matter what, then tells you to shut up and block you... that doesn't sound very friendly to me, I'm not sure what your friendships are exactly? Oh wait, it's the same for everyone. You lure them into a false sense of friendship. None of your "friends" know who you are really, do you refuse to tell them the truth because you don't want them to leave you? Fucking childish.
Wasn't it you who used to be a bully when you were younger? I see nothing has changed then.

I should have listened to those around me, but at least I'm coming to my senses now.


You wanted me to block you? To leave you be? To shut up?

Isn't this what you wanted me to do?

Actually get the hell out of my life, I never want to see you again.

Hey... I actually posted here for once...
Comfy Slippers
Kay, firstly I'm not gonna be a total emo about shit cause I don't care. Mostly due to my mentality of knowing that whenever I'm in deep shit or whenever it's not going great in life - I'll always know that there's someone who is in deeper shit, someone who is struggling even more. Now, I'd say the biggest problem with me is that I goof around too much. Rarely will you find me serious. Even during "real-talks" I tend to find a way to season it with some humor. Honestly, without a doubt, this might actually be my biggest flaw. It's probably one of the biggest reasons why I never had a serious relationship with anyone. Or to be more precise, have only 1 in my 21 years of life. Probably why I never had a REAL friend in my life. Like, anyone who doesn't know me that well would think that I'm a pretty solid person with a normal friend group and a healthy social life. But the truth is far from that. I'm hanging out with people who I know will ditch and eventually forget about me, and it wouldn't be the first time. But I don't mind, cause imo, I see myself filling the "clown" role in a group pretty well. This also transitioned to interwebs. I've been a part of many communities and I've never find anyone who gave 2 fucks about me. I've been fully active on osu for nearly a year now and I only befriended about 5 people and 4 of them don't even play this game anymore. Honestly, I have no passion and no particular interests. It's mostly general knowledge about various things. I'd force myself towards something (ex. cars and shit) just to make myself less boring around a certain group of people.

I would just like to meet a person who watches anime and either have a nice watching session or just have small talk about it. But as a closet fan, it's highly unlikely, especially with how this medium is frowned upon in my place. But I don't let anything get to me. Only thing that did, is when i had to pull out of from studying journalism due to personal issues. I was motivated and willing, but it just wasn't meant to be. But even still, I managed to find a nice stable job, it's not the best but i'm getting some solid cash so it's all good. But I guess that would be it. That's me. That one guy you either find fun and awesome or you just hate me and/or find me obnoxious.
i'm sorry im a terrible person ;w;
week 1 of orientation
ok so i thought i was capable of making friends.
i had good friends, although i wasn't that close to them (as in i never went to their parties); but i always had people to sit next to / wanting to sit next to me.
we had fun in class..etc. but coming to uni i found out that i actually avoid relationships.
the dorm is such a great place where i can stop caring about myself and others, a place i can have for myself

today i was with a great group of friends and there's this girl who's really energetic and bright, (not to mention tall and pretty) she literally shines
it's really fun hanging out with her because i know i wont get judged at all, and she likes going places with people so we went to the museum today, for example.

and seeing the three boys trying to win her off, (the girl has no clue lol) was so bad. i had to come back. it's not that the group's bad; the boys literally stick to her like she's their momma. it's like they're seduced, it was creeping me out so i parted from them. i dont know. do i want friends? im totally fine being alone, but i'd also like friends who share the same interest as i do. i guess i'll meet those people once clubs start and stuff, so im not that worried. but im worried about getting judged, having no friends and having no contact when needing help or something. i.. i want to play osu and be happy D:

i think i judge people too hard. i dont judge on the internet and people who i've met irl who i've known on the internet, as i've mentioned on my ama i think. but when it comes to people i met irl i start judging (by myself) so i assume others do that as well, since im doing it in the first place. hence the distance, hence the reason i dont get to make friends.
This is extremely personal, but this is an online forum that is not tied to me so I think I can say this. I've been here for almost a year now and I have gained trust in many people here.

When I transfered to my current high school at the start of the eleventh grade, I had a brand-new start, a fresh slate. I committed myself to making as many friends as possible in two years, the last two years of high school. Maybe I would get a close friend or two out of it. I was so excited that I was going to get a second chance at social life. I didn't have a good history of socializing with people up to then. I've never had a friend before. People say, "well you must've had at least one friend." No, I've never had a single friend up to that point. Always sitting by myself at lunch, hating group assignments, and never getting invited to any birthday parties; nothing hurts more as a kid than watching almost everyone in the fucking class get a birthday invitation, everyone minus you. That shit wears down on you when you experience it for ten years of school, wears down on you hard. So, naturally, I was excited to get a second chance at making friends in my new school. But the reality of the situation set in two months after I transfered: nothing is ever going to change because I will eternally be lacking in social skills. I can't talk to people; I can't fucking talk to anyone. I can't talk to strangers, I freeze up and don't know what to say apart from the usual fillers ("oh yeah", "that's cool", "nice"); that is, of course, if I even get the courage to walk up to them and say something. I have trouble telling people "excuse me", for fuck's sake, much less ask them for a piece of information, and talking to people casually? Fucking forget about it. Talking is a vital key in making friends: after all, you can't be friends with a mute dumbass like me. When people take pity on my depressing existence and come up and talk to me instead of me to them, I freeze up as well. Whenever they want to know a piece of information, I give it to them, but can't add anything else onto it to spark a conversation. And when someone desperate enough to keep something going I tense up and fuck up everything I say. I probably say the wrong things to them, too, because anyone I have the honor of talking to never fucking speaks to me again. I am now in the 12th grade, my last year in the school system, and I have still not acquired someone I can call a friend. Do you know how much it hurts knowing that you failed, that you you fucked up your second chance at making friends? That you are mentally unable to have relationships with others? That you will stay like this for the rest of your life, and will never change? Lunchtime hurts because instead of eating lunch and socializing, I have no one to each lunch or socialize with, so I go up to a teacher's classroom and eat lunch there, in silence, by myself. It hurts whenever we have to do any work in groups, especially when we are given the "privilege" of choosing our own groups. Every day is miserable knowing that I will never be successful in life.

It's so fucking sad how I cannot perform a basic function of human society. Many people say humans are social animals; because I am unable to socialize, does that make me not human?

I plan to go to college next year, and again I will have another chance to make friends, but I've already given up any and all hope of this dream, seeing how well it worked out a year ago. I have already given up my fantasy of having a few close friends by my side having fun and sharing stories together. This is my dream, but I know it's impossible to achieve. I know of someone who is a year older than me and is in college now and has already achieved a group of friends that I've daydreamed about so many times, and she did it in under two weeks of arriving. I know there a bit of drama going on in the group, but in all honesty I would be willing to endure that one hundred times if it meant having any friends at all. How can socializing come to people so naturally? Am I not a person? That is probably the case.

At any rate, I hope that I can regain the hope I lost (lol) for the future, and I hope I can somehow achieve this dream of mine I've had for so long.
There is something strangely attractive about that massive forehead.
I like cute things while I have a beard and a macho man mustache.
Mostly 2D stuff

B1rd wrote:

There is something strangely attractive about that massive forehead.
Anne is full of imagination~
lol it's kinda depressing reading johnny's post because i was going to write exactly how non-social i was.
(hi johnny *wave*)

so ok i got a group of friends. i was happy since they were all cool i guess and non-problematic and social, whatever, so at least i got some people to hang out with during my free time and stuff. but i realized, over a month, that im not the social type. i like people. i like talking to them, i like laughing and being interested in random topics, i like entertaining them, just chatting. everyone is cool around me too so during those moments i dont have to be a jerk who has a complex over every single fucking thing and overreacts with every action someone takes. (for example i was internally depressed for a few days because my friend didnt reply back to a question i asked, jesus fucking christ)

i like hanging out with friends, yeah, but all my friends do are read stories to each other, watch drama, read poems, sing. these are not my things, and if i do hang out with them while they do these kinds of things i feel like it's a massive waste of time. and i realized it is. it jsut makes me tired and i barely study two hours a day because of these fucking "social" activities. i hate them with a passion. yes i might be privileged, but this is not how i work. i need friends that can hang out within an hour, such as, hit me up with one or two rounds of games, and go back to study mode instantly after that. which, according to my experience, the science students are better at doing that.

in my group, when i try to leave(because they're doing a useless time-waster), someone always goes "buuuut kaiiiiii...pwease study with us" (yes she actually FUCKING says that word by fucking word, not to mention she squeezes her cheeks together and does not. persuade. me . at fucking all. this is the main source of my fucking depression. ) and i know if i leave then they'll talk about it later on and how im a massive jerk. so i usually stay. and it's a fucking waste of time, and i get pissed. i want to hang out with the science kids i met two weeks ago. they seem to be having a much more productive and fun life than whatever shit im in right now. im sorry johnny, really, im having the fun of my life lecturewise and attending a few club activities and stuff, but my friend and social life isnt the best, at least for me. im trying to distance myself out of it, even.
it's just not for me. that's what i realized.

i sometimes want to tell them how retarded they are, how they're never going to graduate because hell someone doesnt even know how to do 1+1 and never fucking studies, always reads fanfics and cries all night because who knows what depression they have, one of them is just eternally afraid of not having friends and calls at least one person to walk with him because he fucking can't stand being alone. it's just these little things that tick me off and gets me astonished at how immature and fragile these fucking "adults" are and that's why im trying to become more independent and live like the fucking individual i am.

and heck, i can't stand being in a room with just one other person because i run out of things to say. i'd rather play games with another friend, not have a fucking "girlie chat" about crushes celeb and eternal depression i'd rather kill myself.
maybe i shouldnt have revealed that i was a girl in the first place
ive hurt way too many people and i knew it would happen all along
i really like the friends ive made through this game though and i dont regret a single moment spent with them
im sorry everyone that i've hurt and i hope to still be friends with some if anyone is still willing.

there we go that was a hard core confession and that's how i roll.
Following recent events, it's time for another one of these.
And given my current nature, it'll be slightly heated.

So, a number of people have tried to offer me "help", despite me repeatedly saying that I don't want it. Well, yeah, I don't. Because 9 times out of 10,
you have no fucking idea what you're dealing with (point proven in these recent cases), and any attempt you try to make will genuinely just result in making things worse, as you have no understanding of the situation. You know, sometimes saying less is more. Perhaps if you'd ask me about certain things first we wouldn't have this issue? As it currently is, there is a lot you say and do that you don't realise is incredibly hurtful.

Yeah, I have depression. Yeah, I can't control what I'm saying sometimes.
Yeah, I'll regret what I say later on. However, it's fucking low to try and use that against me to guilt-trip me when I simply cannot fucking control it at times, just so you can beat me down even further than I already am.

You can say you're here for me as much as you want, but are you really?

It really doesn't look or feel like it.
i guess i'll try confessing owo

sometimes, when i'm doing nothing and i'm bored, i judge everyone around me for no reason to see if i would actually be friends with them. i also scream for no reason when i'm in public, hence the screaming pfp.

oh, did i mention i also have not done any relationship-wise action with anyone i know in real life for the entirety of it's existence? no hugs, no holding hands (eww), none of that stupid stuff, because i find it to be somewhat distracting to my |edit:| actual life (hit enter by accident)
it's annoying when everyone is supporting you, there are just so many great people, but i just can't live up to it.
so many people have told me good things and told me i can do it, but honestly im feeling a level of depression i've never felt before.
im usually pretty optimistic about things like these but it feels like there's no way out. logically there should be, but it seems so impossible.
i used to suck at focusing, yes, but this time round it's not even sucking at it, it's just not being able to focus at all.
there's only two weeks left of this shit and im disappointed in myself with the fact that i cant hold my shit together even when it's only two weeks and there's a bunch of people out there that are believing in me. i just have to hold it together for two more weeks and then seek whatever help i need, yet it seems so far and im scared of risking my grades because of my mood. it's just a shitfest, and i dont know where to go. well i do know where to go, but it seems kinda late at this point when the finals are literally in my face..
well might as well confess something.

irl, i'm really socially awkward, and when talking, i can really say something stupid every now and then.
people in the hallways think im a god at osu
when i choked at the end of cirno's perfect math class on insane ;-;
I'm done with being involved in the community. You all are great people, and I appreciate the time spent with you guys, it was worth it.
I'll keep playing osu and will talk to you guys on the game. I won't come on forums though, and I doubt I'll ever come back; even if I do, I'll most likely be lurking and saying little things here and there but most likely not that significant.

There's been issues and there's been efforts to resolve them. It didn't work out in the end, and that's fine- but as a result, I can't really stand some people, and it's been bothering me ever since. Well, congratulations. You've successfully removed me from the community. It's your playground now I guess.

Another small reason could be that the memes aren't as funny anymore. My lectures are way more interesting.. and I'm becoming a keener.

Farewell to those I probably won't see outside the forums, and thanks to those who's supported me for the past year. Hope to see you in-game. :)
...not sure what to confess, really. My depression? I'm way too open about it that it might seem fake. My apathy? Possibly.

I'll go with apathy.

I usually come off as many different things, and I tend to dramatically change how I act dependent on who I'm around, both IRL and online. I never feel like I'm myself, but I never exactly though of it as me putting on tons of other masks. Rather, I think whatever that "me" was and still is, is just a shell. An empty, achromatic void.

I express emotion when I don't feel it. When I think I'm feeling something, I cant seem to express it.

Due to my environment, (white drywall everywhere, very little sunlight, sleeping on the couch, not much food), I grew tired. I felt like everything became repetitive. And it was. Everything was so tiring to experience. Even being around trusted friends seemed to tire me out. Meanwhile, my old charter school destroyed my morale and will to be productive. I "became tired of trying" to do anything, so I did nothing. My grades finally dropped, the tension was finally gone.

But something still lingered there. A faint, empty sense of guilt was present, a reminder that I'd wind up a disappointment. I accepted that possibility, that outcome, and continued. Over time, I'd realize that most of what I had been feeling during that time was just... emptiness. I couldn't care about anything, I didn't react to anything, I rarely felt anything, and I just didn't do anything. I was a lazy sack of trash, on the couch. Just... laying there, thinking.

I had also noticed some unusual characteristics. I was more patient and accepting, but it was because I was so passive about everything. I would just let things happen, thinking that it was futile, it was going to happen anyways.

Everyday, I would return home, tired. Rarely anything interesting happened, despite my home/family situation. Everything I had would have been exhausted, I'd spent the small capacity of energy I had just to live, to deal with life. So I grew tired of living, as well. I developed a mindset that would constantly remind me that I might as well not even try, all the times that I did changed nothing. "You havent tried enough times", "You havent tried hard enough yet". As encouraging as the intent was behind those words, it was only more depressing. The thought that you dont even know when you've given it your all, where you dont know up to what extent, how far do you have to go?

Strangely enough, I kinda dismissed suicide. If I remember correctly, I thought of it as "A pointless death to a pointless life, the world remains mostly unchanged". If I expected to do anything good for anyone, killing myself wouldnt do shit. I knew it'd probably destroy the ones who actually do care, and I couldve even passed that off as "pointless", but I didnt. I accepted those feelings as "true" feelings. A desire for me to stay alive.

Well, during that process, I never cared much. It was less dramatic than most dismissed suicide attempts go as far as I know. It was more of "eh, everything's pointless. I'd like to, but im too tired".

It made me think of what role apathy played in my life. Was it a curse, or something to help me develop as a person?

I decided it was the latter. So I used my depression and apathy to get through life, using what would my obstacles, to actually get me through to the goal. Not really getting over them, just using them.

So yeah. That's how I'm still alive, I guess. I'm just tired of living, and that's about it. I'm fine with that. I dont need an optimistic motive to keep me going. A depressing one works just fine. It drains me until I have nothing left, and yet I still somehow endured.

Welp. it's 4:21 AM, so I'll end this here. I've got school in a few hours so i should probably sleep.
I want to speed down the fucking highway hnnngh god

I can feel myself becoming an idiot
sometimes I confess my confession
I don't really know what to think of myself anymore.

I just look in the mirror and I cant think of anything postive about myself.
Im always tired and just upset and everything sucks.
I don't even have a reason to feel this way.

Heck, I spend most of my time outside of school alone in my room.
Playing games and watching anime.
Sometimes sleeping all evening or staying up until 1 AM.

Haha... what a mess.

_sparky_ wrote:

I don't really know what to think of myself anymore.

I just look in the mirror and I cant think of anything postive about myself.
Im always tired and just upset and everything sucks.
I don't even have a reason to feel this way.

Heck, I spend most of my time outside of school alone in my room.
Playing games and watching anime.
Sometimes sleeping all evening or staying up until 1 AM.

Haha... what a mess.
Oh hey, that's our life in a nutshell I guess -w-

Except I don't play much of anything aside from osu!, and I'm rather casual about watching anime at the moment. Usually I'd be spending time trying to make music or something.
okay, since my last two confessions were bad, i guess i might as well be more serious with this one.
yesterday, i broke out of the 5-digit number rankings on ctb. it was actually the one time i felt happy in the past few months of playing osu! and out of osu!. i don't feel like doing anything, and when i do try to do something, it often comes out as just being terrible. my grades are terrible now that im focusing too much on this game, and i honestly don't enjoy some maps that i play anymore. it's often too slow, confusing, or just too skill-focused for me to actually enjoy it. the only artists i feel like i enjoy on this game are himeringo and reol, and there's not much beatmaps of their songs, but rather just anime openings; and to me, it's getting a bit boring. all there is on mania is dubstep, edm, and/or trap songs, which are all 4k, and when i try to play 7k, it's just too hard, and i often give up after a single miss on any sort of combo below 300. ctb is even worse. i don't even play beatmaps if i miss a single fruit if it's 2.4* or under. taiko just feels like mania, and i honestly am getting bored of this game. my parents are pressuring me to raise my grades, but i keep on coming back to osu!, wanting more of that feeling of excitement that i experienced for the entirety of my first 3 weeks playing this game, specifically mania. it's like drinking an actually good soda for the first time; the first drink you sip, it tastes phenomenal, but as you drink it more, it becomes bland, almost like water.
basically, i don't know how to stop, but i know that im getting tired of this feeling.
and another thing; when i came back to discord, it was the same experience. i said hi to old friends i didn't see for a long time, but when i came back, everything just felt so dead. there were no conversations arising, and i didn't want to talk in my twitch servers, since they were so comfotable with each other, and i was just an outsider trying to come into the conversation.. it just felt awkward. elaine's lewd coffee server is great, and all, but i feel like i don't want to be on the internet anymore.
maybe if my parents let me stream and conversate with people instead of me being alone all the time, even on spring break, i'd feel a bit better. but for now, i'll be feeling this sense of dread for the next who knows how long.
Sometimes I just feel so lonely. I have so much on my mind, so much that I'm struggling with internally, but I don't want to vent or share it with people.

I'm scared that I'll just be that guy that everyone feels pity for, but they don't actually care. I'm scared that people will think I'm just doing this all for attention. I'm scared that people won't be able to handle my struggles or they won't want to deal with it, and they'll end up leaving me. I'm scared that I'll be a burden to everyone. I'm scared that once I share my thoughts with people, their perception of me will change, ultimately leading to them acting differently with me.

I just don't know what to do, I need someone in real life to be there for me, but I'm too scared. This is all coming from experience from what happened all throughout 2018. I've already had so many personal relationships ruined due to this.

Hell, I don't even want to post this here right now, but I know that I need to vent somehow.
I finally understood what you've been saying all this time
And that's not okay
Not sure what to really feel rn

I still think you're not that bad of a person you just have to be a bit careful
I won't say I'm totally okay with you but it's not like anything changes with my knowledge I'm still gonna go with my guts even if I end up getting hurt and nothing can really stop me

I feel sorry for both of us
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