All bids have been sent in, thus R2 now concludes. These have been the bids!
Husa 332.73
Ender Lain 314
Puzzle 225
samX500 201 Coins back!
Vinnici 161 Eliminated
The standings after this round are as follows:
samX500 799
Puzzle 775
Husa 217.27
Ender Lain 150
Vinnici 0
R3 starts as of now and you can DM me your bids, but considering this round concluded early, it'll have a deadline of 48h. 2 more rounds to go until we'll know our first winner! So far it seems to be a really close game between sam and Puzzle, but who knows? Maybe Ender Lain or Husa can make a comeback. They're really running low on Coins, though!
Good luck to all the remaining participants.
All bids have been sent in, thus R3 now concludes. These have been the bids!
Puzzle 250
samX500 151
Husa 149 Coins back!
Ender Lain 111 Eliminated
The standings after this round are as follows:
samX500 648
Puzzle 525
Husa 217.27
Ender Lain 0
Congratulations to Ender Lain for making 4th place! And with this, we are entering the final round. You can DM your bids as of now.
Who's going to win, who's going to bust? A single bid can still turn everything around.
Husa 332.73
Ender Lain 314
Puzzle 225
samX500 201 Coins back!
Vinnici 161 Eliminated
The standings after this round are as follows:
samX500 799
Puzzle 775
Husa 217.27
Ender Lain 150
Vinnici 0
R3 starts as of now and you can DM me your bids, but considering this round concluded early, it'll have a deadline of 48h. 2 more rounds to go until we'll know our first winner! So far it seems to be a really close game between sam and Puzzle, but who knows? Maybe Ender Lain or Husa can make a comeback. They're really running low on Coins, though!
Good luck to all the remaining participants.
All bids have been sent in, thus R3 now concludes. These have been the bids!
Puzzle 250
samX500 151
Husa 149 Coins back!
Ender Lain 111 Eliminated
The standings after this round are as follows:
samX500 648
Puzzle 525
Husa 217.27
Ender Lain 0
Congratulations to Ender Lain for making 4th place! And with this, we are entering the final round. You can DM your bids as of now.
Who's going to win, who's going to bust? A single bid can still turn everything around.