
Truth or Dare!

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Dare pl0x
Use a Tales of Symphonia themed avatar for a week.
Noooo teletubbies

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Good choice, my student
7 8 9

I rugrat everythang
ERA Puzzle
10 11 12
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16 17 18
19 20 21
22 Truth

(I almost picked dare, cause I'm curious, what you would have made me do in return lol)
ERA Puzzle
Tell us the user you would be most likely to smash on the forums. Or take out on a nice date, if that's your style. But mostly smash.
Idk how to answer this one, I don't really know anyone outside of FG and FG only has a handful of people, of which I haven't really interacted with anyone yet, outside of reading the active threads (and I don't even know their gender or age, so smashing is pretty much off the table).

But even then, I still have to pick someone, no matter how little I know them.

With that said, I think, I'd take out Plini on a nice date to get to know a little better. Has a good taste in art (current avatar is even more adorable than the previous one) and seems to have a good taste in music, judging by the one linked song on their Userpage (it's a pretty unique one).

(+ overall positive FG participation, pleasent to read posts and guess the song is a fun FG and I respect the effort it requires)

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ERA Puzzle
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Tad Fibonacci
18 19 20
ERA Puzzle
22 truth me up babe
If you were forced to swap your life and body with another FG user (living in their situation with their body and abilities), who would you swap with and why? (I would ask forum users, but I only know FG people, so the question would be less fun for me if I broadened your choices)
ERA Puzzle

Well, uh. There are a couple of viable answers for this.

Achro, for instance, because hes very similar to me. Or someone who I think is in a good spot in life. I guess I dont really know anyone on here who actually is. Maybe you, mister Kyo? Or Tad? I really dont know.

Well, achro would be pretty interesting because then we could both chat about the fact that he is now literally me and I'm him and itd be fun to see how we both handle it. So I guess Achro.

Honorable mention to exploring the female anatomy, but it was never really in the running. Itd still be interesting to have that experience.

1 two tres
Tad Fibonacci
vier fünf sechs
7 8 9
ERA Puzzle
Zehn einszhen dreizhen
Tad Fibonacci
vierzehn fünfzehn sechzehn
ERA Puzzle
Fuckkkkk I never learned numbers in Korean I suck I'll just say random Korean words and that will have to do

Yonghwa Obseo Bibimbap
Tad Fibonacci

Sony Hitachi Sashimi

ERA Puzzle


Remember that list you made for your 'favorite' people?

Yeah, we're doing that again. Except its Fuck, Marry, Kill edition; babyyyyyy.

Pick randomly from the list (though preferably your top 3 'favorite' people.) List ONLY the qualities you like most about them - no other identifying information. Then choose one to fuck, one to marry, and one to kill. Tell us which one is which - but only tell us who they are based on their listed traits. No naming names. And tell us why you picked each person to either Fuck, Marry, or Kill.

I know I didnt do a great job of explaining this, but if you want an example post I can do a mockup.
Tad Fibonacci

Tad Fibonacci wrote:

First person
1. Passionate
2. Naive
3. Considerate
4. Filled with thoughts
5. Seems to care a lot about the people around them, although they might not realized it

Second person
1. Mad
2. Creative
3. Take pride in OT
4. Random
5. Dedicated

Third person
1. Fun
2. Seems to be pretty open about new ideas and concepts and is curious
3. A good person to have a conversation with
4. Is nice
5. Doesn't seem hesitate to try out new things

Fourth person
1. Wild
2. Random
3. Diverse
4. Funny
5. Is not Meah (Doesn't post disgusting YouTube vids)

Fifth person
1. Has some of my favorite avatars
2. A fun person to mess around with
3. Is unmotivated to do some of the things they wanted to do sometimes and seemed to have felt guilty about it
4. Had one of my favorite user name
5. Doesn't take things too seriously
Uhh yeah I don't really understand how I'd do this so gimme an example please.
ERA Puzzle
Person 1:
- So and so quality
- So and so quality
- So and so quality
- So and so quality
- So and so quality

Person 2:
- So and so quality
- So and so quality
- So and so quality
- So and so quality
- So and so quality

Person 3:
- So and so quality
- So and so quality
- So and so quality
- So and so quality
- So and so quality

Fuck person 1 because (reason)

Marry person 2 because (reason

Kill person 3 because (reason)
Tad Fibonacci
Kill the 3rd person because they call me a tadpole all the time.

Fuck the fifth person because why not.

Marry the fourth person because no homo.

Edit: They're not my top 3 favorite people, I just can't decide on top 3 so I just picked 3 people from my top 5 instead.
Hmm. I guess I'd know who person 3 is.

Tad Fibonacci
4 5 6
Seven, eight, my bones ache.
ERA Puzzle
10 11 12
Tad Fibonacci
9 10 11

13 14 15
y-you skipped nine...

12, 13.

16, 17, 18.
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