
Truth or Dare!

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twenty-one, twenty-two.

finally, truth!

hit me with it! >:O
Tell us something you feel very guilty/regretful about in your life
there's a few things. i regret having not remedies the situation between my parents sooner, and having so naively relied on gaming to distract me from the shit going on.

i regret not speaking with my elementary school friends more, and keeping in touch, especially those few girls, and those guys. they were great to be around and played great parts in developing who i was.

i've done some shitty things back then too, but i can't really blame myself all that much as i had a pretty weird mentality back then that i myself am not sure i completely comprehend.

not until middle school. i think i would've done things similarly, but i'd probably be less edgy and just try to appreciate the people that were around me. i had great classmates with interesting personalities. i'd be closer friends with some of them, and i'd probably have a closer relationship with her, so that the friendship hadn't been so distant. i'd be less clingy, and try to just enjoy things despite my fucked-up life at the time.

but to be honest, i don't think it could've been helped, so i can't blame myself entirely there either.

i regret not being more communicative and active for the friends i had from osu!, i especially hope to talk to Nila, Puri, and Momi again. they were pretty great to be around, and i should've collabed with Nila for the hell of it, so we'd at least have fun trying things out. that was i could learn how to work with vocals, and she could test out her vocals on a project she cared for. i lost touch with all of them over time.

i regret not taking care of my things. it led to a lot of shit, and i'm really fucking my dad over, not to mention myself. i can't be so fucking careless.

speaking of my dad, i feel guilty for having stressed him out so fucking much. his life is just endless stress nowadays. he's become so irritable. he'll berate me, not out of genuine hatred, but just the absolute stress that keeps building up in him.

sometimes i think he's just tired of taking care of a son like me. i'm quite the burden, frankly. i'm a burden to many, to varying degrees. if only i wasn't such a fucking gross handful to handle being around.

there's probably more, but i'd end it there, that's the main bit of what i feel bad about.

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Dare pl0x
Use a Tales of Symphonia themed avatar for a week.
Noooo teletubbies

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Good choice, my student
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I rugrat everythang
ERA Puzzle
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22 Truth

(I almost picked dare, cause I'm curious, what you would have made me do in return lol)
ERA Puzzle
Tell us the user you would be most likely to smash on the forums. Or take out on a nice date, if that's your style. But mostly smash.
Idk how to answer this one, I don't really know anyone outside of FG and FG only has a handful of people, of which I haven't really interacted with anyone yet, outside of reading the active threads (and I don't even know their gender or age, so smashing is pretty much off the table).

But even then, I still have to pick someone, no matter how little I know them.

With that said, I think, I'd take out Plini on a nice date to get to know a little better. Has a good taste in art (current avatar is even more adorable than the previous one) and seems to have a good taste in music, judging by the one linked song on their Userpage (it's a pretty unique one).

(+ overall positive FG participation, pleasent to read posts and guess the song is a fun FG and I respect the effort it requires)

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ERA Puzzle
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Tad Fibonacci
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ERA Puzzle
22 truth me up babe
If you were forced to swap your life and body with another FG user (living in their situation with their body and abilities), who would you swap with and why? (I would ask forum users, but I only know FG people, so the question would be less fun for me if I broadened your choices)
ERA Puzzle

Well, uh. There are a couple of viable answers for this.

Achro, for instance, because hes very similar to me. Or someone who I think is in a good spot in life. I guess I dont really know anyone on here who actually is. Maybe you, mister Kyo? Or Tad? I really dont know.

Well, achro would be pretty interesting because then we could both chat about the fact that he is now literally me and I'm him and itd be fun to see how we both handle it. So I guess Achro.

Honorable mention to exploring the female anatomy, but it was never really in the running. Itd still be interesting to have that experience.

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Tad Fibonacci
vier fünf sechs
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ERA Puzzle
Zehn einszhen dreizhen
Tad Fibonacci
vierzehn fünfzehn sechzehn
ERA Puzzle
Fuckkkkk I never learned numbers in Korean I suck I'll just say random Korean words and that will have to do

Yonghwa Obseo Bibimbap
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