
Ask the person below you anything

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Not really. I am quite upset at how lazy I have been recently, I really need to pick myself up but I lack all motivation for some reason.

Did you enjoy school?
Not really. Have some really good friends there but I think sometimes school is a waste of time tbh

Fun I guess
Hell no
I'm still in school as a matter of fact, last two finals are next week

Anime character you dislike the most?
Tad Fibonacci
I was about to say Myne at first but tbh, she's a well designed character.
She's a bitch and nobody likes her but she's a pretty good character.
Kirito on the other hand is a horrible character with no personality whatsoever.
He somehow has life experience equivalent to a 30 years old while being a 16-18 student while spending 2 years stuck inside a video game.
He's not a believable character nor is a well designed character imo.


Same question.
this is only because i dont watch a lot of anime but darkness from konosuba killed the show for me. “hi im a masochist” got pretty old after like 2 episodes and it just made me not want to finish watching an otherwise fine show.

I think that Touma and Index from the toAru series are the characters that I dislike the most. I don't hate them as much as some other character but those 2 make their show worse. The best part of the toAru series are those were Misaka and company are leading the story and makes an absolutly amazing show but when they are not there in favor of Touma and index the show becomes quite mediocre.


i don't even have a least favorite anime character. i can't think of one.

sorry, i don't have a good answer for this one.

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what is your perspective in how you've observed other people's behaviors?
I always try to think what could have happened to lead them into doing what they are doing at the moment. Also, assumption would be avoided so that there is no misunderstanding. Even when I say it like that, it couldn’t be completely avoided since sometimes, we tend to do that just to make our lives easier.

Your favorite music genre?
Metal, but l also listen to rock and the occasional pop.
I'd probably like to try out opera at some point.

Falcon or Eagle?
Falcon meat is pretty good but I am more of an Eagle meat guy

Mexican food or European food
Filipino food

To sit down or to not stand
Good question

To be or not to be
To be

How about "to bee".

Has there been any mosquito wandering at your place yet?
Insect haven't gone back yet, that's the props of being Canadian, insects dies every winter and they take quite a while to come back especially in the city.

Do you agree that cold climate are the best.
I prefer cold because it's more comfortable (can dress in layers to keep warm), but, with the rain, I can't go on my trampoline, and I don't like that. Bouncing on the trampoline helps me to think.

DEFINITELY. Ugh, imagine snuggling in your blanket and rolling around, it feels so good. Also cold climate is perfect for food like hotpot. Eating something hot while it is col outside sends me a chill down my spine. Also, warm clothes are more comfortable to wear too, especially pajamas.


What's one material object you really want to buy at the moment, but can't?
Tad Fibonacci
A lot of things.
I want to buy some new clothes, a new keyboard, games that are releasing soon etc

Same question
A new place to live in.
(Uh, said so too many times, I guess.)
A 3DS and some games. Only for myself to play by myself.

What kind of jokes do you find yourself laughing most to?
(Excluding "myself", "my life" and any other self-depreciating stuff...
Unless it comes from a meme.)
Myself my life Well-timing joke is the best, it could turn a bad one into a good one

uhhhhh, really dumb jokes I guess. I laugh at a lot of dumb things. I can't really describe it

no idea. i laugh to stupid shit sometimes, other times they're to genuinely funny jokes. what types of jokes? i don't know, pretty much any good joke that gets to me, really.

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i think this will be interesting, it's quite a classic:

3 vs 3. red vs blue. both teams can pick either red or blue.

if your team picks red,
> you three win $1000 if they pick blue. they win $0.
> you three win $0 if they pick red. they win $0.

if your team picks blue,
> you three win $300 if they pick blue. they win $300.
> you three win $0 if they pick red. they win $0.

throughout this exchange, how will you handle the situation? would you pick red or blue? how would you split the money if your team wins any money in either case?
Kneel down and pray

Are you clean or neat
I ain't either of those.

Achromalia wrote:

i think this will be interesting, it's quite a classic:

3 vs 3. red vs blue. both teams can pick either red or blue.

if your team picks red,
> you three win $1000 if they pick blue. they win $0.
> you three win $0 if they pick red. they win $0.

if your team picks blue,
> you three win $300 if they pick blue. they win $300.
> you three win $0 if they pick red. they win $0.

throughout this exchange, how will you handle the situation? would you pick red or blue? how would you split the money if your team wins any money in either case?

I'll re-ask Achro's question cause it's pretty good.
Basically, if my team picks red, no matter what they pick, they'll always get 0. They can only choose between forcing a 0 for both of us or giving the 1000. Splitting 300 300 is a loss of 400, so I'd want to avoid that.

It's a strategy copied from someone else, but I'd state that I'll go red no matter what and that I'll split. From that point on, if they want to get any money at all, they'll have to trust and take the risk of being scammed, they'll get zero either way, so they're only picking between a chance of money and being scammed and making sure that neither one get's something. Any rational person will realize that ensuring a 0 / 0 is an equivalent to taking a 0% chance at victory and that the real opponent is the game and not the other player, whereas the other option is a 50% chance at personal victory and a 100% to beat the game, so I'd bet on the other team to not be idiots and hope that my social skills can get them to trust me, to raise the odds of them not picking the spite option.

SQ, cause I'm curious if anyone has a different or better strategy.
Tad Fibonacci
I'll tell the other team right from the start that my team will pick red no matter what they pick.
But we will split the money and give them half after the game.

So they'll have to choose to either trust us or get nothing at all.


Same question.
i've always had the disposition of "everybody eats", but i considered going for red recently. not because i win more, but because i can split more.

if we succeed in getting $1000, i take $150, then split the $850 into $170 for each person. it's a pretty fair split in my eyes as it's quite equal yet fairly substantial for everyone. i'd personally be happy with the $150 as it does a lot for me in my situation. it would partially help my dad pay the court fees, even though it really only covers a fraction of the cost. it's still somethin'. plus, everyone gets a good amount of money to get through shit.

- - -

do you take prescription drugs?
Ooh damn. I'm terrible at spelling. I might've completely butchered the names.

I take Fluoxitine (Forgot the more common name used) for panic. Did so for as long as I could remember.

Supposed to be taking Buscopan too but for some reason my mum wont get me more after I finished. And I can't do it myself. I've been managing to sort of ease the issue by controlling my anxiety somewhat, but it's not a foolproof solution. I think that, if my anxiety goes, that issue will go. Most of my anxiety is social and I've had (and continue to have) a lot of help with this. The anxiety's definitely getting weaker in general.

This is a weird question, but yes

What's one food you cannot stand?
Coconuts. Everything about them makes me gag.

If I take this question literally, I'm allergic to fish. But if you're talking about something I'd avoid eating at all costs regardless, I'd talk about this local dish that's like a fruit salad but with prawn paste. Well, it doesn't have prawn paste in it's origins, rather a Chinese variation. But basically this Chinese variation gives off a distinctive scent some find appealing, but I find it intolerable. Click here to read about it!

What have you not done for a long time that you feel like doing right now?
Onion and celery are mistakes


Ninja’d nooooo

Talking w/ my old friends i guess. Haven’t seen them in a year now

Nothing cause if I did i'd be doing it instead of wasting my life on the osu! forums.

Talking to a friend, but I can't still.
Seeing her again is why I'm so nervous for July. Because that's when she's back from holiday. So excited, yet so nervous. The conversation we had on emails for a bit will definitely be mentioned when we meet again. And I'm still not quite prepared for that.

Dinner's in an hour, and I just want to get that over and done with. I always feel so bad when I eat, physically and mentally.

Also, I agree, I'm not fond of onion and celery. Fresh, raw carrots on the other hand, absolutely love them!

Tad Fibonacci
I don't know.
Haven't played Osu! in a while now but I don't really feel like playing it.
I kinda want to draw though, haven't done that in a while.
The last time was probably the draw the avatar above you thread but that was done on a computer.
Can't really remember the last time I've drawn something with pencil and paper.
Might be doing that, idk.


Same question.
Actually taking care of some Closed Captions.

How do you define "fun"?
What is your way to feel the fun part of a game?
Specifically in FPS, if possible.
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