
Ask the person below you anything

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There really is nothing about myself that I would say I "love". Though I do have to say that I am quite proud of the fact that I don't chase desire and luxury like I can see many people around me do. That is probably because I am pretty easy to be content so I don't feel the need to chase higher desire. Also I take into acount the risk and the effort of trying to get some desire unlike many person that I know which to my eyes seem to only consider the desire itself.

Is there anything you don't like about yourself that you would like to change/remove and if so, what is it and why?
I think I'm fine

My laziness

Too many to mention, i need to stop being perfect

Hmm, on a deeper level, I think nothing. Because the things we hate/dislike about ourselves is what makes us stronger. For example, if you hate how you always jump to conclusions, making these mistakes is what helps you learn from them. So in the end, you can cut down on doing this.
It also goes on par with one of my life quotes, not having regrets. Because everything you do is an experience that teaches you a lesson in the future.

But yah, maybe if I wasn't so lazy too lmao

My annoying attitude to socialising. It terrifies me, but I feel empty and quite depressed while not doing it. I'm probably scared of it due to how I've always lived a very isolating lifestyle. As for enjoying it, being with my friend gives me life, either online or offline.

I'd also like to eliminate some thoughts which are viewed as quite concerning, such as my attitudes towards eating, and life in general. I feel like nothing but a disappointment 24/7 and me existing is a curse to everyone who knows me. I hate seeing my friend being worried about me.


What's your favourite song lyric?
Frums - Pictured as Perfect

Lyric here

a maze with edges like their knives
someday ill be the shape they want me to be
but i dont know how much more theyll wake away before theyre satisfied
they have sliced away my flesh
shorn of unsightly limbs and organs
more stitch and scar than human
if only marble
grew back so easily
they have stolen away my spirit
memories scattered into the slipstream
i have no idea who i used to be
i can only guess
what they will make me
they found me in my lowest days
breathed life back into my frozen body
promising a more beautiful future
then i discovered
what they really wanted
they pulled me into their vortex
and i saw my future reflected in their eyes
a shimmering halo of impossible dreams
void of my self
it was

tbh it is more like a hidden message than a lyric but meh

Varies depending on my mood, but right now it's 'Don't wake me 'cause I'm dreaming of angels on the moon'. Beautiful.
(Thriving Ivory - Angels on the moon)

...oh no.



NOONE SLEEPS..." (Daughters - City Song)

well, not really. i just think theyre the most amusing to recite.

any particular plans for the day?
Rest rest rest rest rest rest rest rest rest and more rest. Been reading a lot to pass time and that is also my remaining plan for today and tomorrow.

I just need to relax and take care of myself. My potential plans with music and art are useless now. I can't do anything of worth anymore, so I might as well just rest.

Fuck, it still feels terrible though.


Achromalia wrote:

I just need to relax and take care of myself. My potential plans with music and art are useless now. I can't do anything of worth anymore, so I might as well just rest.

Don't sweat it bro, you got this

ot:Playing Bleach Brave Souls probably, surfing the internet, reading, I don't know

What's your thoughts on the feeling of hate?
Probably going to finish my mod lists. My mod queue has been in a stagnant state for a week already lmao. Also rest


Oof ninja’d

Ehh, I feel normal towards it as it is pretty much unavoidable to have

I personally don't believe in condoning hate, it doesn't exist in my mind

Idk, everyone around me was nice so

i don’t like feeling genuine hatred. it’s gross and not a good feeling at all. i don’t understand how certain people live in that feeling with hatred toward ideas or certain people. what’s the point of being hateful to someone who did nothing to deserve it? i’ll never understand.

what do you think is your purpose in life?
I quite seriously can't hate others. It feels like I'm not even capable of it, though apathy kind of does that with most emotions/dispositions, so... yeah.

...aside from my seething self-hatred.

I just deal with it as it comes.

As far as hate exuded from others, I'm conflicted. Though I aim to state how illogical and pointless that can be, I also view it as quite understandable when considering their perspectives.

edit: welp.

OT: none in particular. it may also lightly imply there was a deity of sorts to provide a purpose if i may interpret it as such.

i mostly live to see things play out, and create what i can, doing my best to let others do the same.

- - -

What are your thoughts on emotions in general, and what are they like to you?
Hmm, interesting question. I think emotions can sometimes be a hindrance to us, but it's much needed in order to live. To want, and to have, to live, and to sense, all driven by emotions. Without it, I don't think we can be individuals.
To me they were a huge hindrance at one point, but still, I believed I wouldn't exchange my emotions for anything.

edit: i took too long to write this post

i think emotions are a result of all the factors of the information (different pieces of information have different weights) including emotion itself around us

to me, they are a result of the recent information gained

are you doing anything?
Productive? No, but I have to do an errand for my mom and then wash my hair. Other than that, I'm procrastinating by being on FG

Not really. I am quite upset at how lazy I have been recently, I really need to pick myself up but I lack all motivation for some reason.

Did you enjoy school?
Not really. Have some really good friends there but I think sometimes school is a waste of time tbh

Fun I guess
Hell no
I'm still in school as a matter of fact, last two finals are next week

Anime character you dislike the most?
Tad Fibonacci
I was about to say Myne at first but tbh, she's a well designed character.
She's a bitch and nobody likes her but she's a pretty good character.
Kirito on the other hand is a horrible character with no personality whatsoever.
He somehow has life experience equivalent to a 30 years old while being a 16-18 student while spending 2 years stuck inside a video game.
He's not a believable character nor is a well designed character imo.


Same question.
this is only because i dont watch a lot of anime but darkness from konosuba killed the show for me. “hi im a masochist” got pretty old after like 2 episodes and it just made me not want to finish watching an otherwise fine show.

I think that Touma and Index from the toAru series are the characters that I dislike the most. I don't hate them as much as some other character but those 2 make their show worse. The best part of the toAru series are those were Misaka and company are leading the story and makes an absolutly amazing show but when they are not there in favor of Touma and index the show becomes quite mediocre.


i don't even have a least favorite anime character. i can't think of one.

sorry, i don't have a good answer for this one.

- - -

what is your perspective in how you've observed other people's behaviors?
I always try to think what could have happened to lead them into doing what they are doing at the moment. Also, assumption would be avoided so that there is no misunderstanding. Even when I say it like that, it couldn’t be completely avoided since sometimes, we tend to do that just to make our lives easier.

Your favorite music genre?
Metal, but l also listen to rock and the occasional pop.
I'd probably like to try out opera at some point.

Falcon or Eagle?
Falcon meat is pretty good but I am more of an Eagle meat guy

Mexican food or European food
Filipino food

To sit down or to not stand
Good question

To be or not to be
To be

How about "to bee".

Has there been any mosquito wandering at your place yet?
Insect haven't gone back yet, that's the props of being Canadian, insects dies every winter and they take quite a while to come back especially in the city.

Do you agree that cold climate are the best.
I prefer cold because it's more comfortable (can dress in layers to keep warm), but, with the rain, I can't go on my trampoline, and I don't like that. Bouncing on the trampoline helps me to think.

DEFINITELY. Ugh, imagine snuggling in your blanket and rolling around, it feels so good. Also cold climate is perfect for food like hotpot. Eating something hot while it is col outside sends me a chill down my spine. Also, warm clothes are more comfortable to wear too, especially pajamas.


What's one material object you really want to buy at the moment, but can't?
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